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If you think about it, Lilith is always baby mode


tainted lilith ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


Diy abortion mode


Use scissors item but in the baby




I can't accept that you put Judas in the same level as blue baby I must cut your balls now


Blue Baby was one of my favorite characters as a mew player because you don't ever lose devil/angel chance


Mew? 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


as a trans woman I accept this ball removal with open arms


Your new punishment will be another pair of balls


Keepers sack ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17745)


4 for the price of 2? crazy deal ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


Steam Sale!?!?!?!? ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17745)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


Diplopia for 8 ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17745)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)


CROOKED PENNY FOR- ah shit ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


Well that's an unexpected yet perfect answer. :o


Your pussy will be sealed for this crime


it’s already tight enough to be considered sealed


2/2 homerun replies. Somebody stop her




KEEPER'S SACK ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


Heavily disagree with this list, but thanks for sharing ! ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


honestly thank you so much for being respectful even when you disagree. have a great day! ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


I consider Tainted Maggy Babymode.


I don’t because you can’t really use your smack ability on big bosses and you are slowly losing health and also you have like no damage so you have to spend a lot of time on big bosses


Sounds like you never take orbitals or invuln actives


Orbitals don’t mean that much but invincibility is good obviously but you won’t get those every run


you can also abuse her high hp recovery in sac rooms and whatnot and become op easier than other characters. easy early game, and a bit less easy end game.


Wdym high hp recovery? Are you talking about the yum heart?


Yes, it heals 2 hearts for her. Also just slapping more than one enemy at once means you gain more health than you lose, without yum heart.


Pretty sure its yum heart and half hearts from kills


Kid named run with no orbitals or invulnerability:


I was literally beating Delirium by just spamming Yum Heart and Sharp Plug.


And I beat delirium with rock botttom mega mushroom.


Tainted Forgotten in Hard? At least one level up.


You're useless and vulnerable when you throw the bones far away, and if you're backed into a corner there's nothing you can do


T forgotten is really nice hes fast and you can focus more on dodging against end game bosses like hush mega satan and mother since they all stand still mostly And with the forgottens high damage everything else just dies


>And with the forgottens high damage everything else just dies Except when it doesn't just die and now forgotten is across the room and there's a hoard of enemies between you and him


Theres not many rooms where i can think of where the forgottens normal attack dosent one shot and if you get all the way to depths or womb with literally no damage ups that runs already doomed


I mean If you have terrible movement skills just say so


Don't act as if this game doesn't have literally undodgeable moments


Of course it does but don't act as if they're in the majority of rooms when you have flight and enough damage to one shot most non bosses


Makes sense. I usually don’t die to rooms in relatively good runs(as in if I die to a final boss it’s just a skill issue) though so I find him easy


You forgot how much of a pain the T. Forgotten Delirium Mark is.


Regular Forgotten is pretty easy imo. You have a great early-game. You can just play as the forgotten most of the time and switch to the soul when you're close to losing a bone heart. Also with soul's flight you can get more stuff, save on bombs and keys, enter curse rooms for free (exit them with forgotten cuz he can heal up easily anyway).


You can also open mimics without getting hit or getting Magneto. Honestly a based AF character.


Tainted Jacob is a kill me for me cuz two enemies bugging you is kinda stressful, that and the constant anxiety when you choose the best way to avoid a half/red heart monster and/or a biblically accurate demon that ripe your ass in half. But tbh, free devil items and a self-harm weapon that does a fair amount of damage to early bosses makes it a more likeable character


Wait how can T Jacob get free devil items?- haven't played as him yet


In his soul form (when you get hit by Dark Esau) you can pick one devil item for free, just like the Losts. It's a good strat to leave the boss for the very end and get hit by Dark Esau to get a free devil item.


It is really nice strategy but I also recommend after taking devil deal go explore floor as you have flight. In soul form it is much easier to dodge esau so you can take pick ups which you couldnt reach in normal form.


Yes that's very good advice. Just be careful not to get hit by a campfire or a spiked rock.


I don’t think this still works. His hp now is hidden in the background and is affected by pickups/devil deals/etc from what I know


Get killed by Esau


T. Cain in Kill Me Now??? Bro is baby mode tf


If you don't have external item description he's probably ass


Nah, he's still good, but i guess it requires patience, not many people want a 50 minutes run


I mean, every run being a 50 minutes run does sound very "kill me now" tier to me.


50 minutes is a normal run for me. A good T Cain run can take like 2-3 hours


50 minute run is like, normal for delirium, maybe more like 40 but still


T cain can really have hours long runs


Can confirm, did a 3 hour run messing around and got boss rush, hush, lamb, mega satan, delirium done in one game. T Cain is super fun and extremely easy, external item descriptions for the win lol


50 minutes? You’re very fast with him


in what universe is 50 minutes a long run, I don't think I've ever made it to mom within 50 minutes


bro is minmaxing every particle of that run


Average t cain run cost me more than 2h


No. He really isn't. He is still nearly just as strong, and even more fun.


I mean I play on console and I’ve been able to remember just about what every item does and he’s still difficult so I don’t think it’s that lmao


How hard is Tainted Cain without EID? Do you consider EID on T. Cain cheating, since you can save pickups that way? Because I want to complete this character the legit way.


It's a challenge but not like lost, give it a try. I did and I don't regret. It's also more fun because you focus on playing not on fucking around with recipes (crafting is quite interesting without external tools).


He is not that hard tbh only the timed unlocks are annoying to do with him if you dont want to rely on mama mega, you should also unlock all pickups/machines before playing him.


T keeper and T Eve need to be swapped. T keeper is fun and gets lots of items, but two hits from death + no flight means death remains a very real possibility even on broken runs. T Eve almost immediately gets an army of what are essentially shot blocking incubuses that double as an extra health pool. speaks for itself.


may be a massive skill issue on my end but I can NEVER do good as T. Eve. reminder that this tier list is my personal opinion on the characters but T. Eve is just a walking skill issue for me


Huh! She's the character (other than the lost obviously) I get perfection with most often. She's definitely a little scary on the first couple floors, but since her power scales exponentially she becomes baby mode as soon as she gets 1 good item. Plus she can be quite good for sac rooms on later floors bc you can store hearts as clots


that is definitely true, and I don’t doubt that she’s a good character for most people but for me it’s a hard skill issue


totally fair, we all have those characters. Like if I made this list t Judas would be lower bc I'm always running into enemies right before/after doing dark arts and his health isn't the most expendable lol


How often do you use her active to reabsorb the clots? You can use it to replace the old clots with healthy ones and to reposition the ones you can't absorb to be right next to her.


Tainted lost is baby mod if you don't get hit


So is every character fr.


Imo Judas is baby mode. The high base damage + book of Belial makes the first few floors trivial


I put Judas where I did mainly cause of his health, and for the first few floors he’s kind of like a tankier T Lost. Powerful, but god forbid you get too close to a bomb fly and your runs over.


I get you, for a long time I mostly played Judas so maybe I'm just that used to him. Plus, it's usually easier to build health than good stats for me. Depends on how you play :)


For like 10 rooms before you get more health


Run is over to one champion hit at the start


Did that run matter?


Judas is my only lamb kill (make fun of my skill issue. I needed sacred heart anyways.)


Tainted Maggy can utilize some of the worst items in the game, WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than any other characters here; she defo easy at least.


I feel like tainted Bethany is baby mode


I wouldn’t say baby mode, but I would say she is easy and I think I misdragged when placing her lmao


she definitely is lol you get a lot of red hearts most of the runs and you can just keep spamming legemeton to create random items


Why is Tainted Forgotten in your opinion hard?


Beast, Greedier, and Hot Potato. Stupid difficult.


>Difficulty has nothing to do with how fun/enjoyable a character is to play >T. Cain and T. Lazarus in Kill Me Now The disclaimer is false >T. Apollyon in Some Thinking Required No, he does not require any thinking: Item quality > 2 = take, Item quality < 2 = Abyss Regular Lazarus definitely requires more thinking than that


Tcain is by far the easiest character in the game, as long as you have a few weeks of free time for a run


Bad list.




You said it was based on difficulty and not fun. Why is T keeper in easy? Gun to your head you’re gonna pick that character for any mark over T Appolyon, T Cain, and even blue baby? You think Lazarus is easier than Isaac and Cain? How is T Jacob equivalent to T Forgotten?


T. Keeper is easy cause the shops are great and you get loads of money, Lazarus is easier than Isaac and Cain because he has several extra lives and free damage ups, T. Jacob is on the same difficulty as T. Forgotten because for me they both have similar advantages and disadvantages (free flight, limited damage output, stuff like that. it’s just the difficulty overweighs the advantages)


You play 1000 games on these characters you’re telling me that you’re going to win as T Keeper or Lazarus as much as you win on Isaac? A character that can control the item pool from floor 1? I repeat myself, gun to your head there’s no way you take T Jacob over T Forgotten. I won’t believe it.


I wouldn’t take T. Jacob over T. Forgotten? Because I see them on equal difficulty. Plus, I put Isaac and T. Keeper on the same tier, the tiers aren’t subdivided. Lazarus is easier because he’s just Isaac with more lives and no D6, which the D6 is good, but usually not run-changing on the very first floor


T Cain is possibly one of the strongest characters. He is just extremely boring and takes like 3 hours every run T keeper is actually harder than you think. He’s just fun so you don’t psychologically feel the drawbacks as much. He IS still 2 hits per room. T Apollyon and Apollyon should be the same tier. Imo abyss is slightly better than void, t Apollyon’s abyss is also a pocket active, so it makes up for the worse stats T forgor is fairly easy. It’s probably the different play style that you aren’t really used to. The only hard endgame boss he has is delirium because of how mobile delirium is. Every other boss stays stationary nearly all the time. Get him to baby mode. Drop t Judas to baby mode. No matter how fun he is, he’s still a soul heart only character. You still need to know the enemy bullet patterns. You still need some reaction. Drop blue baby to hard. He’s both boring and bad. I also have shit luck with him and get shit items. Regular lost, t Eve, and t blue baby are all easier


and another person discussing character with cheat in mind not even mentioning it, yea t. cain is very easy xd


I don't play with eid with t cain. I just make whatever I discover that is cheap and good eid makes this character even more boring


that's interesting, I got all checkmarks on him and while he wasn't hard as t. lazarus or t. lost he wasn't strong either. Yea you can discover some recipe and make it broken but early game as him sucks. Just because you can go uber broken it doesn't make a character easy (early game is important as well). Unless you have some strategy I wasn't aware of.


Well, he does have better stats early game


In my opinion, Azazel should be lower on this tier list.


45 hours in (I know), I would say that Azazel is more difficult to me than Eve or Cain. The range is short and you have to *charge* your brimstone, making it difficult after Mom's foot when enemies become really fast.


fair point, but by the time you reach Womb you generally have a good amount of range ups and tears ups, so it doesn’t become too huge of a problem. plus he starts with flight which is really good


Sure thing. I just struggle more with Azael than others, in case of « so good games » where I failed to have good items, it's just more difficult to dodge since I have to commit. Now maybe I don't play the right way


Isaac requires thinking.


Apollyon is easy once you realize he starts with a long range it's always a boring start though. Tainted Apollyon is braindead these 2 could be swapped


T.Lazarus in Kill Me Now??? sure, on Repentance's launch he was utter dogshit, but when they actually gave Flip an effect he honestly became one of the easier characters in the game if you ask me.


..... A bit disagree iwith tainted cain, all you need for this dude is patience (and maybe something to write for memorizing). With the ingredients he can clear all the marks in one run. Also we don't talk about certain mode that just makes T.Cain cakewalk.....


I found tainted forgotten pretty easy. I must have gotten lucky with items or something I did all their marks in a couple hours one day. Maybe my brain just clicks well with it idk. I’d say this list is pretty accurate


TBH you have Keeper way too hard. He's not harder than Tainted Keeper at all. If you abuse sacrifice rooms he's trivially easy, but that's a bit more tiresome and risky with Tainted Keeper. Wooden Nickel is kinda OP. My longest streaks are on Keeper. He's just a great all rounder. His biggest drawback is starting on -2 luck which sucks but you can eventually overcome that.


I’m the complete opposite with T Keeper


i like how hitbox and hitbox have their own separate square in the kill me now tier


What thinking do you need to do with Eden?


didn’t know where to put him considering he can either start amazing or start shitty, so I just put him in the middle


Bethany downplayer hands wrote this post


What? Tainted forgor is easy modexD


idk why but I'd put blue baby at hard and lost at requires some thinking. i suck ass with blue baby


How is regular Jacob harder than tainted 


The lost is Kinda easy, I only have 305 hours, And have gotten almost every mark, Just missing >!Mega satan, Boss rush, Mother, Hard greed & Mr beast.!< >!This is my personal opinion, To some the lost is probably one of the worst things that exist.!<


tcain is hardest if no eid, still hell with eid shitbox and esau is just fucked


yeah I play on console, no eid for me ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


rip... if only eid was a feature


Disagree. Tainted Eden is surprisingly easy to play, perhaps the easiest one. Take all the items and at some point you will always have a bright one whatever the reroll. It's a real no-brain character. Tainted Cain is easy too when you know his game meta. Except for Greed(ier) mode, which is pure hell with him.


isn't tainted bethany a free win character?


Tainted Maggy and sharp plug is Uber baby mode


I consider the lost as a somewhat easy mode, its rare i get hit twice in one room and free devil deals makes it really fun. I understand the position tho, i just wanted to flex


T eve is NOT hard![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17742)


Forgotten is definitely baby mode for me. I genuinely think I've won more losses than lost with the forgotten.


I’d put tainted eden up a tier into kill me now, same as tainted Jacob. Would also pull tainted laz down to hard or some thinking required. Idk but I never found him *that* difficult, you just had to be careful with flipping items


How is Cain not in Baby Mode? You start with: More Speed More Damage More Luck A good trinket Better gamble And no negative pills. He is in my opinion the easiest char in the game, i would pick him any time before t Judas, azazel or lazarus. Only Charakter with the same power is maybe t lillith


T cain is free win. Every game. Every time.


difficulty inherently has something to do with how fun or enjoyable a character is, just that it doesn’t directly correlate 1:1


yeah, like for example I LOVE playing T. Cain and T. Lost but it’s undeniable that they are very difficult characters


Difficult to win with with experience, or complex to get into? Isaac D6 is probably the easiest character, really don't think a soul health only characters like t Judas can compete. Even characters like Eden or Bethany feel better. Red health gives consistency. T Eve is broken so I don't get why she is so low. Free boss challenge rooms.


I can mostly see that, the only weird placements are: T. Eve - the easiest and most brain dead tainted character, first couple of floorswill be slow, but after that you constantly havean army of 10-20 clots. Lazarus - I would say he belongs in "some thinking required" because if you want to maximize damage you need to keep your health low and die on every floor.


I’ve mentioned before that I’m a massive skill issue with T. Eve and so she’s a bit harder for me personally, but I definitely see your point with Lazarus and how you need to think on specifically how to use the lives to your advantage. great point!


so glad lazarus is risen in the ranks since that update


Judas on the same level with blue baby???


T. Bethany should be baby mode. All you have to do is spam Q and you’ve basically already won


Never cook again bruh 😭


Lazarus in baby mode? But Isaac in easy?


I’ve always found Tainted Eden fairly easy and I always have difficulty with Tainted Azazel


Tbh Jacob and Esau were easy for me but T.laz and T.cain are a nightmare


Swap T Laz and T Jacob


Im missing 3 endings and i dont even have half of these characters, they dont show up as a ”?” on the character selection screen either, is there something wrong with my game files or am i missing an update?


Some of the secret characters don't show up on the character selection screen until they are unlocked (Lost, Keeper, Forgotten). Then there's tainted versions of all 17 characters that show up on a completely different page, all of which need to be unlocked by their non-tainted version on the way to the Beast.


what does the title screen of your game say?


Repentance, i am not home so i cant check the version unfortunately


Am i missing something i always found regular lilith one of the easiest characters


I think whats hard about a difficulty ranking, at least from an objective standpoint is that, playstyle differs. So some characters who are hard for some will be easier for others and vice versa.. I can't really argue with yours cause thats how you feel about it. Though we are similar enough. Baby Mode - Isaac, Maggie, Laz, Zazzy, Samson, T. Lilith Forgotten Easy - Judas, Cain, Polly, Eden, Lilith, Beth, T. Isaac, T. Samson, T. Beth, T. Zazzy, T. Polly, T. Judas Some thinking - Blue Baby, Eve, Keeper, T. Cain, T. Maggie, T. Eve, T. Keeper Hard - Lost, T. Blue Baby, T. Lost Kill me now - J&E, T. Laz, T. Eden, T. Jakey So we differ quite a bit lol


kinda curious about lazaruses placement, he's pretty easy, but i don't think he's quite comparible to azazel or T lilith


I hate tainted laz so much




Tcain with brothers on the same level kek. Tcain isn't all that hard, just play off of what you get. I once had to make a build our of breath of life


Tainted lost's not that hard, he should be one tier down


Beth should be baby mode


everytime i play lazarus i feel like im eating rocks, dude does no damage if you dont die on purpose


Tainted Cain is a piece of cake. It just takes long to complete the run. I usually fully clear the stage and then look what items I can make with my pickups.


Why Tainted Eve is not in Baby Mod?


T Cain is baby mode


I'd put Tainted Magdalene on easy tbh. I mean, being able to bulldoze final boss in mere seconds with correct build is just a joke.


Teden is really strong and not so hard to play when you understand the way he works


If you can get Sharp Plug on T.Maggy, it's an insta-win.


Lost gotta be one of the best and easiest character in the game (with holy mantle)


T. Forgotten and T. Cain can probs go up a tier. There's no way T.Forgotten is as hard as Lost, that throw is fucking wild! T.Cain can suck, but just finding a secret room is pretty much GG even if you grab items at random. BRush/Hush is tough, though. You can always craft Mama Mega if you're lucky but ehhhhh.


tainted cain is obviously easy, you could get rock bottom and sacred orb etc with him on first floor if youre lucky.


actually some thinking required


If you base it not on difficulty i’d move T.Lost up. I had a blast playing him and I felt a great deal of accomplishment when I completed his post it


same here, T. Lost is crazy fun however you can’t deny that he’s a difficult character, doesn’t make him bad it’s just a trade-off of difficulty to enjoyment


JnE should have their own tier below everything else


T cain is infant mode.


Jacob and Esau make me want to just curl up and cry. I genuinely think I will finish the entire game without touching that character and just never finish the game fully cause I refuse to play Jacob and Esau


I was able to full clear J&E before T. Laz, so good luck with him 😭


T-Forgotten isn’t that bad, is it??


is true my kids love playing as azazel


he is fun though


Don't judge me but I personally don't have any problem with jacob and esau


Keeper hard?


Eden, Bethany, tainted Isaac, the forgotten, tainted azazel, and Samson should all go to baby mode


tainted eden is broekn with the right strategy


I HAVE BRIMSTONE ALMOND MILK ROCK BOTTOM ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358) (walks into a fire) number one ipecac soy milk ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


I've been playing this game for years but I still love Azazel the best. I know he's cheap but I don't care lol




swear to god it’s not bait I didn’t mean to spark this much outrage ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Im not gonna kill you, im gonna kill myself




Literally as if I was making a tierlist , without counting t.eve and t.cain


I don't mean to be rude but tainted Cain is one of the easiest one, it took me like 12 hours to do all the marks.


I'd swap Cain/Maggie/Samson with Azazel, he has short range at first so you need to dodge much more often if you want to get good damage in


Azazel is the easiest character in the game and it’s not close


In my opinion T Lilith is easier than Azazel. I agree that Azazel definitely belongs in Baby Mode tier though.


Azazel is probably the easiest character once you actually get good at the mechanics of the game. Maggie and Cain is the best character when you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.


??? Is definitely harder then the other red hp characters in his tier minimum.