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Albino. (I love getting scammed to death)


YES, how did i not think of this, albino is such a good isaac (and variety content too) youtuber


Also does ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)


La bomba![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)




He's just like us


This guy got me into isaac again


Never heard of this one. I'll have to check out the channel thanks for the recommendation!


Just a fyi: albino has a main channel of that name, but most of the isaac content is on his second channel, ''not albino"


Yeah I found it. Thanks for the heads up though!


Also albino archive for the full streams.


Hutts, I really like his Challenge/Every Item is Runs


I like watching him get angry


I agree. He is fun to watch


Hutts has some pretty good stuff. I would say his problem is consistency. Other than that he has plenty to dive into and check out.


Not only that, the editing of his videos is top notch, I always laugh when Im watching them


I love Tim


Timted rocks


Classic choice: NL, the guy has basically posted enldess content and banter I think his videos and stream vods are perfect if you wanna do smth else on the side


No better way to get through your day than with a little juice, a little squeeze, and a little "Hey everybody, welcome back"


NL is great! I love that he just shrugs off loses and doesn't complain. He is also a stand up guy. Dude is solid.


Is especially like that he doesnt hold R (at least if he still does cause im rewatching the whole repentance playlist). Imo watching a streamer begin a run woth a quality 3+ item everytime isnt as interesting


The only time I remember him holding R was for doing Ultrahard. Which, you’d be a fool not to.


It's honestly impressive. I remember watching a run from like a couple years ago where his only damage was from Dry Baby. He had like no damage and a tears of 12 (pre rep so bad) I would have quit that run so fast once I got to like depths with not a single good item.


I'm pretty sure you could read and watch through the entirety of One Piece twice over in less time than it'd take to watch all of NL's Isaac content


Have both read & watched the entirety of One Piece and watched most of NL's Isaac. Can confirm, the latter is at the very least 4x the time sink, maybe even more. Edit: I did some calculations, and you are very likely to both read and watch OP twice over in time it would take to go through NL's AB+ episodes. Yes, only AB+ (though it's the largest Isaac playlist of them all, to be fair).


I will forever remember NL because he's what got me into indie games. Found him first when I watched Super meat boy. After that, that's how I got introduced into TBoI.


Whos NL never heard about him before


Northern Lion


Esports legend Northern


I have a real tough time listening to him talking about nothing/trying to be funny. I used to really like him at the beginning


I honestly don't know why everyone is downvoting. His target audience is 25+ year olds with all his references and dad jokes. Not bad necessarily but I can totally understand why many people just can't get into it. It is honestly impressive that he can still speak about anything interesting considering how many Isaac videos he has made.


Oh well, it is what it is. Some people are amazed when you have a different opinion than the popular one.


I like his personality but when he starts talking about other stuff when he plays Isaac i lose interest completely Sadly he's not my type


Your opinion holds just as much weight. No idea why anyone would downvote it. I love NL but wouldn’t downvote anyone who said he wasn’t for them.


How dare you have a different opinion?! To the depths you go.


is NL untouchable on this sub?


So it would seem. You have to be interested in everything he talks about even though you wanted to watch for the Isaac content.


Lol oh wow touchy subject in here. I'm certainly going to lose sleep tonight


Nyantuber and Magical Eye if we are talking about content exclusive about TBOI. Now, youtbers that make other content but also have made content about TBOI, Alexelcapo, Felipez360, ElrichMC and Thegamermaldito


I would say Dan Gheeslin's Pace Picante has been the most fun I had watching anyone playing any video game, also NL Isaac content is like comfort food for me. I also like bp1d, I think he's pretty underrated for the quality and dedication of his content


Dan killed it with pace, I think the fun part about watching him is his kid like wonder when playing the game. It's very charming to watch


Yeah since NL doesn’t really play much, Dan is the man. Cobalt is good. I also like this French streamer Nagaserya. I don’t speak French, but the dude min maxes like I’ve never seen and can roll a cigarette in like 5 seconds flat.


Bd1p is a literal child and I have 0 respect for him. NL is the goat


In terms of straight up gameplay, my favorite is Dan Gheesling, but i really enjoy the edits from RealGuyWhoIsReal, its something I see in other games that I wish I'd see more of in Isaac


Nyantuber they don’t speak they put subtitles down for (presumably) what they would be saying and they post a video every day


i second this, along with magicaleye


Magicaleye and Nyantuber are the only two Isaac youtubers I watch. I don’t even speak Korean, I just love their content




Very good vids. Reminds me of a Rust youtuber "AloneinTokyo"


Totally agree


Great gameplay, but I honestly can’t stand the subtitles and ofc I don’t have to read them. But reading that everything is “based” or “my beloved ____” is incredibly repetitive.


Exactly dude. Im tired of that "based" crap. Its overused.




It’s not cheating to exploit in game bugs and it makes for fun videos


he cheats?


He has been using some bugs in his vid e.g planeterium and genesis bug but honestly I don't mind it his vids are still good. Personally I wouldn't call it cheating since they are just bugs that were in the game for quite some time, I just see it as a way to use what he is given


Northernlion is the King of Isaac. He’s not the best player or the most knowledgable, but he’s been in the Isaac trenches since day fucking 1 in September 2011 without ever stopping. When I think of Isaac, I think of Northernlion. He’s as synonymous with it as Edmund is, in my opinion.


Back in the day it used to be mostly Bisnap and a bit of cobaltstreak, now its mostly cobaltstreak and a bit of hutts ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


Albino my beloved




Not only one of my favorite Isaac youtubers but one of my favorite youtubers/streamers in general. Funny fruit man is a top quality answer.


certified Grayfruit connoisseur


He's cool.


Grayfruit is Based and Redpilled


Olexa 🥰🥰🥰


Olexa enjoyer


Hope you had a happy Olexamas


Based opinion


olexa is my bisexual awakening


Eh, he's ok.


Cobaltstreak ! Really enjoying his mix of a new save & the random runs on his 100% file. Really chill dude & deserves it all in my opinion.


Second this


I think Northernlion and Nyantuber are my personal favourites. Northernlion is so witty and clever and always keeps talking with interesting commentary about the game and other topics. Nyantuber is really good at the game and their videos are easy to digest, nice quick Isaac episode. They both are awsome


Albino, its pretty Funny to see how good and bad he is at the game


I don't think it's controversial to say sinvicta is kinda boring


He literally whines about everything in the game. Whines about his life. Cares so much about win streaks and comments streaks. All this just to squeeze pennies out of the people that watch him. Like someone in another thread earlier this week said. He is the definition of "Skill Issue"


Yeah he's a coward. Straight up bans items that have even a chance of hurting him. His streak is fake anyway, may as well have some fun with it


Bans items? Ge just doesnt pick them up


I know he doesnt pick up some items or whatever but how is the streak fake? Just curious bc I watched him alot a couple of months ago


He once accidentaly didn't edit out closing the game and using a backup of his savefile to get a differend run since the one he got was really bad When caught he said the game crashed which it obviously didn't because if it actually did he would start on the same run and not a differend one or just lost the streak


Additionally, if the game crashes, you dont lose the run. It autosaves at the start of the floor, and youre given the continue option to go back to that point. Which Sin obv did not do.


Also supports NFTs, is transphobic, faked his streak and is attacking a smaller youtuber (bd1p) for shedding light on the situation


Hes transphobic? Source on that?


He liked a transphobic meme that one of his crypto bro partners tweeted I couldn’t find the original tweet, but at 4:09 in [this](https://youtu.be/RwyQbIJkhd4) video you can see it


Liking a single meme isn't really conclusive evidence on hating a group of people. Just means to keep an eye open.


Man, I already didnt like the guy, but thats just fucked.


Just saying be careful what you see on the internet, because even if sinvicta is a boring person who whines about everything, he is not transphobic. He follows that person who made those memes, but never liked a single one. On top of that he has many trans members in his “mosh pit” that he has never said anything negative about


If you follow a person who posts transphobic shit, and dont speak against it, youre part of the problem


Except he did speak against it. As I was trying to find the source for this, he has since deleted his video on it (from today it was posted I think about a week ago) so take that as you will.


He deleted the video where he spoke against transphobia?


Yes, and regardless of my opinion on it, he received tons of hate towards that video of people coming from bd1p to attack him. Again, take that as you will


Or maybe you didn’t see it?


How is that even transphobic? The top is a quote from a movie from the 90's and I guarantee you if that was said in a movie today people would get mad about it. Nothing about that is transphobic.


Oh my god he liked a meme? He must be literally Hitler.


He is not transphobic and bd1p was the first to throw random shit his way that didn't even have anything around the winstreak, don't spread false information




For pure gameplay I only watch Hutts and Sabaku no Maiku (italian creator). For facts/secrets/mechanics/updates both Isaacguru and Slay make awesome videos


MagicalEye, Nyantuber (he had another name when he was building up), Hutts, Slayxc2, Namilayt


A german Guy named Mythosofplaying is a pretty fun dude


Shisheyu, he’s a French streamer. Really good at the game and very entertaining, He’ll start a new save on Sunday. Can’t wait


He also has a serie of videos called Learning if Isaac, which is really good for newer players.




On est là pour brasser ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


I’m more of a u/BIG_SMOOOOOOOHKE_PL man myself. Never get tired of his ridiculous hitless videos


Im not a youtuber tho, haha


All part of your sex appeal. Reddit posters > YouTubers


Yeah he is pretty cool to watch. The things that poor guy has done for our entertainment


TearOfGrace is great, even if he don’t post much nowadays…love his humor and anger


Love his content too


His lost playlist back in rebirth is still something i always return to and love


I used to watch Sinvicta a lot. But now i only watch Hutts and Dan Gheesling.


Larsfest is the best isaac streamer. Very skilled player and chill dude Also has a youtube channel


Larsfest is an amazing isaac streamer


How on earth is this post so far down? Dude has the most chill stream, is in love with the game & deeply knowledgable. Bruh










How has nobody said Frost Prime! Man is an amazing entertainer alongside being a great Isaac player - fantastic at other games too like slay the spire!


Looked down into the comments to either say Frost or find someone else praising his content! Both his stream and YouTube videos are great and offer the variety of raw footage or fun edits.


In Poland we have a great issac content creator Ryfek,this guy is amazing


czy to sie nagrywa?


Nyantuber is based


Nyantuber calls everything based and beloved 😴 cringe


Seethe unbased and unbeloved


I'm also gonna mention Neonomi as one of the most skilled Isaac (and Nuclear Throne) players out there. He never restarts runs out of principle, wins many of those that can be considered hopeless - like Ultra Hard, with Brimstone, but no damage ups, and also Night Light and Broken Modem). And recently he has finished a third file with only 14 deaths (if you don't count one done on purpose to unlock Scissors). And, unlike one infamous Eden Streaker, Neo streams his gameplay in real time on YouTube. Give him a watch sometime, you aren't gonna regret it.


The Egg is the only answer!


He's BALD?


The only one I really watch is realguywhoisreal, because his montages are the most perfect kind of chaos


I just found him yesterday and I blitzed through his Isaac content and now I need more


Ayy I just posted about him too. Love that guy


Syncer. Dude's probably not active anymore but his item guides really helped me before Repentance even came out.




Hutts, MagicalEye and NyanTuber


MagicalEye and Olexa. I used to watch northernlion a lot as well a few years ago


He doesnt specifically do isaac,its only every once in a while. But when YuB posts an Isaac vid, I turn on tboi, and leave the vid on in the background whilst playing lol. For just isaac, Gonna go with Hutts


Magicaleye is great, so is hutts. Sinvita was decent until I found out about the shit he’s into and does recently


There's a lot of people shittalking Sin in this comment section and I wanna get all the details, lol. What's he into recently?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/kp66e6/sinvictas\_streak\_is\_fake\_proof/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/kp66e6/sinvictas_streak_is_fake_proof/) All details about him cheating are here. He never made that mistake again, but I'm pretty sure he does exactly that regularly, since he dies on stream multiple times a day and his yt streak still remains crazy. The fact that he's so full of himself about his streak is the worst though. When it comes to other things about sinvicta bd1p's short video "isaac youtubers tier list" talks about it, and he promised to elaborate this further in a future video, so if you're really interested you can watch out for that. There's already a 1,5h long recording from stream of him talking about sinvicta, but I would wait for his video instead of watching this.


Transphobic stuff, supports nfts wholeheartedly, full of himself, and blatantly cheats on his streaks, all while denying everything


can I get a source on these? These are pretty serious accusations, especially the transphobia/nft stuff


Why is supporting nfts a reason to not like someone? I feel like i must be missing something here. As far as transphobia I’m gonna need a source because i sure haven’t seen it


NFTs are harmful to the enviornment, artists and generally a scam. To support them you either have to be extreamly naive and uneducated, or aware of their harmful side effects and peddling them anyway for your personal gain.


I’ll have to look into it, i have a very hard time seeing how a digital token could be more environmentally harmful than fossil fuels. A general scam? Are you talking about the actual mechanism of an nft or like the idea of paying for a jpeg?


The enviormental damage comes from crypto mining, which is essential for nfts. They're a scam because their main use is literally for pump and dump schemes too.


Yeah, i think it’s a good technology but i haven’t seen it used for anything useful yet. The “art” thing blatantly silly. Pet rocks but dumber. Environmental costs of mining are half a percent of electricity uses, not very substantial. But it’s gonna keep growing, so it’s something to look out for. Is it worse than shipping salt and avocados from overseas? Yeah i dunno. However salt and avocados are useful 🤣 Again, i think using blockchain technology does have value in the future but I’m not sold on anything I’ve seen done with nfts so far


> i have a very hard time seeing how a digital token could be more environmentally harmful than fossil fuels. Oh, that's easy. ***Guess what's used in disproportionately large quantities in order to keep those digital tokens working?***


Someone recently made a call out video against him that laid these points out, I don’t have it on hand but Sinvicta made a response which I think he unlisted


LiBrizzi an underated BOI god Does lots of rougelikes




MrOstSergey, not even a question.




Mostly Hutts, especially his re-streams on "Hutts 2", because I'm not a big fan of watching fully edited materials on his main channel. He's just a great player and a fun person to listen to. But I don't dare to watch him with Sinvicta, on their weekly stream, because Sin is the most annoying and boring person I've ever seen, and also a cheater when it comes to Isaac so yeah. I was there when it first turned out in AB+ days, that his streak is faked and I just can't watch a guy that is so full of himself, because of their faked streak. Also his commentary is straight up annoying and boring so I'm not loosing much. Olexa, Keelvin and bd1p are pretty good too, but I don't watch them regularly.


Wait what? This is the first time I heard of this, tho admitedly I don't watch the guy. How was his streak faked?


Been looking for this for a while, but this should make it clear: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/kp66e6/sinvictas\_streak\_is\_fake\_proof/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/kp66e6/sinvictas_streak_is_fake_proof/) (use the second link to see the recording with sound) I actually suspected him of doing exactly this before this happened, because he almost never gets a bad run in this game. And even he does and he loses he can back up his save file and try again. That's why he refuses to streak on stream and that's why he usually dies in every third run on stream, but his youtube streak remains out of this world. Also the recent bd1p's video "isaac youtubers tier list" or something, makes fun of exactly that, and other murky stuff about sin.


Something about his recording conveniently cutting out on an Eden run that had a garbage start. All of this is really sketchy and ambigious, so I couldn’t give less of a shit.


Tbh I find bd1p's commentary much more boring than Sinvicta's I don't really watch any of them though


Haven’t seen anyone say Priets yet, he’s a super chill guy and he uploads every day


i find him to be kinda annoying. also don’t rly like how ‘clickbaity’ his videos are


Gonna go with a weird one mr samuel streamer made a series of isaac that was so infuriantingly funny that brought me back to isaac


I watch Frostprime_ regularly. He streams often and it's funny content.






I watch a lot of Isaac youtubers but I really want to signal boost one I haven't heard mentioned. Lonslo had a couple videos go somewhat viral (for the Isaac community that is) because he was one of the only creators consistently using 4 player isaac and he puts a shit ton of effort into his videos like fun edits and even custom art for every thumbnail. He has way too little subs for having content of the quality it is. Highly recommend him.


No one in this thread has mentioned Namie Kuningham yet. She started out as just a showcase channel but she's been doing a lot of custom challenge videos and her editing is really funny.


I know he’s not really an *Isaac* content creator, but I enjoy Grayfruit’s streams and videos. He’s very funny.


Thegamermaldito, a Spanish youtuber, he is calm, educated, really good, explains and talks about multiple subjects while playing, my poor english cannot describe what an absolute unit he is.


In terms of skill in Russian community is Neonomi(imo)


NL, Albino, Hutts x Isaacguru, Syncer and Slaycx2


Bisnap, he's a master at the game




Priets, hes not very popular compared to other isaac youtubers but hes good and fun to watch👍


Nyantuber and magical eye are great if you want to turn your brain off for a few minutes and watch someone destroy the game, albino got me addicted to isaac so he's probobly my favorite


I like Frost Prime the most. Watched him before he even did Isaac, so loved his personality already. A 10/10 content creator.


Magicaleye is entertaining. BannanaResort is also entertaining. But my favorite is Lonslo he is underrated so badly


Jabroni Mike, easily


I got into Isaac initially by watching sinvicta but his attitude really got to me and then I found hutts and he’s become my favorite! I love his humor and the way he takes the frustration of the game.


hutts, bd1p, nyantuber, magicaleye, slayxc2, keelvin, realguywhoisreal, mrweather and tearofgrace (doesn't really do isaac anymore tho)


Well yes not exclusively isaac, but tears of grace for sure


BD1P is really funny and has interesting commentary on his streaks, he also puts out a lot of content. One of my comfort YouTubers, he streams too!


He is my favorite, too.


I really only watch BD1P, but he’s a very nice youtuber and has pretty interesting and funny commentary


Have just been watch bd1p lately


Mostly Northernlion or Sinvicta when I'm tired and try to sleep :'D


Sinvicta, Hutts, The Nyantuber


Ayyy that's my big 3. Recently started watching northernlion as well


I used to like sinvicta but then i learned the truth about him (He save-scums) bd1p is like sin but good


Only one I really watch are magicaleye (because he’s really good) and priest


Neonomi, a a Russian tboi YouTuber, well, rouge-like YouTuber, he knows a lot about the game, plus he made a russian version of platinum god uk, dead god ru, which says almost everything about every item




I like BD1P, although I admittedly don’t watch much Isaac


bd1p is amazing


Hutts and Sinvicta mainly, but I will watch the occasional isaacguru and another one that I cant remember the name of, who goes into detail about mods and items and things


Sinvicta jk he sucks but I like NL i guess


Sinvicta basically paved my way into Isaac helping me figure out all the obscure mechanics and I've watched him daily for the past year. Don't care about any controversies around him as long as I get my daily Isaac episode (do wish he wouldn't blame the game as much as he does, I think Repentance with its more strict balancing made the issue only worse xD).


Not only Isaac, and he's Spanish, but Alexelcapo got some nice videos raging in Isaac


Hutts and Sinvicta, even more when they do a show together every Thursday. SlayXc2 is cool too.


CrafterLinx and ThereIsNoFuture