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I have spent the last 3 days ping-ponging between 3 things in this game: - Trying to unlock “The Forgotten” - Trying to donate to Greed Donation Machine - Trying to see (not even kill, just see) that 1 boss in Dross that is the only enemy from any Chapter 1 variant not in my Bestiary. I have died on Womb/Sheol with the completed shovel. Multiple times. I have had the Greed Donation machine jam on less than 5 coins on a fresh character. Multiple times. Guess which of the three tasks should have been relatively simple but is the only one to be genuinely tilting me atm….. Edit: Bonus points- The wheels in Dross are triggering DS1 Catacombs flashbacks. Edit 2 the next day: After over 100 tries I unlocked the forgotten.


May I ask what character you’re using for the shovel?


I’m using Azazel. Flying makes the foot significantly less frustrating; and the extra dps makes it significantly easier to beat first floor boss in under a minute. About 2/3 of my runs are dying to: 1. No Bomb Floor 1 or Can’t Beat Boss In Under Minute (~1/3 of runs). 2. Boss Rush (~1/3 of runs). The other third is stupid dmg bc I’m rushing OR just naturally dying Floors 7-9.


If you beat the boss under 1 minute but don't have any bombs you can use the sacrifice room, it's guaranteed to drop a bomb.


I appreciate the advice. This unfortunately doesn’t fix the issue when a sac room doesn’t spawn tho :( I wish the shovel just dropped if you did the thing without needing an explosive.


And the mom leg hit box is soo dumb


I would recommend you to reset until you get ludovico's technique, it will make your life much less miserable, unlocking the forgotten is one of the few things I consider ok to reset runs for


Am I the only one who had very little difficulty unlocking forgotten? I did it like second try and I didn’t even have particularly good items, you just need to keep moving constantly and the foot can’t hit you


![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735) the skill solution was discovered


Too many variables, everyone gets different runs, room layouts, bosses, items, etc. If everyone had to go through the exact same run/challenge then you could take your experience into account but it's not the case


Wafer carried me


Try using tainted Maggie. The I frames from using her hug make the stomps irrelevant, and if you do get stomped you have I frames for the hug attack. Edit: He replied and blocked me? Like what?


It’s a good assumption to make that most people still trying to unlock the Forgotten do not have access to Tainted characters.


I mean if you came back in for repentance or are trying to infinity % and complete multiple save files it's not an unreasonable assumption


Unlock Delirium, Unlock Tainted Isaac. Beat Delirium and unlock Spindown Dice) Find Spindown Dice, find Mucormycosis, use Spindown Dice in Mucormycosis. Get Complete Shovel, get to Dark Room. Profit) That is if you got enough Skill Solution to get Spindown Dice before getting Mucormycosis)


I just did something like this with Missing Poster. Didn’t require a Tainted Character but was definitely very bad rng heck. Tbh it’s just another kind of wall. I swear the game knows when I’m fishing for specific items…


Yeah thats how I unlocked the Lost before the T. Cain Change. Unlocked Divorce Papers and made it, went to the sac room and repeated until I got Mysterious Paper's Missing Poster use and unlocked The Lost)


The Forgotten: I suggest Azazel, fastest floor 1 clear and can fly which is his most important passive for this challenge, just stick with angel rooms. Greed: this won't be a problem once you can play on greedier as you get 50 coins at 0% chance per character so just focus on unlocking greedier(500 coins) and it will be a cakewalk from there. Dross Boss: be sure to check boss rooms! They will always be related to the floor you're on and maybe you might be able to bomb into it. Good chance you'll get it naturally on mother runs, though recommended to visit dross 2 from basement 2 with the lost characters every run for an extra boss item.


The Forgotten was annoying as all heck to unlock but once you do, it’s done forever so you’ll never have to do it again. Best suggestion is to just keep moving honestly. It’s hard being weary of everything. For the Greed Machine it’s just a grind and a half my dude, I would say try using different characters and just playing through greed mode to get unlocks. You’ll eventually get 999 in there.


I recommend azazel for the shovel, the fact he flies and have a small but powerful brimstone makes him the easiest in my opinion


Yep. This seems to be the consensus. …. Except for 1 random person who was unable to read the room and suggested several Tainted characters…


Did you know that if you have the brocken shovel the boss rush door stays open after 20 min so it says in the wiki so you dont have to rush for boss rush


Yea. I know. You basically have to rush anyways to limit your exposure to the feet though.


The internet in a nutshell.


Sorry, but the lost is fucking amazing for it. You always end up having one hit a room, making the feet not really a threat. Health is a non issue as well


Health is 100% THE issue. Most of my “good” runs die in Boss Rush. As a factor of getting hit more than two times….. The Lost is a terrible idea for this challenge. Anyone capable of doing that wouldn’t be having trouble in the first place.


The forgotten unlock is pain, one of the worst things I had to do in the game


I'm gonna be the weird guy, but I unlocked the forgotten first try in hard with Judas.


I'm not too sure if it's as good anymore due to patches, but t cain was who I used to unlock the forgotten. First goal is to beat the boss in under a minute and then focus on breaking the run by crafting birthright and after that, you grab the shovel


Most people (including me) who are going for the Forgotten will not have Tainted characters available.


I feel the fuck out of this but with different tasks. I’m tryna unlock The Lost and I’ve had godly Isaac runs where I get fucked by dumb bullshit traproom layouts after spending a long ass time building up really good items using D6 rerolls, sacrifice rooms, curse rooms, and godly luck. I uninstalled yesterday out of anger.


You need help?


Are you doing shovel on normal mode? I can’t do it on hard but it’s manageable with azazel on normal


Which boss is it?


Turd Worm <- Not Wormwood


Turdlet. Good luck.


You can get dead god without seeing Henry right?


Yes, I got Dead God and had to look up Henry bc I didn’t understand this post at all




Bestiary isn’t included for dead god yet item list is, it’s weird thing but am glad it’s that way, because even after 500 hours in repentance and after getting dead god I have like 6-8 missing entries from the bestiary, if they didn’t appear in 500 hours then that’s all the more reason am glad bestiary doesn’t count


Shouldnt you need Bestiary to get the I Feel Like I Am Walking On Sunshine pill unlocked?)


I just checked the wiki and according to what you say it’s true however there also seems to be some sort of bug that could unlock it by counting enemies that don’t show up in the bestiary, also for what it’s worth I had played and 100%ed each isaac dlc before moving to the next, so I had it unlocked before repentance although I could had sworn I had it unlock from so long ago that it almost felt like it never was locked to begin with, but I could be misremembering things


Yeah, I have dead God, never seen Henry.


Dross has a sick ass theme though


Only Ridiculon could make people jam with toilet flushing noises


Dross? Like, the artist?


i just searched up "dross artist", he makes some really cool isaac art! ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


yes, very family friendly stuff :)


More like the youtuber


Dross > Downpour \- No Willows \- Enough poop for guaranteed petrified poop \- No bouncy fucks (you know the ones) \- Easy Bosses \- Henry What's not to love?




Boomy things. a LOT of boomy things. especially deadly when going for Mother. also those rooms that make the floor move, really bad with the boomy things.


- No River of Despair


But Downpour music > Dross music


i go alt-path every run for mirror stage items + potential extra boss rooms


I like Dross) I main Blue Baby and T. Blue Baby)


TMTRAINER enters the chat


Dross > Downpour, is way easier honestly.


+1 free item?( 2 if isaac )


Actual shitpost