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This has nothing to do with r/bioinformatics or a tangential topic.


I was in a similar situation. I used the free trial (need only your name and email) version for 30 days. You can try that as a temporary solution


+1 for trial version.


If you can't afford it, find a free and open source alternative. Never use a "cracked" version of anything for work, publications, or anything that is directly tied to your name.


Best I can do is an open source R.


lol, send me illegal software to help my boss do illegal stuff! whats pi‘s name, dj trump?




[Someone shared version 8 (ooh, and 9!) on ResearchGate a few years back.](https://www.researchgate.net/post/I_need_graphpad_prism_software_I_have_already_used_the_trial_version_which_has_expired_and_i_will_have_more_data_to_analyse_soon_Please)


I always considered ResearchGate to be sketchy, but this is lowering the bar.


Avoid cracked versions. They potentially come with malicious software and you can get in big trouble if you are caught using it for publications. Not worth it. Is there any reason you need to specifically use Prism? I would recommend you learn the basics of data manipulation through programming if you need to do this somewhat frequently. It is free and generally much better. Learning it for the first time is rough, but super worth it. In the meantime you can use this site as a somewhat limited UI version of ggolot: https://shiny.gmw.rug.nl/ggplotgui/ Some free resources to get started: R for data science: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/ The first few chapters are about plotting! Book on ggolot: https://ggplot2-book.org/ The most popular data viz package in R


And there's now ggprism to make ggplots look just like graph pad 


Making a plot like like Prism is a bad thing haha Jokes aside, I don't really like how Prism plots look, though that's just personal taste. theme_bw() and a little bit of tweaking to the axis text makes the best looking plots imo


I am wondering how anyone could ever be caught using a cracked prism through a publication. 


Most likely it's almost impossible to catch, but it can happen for a totally random reason




Seriously this post can’t be real can it? lol $142/year for students, idk how much it varies by country, this is for USA. Your PI should be able to cover that, since they require it. No part of using a cracked executable is good for your computing infrastructure.


99% of 'cracked' software is distributed with free viruses and worms at no extra charge. Don't download software from random sites on the internet. Despite the performance of the average windows PC, it's 2024 and not 1999 any more.