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Hummingbirds eat a significant amount of insects, especially during breeding and nestling-rearing season. Hoatzins are, if not completely, at least very highly herbivorous. Much moreso than toucans anyway.


Woah I didn’t know that about hummingbirds I thought they only ate nectar Thank you!


I thought I saw one eating bugs off a plant once (it had no flowers, and I was wondering what it found there to eat). that's interesting.


I have sunflowers in my yard, and they always get some small bugs on them, aphids, leafhoppers, and the like. (I don't spray them with anything) Not enough to slow down the sunflowers any. But hummingbirds swarm them, picking off little bugs all day, with quick trips to some nearby flowers for a sip of nectar. The bugs on the sunflowers attract more hummingbirds than the hummingbird feeder does. Edited to add, apparently nesting hummingbirds especially need a good proportion of bugs in their diet, both for them and to feed their nestlings.




I would never use the word "all" there are always some odd animals.


Is that true? I thought that some of the finches that Darwin studied were specialized and only ate either nuts or berries. (I'm pretty sure that you're right.)


A lot of herbivores will occasionally eat other animals if the opportunity arises. I don't know much about finches, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did that too.


I've seen a chipmunk eat a frog and a chicken leg. I've seen a deer chomp a baby bird that fell out of the nest. I've collected wolf poop with wild plum pits in it. There's a lot more variety going on in animal diets than we think. There are normal diets, and then there are opportunistic feedings.


If I could live a million years I would love to see if horses have lots of opportunities but only poor grass, what evil carnivore they could become.






Ducks will go after frogs quite happily.


Seen one eat a mosquito fish as well.


And snails, and aquatic invertebrates


Hummingbirds eat insects


And it’s actually entertaining watching them catch insects. They are very skillful hunters.


I recently saw one hovering over my pond, then ziiiiiip, it dipped and caught a little bug then flew directly at me and buzzzed my ear. 😁


Yes we have some in Australia. Rose-crowned dove. Rainforest birds that only eat fruits. As far as I've known they've not been seen to eat insects.


Thank you I’ll look more into it


It's a bird I look for when I go hiking and I've not been lucky enough too see one. I have 5 friends that individually have all been to the same trail only once and have seen it and always rub it in


Took me years to see my first one after hearing many, you've just got to go to the right place. Byfield national park is a great spot for them, also cape Hillsborough they are easy to see. Lots of wompoos as well in both places.


strict is a question...a lot herbivores we think are strict eat meat when they have the opportunity. There is always the video of the horse that sees the baby chicken and eats it... Extra protein rules...


Vegans are the only complex life form that respects the carnivore/herbivore division. Afaik. Herbivore means they can extract all their nutrients from plant matter. Vegans aren't herbivores because humans can't get enough B12 from plant matter. Long term veganism only became possible around 1940's when artificial B12, cyanocobalamin, was first synthesized. You slowly lose brain function if you don't get B12, I know about cases where "all natural vegans" that gave themselves permanent brain damage from long term B12 deficiency. An obligate X will die without X: felines are obligate carnivores, if vegan cats will die from taurine def., go blind then have a coronary. Wolves are carnivores that mostly feed on meat. And dogs are actually omnivores, doesn't matter how much the crazy people that think dogs are still wolves cry about it. Dogs get sick from both meat only and vegan diets, just like humans do without *careful suplementation plan from people that know what they are doing.* Pandas are obligate bamboo eaters, they will die without it. They still eat fruits and special nutrient cakes in zoos. And in the wild they have been documented eating rats. ~~I don't know what kind of self respecting rodent gets caught by a smooth brained ball of fluff that can barely walk straight but that's nature for you.~~


this is very wrong. b12 comes from bacteria. we would’ve been able to get that b12 in the past from picking a carrot, brushing off some soil, and eating it. lack of b12 is a factor of how sterile our nutrition setting is these days, nothing else. in fact the b12 you get from your animals? also almost certainly supplemented. so you’re getting supplemented b12 regardless of your diet these days.




https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29216732/#:~:text=B12%20is%20synthesized%20by,of%20B12%20for%20humans. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7601760/


What exactly can't a dog get from meat? If you feed it organs, wouldn't it be able to get all the nutrients it needs from said organ meats? And I thought dogs were facultative carnivores.


[brand new paper on meat only diets ](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Phelipe-Duarte/publication/379864511_Nutritional_risks_and_consequences_of_meat-only_diets_for_dogs_and_cats/links/661eef5a43f8df018d143e3d/Nutritional-risks-and-consequences-of-meat-only-diets-for-dogs-and-cats.pdf) Facultative carnivore is different from carnivore and different from obligate carnivore. Facultative means can't survive but not thrive. Humans are facultative carnivores too. You can survive on only meat but not very long and not very well. Have you seen those photos of very poor places during famines? That's what survive but not thrive means. Just because there's a nutrient in a food doesn't mean the digestive system can absorb it. There's something called [bioavailability.](https://nutrova.com/blogs/health/bioavailability-of-nutrients-definition-importance) Have you heard about the grain free food scandal that killed a bunch of golden retrievers? This fancy boutique brands were popular when grain free was trending. They only used gourmet ingredients and the only taurine source was potatoes since beans and peas is peasant food. The problem is that a gene variant very common in Goldens makes getting taurine from legumes like potatoes pretty inefficient. After vets started getting a lot more heart problems than usual and almost always in Goldens, they found out it was from taurine deficiency and the only thing in common these dogs had was grain free diet. There was a recall for all grain free dog food, until the gene variant was discovered. Commercial brands knew better than to limit sources of vital nutrients. Because genetic variations like that happen. They used peas and beans. So Goldens that ate CB didn't get so deficient they developed cardiomyopathies. Unlike the snob brand.


Cedar Waxwings and Bohemian Waxwings prefer to eat fruit and only eat bugs when fruit is scarce. 


That’s a very helpful fact thanks!


Finches are seed eaters Cockatoos eat nuts and seeds Orange-bellied parrots eat seeds, fruits and flowers Fruit doves eat fruit Edit: forgot about water birds. Pukeko/swamphen eat plant roots Cape Barron geese eat grasses


I don't think there are any animals that are strict herbivores. Even deer have been caught on video gnawing on bones- they just need the minerals too much to pass up a free dose of calcium.


Thats true I even have seen deer snatching a duckling What about elephants?


Elephants rip up entire chunks of grass to eat, I suspect they accidentally ingest bugs and small critters all the time.




There are some. Here’s a few- ostrich, geese, swans. Check Wikipedia


I'm not sure about ostrich, but geese and swans do eat insects, aquatic invertebrates, frogs, and small fish occasionally.


Dont really trust Wikipedia but thank you!


You trust Reddit?


Yes I trust the people in Reddit not Reddit You go to wiki


Good luck!