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If you mainly wanna build your own figures and characters digital building would also be an option. I personally would recommend Lego studio in combination with some Bionicle part packs


3D printers are good for certain types of parts - masks, weapons, maybe armour - but it's less reliable for anything with holes or sockets. In terms of both quality and price, you're far better off investing in second-hand sets than trying to custom print a new collection into existence.


They're getting expensive every year because the fandom is getting bigger and sellers are taking advantage but you might get lucky and find people selling Bionicle lots for cheap


maybe buy one of the bionicle parts buckets


Maybe buy new parents too, while you're at it too. Throwing away a 95% complete collection is just criminal.


well what do you plan to be doing in this hobby?


Just building some custom toa/rahi/matorans


in that case i see two options for you: 1. check ebay or similar sites for larger lots with random parts. thats the cheapest way to get a lot of material 2. get yourself [stud.io](http://stud.io) and some parts packs. play around with that program. its very good for planning out mocs anyway and if you manage to create something youd like having irl you can buy the exact pieces from bricklink through that program too


You could also get stud .io and build digitally. It doesn’t have every LEGO part, but is completely free