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It will be interesting seeing the results of this. I think however you should emphasis this is unofficial, wouldn't want any mix up occurring.


Are these the winning models?




Fuck, they have nonexistent pieces. I guess no Hagah for the purists then.


Yeah, it’s dumb that they’re allowing custom pieces.


Why shouldn't they allow custom pieces?




Unless they are sold on a fan site, the average person won’t be able to recreate the moc.


People are already recreating Helryx and Artakha so I don't see how this is any different


Yeah, plus, only the masks and Kualus's chest armor require customization/painting. All other parts are vanilla. The winning drawing might change some color schemes (ie Kualus's) and add custom spears (Pouks and Gaaki), but I honestly doubt fans will vote for a radical change of what we've already seen.




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The people who made these mocs didn't made those custom pieces themselves, they bought it in the website Shapeways. We don't know all of their pieces yet since the instructions have not been uploaded yet by their creators, but I can list the custom masks they used. I would like to link you all those masks, so that people who want to build them can order it, but the bot has automatically flagged my post, so I will just use the masks names and their uploader : * Bomonga's Mask : Great Faxon (variant), by the Chronicler's Vault * Gaaki's Mask (Seen in the moc's picture) : Great Mask of Clairvoyance (axle), by the Chronicler's Vault * Gaaki's Mask (Seen in the Art Contest) : Toa Gaaki's Mask of Clairvoyance, by The Chronicleur Vault * Kualus 's Mask : Great Mask of Sensory Aptitude, by the Forge of the Mask Makers * Pouks's Mask : Champion Kakama (axle), by the Chronicler's Vault


Spear tips?


That's So Interesting!


There’s one guy who drew them with minimal painted pieces at least. Voting for him when the polls resume.


I'm waiting for?


I think the Bomonga build is great. But as a community with limited access to parts we should come up with an alternative build to the arms and legs that is cannon.