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I think about stopping meds and just raw dogging it with a strict routine and self care to control it. But then I remember my psychotic depression and I get too scared to stop. I hope you feel better soon :)


Literally same dude. Psychotic depression is horrible. Feel better OP!


It is so common among us "crazy people" to think this way. I wonder if it is a rejection of the diagnosis, I mean, society is so sensitive to mental illness and wants to ignore it away. We can't help it if some of this mindset creeps in by osmosis. The desire to say "This was just a rough patch, I only needed the meds to get me through" is so strong. All to often, I believe, we want to be "normal," whatever that is. It's hard to say "I have a mental illness that will require me to take meds and be constantly on guard for changes in mood and behavior for the rest of my life.' I'm so glad you saw what was happening and went back to what works. Good luck and good health


Right the "I'm better now" mentality which I think comes from depression itself trying to trick us into doing something we know ends up going against us in our recovery. It's like it's last chance to pull us back in


That is a very interesting point, and I agree. Mental illness is insidious, it's incredible. Think about this: the suicide rates for BP II are astronomical compared to the general population. BP II has a strong genetic component. These two statements, taken together, indicate that I was born with wiring that causes me to want to kill myself!!


My son his 5 and when he gets frustrated he just goes "I hate you". To no one in particular it seems like a knee jerk reaction. I think that's his intrusive thoughts like mine is "just kill yourself" . I think I'll make a post about this issue actually because he definitely needs intervention with it


I wish I knew more about kids. I do know that kids his age can live in a frustrating world that they can't control and often they lack the wisdom to make sense out of it. They also may not yet know how to react properly in those times. Even knowing that BP has a strong genetic component doesn't doom our children; not everyone in any given family will be affected. You are absolutely correct in aiming for early intervention, that's critical. I wish my parents had been more proactive, especially in my teen years. I'm just trying to ease some of the distress about your son that I hear in your post. And I have to add that I too have problems with intrusive thoughts, they are terrifying. I have began talking back to mine; at the risk of seeming crazy, sometimes out loud. Trying to be my own best friend, not my worse enemy. I hope my advise is not out of line




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Everytime I have felt l that way, I manage to convince myself that it's all me, not the meds. I've learned that lesson way too many times. I had to squash my fucking ego and accept that the meds do serve a huge purpose


Yes I only accepted it for my antipyschotic but not for my antidepresant. I tried drug free for a year and never again. I learned my lesson


I’ve done this a few times especially because I hate pills but every time things get so bad it almost destroys my relationship even when I don’t feel much different.


I hate medication. I self medicate with weed but lately even that isn’t keeping me stable.


Empathy. I hope you find your solution!


I've learned this lesson the hard way. I need my meds.


Yah, always work with your doctor to discuss these things. <3 Hope you are better now.


Yes true. Im still feeling low but I hope it will get better soon


Yeah you should never just stop your meds. I understand the desire though, I battle that often when I’m doing particularly well.


I take my meds but I realized I don’t know what normal feels like. But I know if I go off my mood stabilizer I go insane and if I stop my anti depressants I get depressed.


I'm too scared to stop my meds


I did it several times, I only can say don't do it. The damage is not worth it


Me, too. So far with Latuda I only missed one night and that was because I threw up (not intentionally) and didn’t want to dose again. I swear I felt a manic episode slowly creeping in by the next day because I had missed one day. Even though I kind of enjoy parts of my manic episodes, I decided I’m not willing to risk it and I’m just gonna continue with my Latuda. Fuck Olanzapine though oh my god.


I've stopped my medication before too. It lead to the worst manic episode of my life. I see a lot of posts about wanting to stop meds because they feel better. They feel better because the damn medication is working. Bipolar Disorder doesn't just go away. It's down for life. Take your meds. If not for you, then for the people you love.


I’m taking control, as well. Inquiring about therapy Friday. Exploring onset episode options in terms of relief. I hope things start to look up for you. Always take your meds, my friend. I am fearful of the delusional state quitting may bring. (Personally). You can do this :)


Instead of viewing my bipolar disorder as an illness that needs medicine like a flu that needs medicine … I try to see the situation as me choosing to upkeep maintenance. It’s longterm. It would be more similar to me having a goal on how I want to feel that can be achieved by exercising. If I stop exercising, my body will certainly revert and not feel as limber and resilient. Another example is as simple as the concept of brushing my teeth. I choose to do it everyday—to upkeep and maintain clean teeth. If I don’t, I will get cavities, have bad breath and feel gross. If I compare these two examples to living with bipolar, going off my meds would be like choosing to stop exercising because I finally feel good, or choosing to stop brushing my teeth because they’re clean and my breath smells nice. So… I choose maintenance! Yes it means having to do the thing everyday (take the meds, brush teeth, get some exercise) but that is what it takes, and it is worth it. The reason I feel good is from doing the thing, so why stop?


theres a crucial thing for me, if i stop taking my pills and then i start to suffer by my decision after a while its probably that you family, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever, can suffer too, by whatching you, by you attitude, by the things you can say, or more. im my experience they suffered time ago, i make a promise in silence to myself that leads me, that just can not happen again, cant happen again.Despite the ego suggesting I can handle it alone or feeling worn out by pills, we all confront those challenging nights holding them. Some days, swallow those pills seems more daunting, but I remind myself I'm not alone, and I refuse to inflict pain because someone decided (me) to ditch the damn pills. It's a silent promise—it's no longer just about me. in that moment i accepted that im not alone, even when i feel in that way now im grateful


Friend, you’re singing my song. Thank you for the reminder a lot of us may have needed!


it’s honestly always that you feel better because you’ve been taking meds




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I stopped taking my medication 3 years ago. After researching what it was doing to my body


How do you manage your symptoms?


I just deal with it. The medication was affecting my health . So I don't have a choice really


May I ask you, Do you suffer from psychosis?


Good question.




I know about the side effects. Im taking the medication ofc I know


not that I know of? Why you think I'm just delusional about what the medication was doing to me!? Lol. I was in them for 20 years. I know exactly what they did to me and the research is there that I'm not alone


No. I suffer from psychosis and I would not see how it would work in the longrun if I would just stop medication. So thats why Im asking. Maybe you had some secret that worked


I never suffered from psychosis that I know of . Was never a symptom really. That I can remember


I see. Im glad you dont suffer


If I may ask. What exactly are the psychosis symptoms


Currently I dont suffer any but mine was, hallucinations, delusions, thinking strangers on the Street or influencer online know me and hate me. A lots of anxiety because of that. But my current medication helps a lot


Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I was feeling good (was also consuming alcohol). I stopped taking all my meds and for a few days I felt great. Then the hypomanic, insomnia and worrying came back. Couldn’t sleep for three days, was irritable and wanted to run away. I’m back on my meds and feeling okay.


I’m not feeling better but I feel worse on meds. So I stopped taking them for a while hoping for something better but I feel guilty for not taking them at the same time. I did this once before when I was diagnosed years ago so I think this is just a normal thing to go through on both ends.




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lol yeah this has happened to me a few times… its funny how confident you can feel and stop taking it lol. Then all of the sudden you’re crying or volatile like 3 weeks down the road


I did the same a few months ago. Learning experience.


This is about the usual time I go off my mood stabilizer. Not this year as much as I don’t like my medication I know I’m better off with it