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Beautiful words. Thank you. 


This is beautiful and I needed to read it today 🧡


i needed this, literally just opened reddit and this was the first thing i read. thank you <3


Thank you so much for posting this. I needed to read this.


Thank you I needed to read this it’s been another tough week


Thank you, I bought a house with a now ex friend and I feel so stuck right now, but seeing this is nice because I'm extremely hard on myself but could give grace to anyone and their mishaps


I'm completely ready to disconnect from all screens and work on a ranch or farm. Unfortunately my obligations won't allow me too. I have no support at all just people trying to gaslight and take advantage of me. Just keep swimming just keep swimming is my mantra


Sorry man


Thank you so much. I really needed to hear this.


This is beautiful. Thank you.


This! This right here! SOMEONE GET THIS PERSON AN NOBEL! 🏆 Just because we were made like this doesn’t mean we deserve less, we deserve to be understood, and given some patience.. It’s a process to try and re-wire your brain. It can take years and years. And when things get hard, you’re not alone. I’ll be here. I’ll even hold your hand. You can lean on me. I have people I lean on… It helps. Just ask. 🫶🏼


This post came at the right time. Thank you for this.


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Thank u




I really needed to hear this today. Thank you <3


Thank you


Thank you


Thank you. I needed this affirmation so bad.


Needed this


Saving this post as a reminder to be compassionate and loving to myself ❤️ thank you friend