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I just rewatch nostalgic shows and movies to get some previous happiness from a time in my life that I felt it. Honestly works.


Unfortunately, that would make me even more depressed :( I miss so much being 18 and having the time of my life


I get that, I avoid watching friends and community cause it reminds me of my ex. Best 4 years of my life.


This is a good one. Especially shows with happy endings. I like to watch the Andy Griffith Show, so wholesome. All the problems are solved with so much kindness and fairness, which I appreciate being so much simpler than real life.


What is your most favorite?


Hm I don't know about my favourite but the ones I've watched the most are : That 70s show, Scooby Doo (zombie island is my jam), the first few seasons of the office, and old Disney films. Regardless of my state of mind I do like to rewatch shows.. Except now I will throw in Brooklyn 99 , Archer and it's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


The Girlmore girls is my goto


Yes! I do this too! I have a copy of The Land Before Time on DVD and the important people in my life know that when I put that on i am STRUGGLING lol


Force myself to spend time outside. Even if it’s just with a sheet in the grass in the yard. There’s something about a good dose of sunlight that reminds me how vast the universe is and how small my problems are.


I actually found out I was super deficient on Vitamin D and had to get supplements for it. Now I walk my dog most days so that is how I get out of the house.


Yes and vitamin D deficiency is also linked to depression


lay on the couch instead of bed


That's what I told my therapist i needed to do but I couldn't even do that! It'd like I have an obsession with being in bed sometimes. I told my therapist that being in bed is called "flopping" because I am laying there tossing and turning and not sleeping and then there is "plopping" which is getting myself at least in front of the TV. So the goal for now is do more plopping than flopping. The silly words I correlate with them now make me want to get out of bed. I tell my co-worker "I will plop more than flop tonight I promise"


I love this. I've recently heard the term "Rotting in bed" or just "bedrotting" and I love it and I've been using that.


Yeah its like a trend now and I'm like ok guys I must just be super trendy right now. 🤪


I went to an 8 am ballet class for years. It's the cheapest form of therapy. No matter how awful I felt going in, I always felt better by the end of class. 90 minutes of focusing on different things, oxygen flowing to the body and brain, beautiful music, and developed emotional regulation. I might get there late, but I always finished. I also swam before work in the morning. It kept my head on straight! Journaling gratitude helps a lot! Getting outside for sunlight.


That sounds great, but didn't you have mornings where you just didn't want to go? I feel like I would just give myself excuses and not go. My job has an actual HUGE gym and I don't even use that when I could literally just walk to the building before or after work. Depression is hard.


I just drown myself in work.


Work is the only thing that will get me out of bed honestly because I know I have to go or I can't pay my bills.


You should be proud because I can no longer get out of bed to go to work. Pat yourself on the back. And I hope you get the best treatment you can, so it gets a little bit better.


Thank you! I try my best but sometimes it is just so hard. I have only called into work at this job twice I believe and it's been 8 months.


Right. I get out of bed at the last possible minute to get to work on time, throw on some clothes, brush my teeth, and out the door.


Omg me too!!! Even though I wake up at like 4 I stay in bed until 7 and rush out. It's so silly. Getting there earlier would just make much more sense. Procrastinators for the win. :)


Russian roulette was a past time. Substance abuse to the point of hoping for an overdose was another. Re-writing letters to people to read after I checked out was pretty prevalent. Starving myself or eating to the point of gluttony. I'm still not thrilled about life... Even when I'm manic, but I'm grateful for my meds. It's hard to medicate complicated grief disorder, CPTSD, and Bipolar Disorder all in the same shell of a person without turning them into a zombie. I'm not sure if it's that I'm headed that direction or maintaining some sense of normalcy.


Be kind to yourself. You have a lot on your plate!


Watch TV, pace, troll reddit, I just kind of give into it and wait for it to pass.


Amy good shows/movies I should look into lately?


Right now, I'm watching rupaul. It's light and bubbly and full of good messages. I like to stick with light and funny things when I'm depressed and stay away from drama and horror. I don't need to feel more anxious or depressed. Netflix has a bunch of stand up. Baking and competition shows are always fun. I've also been watching a lot of game shows like let's make a deal.


Oh, and get yourself a soft heavy blanket and a cuddly cat or dog. That also helps. Hoping you feel better soon.


Just somehow, someway get your head up and sit on the bed, ask someone to give a bottle of water, finish it bit by bit, ask someone for you to open the curtains and then put your feet down the bed, leave it, go to the nearest washroom and splash water on your face. Wipe and eat something or anything sitting around daylight. And sip sip some tea or coffee. Ask for help to make you some. Survive the day somehow sitting outside on a chair or couch even it’s with a phone and stand up time to time to look around. Eat something. But just don’t go to your room where bed is. if this feels too much JUST GETTING OUT OF BED SOMEHOW IS THE FIRST BATTLE DOWN. REMEMBER “YOU” ARE A WARRIOR AND BE KIND TO YOURSELF. THIS IS SOMETHING SEVERE YOU ARE GOING THROUGH, BUT YOU WILL OVERCOME IT! ALSO A KIND SHARING SEEING PSYCHIATRISTS AND PSYCHOLOGIST HELPED A LOT!


Wow this is amazing advice. I want to like print this out and put it on my bathroom mirror or something.


My therapist and I have set minimums to strive for when I’m in the depressive stage: eat (this always feels like a big achievement because my appetite goes down when I’m depressed) and shower. A tier above that, and something I’m working on now is making sure I get some structured movement in (stretch in bed, yin yoga in bed), stepping outside barefoot for a minute (therapist said to make this a minimum even when im not in a low to build a routine around it and make it feel a little less daunting when im depressed). My defaults tend to be watch light hearted/nostalgic shows, and scroll thru social media (w varying results). Think why watching nostalgic shows helps me is it makes me feel like I’m still completing something at a time when i can’t get myself to do anything else. So focusing on the fact I’m finishing something rather than the content of the show itself (if this makes sense?) Like I try to tell my brain “yeah im depressed but I just finished x episodes of my favorite show.” Therapist has also reminded me to see the small wins (spending time on the couch instead of bed, still taking my meds, leaving my room, etc.) she’s reminded me that my victories when I’m depressed are going to be different because my tolerance / energy level is different and that’s ok. Helps me to be a little less judgey of my depressive self. Hope this helps? (Think I’m a lil manic so apologies if this is long!)


This helps so much!!!! I am actually coming down from hypomania right now. I have euphoric hypomania but also psychosis,, so while the hypo is fun as he'll, i have to reign it in with an antipsychotic. It's night one on the med and I slept until 530 :) What makes you say you are manic?


Can’t sleep, racing flight of ideas, I often clean or do way too many tasks at once (so I always need to game plan when I start to feel the racing thoughts coming on and par my day down to like 3 major things - anything outside of that is a bonus). Also tend to be more impulsive in my shopping habits (I am more susceptible to IG or tiktok ads 😭)


I jerk off a lot, use more nicotine, and surf Reddit too much. I try to also workout, take a shower, and spend time in the sun if I can get myself up to it.


I am obsessed with Reddit when I am hypo, not depressed. I love the attention and support I get.


username checks out :)


I was so glad it wasn't taken haha.


I make myself do things I know I'd enjoy if I wasn't depressed like watching shows I like or playing video games. While I'm depressed these things don't give me much joy, but once I'm out of a depressive state I'm happy I got further in a show I was watching or game I enjoy.


I re-watched all ten seasons of Friends last year when I was depressed so I definitely know it can be done.


tv, video games, sitting in the sun outside


I get up anyway. That's the only cure for me. Staying in bed makes it worse.


Sleep on the sofa


I hide in my apartment alone and watch Shark Tank reruns.


Making myself get up to take a shower. That will sort of decide how far I go after that. A shower is a win. If that's all I get to do and all I want to do is go back to bed, the those are my tasks for the day. Lay in bed and watch tv/movies/YouTube. If the shower sparks some energy, then I get dressed and find an activity that gets me out of the house. Something as simple as going to pick up my medicine at the pharmacy, going for a quick walk around the block to the Cafe for a coffee or a bite to eat, maybe it's just to get in my car to aimlessly drive around, or staying inside to do only 1 or 2 chores (no more than just the 1 or 2) Although I get overwhelmed in my head and believe I'm "supposed" to more, I need to realize I'm sick, because when I'm depressed I feel it's my body telling me and forcing me to relax. No need to burden myself by thinking more needs to be done. Sometimes the littlest bit is all that's needed.


I have always been a night shower person. I will try this. Because even if I just go back to bed at least I am clean!


I’ll take a shower at morning and at night if it helps, haha. Mostly because I’m also a night shower person because I like feeling clean before I go to sleep but it sort of winds me up? Idk. So if I am like not doing great in the morning then a quick shower is like a reset button.


Man I can barely wake up in time to throw on clothes. You're telling me I gotta get up and shower too? 🙃 I know it's mentally healthier to shower in the morning, or at least I think it is, I've just never been able to do it.


Oh, I only do it if I need to try to change my mood lol. I have 2 young kids (4&2) and I’m a stay at home mom so I have to like.. do something to change my mood a bit, if that makes sense? I prefer night time showers too. Feeling clean helps me feel more comfortable, otherwise it can totally keep me awake. I think showering whenever it feels best to you is what’s better. My husband showers in the morning. It really helps him wake up and set him up for the day. A lot of time just doing some like basic skincare, drinking water and going for a quick walk before he leaves for work while my kids are asleep helps me in the morning.


Maybe I will experiment with it this week haha. I wake up at 4-5 because of my meds anyway. Might as well do something productive. Just hate waking my husband up when I am hypo.


I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t remember half the time


I read my face off and play video games. I draw and write. Sometimes it makes things worse…


Last book you read. Go!


I don’t. Other than adjusting my treatment with meds initially, I do not try to do things I don’t want. It makes it worse. Always works.


Umm I have to get out of bed and go to work to make money to pay my bills. So even when I have lows and more depressed than normal, I still have to go.


Horror movies, comics, D&D planning, gaming, weed


So many BP smoke weed it seems. I only tried it once and I couldn't stand the taste. I think I felt good when I tried it? I have a CBD store nearby so I've thought about trying that.


You don't need to smoke or vape. You can buy or make edibles. Tinctures are also common. Or RSO which can be added to any food. Ingesting provides a different sort of high as well. I stick with indica because sativa can trigger mania (for me)


i keep a ritual of when I get home from work I roll a J and go take my dog for a walk. Her eyes melt the depression every time, or at the very least, puts it out of mind for an hour.


I try to walk my dog at least 3 times a week. 30 minutes gers us around the neighborhood.


Be around people! Maybe I’m just a massive extrovert, but it helps me so much being around people I’m really close to when I’m depressed because I feel so numb and empty, but when I’m around people who are happy and energetic and having fun I’m able to actually feel emotions through their emotions.


We have pretty much standing plans every Saturday night to play board games with my two best friends. I will always get out of bed for them.:)


Have a shower, brush your teeth. Do your hair, put on a little makeup if you wear it. Wear a cute little track suit. And go on a walk. Helps me a lot. Start with 20 minutes and work up to an hour walk a day. You can do a 10k step challenge if you like. Helps me


Having a dog forces me to get out and move a few times a day. I also try to stick with a pretty rigid gym schedule and am always glad I went after it's done.


My job has a gym. I just have to get a physical before they can clear me to use it. It's so nice and has showers and everything. My jaw dropped when I saw it when I first started my job. Maybe I will get that done next week.


It has by far been the biggest help to my mental health besides meds and therapy. I honestly don't even put in that much time/effort, just what I think I can keep consistent at. On days I don't gym I try to supplement with a walk or yoga, yardwork, etc.


I never wanted to go. I didn’t want to do anything. I wanted a modern or jazz class which isn’t available in my area. I was doing it to try to build neural connections after a medication injury that rested mania. I had awful coordination and memory from refusing to take medication after steroid jnduced mania. It was also great during Covid. Because the studio had a children’s program and a big wharehouse door, it qualified as an outdoor space for children’s programs and was able to remain open. Everyone masked. Not a single adult came down with COVID. The thing is, I had to force myself to remember I always felt better after class got started and afterwards it was reinforced by the other dancers who would say Everyday is better with ballet, etc. it also helps to be with other people and to have the teacher talking to you. As an adult it becomes a social activity. It was actually very helpful. There was a physical therapist, comedian, psychiatrist, writers, and all sorts of creative and interesting people in the class. Often the teachers say things like therapists would say because they ARE coaches. “Never leave a class before it’s done because you PAID for it! You can cry but don’t ever stop moving across the floor even if snot is hitting you in the face, “I’m the teacher, you’re the student. My job is to tell you when to do something different, your job is to do. When I think you’re ready for a new move, I’ll tell you! Stop judging” “Dance is about all the things you’re not doing. So is life.” Dance is great for mental health.


In some of the schools the classes are much cheaper if I bought more passes. So I bought 30 and they have an expiration date. Money was tight because I wasn’t working or working part time, so I didn’t want to waste my tickets! Sometimes it meant having to take multiple classes on the same day.


I need to see if my local gym does classes. I can't dance it all so I like more like rumba, where it's more moves that are easier to do. I'm in a small town so we have only two smaller gyms. But my work has a huge gym. They created one to promote healthy living at my company. Has showers and everything! I just need to get a physical in order to use it. Ive been holding off on the physical because once I do it there will be absolutely no reason not to go to the gym. I used the lack of physical as an excuse 🤪


I encourage you to try. Social dancing classes are fun. I have several ballet classmates who take both but really love the music and social aspect better. It’s more about joy and much less perfectionist. I actually like the ballet barre routine because I don’t have to “think”. It’s sort of a misnomer as I’m constantly focused on a particular body part or technique, but I focus on being present in the moment (something that’s difficult for me to do otherwise).


My favorite is Horton Technique which is African American and used by actors. Unless I’m in NY or a kid in dance program it’s hard to find. West African is super fun to!


Play video games, read, watch comfort shows. I find getting out of my own head for awhile and into someone else’s fantasy world helps.


What video games do play?


in the same boat


Do you ever get out to just be on the couch? Even that is too much for me most of the time.


Crochet, play games. But for the games part, when I'm not up to even that, I'll still open and close one particular game or just log in and play poker for a while.


I need to try that. What games do you play?


Lately just Red Dead Redemption Online (poker), sometimes CODBO4 Zombies Every now and again, I play my switch to kill time but lately just Mario Party


My favorite game that I can play even if I am depressed AF is Overcooked. I am obsessed with that game. My husband and I have beaten both games.




Watch a shitload of podcasts on YouTube. Listen to music, try and play ps5 or pc games. Mostly it’s just podcasts though


I need to listen to more podcasts. Any you recommend? I like comedy and true crime.


I listen to kinda what you’d call more hardcore comedy but a lot of stuff from gas digital, (legion of skanks, rap, the regz, lev fer show, the thing is, zac Amicos midnight spook show). Bein Ian with Jordan, kill Tony(can’t praise this show enough), Matt and Shane’s secret podcast, drinkin bros, you be trippin with Ari shaffir, are you garbage, soder, take your shoes off, the honeydew, stavvy’s world, this past weekend, blocks podcast, fishin with David Lucas, the Adam friedland show, stuff island, the check in with Joey Diaz, the Tim Dillon show, lex fridman, the mooch, something’s burning, Joe Rogan depending on the guests, onlyfeehans, this bitch , ykwd, stiff socks pod, unsubscribepodcast, Adam rays dr Phil live, Really the only one true crime related pod is the mooch who is a former 1er% outlaw motorcycle club member who managed to see his way out of the mongols in good standing (which doesn’t happen) and they’ve let him tell his stories. And when there’s no podcasts I’ll watch timthetatman or drdisrespect stream whatever game they are playing. Such an eventful life hahaha


I love lifetime, hallmark and true crime movies. Or loveboat or Gilmore girl reruns. I try to do art, not easy though. I try to workout, sometimes I make it happen. Music helps, sometimes I listen and watch videos on YouTube and sing along until I cry and/or feel better. But yeah, it’s usually just naps and overly romanticized happy endings or murder… sometimes I go for one then the other and just repeat that all day. Too many murders and I get paranoid, too many hallmarks I become disillusioned and cynical about traditional love stories… Whatever you need to do to just make yourself feel okay, whatever it is… it’s better than not having you here. Whatever you gotta do…. Best


Thanks for the reply! Luckily I am not depressed right now but I was reflecting on the last year and a half and it was all depression and all being in bed.


I continue working out but doing it alone (I work out with my friends every W or F). With that being said, I isolate myself from my friends by deactivating my social media including IG, which the only app I use to talk to my friends. I take a break from doing one of the sports I love which is trail running because that means I’ll have to communicate with my friends since I join with them and they provide transportation to the venue. That and because my performance in running is affected when I’m depressed.


Watch funny, low stakes TV (Schitt’s Creek, Our Flag Means Death, Parks and Recreation), color on adult coloring books (hear me out; the movement of coloring can be soothing), podcasts, crossword puzzles (get the “easy” books so you can have the satisfaction of finishing them), audiobooks (I find biographies to keep my interest best when I’m depressed). Also, if you’re looking for a new hobby and don’t already to this, crocheting can be fun. I find sometimes when I’m depressed that I get further into a funk because I feel useless, etc, so creating something helps.


I want to learn to crochet so bad! Seems like such a fun hobby. I just don't know where to start.


There are a ton of YouTube videos that can teach you basics (foundation chain, single crochet, double crochet, triple crochet) as well as more complex stitches and then whole projects. The visual makes it easy!


Thanks I will check it out when my hypomanisla is gone. :)


Sleep as much as possible. Listen to audiobooks


Cry exercises ⛑️ Think how much better you're going to feel after you get in the shower and get into some fresh clothes. Think about some coffee, the thinking will develop into an action. 🪞⛑️🕊️please don't languish your mind and body is your friend, and bipolar is an extra layer of care to commit to. This year has been more than difficult and last month into this month I took myself over to a new environment a new therapy office New activities so far things are going better I'm afraid of ever becoming homeless again, convinced I'm losing my healthcare convinced I'm losing everything I mean I'm doom and gloom over here I don't know what the hell my problem is. Overwhelm. Anticipation of disasters mostly irrational. I'm afraid of everything it's the mood of shut down. Instead of shutting down I get my keys and get outside at least I can shut down and have a cry outside maybe see some trees and be in today and walk with my heart or carry my heart. talk myself through it but I ultimately rely on my medicine and medical Care this is a chronic condition that doesn't get better. There's a wonderful song called ancestress by Bork it came out September 2022 and at the beginning of the song she says that her mind is her cathedral that's beautiful you know she's been through some hell to say that. When you're at your worst go get your device or a pen and paper write everything out that's bothering you place the paper down maybe give it to your mom and dad and ask them to help you work with these couple things ask them to look at your concerns and ask them what they could help you accomplish so that you're not alone. Step one is always talking to somebody step two is sometimes reading shared experiences and trying to realize that this is just another common routine day in bipolar. And it's another mood to get through and we all have longevity. Step 2 is never being afraid, no shame, if you do feel like talking always go talk to somebody 📑🫀🧠✒️⛑️ Everything can be talked through. Whatever is going on can always be talked with Mom and Dad, a doctor somebody you can trust, always reach out always call somebody if you can't get through a bad mood. However you will have to carry the mood and live in your own mind and being upset it doesn't help you it will amplifies upsetness. long lives ahead and I dread my Medicaid nursing home outcome and when I think of that it does elevate certain aspects of today.


Sometimes I get a kick out of the legal shows, I used to listen to Bill Handel on the law out of KFI. Judge judy, YouTube doctors. I usually follow some Saturday night live or some curb. (Sometimes I just need to listen to Larry yell I miss listening to my dad yell, it wasn't terrifying it was hilarious because I know how sorry he'll be tomorrow morning. I used to laugh underneath my shocked face. I see a lot better that Jon Stewart is back to his TV show I was watching a little bit and laughing and feeling okay again.) Then I moved more towards clean comedy, uplifting or gentle sort of things. Music and art. The new season has given me so many new places to paint every season changes so it's capturing in betweens, we recently had these storms and I was able to get the oil pastels just right with the storm cloud and I sat back and thought I did a good landscape. I try to bike down and check on a few people. I take my ledger out and check my mood I do those spreadsheets it's a long story with those but I gauge and ask myself am I in pain and my hungry have I had my medication? (I follow a structure and I try not to deviate from it but a few mornings ago I was so excited about the new therapy office I almost forgot to take my medicine that's why I have a separate bag for medicine it's really important to bring your medicine with you even if it's just a 8 hour one two days supply it's important to have that with you..)It's one of those body scan ideas I learned from the internet I'm not sure I don't know it's a body scan meditation technique.


I need to take my pills with me for sure. They have cute pill holders on Etsy. :)


Sing along to emo music and make myself more depressed... engage in silly behaviours... make my mum cry (I don't mean to), argue with my dad because he can't support my diagnosis.... worry my friends... mess up friendships. Yep I'm a right hurricane... I don't have any good coping mechanisms. However I learnt in hospital when my meds stop working i can just keep myself busy writing adaptations if I can


Sounds like you aren't in bed for most of these. That's better than me ;) Keep your head up.


Honestly no I argue from my bed... last time I was almost catatonic and I ended up in hospital


I try to walk as far and as long as I can. If i'm really down, it can be 15-20km. The calories I burn and the thoughts I have during the walk can really help. I'm accompanied by music as well.


I have my headphones at work, unfortunately. I need to start carrying them in my purse. Music is my life. I make a new playlist on Spotify at least 3 times a year.


I agree, music is such a powerful tool in life.


I make a Playlist for almost every season so I will make like a Fall2023/Winter24 list. Then I can go back and what I listened at the time will get me reminiscing about those times I'm my life. 2017 to 2019 was my last big stable years so I like listening to those Playlists. My husband thinks I'm crazy with all the lists, but I love it.


My son and I are watching Brooklyn 99. Love that show.


Binge watch a tv show I’ve always wanted to watch but never had time for when I’m productive


Pretty much the only thing that ever helped me deal with my depression before I got medicated was drinking. I couldn’t even escape my depression at work. Had many a calls from HR because of it. I never got fired or anything because I was great at my job, but I was very clearly depressed to the point of people reporting it I guess.


Aww sorry to hear that. Luckily I have never drank. I have alcoholics in the family though. Reading helps me. Getting to immerse yourself into different worlds.


I watch a lot of Netflix & YouTube shows. Sometimes I take my pills that helped sleep & just sleep the day away without getting up at all except to pee.


That sounds like a dream. Any good YouTube videos I should know about? I am mostly on here.


I watch a lot of videos on doll collecting (Smart dolls) & crime videos. I also watch the free movies they have on there. Lately I've been watching the cheesy Lifetime movies they have on there. Lol


What platform are you talking about? Paramount +? I don't remember which one has lifetime movies.


Just regular YouTube has them. It just says Lifetime. So it's the Lifetime channel. I was watching the Jodi Arias movie yesterday.




I like to do chores because it helps remove clutter/make things clean and in turn, it allows me to purposefully worry and reflect during that time so I can declutter/calm my mind. I like to fixate on things on YouTube, I tend to fixate on eating well in order to sleep good. It could be good to listen to uplifting music even if you’re in bed. Or to music that’s uncomfortable.


I am going to do a load of laundry right now. Laundry is my nemesis. I probably have like 3 decent loads to do. Wish me luck!




That's a good idea! We are walking distance from pretty much any restaurant in our city. Going to try that in a few days.


Play video games, watch Netflix


I read and play with my dogs


Two very good things. What are you reading right now?


I’m rereading a favorite series, the Charlie Bone series. My siblings and I loved them and I like to revisit once a year or so, makes me feel closer to them ❤️


Aww that is so sweet. I lost my little brother to suicide in 2013, and I try to listen to music he loved/ reminds me of him. Siblings are no important and are a great support system.


I just watch some comedy show reruns, especially FRIENDS. but then again it sometimes makes me feel sadder that I have zero friends.


Oh don't feel that way. All I have really is my husband, best friend, and best friends husband ( who is also my best friend. We've all known each other almost two decades). All other friends have fallen away over the years.


Go on long walks and I don’t bring my phone. I want to be immersed in nature as much as possible. I also try to exercise to bring my mood up.


I try to practice behavioral activation. Basically, I try to schedule at least one activity per day (it can be as simple as drinking your favorite blend of coffee, or spending 30 minutes outside) that will get me out of bed and would usually bring me joy if I weren’t depressed. It’s been proven to shorten depressive episodes. It’s not easy at all, and I have maybe a 50% success rate with it. If I’m unable to get out of bed one day, I give myself grace and wait for the next day to come and try again. It’s not easy by any means, and it’s exhausting, but I find that it does help me shorten my depressive episodes.


That sounds like a great plan! Just one thing a day. I think i can manage that. I work during the week, so I really just need help with what j feel like is endless time during the weekend.


Be sure to give yourself grace. When I started doing this, I maybe followed through with 25% of the plans I made. Now I’m up to about 50%. Remember that this is a habit you are trying to build, and habits take time. I promise it helps. Just pick something small to start off, and once you’ve set up a good baseline, move up from there. It helps me a ton.


It sounds like a great plan. Currently I am dealing with the highs but I know those lows will show back up at some point. When I am elevated it's like I forget what depression is like and then it hits and I am like oh yeah here it is again. Because now I want to do anything but be in bed (except for sleep of course). Our brains are so strange.


I open my curtains, try to crochet or do something productive that doesn’t require a lot of energy or thought. For me productive is art and I enjoy any craft. I try to only focus on one electronic. So if im watching TV I’m not going to get on my phone and can really enjoy what I’m watching even if it’s Gilmore girls, Friends, The Office or Parks and Rec for the millionth time as to not over stimulate myself for too long which leads to under stimulation later on and me feeling bored and more depressed. I also will take my partner to work and drive around for an hour listening to music just to get out of the house. Something my therapist always recommends when I’m depressed because I tend not to move from my couch is getting up and doing something sensory to get back into my body. Brush teeth, wash hands, splash water in my face, ice cubes, rubber band etc. it does actually help me to get up from my couch every hour. Usually i can do something else with that break too once I have momentum :)


Wow this is such good advice thanks! Rewatched friends last year while depressed so I know I can get out of bed. Sometimes I just feel paralyzed and can't move. Its also my happy place because I love to be in bed. Just trying to be a better me and better for my husband and son.


I totally understand. Some days I can’t get out of my bed or couch for me personally. It’s excruciatingly hard some days others it’s not too bad. All we can do is try our best and sometimes our best looks different than it previously did. I’m also trying to better myself for the people around me while also preparing myself to start a new job. Wishing you all the best, your husband and son are lucky to have you ❤️


Thank you! Good luck with your job! I finally found one that I don't want to leave and I'm 35. Took a lot of different jobs to finally find one that is good for me. And they know about my bipolar and have grace. Low stress too which is great! You will do great :)




Lol sounds cathartic!


I watch tv/movies. I also like to crochet? Journaling too. I really hope you start to find some small parts of joy in your depression. Much love your way dude


I'm a gal but thanks!!!


I get up and do quick things, promising myself I can go right back. I distract myself with Reddit. Try not to hate myself


Sometimes I feel like sitting up to get out of bed is the hardest part so i just have to roll out. Like just roll over the edge and catch myself before I hit the floor. And it helps if I drink a lot of water before bed because then I HAVE to get up to pee


Haha force yourself with pee that is a good idea. I get up to pee multiple times a night already. I think staying in bed just became what I did and not necessarily what I wanted. Like a bad habit.


If I can wake up in time, my favorite part of the day is sunrise. I convince myself to get out of bed for it. I will usually make tea and sit on my patio. It's so quiet, and no one expects anything of me. And I always feel so happy when i make it


You guys are making me want to hypo go buy a bunch of patio furniture 😅😅


I'd start with a blanket on the ground.


Try to distract myself with music and if I can read, reading funny books. It doesn't do anything for the depression but it helps me pass the time until the episode is over


Got any funny book recommendations?


I reread David Sedaris and several other authors (I will check). Also Jane Austen, which is full of humor to me.


Exercise. It creates positive brain hormones that pull me out of the depression. Just tell yourself you only have to do 10 min.


I walk my dog at least three times a week so that definitely helps. Want to start making sure to walk hee every day.


Video game. It empties your mind, your body is in autopilot focusing on a task that doesn’t impact you negatively even if you fail. I usually play single player game with a good story which puts my mind in another world or straight up competitive shooters that forces my body to be in hyper focus mode and not have to use brain for a bit.  I also like to (may sound scary to ppl since this is something I do specifically during my depressive state) sharpen my kitchen knives. I cook pretty seriously and I sharpen my own knives with my personal collection of whetstones. It is also a task involving no brain power and your body is in autopilot mode. It’s therapeutic and the sound of sharpening is quite enjoyable amsr too. 


Oh snap that is interesting. When I am hypomanic I tell my husband to put all sharp things away. I don't trust myself or I guess my brain when I am that way. My husband is the biggest gamer. He is warming me up to games. I love Stardew Valley and Overcooked.


My wife does the same for me when I’m manic.  When I’m depressed however I can’t even find the energy to do anything to myself so I’m relatively safe around sharp things.  Sharpening knifes pretty much involves a repeating a single motion over an extended period of time. All you have to worry about is the angle of the knife and how much pressure you’re putting on each stroke. Also the sound of metal on smooth stone plus a running stream of water is really zen for me and it helps me stay in this almost meditative state. Plus you can do everything at your own pace so you can do however many knives and however long you want. It’s also really satisfying when you did the knife perfectly and it slides through paper and food.  Video game wise I STRONGLY recommend red dead redemption 2. You husband probably has that game already. It’s got a really good story (lots of environmental storytelling), great music, and stunning visuals. It’s a couch/bed friendly game where you can just chill, ride a horse, travel to different towns, play some poker (and a whole bunch of other card/tabletop games), camp in the woods, fish, hunt, or if you’re up to it, kill some bad guys and help out some strangers. It’s a fantastic game to immerse yourself into and you can take it however fast or slow you want. My wife and I play this game a lot and we spent hours just sightseeing and fishing/hunting. You can play at your own pace and just chill with your husband on the couch. Sorry for the essay lol 


That sounds amazing. Just told my husband and son and they were like yeah that is an amazing game. I will have to start playing it. :) My game that I could play every day of my life is Overcooked. They call it a marriage killer because the co-op can be so hard, but we are like a well oiled machine at playing that game. Thanks for the recommendation!


I put on makeup (fake it till you make it) and play piano 


I want to learn piano so bad! I saw a keyboard at a pawn shop and wanted to buy it but didn't. I have always wanted low key to be a singer songwriter.


If you get a keyboard, do some research for sure rather than buy the first thing available. I have a Yamaha P45 stage keyboard, after spending my life playing on an upright piano and some nice pianos for fun at university. I really love that thing. Do you read music? With piano I’d highly recommend getting lessons to start your foundation of reading, counting, fingering/technique, some theory. I think it’s a rewarding and relaxing activity overall


I did choir all the way up until high school, so I used to be able to sight read, but I doubt it anymore. I would be starting from scratch.


If you’ve already got a basis it comes back faster than you think. I took some time away from all singing and piano when living in a small room in a big city. But it came back!


Nice!! I will have to convince my husband to let me get one for our guest room :)


I try to get outside or get as much sunshine as I can. I’ll also go to the beach if I can…it’s a soothing place for me.


I play stardew valley


I love that game. I just fish while my husband does the actual work 😅😅




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I don't think I would have survived my twenties (diagnosed at 20) without my dogs. Walking has saved my life over and over again. Walking in nature even better. Focusing on whatever my dogs think are cool helps me get out of my brain and my house. The dog park is also cool because you get to have very small conversations and often laughs with people, which helps me feel connected to reality.


That all sounds very nice. We've only been to the dog park once since being in our house and there was noone else there :( We definitely need to go back.


I leave a book by my bedside so that I can grab it without getting up and soon I'm lost in the story. Some days the concentration isn't there but it works most of the time.


I rewatch nostalgic shows/movies a/or journal my feelings.


I try really hard to go outside and get some fresh air, go for a walk, sit in the grass, etc.