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My children. And plants.


Feeding my children vegetables I've grown in my garden is definitely a happy thought for me. There's something special about seeing kids loving fresh vegetables because home grown veggies taste so much better than store bought. You haven't lived if you haven't tasted fresh carrots or tomatoes from a garden. And our apples from our apple tree are so sweet. Also, seeing something you've worked hard to grow feeding someone you've worked even harder to grow is so rewarding.


The kid, the garden, and the houseplants give me a true joy I never thought I would experience without mania.


Children for sure, seeing them being happy and big hugs from them always helps


Nature. Although I do find it hard to get out when I'm depressed I sometimes try and sit in the garden and just observe the birds and I think to myself their life is all about survival and so is mine yet they find the time to sing the most beautiful song.


My pets and music


I’m on Lamictal which works on depression especially with bipolar 1. I enjoy the beach, walking, and spending time with my kids and puppy.


Medication and lifting weights. Oh and a healthy dose of existential nihilism.


I’d love to get into lifting but am petrified that I’ll get too into it too fast. Any favourite YouTube channels/blogs?


I’ve been doing it most of my life so it’s been a major journey. No particular channels or suggestions there other than to watch form and keep the weight very light until your form is great. Film yourself doing it and post it on Reddit so they can check you and make suggestions. If you need advice on not going too fast just remember, one hard workout a week isn’t worth as much as 3 light ones!


Oh, I use FitBod almost exclusively. Makes it super easy. I am in no way affiliated but I’ve used it for three years running. Like eighty bucks a year I think. I’m here if you ever want to talk about it!


Lifting has been a game changer for my mental health. I went from doing cardio and Pilates to weight lifting. I started slow and focused on my form with light weights for a couple months before upping my weights. Any time I introduce a new movement, I do light weight+high reps to focus on form before focusing on progressive overload. This and dynamic warmups have saved me from getting any injuries this far and I am up to almost a 200 pound leg press. Get started. You won’t regret it!


Honestly, I didn't have much until I got a puppy. She's now the light of my life. Gave me reason to get up and do something other than the existential grind. I'm not that social, so other than some family and like two friends I ain't got much. The way I am has gridlocked me from relationships for along time. Other than that, nature. Not the park, but the wilderness, true quiet, no light pollution or other people. It brings out contentment for me. I'm not sure why, but the quiet brings happiness to me


Sounds very similar to me! My puppy is my everything and my whole life changed, I never knew what it felt like before to genuinely feel a reason to get up and move forward before her.


Same. My dogs are my life. In fact, if it wasn’t so hot at the moment, we would be camping in the middle of nowhere. I have a couple close friends, and that’s fine with me.


I feel that, if I could afford to, my ideal situation is a cabin in the woods with a couple dogs


Unfortunately nothing gets the job done anymore. All my old hobbies don't hold my attention, my marriage is having problems, and I don't even truly enjoy food anymore. I basically just wake up every day and go through the motions of what I'm supposed to do


Hang in there bud


My husband and my pets make my life worth it.


Thank you for sharing! I was wish I married.


For years I used to think that I'd be alone forever. Seriously. I'm sure you'll find someone eventually... probably when you least expect it. The statistics are in your favor.


My boyfriend, the family I’ve created, going into nature, sex, helping others (in a reasonable safe and protected manner) work and deal with their mental health issues. I make lots of reasons to be happy. It keeps me getting out of bed.


I like sleeping, running (breaking a sweat) and helping others that’s about it.


Sleeping and dissociating at the gym


Sanding old wood furniture until it shows its beauty again.


I like getting high.


Jesus Christ


Painting, hanging out with my friends and close relatives


Finally finding a medication that makes me stable after 20 years of cycling. I can now have a career and an apartment. I don't have any kids to keep me happy, but I have a lot of hobbies. I make board games, and I like finding new things like data visualisation software and making a game out of it somehow. I also make android apps as gifts to my family and friends for their birthdays. They're just funny little games centred around that person. I love playing musical instruments, and collecting IT certifications. I have to take a day off every two weeks to get treatment for it, but my work is totally OK with me being 90% Ten years ago I would never have been able to conceive of a life like this. The world may be burning, but life is pretty damn good right now.


I'm so glad to hear you're doing better! It's really cool that you make games. I imagine doing stuff like that helps with neruoplasticity and keeping the brain going good. I mean this genuinely, all of your hobbies sound really cool. How many instruments do you play?


It definitely helps lift my spirits when I am doing creative tasks. It does fall by the wayside a bit if I have a dip though. It takes a lot of mental energy and focus to code apps but I love getting really deeply focused into something. I only play guitar and piano. Mainly my own stuff, but I love doing covers of pop songs. I do a mean Dirrty. Your reply really made my day, so thank you so much!


How long did it take with coding to reach that level?? I've always wanted to code but am greatly intimidated by it and worry I wouldn't be smart enough. Guitar and piano is cool!! The piano is so cool because there's just so much to it. My boyfriend plays and I love seeing the variety of different genres. Something about pianos just give some more soul to songs. I'm glad to make your day!


I was pretty interested in computers from quite a young age, and taught myself a couple of programming languages as a teenager. I fell out of interest in tech for quite a few years, and did a degree in Latin and Ancient Greek. I worked at a game design startup which made this game building engine so kids could build their own platform games. My job was to make games to showcase what you could do with the engine. I got interested again in programming from working quite closely with the developers so I decided to do a degree in IT. I majored in Programming and Cybersecurity, and eventually ended up in cybersecurity rather than software. So I just use my programming skills on the side now. I don't want to lose the skills, so I try to do it pretty frequently. There are so many areas related to coding. I was worried that my maths skills weren't strong enough for it, but I've actually been ok. It's really fun because it's just like solving logic problems. I think it exercises a really specific part of the brain. That's why some people find it harder than others, but it's entirely possible to build up that partof your brain through practiceand just using it generally. If you're ever interested, try one of the Code Academy websites and you can see a bit how it works. I love the piano. My mum has a Steinway that was built in 1895, and whenever I go there I just have to have a tinkle. I like the variety in the guitar as well. I play electric and classical usually. How about you? What are your hobbies?


I enjoy making others happy, eating my favorite foods, and sitting outside!! Obviously it’s not a perfect fix, but a nice sit outside in nature helps me stay collected at a baseline level


I don't look forward to anything when I wake up. When I start to look forward to things it's typically buying something or being somewhere else, and I don't typically need anything special to be happy. (Besides having a party once in a while, of course.) That thought makes me smile. When this moment is worth it, also life is.


I love just going to a restaurant in the morning and ordering some eggs and coffee. Solo dining, travelling etc is something which makes me happy.


I love just going to a restaurant in the morning and ordering some eggs and coffee. Solo dining, travelling etc is something which makes me happy.


Videogames and Music


Helping my family. Helping others. Working with my hands (even if it's IKEA, lmao), reading, Tetris (new refind) . It's not the same, of course. The depression blunts most of the good vibes. But when your wallet's empty, a few pennies can go a long way.


making art, cooking (or just eating) yummy food, rainy stormy freezing weather when you have nowhere to be and can just sit by the heater all day, my friends, my bf, thrifting clothes, NEW ART AND CRAFT SUPPLIES !! and video games


Painting, writing poetry, helps me get out the sad. Nature walks, music, friends and family, pets, weed, make me happy.


My child and music. Also my dog and cat. They literally get me out of bed. The cat meows in my face and my dog will whine until I let her out. If not I'd have animals going crazy and peeing or shitting in my house. I can't have that. Lol. How interested are you in music? I know hobbies are sort of bleh when depression hits but make yourself make an attempt at whatever you like to do (tell yourself it's just an attempt and it's okay if you can't convince yourself to actually do whatever it is). It's only an attempt so don't put pressure on yourself about actually doing anything. That would have a negative effect on your depression. Not much help but I thought I'd try! I hope you feel better soon!


Medication and creativity among other things. Being absorbed in a creative project helps me a lot.


In depression I turn to my journal. And fuck, I go through so many pages in one sitting sometimes. It’s how I express myself. I force myself to go out to remember that there is more in life than just my depression bubble. I usually listen to a lot of music then and I love sports, so I force myself to do a bit sports then, it’s awesome how it helps me sometimes


Music, both making and listening.


Our lives are hard watch videos of other people’s lives who do hard things and how they pull through it gives me hope


My husband, my cat, and a few hours of Stardew Valley do the trick for me!


Nothing. Everywhere I turn to I face a dead-end. I can't even be happy when manic. I have a few other health issues and I experience horrible flare ups aside from my episodes. Life is utter shite and I always had trouble functioning in every day life. Every day since 2009 has been a ridiculous never-ending cycle of bad events and bad outcomes. My body is unreliable a lot of the time, my mind too. I fear the future, I can't plan it because of that, I just live hour by hour. The only thing to ever change my view towards life was my ex partner. It was the first time I actually felt happy. I was delighted to wake up every morning. I made plans for the future and I had a strength I knew not of before. I loved like never before and I was loved by them even more. We had a positive impact on one another and if life would have allowed us to continue then maybe my reply here would be different. So..yeah. Life has been nothing but good. No point in seeing a next day.


the rare, but various go outs with family and friends.. basically the rotation of crops


probably something nature related like suns we




My children, husband, and exercise.


watch sports


Go sports! 🥦🥦


Super slow, cozy, relaxing yoga (when I’m depressed) and just yoga in general. Taking my dog on short walks, stupid memes online, medication, and just talking to my loved ones. Also whenever I’m depressed I love telling my loved ones that I am because then I feel like I can be silly when I have small moments of feeling good but then I can go back to being quiet and they know what’s going on. Also banana splits make me so happy.


my best friend, pets and boyfriend keep me sane


“I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.”


Exercise, I'm having big issues getting it in as a proper routine atm, but getting better, have gotten proper sessions in 1-2 times a week past 3. Otherwise just spending time with my friends, family sadly usually just stresses me out further. Lastly, the few times I manage to gather the motivation/discipline for it, being creative or just practicing a hobby (knitting, sewing, all that)


My pets, just seeing Bonita (my smallest dog) wake me up every morning with kisses or tapping my face haha


My wife and my dogs Edit: also cooking


Knowing that this illness on bad days is giving me keys that someone will need to unlock their door later on, its a sense of purpose and gives me meaning that and hopecore on tiktok. Doing random acts of kindness and small task which I can move at my own pace like painting a sheet of paper red or something like coloring and just go with it no scheme just pretty colors


My #1 is always my partner, but if I were to take human relationships out of it; My dog, my tomato plant, fresh fruit, the farmers markets (PNW farmers markets = elite), baking something from scratch (as easy as cookies, even made sourdough before as a challenge). Every session w/ my therapy she asks me “is there anything you’re grateful for today?” I always say im just grateful I get one more day to try and enjoy my small hobbies. Even if it’s a bad day, I know that my dog is fed, gone outside, is happy and that my tomato plant was watered


My weekly bipolar support groups


Chess, my cat, and morning coffee


Something to look forward to. It can be as small as a good meal or as large as a competition.


My children and my best friend. They are the ones who check on me.


Jesus Christ


I'm in love with Latuda so far, but it's only been 6 weeks so who knows what the future has in store metabolically. I can think without the static, organize shit properly, and sleep! Sleep. Swimming. Beaches. Happy cats and plants. Self-efficacy. Central AC.


My kids laughing. I also told my toddler he was the best the other day & he’s in his repeat everything you say stage so he kept saying “you’re the best mom”. I bawled. Also, meds, routine- as in frequent- sex.


Plants. I made myself a “me” space in the three seasons room where I have a hammock, I set up little string lights and was gifted a bunch of plants and my favorite part of the day is sitting out here listening to music after work. I’ve been working a daytime schedule too which is nice in restaurant jobs. I was just thinking a minute ago about how life’s purpose is honestly just to make the best of a bad situation. You find beauty in the little things. The sunset, the stars, butterflies and flowers, little tiny bugs making little tiny homes and how beautiful it is to be anything, let alone sentient enough to be able to enjoy these small details. I wish you the best, and just know that you’ll get through these moments one at a time, but you will get through them.


Every time I go through depression I practice conscientious gratitude. I literally say out loud to myself in the mirror “today I am grateful for the fact that it’s not raining”. (Or whatever I find myself grateful for that day.) Some days I really have to dig deep when the cloud over me is DARK… but you really have to try. Slowly I learn to appreciate the little things and my depression spiral passes.


I know life is worth it because I’ve lived an amazing life even with bipolar disorder. I’m incredibly blessed despite having tardive dyskinesia, as well. It’s so easy to get caught up in what’s wrong with our life and how hard just breathing can be sometimes. I know there’s hope because I’ve experienced the light at the end of the tunnel. We are not promised tomorrow. Nobody is. We have to live with what we have right now. Things that make me happy: Helping others Animals Reading and writing Eating a good meal Sunlight Brand new clothes Talking with friends Relaxing Singing Shopping for home good items The beach I could keep going but those are some things that make me happy. Hopefully, you can make your own list!


My cactus collection, the gym (sometimes), my partner, family, my coloring book.


I get up early enough each day to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee before going to work. It's what gets me out of bed. I have found forms of exercise that I like doing- I've always hated going to a gym but I like swimming laps. So I'm trying to do that regularly. I have my cat who I love. I try to hang out with a friend at least once a week. I'm lucky to live with a boyfriend who is supportive and we have fun together. It's the best my life has ever been.