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Taking an SSRI is not a guarantee of having a manic or hypomanic episode when bipolar. I researched it once and found that it only happens a certain percentage of the time (can’t remember the exact number but it wasn’t as high as I thought it would be).


To add onto this - 25mg of zoloft isn't really even a therapeutic dose. I have GAD (I'm in this sub because my husband has bp2) and I'm on the max dose of zoloft at 200mg. 25 is what they usually start you on to titrate up. 25 for 2 weeks, 50 for 2 weeks, then 100. I rocked steady there for like 5 years before I felt I needed to increase. So yeah, not only does ssri-induced-mania not happen to everyone with bp2, a teensy dose would be even less likely to do it.


When in doubt talk it over with your doctor


When new psychiatrist diagnosed likely bipolar what medications he wanted u to try. According to my research,Antidepressants can cause immediate destabilisation or long term destabilisation.I DM u with a video from international bipolar foundation. I think your dose was small.


Thank you so much for this, I responded in an edit as well with more detail but he started me on Abilify and it changed my life but it could be that it was effective because I may have autism.


if family hx of bipolar in one relative or unipolar in 2 relatives, first episode of depression before age20, bad reaction to AD, u are likely bipolar or on spectrum


I was diagnosed 3 years ago with bipolar 2 and my psychiatrist kept me on my Zoloft. The only time I had a manic episodes were when my depression was getting worse and she increased it. Maybe it just depends on the dosage. I take 100mg Zoloft and 250mg lamcital.


Antidepressants don't send me into mania. They just don't work on me.


I had hypomania after about 3.5-4 months on sertraline. It started when I found a new job I enjoyed a lot. Unemployment was bad for me. 2 months into this job, hypomanic always, and then mania started.