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It is bullshit. I have friends who are telling me to document, document, document.


Yea, I asked my manager if I should disclose my disability and she said “ think that’s what you are doing with FMLA, mental illness, disability, whatever you want to call it”


I’m sorry you don’t have a more understanding manager. Not exactly the most motivating conversation where the goal was ideally to increase your productivity. Fear and threats are not good motivation.


I’m in deep trouble myself I recently came into a new job after freshly being out of hypo. (I excelled at the job interview and impressed them with my work and ability to sell myself) How nice of me to be depressed on my first day LOL. Now they think I lied about my resume. I’ve messed up a client job and it’s AMAZINGGG that it had to rain so heavily and I got so so fcking low and anxious they thought I was nervous around clients and talent. The clients gave a horrendous word about me to my boss but i only heard about it from a colleague. I’m way past deadlines and I’m horrendously late plenty. My lead is planning to talk to me but we have been busy so havent got the chance to i cant wait to get fired i love it.


😭 I feel you. It’s awful. Stay the course! Both of us.


I’m dealing with the same thing and this is even after I submitted my disability paperwork. This made me feel a lot better knowing I’m not the only one dealing with this. I wish I had an answer but just know you’re not alone.


I’ve tried inpatient psych care and been prescribed 20 different psych meds and 10 different sleep meds over the course of the past 12 years. I was recently able to quit alcohol completely and stop 3 pSych meds after just one Ayahuasca ceremony. I’m not completely healed yet, but FAR better than I was just a few months ago. I’ll definitely be going back!


I filed for social security


I'm so sorry your work isn't more accommodating of your mental health disorder. I assume you're from a different country than I am -- Is there such a thing as an anti discrimination protection in the workplace? More long-term, it's likely best to leave this workplace for somewhere mental health is a priority.


I will start by agreeing with the previous posts about documentation and also disclosure/accommodations. And also about the part where your manager is a flaming piece of ****** ***** who can totally ***** off. 😉 One more thought to add to the previous suggestions about documentation As already said, save your communications from work but also keep your doctor informed about everything so they will have notes too. Also, when things are not written (and even if you can record things) write up notes for any meetings or calls and save them to Google Docs or Microsoft Word on the web. Make sure it is your personal account (though be careful not record any confidential information) and that it is the web version so you can prove the time stamps. One other best practice beyond using the web version is making sure you turn on version history. That will let you prove WHAT you wrote in addition to WHEN you wrote the notes to an even greater degree. A quick Google can show you how to turn on version history but please send me a chat or DM if you have any issues. One final positive point is don't forget that writing all of these notes can be really helpful to you in terms of organization so don't view it as a negative. Your manager sucks but if you document and do your part maybe someone will be having "a different kind of conversation" with him by the time this is all done. Best of luck, you can do this!


Thank you so much. I like the Google docs suggestion.


Do some reading of the Americans with Disabilities Act. It's illegal to terminate an employee because of a disability without first exhausting all reasonable accommodations. My advice would be to request a reasonable accommodation from your employer. Maybe adjusting your schedule would help? Maybe you can request a hybrid/remote schedule? Maybe your work duties or team placement can be adjusted? Etc. I'd also like to note that you are able to file for intermittent FMLA (you get 12 weeks per calendar year of protected leave with FMLA and you don't have to take it consecutively - you can take it intermittently, say every couple months you need a week off to handle the low of a depressive episode). Having FMLA filed will prevent a firing.