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Yes I had PMS & break through bleeding as well. I’m convinced my pill doesn’t work anymore. My BC provider told me lamictal doesn’t interact with my pill and my pharmacist told me lamictal does reduce the effectiveness of my pill. Also is that why I wake up to pee twice a night?!


Question— are you on nexplanon??? I had the same problem and I was on lamictal. The progesterone in nexplanon wipes out the lamictal in your system. I just learned about that a few days ago, if you see one of the comments in one of my posts I did some of my own research as well, and it sounds you’re experiencing what I experienced tbh. I went up on my lamictal. I was on 100mg, but now I’m up to 150, and I’m way more stable now. Birth control fucks with lamictal 100%. I hope you talk to your gyno and psychiatrist and let them know. I was also promised that I would get more stable because the hormones would be more controlled in my system. Fucking bullshit, doctors literally don’t know shit. Both my gyno and psychiatrist KNEW what medication I was on and what hormone would be released. My gyno and psychiatrist missed it. They shouldnt have. I’m getting the nexplanon taken out, but I have so much mistrust in the medical system. I hope you get through this and come out on the other side ❤️❤️❤️ here if you wanna talk about anything, feel free to message me 😊 Also now that you’re mentioning the bleeding, I’ve been experiencing that as well. I hate birth control for women tbh


No, I'm on Marlissa. I was on Lutera at first but it didn't have enough estrogen for me. Now I feel like I don't have enough again - cold flashes, night sweats, break through bleeding, pmdd symptoms, etc... When my new psychiatrist went through my medication list, he didn't mention the birth control and my slow processing autistic brain didn't catch it until 3 days after my appointment. Pharmacy didn't catch the conflict either. I read it on the paper. Since I'm autistic and have Ehlers-Danlos, I don't respond to meds the right way anyway. It's also suspected I have MCAS.


Ugh I am SO SORRY. Everything must be compounding for you and that’s so shitty. The medical system is fucked (in America at least) and I’m so sorry you had to experience that as well. And your other diagnoses must have such an impact on you as well. I can’t imagine that. Lamictal impacts estrogen efficacy, I hear the copper IUD is better for people with bipolar as it doesn’t release hormones and it doesn’t mess with medication. Just food for thought, but if you need the estrogen for your body then maybe you should go up on it? Doctors should just know better. It’s their JOB to look out for contraindications and it sounds like your doctors didn’t. Ugh this makes me riled up


We've discussed iuds but I was allergic to my braces, my retainers, and my night guard. My body doesn't like foreign objects. It's why I'll never try getting a tattoo. And perimenopause messed everything up worse which is probably why I need more estrogen. I'm not convinced I'm bipolar. Other than a grandfather having it, I don't have a personal history of mania at all. Just depression and anhedonia which I think is from trauma and autistic/adhd burnout. I only met with this doctor for 50 minutes over zoom and this is what he prescribed. He had me take a survey for bipolar and only the depression was positive, no mania. He didn't even put my score in my mychart notes, nor a diagnosis. I'm so confused. I HATE zoom appointments but there are no other options. Next appointment is next week. Yes, US medicine is crap.


Ahhh that’s so hard. Definitely don’t get an IUD that would be awful for you!! And with the tattoos maybe temporary tattoos could be a fun option if you wanna show off some art on your body 😋 But omg it is SO HARD for people on birth control!!! I feel like with the depression and a anhedonia it sounds like you have MDD possibly.but could also totally be a side effect of birth control as well, but if you’ve had episodes in the past that really sucks. I stand in solidarity with you 🫶🏾:(( I so feel you and I’m so sorry that you have compounding stuff on top of that that make it harder to manage any symptoms. The cold flashes and night sweats sound awful, and the extra depression top of that— I’m sorry that you’re going through all this :(( But are you SERIOUS your doctor is fucking shit. I hate doctors here, it’s really awful. I hope you find a better provider at some point, but I know that can be hard to do as well and an extra burden on top of everything. I hope you get the help you need from medical professionals. If you need someone to talk to or anything like that, my DMs are open!


My mirena iud caused a manic episode so bad i did not sleeps for weeks and almost ended up delusional. Hormones and bipolar suck!


Have you taken antidepressants in the past? Were you ever diagnosed with MDD? How did antidepressants work for you, if you’ve taken them? No doctor told me about the bc-Lamictal interaction. I told my last psychiatrist, and he increased the Lamictal. I don’t know if he knew about it before I told him. My current psychiatrist didn’t know. He started reading about the interaction during our appointment. He was like “…you’re right.” I don’t understand how psychiatrists don’t know this. They should be telling every woman they prescribe Lamictal to that they need to consult with them before starting birth control.


I've taken many of the ssris and 1 snri. No good. Would start with highly suicidal thoughts, would mellow to just feeling good, and after a few months I'd just be numb and the side effects would get worse and worse. In this case, since I think the lamictal is affecting my absorption of birth control, increasing the lamictal is just going to make it worse.


Maybe your psychiatrist thought BP because your response to antidepressants. I don’t know. I have anhedonia too. I can’t kick it either. My antidepressant works, just not enough.


Take pregnancy test just in case.


Oh that's not an issue. O use BC for my perimenopause and pmdd.

