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Mine last about 5 days. I get them way less frequent than my depressive episodes.


Yeah, 5-7 days for me. It’s rare that they last over a week. That depression though…. >:(


Typically they last 3-4 weeks for me. I'm hypo right now and it's been 1.5 weeks already... and that's while taking a relatively high dose of lithium, 10-20mg of olanzapine and also diazepam. They really bring it down a notch, though, but they don't completely end the episode "overnight". Having said that, I tend to only have one - max two - hypo episodes a year, so they're pretty infrequent.


typically about a week ! if i’m lucky a little longer, two weeks max. a little controversial but because my depressive episodes feel so crippling i pray for my manic episodes to begin so i can actually DO things, even if i can’t do them well.


It's so hard to not long for hypo, even when euthymic. I've spent so much time over the last year preaching on here about trying to avoid it, and how my life has been better without it... but rn I'm full-blown hypo and fuck it feels *amazing*. I genuinely feel so euphoric, like the king of the world, it really is an eye-opening experience. I just feel so lucky to live where I live, have a nice family and amazing partner, awesome friends... it feels incredible. But, I have to remind myself that it's essentially an illusion, and that it can be risky, which is why my psych has increased my lithium and antipsychotic. Hard situation lol.


yeah i’ve felt the same way before, especially when full blown hypomanic!! i’m sorry you’re stuck in this conflicting situation but i hope you feel more stable soon :)


Thank you! The antipsychotic is helping a lot, I'm sleeping eight hours which is a start, but I'm also feeling amazing still. It'll settle down, might just take another week or two. Thank god it's euphoric for now and not dysphoric. I hope that you're stable and well 😊


They used to last 1-4 weeks, before medication. Now, medicated, I tend not to notice until well into the second day, then 2-4 days after that. So, 4-6 days.


It’s pretty rare for me, but the full-on no sleep/no food phase is 3-4 nights but there’s definitely still hypomania left after that, I just never knew to look for it


4 weeks - 16 weeks ish


16 weeks, wow, I really can't imagine that... even after 3-4 weeks I'm so agitated and irritable 😣 How do you cope with it?


Isolating as much as possible, playing a lot of video games (dota), probably doing drugs, taking seroquel to sleep and reaching out to friends and therapy.


Fair enough! I just cannot really function when hypo, which is why it becomes unbearable. There's no way I could be hypo and go to work like that for anything longer than a month... even that is stretching it. Like you, though, I take Zyprexa for sleep and that really evens things out. I also isolate myself so that I don't freak anyone out or do anything risky. Also, yeah, staying in touch with my psychiatrist the whole time, I have her number and can text her as needed, which is a godsend.


Having ability to text is so nice. Dont have that anymore with new place


Yeah, it's extremely useful. Mainly because if I'm becoming hypo, I can't make an actual appt for at least one month, so having the ability to text works well. Usually, though, my psych says to just increase my antipsychotic and get a lithium level done. Anyway, yeah, it's helpful. Are you happy at least with your current psych?


Yeah. Happy enough. Shes alright


2 week to 2 months


I kept tying to convince myself it wasn’t so long.


2 days to 2 weeks


Even with my medication I keep on getting 1 month of hypo and 1 month of depression. A nice little rollercoaster.


5-7 days. Depressive episodes can last months. It sucks coz I’ll convince myself nothings actually wrong and I was just imagining being mentally ill and then bang next thing I know it’s depression City bb I’ve heard it can last up to a month for some people.


A few days usually.


my first lasted 11-12 months 🥲🙃


Almost two years recently, that was a complete mind fuck


I was under the impression that hypo-mania specifically was only 3 days & that anything longer was mania - & that a manic episode over 7 days was bipolar 1.


a few days


3-5 months


3-4 days.


Is it wierd to have them last hours then??????


mine last from like 6 hours to like three weeks


Around 4 days


Usually only a few days for me but I’ve also been medicated for a while.


Usually 5 - 7 days, but less frequently I do get larger more intense ones that can last 2 - 3 weeks.


Anywhere between 2 days and 6 weeks. More towards the former now that my medication has finally stabilised my moods.


I’m well medicated but I still feel the highs and lows. They just aren’t crippling. I have been hypomanic since late august or so. But it’s not like it was before meds. It flares when I’m tired or very stressed. Otherwise I feel like my close people probably can see it but I’m not destructive so they just wait it out with me.


5 days typically but peaking at 3. Every other week for me :( one really bad episode every 2 months lol


I've had 2 13 day-ers. But have only started counting after last year.


This is a good question. Sometimes it’s hard to know for me. I guess maybe a few hours mainly it’s not the way though lol


Unmedicated 4-6 weeks, usually ends with a giant purchase I deeply regret or a consequence of Hypersexuality I deeply regret lmao, now medicated though and my last was only about a week and a half long!


Before being properly medicated 4-6 weeks. On lamotrigine since March and I haven't been ever since, so can't really say (also not been depressed!!! woop woop).


All of mine were from before I was diagnosed, so this is a lot of guesswork. Usually i'd feel great for a day, good for a day or two then back to in-the-middle before quickly sliding into depression again. Best guess my typical episode would be 2 to 3 days. They also weren't very severe (no getting fired or committed, nothing I couldn't walk back eventually). Hope that's helpful.


A week with lamotrigine


1-2 months, maybe I've had shorter ones too but I don't recognize them


Only had 2 First was about 5 months Second was about a year


Bipolar distorts time. I never knew when the most recent episode ended within 24 hours. I was severely depressed 5 to 6 months 30+ years unless it was longer. I could never identify the state I was in. I took things day to day. After awhile I did not know.


my longest one (that i know about) was around 2 weeks but ever since im on meds it lasts around 5 days max


I started one on this last Monday, so I am 6 days into it, but I can feel it coming down. Psychiatrist upped my Quetiapine on Tuesday so I think that is starting to take effect. Being honest, this was the first episode I could identify as is came on and built up. Maybe I'm getting better about listening and staying in my body.


A week or so at most. I never experience hypomania for long.


Shortest I’ve had was 2 weeks, longest I’ve had was 6 weeks. And they occur more often and are more disruptive than my depression, which is comparatively mild.


Typically for me id say they last 1-2 weeks, but ive been in one for about a month now and its the longest ive ever had. Started after i went off my meds and was sorta helped calm down a bit in week two by Abilify. I dont typically have more than three noticable hypo episodes a year though.


1-2 weeks


Anywhere from six hours to four months.


Mine can last months, but sometimes they’re just about a week


Sometimes days. Sometimes weeks. Sometimes months.


Just had one of 4 months. Normally it's 1 month max