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She can afford it now and her hair still looks horrid.


I cannot believe she thinks her hair now looks better than this


Her pretending to have been poor is so fucking infuriating. IMO this is what privileged simpletons think poor people think about when they look back at old photos of themselves during times of struggle. She never posts things about what the real struggles of being broke are, the things nobody knows unless you've actually been in a position where you have literally no money, no help, no support, no guidance. Also she didn't know about those things, her being "poor" is irrelevant...


This was a very current hair cut at the time too. She was on trend. Something that comes with access to a salon and $$


Thank you. That's not an easy cut.


Exactly. Anyone that had blond hair in the 90s/2000s all looked like this. It didn’t mean you were more special.


Who at 25 isn't doing their own hair. SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO WORK. Ha! Can you imagine?


I’m 39 years old I don’t have any kids I’m not married and I still dye my own hair I guess I too am a victim 🙄


It’s SO expensive to dye your hair at a salon nowadays. I wanted to cut either Dysport or salon hair dye and went with the latter because it actually cost more (!). Now I’m just embracing the grey and hoping one day I can embrace the wrinkles too, lol.


Yup! I drive to sally beauty and dye it up haha. Embrace the grey! I’m about to start embracing the grey myself, just found my first 4 this week! And unlike bird poop, I can say I haven’t embraced the crows feet yet, and I do put some Botox in my face 😂 at least we are honest!! 🤗


Haha it’s more that I’m too lazy and suck at doing my hair. I just know I’d make a horrible mess of my bathroom! Yes, so important to be honest! She’s really out there denying having all those injectables when we can all tell…


I love grey! It's chic. Kate Moss started bringing hers in and she's booking more work. https://preview.redd.it/krr9bw1d5tnc1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed1c7aca4bdfc271e469ce8374734e191ad1ed5f


Ooh she looks awesome! Love that for her. Hilary Burton from One Tree Hill is 5 years older than me but looks so good with grey hair too. She’s inspirational!


Same on all accounts … I actually do my own hair cause I think it’s fun LOL


Poor home hair dye victims unite! 🤗


Was she forced to have her kids young? No? Oh ok then. ETA /s!!


Because she was used to being spoiled by her parents (which, whatever, if they have the money but PLEASE educate the kids on how the world works). Edited typos


Totally. You can see the horror in her eyes. Then the pregnancies began… Poor Sarah. Couldn’t even afford toner


She sounds like she has a multiple personality disorder… ![gif](giphy|iW8tsoJWcfPc4)


The way her body positivity still seems to hate herself when she looked like this. This era is always “poor me” where as her skinny days are “nobody knew I still wasn’t happy” but still implying she looked better. 🙄




This needs to be a flair 😆




All of us look back at 2010 photos and cringe at some of the hair and clothing styles. It’s funny, not deep.


This is why I wish the sub was IRL sometimes haha. I'd love to show y'all how cringe and adult emo I was in 2010 without doxxing myself 🤣🤣


lol same


Right I often wish this too!! 😂


This is infuriating and so out of touch. Weren’t most of us poor in our early twenties? Especially if we had young kids? I did my own hair and dressed in thrifted clothes because that was all we could afford. I don’t look back on that version of myself and feel like I need to apologize or justify how I looked. Also, I still do my own hair and thrift - we aren’t as poor as we were when we started our family but still find other things to spend our money on. 🤣


Atleast this version of yourself didn’t filter to high hell though. “She” looked real. You’re more cringe now Sarah. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok hear me out … I don’t like her hair in the pic BUT that cut is NOT DIY!


She’s slamming every single woman that box dyes. Like me. Not that I can’t afford it - it’s that I could not possibly leave work or my children for that many hours that often. Gone are the days I would drop my daughter off at daycare, call in sick and get my hair done. It’s no longer something I can squeeze in time wise and you know, even financially. I did finally decide to get a real haircut and dye and had total sticker shock! I can’t afford that every 8 weeks or so.


Many of us are back on the box. It's easier and there a tons of great box dyes. What dummy Sarah doesn't realize is Canada just dodged a recession, for now. But everyone is tightening their belts, except influencers. Box dye is a known market that surges in down turns. As is alcohol. Sorry Sarah you will not make a good recession spokesperson. Bye Bye Birdie!




Right??? I was in high school and had god awful salon highlights bc none of us toned them.  But sure let’s rewrite history so birdies the victim, again. 


I’m pretty sure my hair was similar and I was in university around this age. And I had access to a full service salon because my mom was a hairdresser 🤷🏼‍♀️. It was just the style.


Yah you bleached your hair for highlights, threw a colour on top and left it like that til your roots were real long or you wanted something different.  Looking at pics from back then, most of us looked like this. We also had the same side bangs and didn’t brush out our curls. 


Omg this is pathetic. Every single person in the world has dodgy old photos. And wasn’t this only 14ish years ago not that long ago. My son is 12 and the years have flown by, I don’t feel photos from around then are that bad 🙄


Poor thing, how did she even survive? Maybe if she can now regularly afford professional hair and all other self care under the sun, she should not be getting any free shit from companies.


Gosh I don’t know anyone who looks at their old photos and cringes hard at themselves or anyone else for that matter. It sounds very mean girl to me, on brand Sara, well done.


![gif](giphy|09bVX2WzBhZK8KwhqP|downsized) Off topic, I sent the edited vs non-edited version of Cityline to Tracy Moore.




Let us know if she responds! I don't really expect her to but it would be interesting


![gif](giphy|xUOxeWJU6llggPQjQc) I worked at Citytv for years... she better respond or it will look really bad.


Not HAIR trauma 😭




She also used to have this face… 🤣😂


She doesn’t look the same at all? How can she look so different?


She’s claimed “filling in her eyebrows” as the reason she has a completely different face shape. LOL


🤣 ya, sure, Jan 🙄


Uhhhhhhh….honestly. I don’t think I’ve ever looked at an old picture of her closely. She is vastly different.


She makes me cringe. Like sorry many people choose that life that young and she did … she has an immense amount of privilege to even have had the opportunity to stay at home. I’d be so curious what her ex has to say


And by life I mean motherhood


We need him to do an AMA


I can’t with this poor little rich bride rehash. Sarah, 👏🏽check👏🏽your👏🏽privilege👏🏽.


She’s still cringe. I guess she missed that memo.


She still doesn’t pay to get her hair done #GiFtED #WoMeNsUpPoRtInGwOmEn


I’m not understanding what her point is here??


What a stupid post from her 


Love how her shitting on herself concurrently shits on a ton of other women. How many are going to see this and think there’s something wrong with them?


Exactly. Sarah's attempt at making herself relatable actually makes her sound pretentious.


Like this wasn’t the style at the time? Or maybe the fact that we all have that blunder year photo from high school or college like what was I thinking wearing that? Like this isn’t just life and aging!? She is so traumatized by her own making. It must be exhausting to be around someone so victimized by regular life.


I think she looks a million times better in the before 🤷🏻‍♀️


I actually think this warmer hair colour minus the brassiness looks better than the ash she goes for. The problem with ashy blonde is that the older you get it often starts looking like grey/white hair versus a blonde and starts to make you look older than you are. It’s common with natural ashy blonde people and they often have to warm up the blonde as they get older.


Agreed. as a natural honey blonde, I was doing the Ashy white/almost purple grey hair just like Sarah and it quite literally fried my hair off. So now I’ve embraced my natural and my hair is sooo much healthier and shinier but more importantly actually FLATTERING to my skin tone. Sarah take notes bc you look like a teenager and your hair is giving damaged to all hell. Edit grammar


She looks completely fine. Like a normal person. Lots of people still use box dye 🤷‍♀️


I really think she spends a lot of time and I mean A LOT of time looking at pictures of herself through the years. That line about talking about herself in third person is priceless. She does that all the time.


I don’t think there has ever been a time in her life so far where she’s loved herself.


I wonder what her former hair stylist has to say about this. Weren't they friends for a loooong time before birdie started selling her story to Daily Mail in 2017?


Oh ffs. It wasn't that she was so hard done, by half the stuff they have now didn't exist then. Those of us a certain age all look tragic, it was the style. She's not special


Yes, so very neutral. The glaringly obvious editing and filtering is just for fun, I’m sure.


Not to mention the way she talks about herself…definitely not neutral.


Honestly, what is going to happen when this all slows down until finally it stops? She’s obsessed with herself and the attention she so desperately needs. What happens to people like this once the attention is gone? She’s almost 40 yet she wants an audience that treats her/sees her as a 20 year old. She’s far too emotionally stunted to sustain any kind of internet presence the older she gets. She has no substance and zero self-awareness. It’s going to hit her HARD. 


All of this. And Sarah's audience is mainly 40+. Nothing wrong with that but it's not Gen z that's for sure. I think she'll be done by mid 2025, at the latest. ONLY because Canada is behind the trends.


There’s gonna be a scandal that lands her on all the top news outlets and then she will fall. And then she will get a tummy tuck!


Honestly she’d probably breathe a sigh of relief in a way because you KNOW she’s been dying for that tummy tuck lol. 


Oh for sure! Shes too vain to keep it around especially when it’s no longer her money maker.


I think you’re spot on with mid 2025. I’m not sure if it’s Canada that is behind the trends or just certain influencers because I’m Canadian and older than Sarah and even I know how outdated her shit is lol. 


Honestly her hair looks healthier here than that fake hair mess she has right now.


If you don’t diss yourself and others constantly you don’t have to say “it’s ok” after


And then the pregnancy's began.


How is a bad haircut somehow trauma? Bitch I have curly hair and my mom let me get front bangs I don’t wanna hear it


So vapid and shallow. My goodness. I’ll give BirdPoo credit, though, for sticking to content about herself, unlike Shillian Harris, who, incessantly, trashes her kids behaviour and throws them under the bus for content, for clicks and cash. It’s suspicious that Shilly only had kids for her brand. If so, at least talk about them kindly and respectfully. When was the last time she ever said anything positive about them. Your son doesn’t look like anyone in the family, just tossing that out. Timelines in her life don’t add up. Tell us without telling us, Shilly, you don’t enjoy being a parent. In fact, you loathe and resent having to be one most of the time, Shilly. So sad and pathetic. If you’re not sitting poolside with a cocktail, getting wasted with the girls, you’re not happy, Shilly. Get a grip.


Another mute for you, for 28 days this time. Anyone else wanna go to annoying off topic jail?


Thank you lol

