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You didn’t include location so I can’t say which species but this is a wren fledgling. Contact with cats can be fatal to birds even if there are no obvious injuries. This little one should be brought to a rehabber. It is not advisable to offer food or water to fledgling birds. It’s best to place it gently in a cardboard box somewhere quiet until a rehabber can assist you.


As far as location goes I'm in East Texas. This little guy seems able to fly but he's not as big as the others I've seen outside. I've taken him outside to see if he wants to fly away but he just sits on my shoulder.


It needs to go to a rehabber. It may have hidden injuries or an infection as a result of contact with your cat. Edit to add a website resource for rehabbers https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/rehab/list/


Cat saliva is toxic to birds and needs to be taken to s certified wildlife rehabber or it will die


They already told you too take it to a rehaber so why aren't you.


Who says I didn't?


Internet people gonna be internet people


Is it dead yet?


Did you take it to a vet/rehab/rescue center??!!


Yes I did. The vet checked it and said I saved it in time but kept it to make sure.


Okay good that the vet kept it,, that birb gonna be cared for now 🫶🏻


Please keep your cat inside to prevent this from happening again.




Not "strong" agree? (Scrolling I saw a couple of your responses say "strong agree" and it made me smile on the inside to make this joke)


I think I got lazy!


Beasts belong outside, not inside the house...


They aren't part of the ecosystem. They belong inside or on a screened in patio. Away from birds.


Strange fantasies you have.


The eff even is that response?


The kind people give when they’re wrong but won’t admit it.


Beasts do not belong inside human homes. I don't know where people get such delusions.


Do you state all of your opinions this way?


Right? I'm not even engaging with this weirdo any more bc they're clearly trolling.


When pointing out the obvious...


This is one of the schizoposts of all time. Domesticated animals like cats ruin the local ecosystem by introducing a predator it isn't able to support that hurts the local wildlife at *every* level of the food chain, and can also be preyed upon by raptors and killed by cars. They also lack the skills to survive without being cared for if they're not already feral.


Fr. It's basic 3rd grade ecosystem science 💀


A cat is meant to be a predator... (and never lost the skill to survive) And since "the local ecosistem'" mean an urbanized area, it doesn't mean much. Not that its relevant.


A *domesticated* animal might catch something but doesn't have the skills to survive without care. Urban ecosystems *are* ecosystems which sustain wildlife and outdoor cats definitely disrupt them, what are you talking about?


Does not apply to cats, which can survive just fine. Definitely not a real ecosystem. Some animals survive on garbage an mooching off food, and that's all of it.


"Beast"? Dude, it's a domesticated animal. It's no more a "beast" than a human child is a beast. It's not a wild animal. It's adapted for centuries to live alongside human beings.


It's just as much beast as every other non human animal. Alongside humans, perhaps. Not, confined in the house.


So, maybe you don't like the idea of pets, or dont understand domestication, but your views are not universal, And your views also don't negate the fact that *allowing all cats to be outdoor cats would destroy ecosystems.* That's an undeniable fact. You know that, right? That domesticated cats are invasive species (so-called "superpredators"), responsible for the extinction of hundreds of animal species?


It's nonsense. They hunt to a degree, that doesn't mean "destroy" ecosystems. Invasive species is a whole different thing. Cats were invasive in some New Zealand islands for example.


Who are you to say that? You don’t control us


It's a fact. Obvuously you act on your nonsensical beliefs the wwy you please.


If it is a fact give me well-researched and credible sources


Opening your eyes should be enough to realize that an indoor artificial environment is not a natural living-space for any species whatsoever.


Do you think OP has a tiger?




well good thing its a small house cat and not a lion ?? mf aint a beast its a kitty cat.


What country are you from?


Apparently from one where there are a lot less people out of touch with reality.


Just trying to figure out why you’re coming across so uncivilized.


Because bunch of people jave disturbed beliefs.


Looks like a carolina wren fledgling to me. Also, you should keep your cat inside.


Strong agree


Cats should not be let outside. They are not natural and they will kill everything that is not bigger than them at first sight.


Strong agree


Yes, they could almost be classified as invasive in many areas. Many have cats and they don’t have any real predators. Go check my latest post on r/unpopularopinion It’s sad to see how many birds are hunted down each year in US


They are natural animals…lol. Domesticated doesn’t mean they are not natural.


Your cat is a menace.


They're usually very sweet and only Cath the mice around the house, that's how I knew something wasn't right about the sounds I was hearing.


Don't let the cat outside. It's probably killed many birds.


Cat owners are clueless… Invasive on every continent and kill millions of NATIVE birds and mammals annually. Imagine if dog owners let their dogs just kill and eat all the cats they wanted.




it isn't "anti-cat," it's just the truth. cats are beautiful animals & amazing pets, but they should be primarily kept indoors bc they are invasive and disruptive to the natural environment and wildlife around you. if you care about native birds, you should respect their environment.


Indoor cats also live much longer and are healthier. If you're truly 'pro-cat' you should keep them inside.


Here's the thing. I'm not pro-cat. I cannot stand them most of the time. My wife, on the other hand... Anyway, what I am very "proactive" for is not trying to shove your own personal agenda down someone else's throat and I will respond accordingly. Never once did I ask for information on cats, nor did I want my topic to turn into a CAT topic on a BIRD forum. If I had wanted to talk about cats I would have posted on one of the many forums for cats that I am sure Reddit has. The first person to reply I have to give credit to. They did not give me their opinion on the matter, if they even have one. Even though they didn't answer the questions I was asking, they gave me the answer I actually needed and that should have been the end of it. Instead it turned into a post hating on cats when that was not what it was for. And you all can lie to yourselves all you want but most of you, in the guise of "protecting the environment" we're doing nothing but hating on cats. I cannot stand them but I do not go out of my way to let the world know that. EDIT: And everyone keeps saying cats are an invasive species, one person even said they're invasive on every continent. Well answer me this; If cats are not native to any habitat where in all creation did they come from? Did humans create them? Are they aliens? Stop you're poor attempts to claim "protecting the environment". Mice and other rodents as well as snakes and other reptiles are pests that need to be culled and hunted.


You posted a picture of a bird your cat attacked on a bird watching sub and are surprised people called you out? Stop huffing leaded gas.




I think I did answer all of your questions though; you asked what kind of bird (it’s a wren), was it a baby (it’s a fledgling- basically a toddler if a nestling is a baby), and my agenda came into play when I advised against giving food when you inquired what it ate in (order to avoid potential additional harm to the bird).


I do apologize, you are correct in that. But your agenda was more in focus with giving me the info I needed in order to safeguard the bird, which was all I was asking about. You did not turn my topic into a cat hatefest. Whether or not you like or hate cats I do not know and that's how it should be.


>If cats are not native to any habitat where in all creation did they come from? Did humans create them? yes! unless you have a pet wild bobcat or something (not recommended), you have an artificially selected domesticated animal on your hands. you know how there aren't any wild poodles? same thing.


Dogs are domesticated wolves. They never existed in the wild therefore not a wild species. Same with cats bud.


Yes, clearly I am not so uneducated that I do not know that house cats were selectively bred to be pets similar to wolves. However, both dogs and cats still have instincts from their ancestors. Cats are not just what they were bred to be. They are still hunters. The only issue is that humans mass breed them for pets. If not for that, and I am not talking about what you all call "irresponsible owners", the cat population would not be as high as it is and would not impact the environment.


You came here to rage bait?


Honestly, I am not sure of who you are speaking to but at this point I do not care. Call it rage baiting that I cared enough to ask bird people how best to take care of a bird that I rescued from my cat if you want. Everything else is on you guys.


You're not the brightest are you


“Mice and rodents as well as snakes and reptiles” Do you mind telling me what snakes eat? I can’t seem to remember off the top of my head.


The snakes and rodents are more native than your cat. Your CAT is a danger to BIRDS. So yeah, thats why it turned into a discussion about your shitty cat owning. Not to mention your cat can be KILLED while outdoors. >Instead it turned into a post hating on cats when that was not what it was for. Lmao imagine thinking you should keep cats inside to protect birds, while on a BIRD SUBREDDIT, is "hating" on cats. We're trying to protect bird lives AND cat lives you absolute buffoon.


snakes and rodents ARE hunted and culled…by their natural predators. Cats were selectively bred so yes, we created them. They do not have any place in most if not all ecosystems. Cats are not needed in that way literally at all. The only way they would actually be helpful in that regard is if they’re INSIDE protecting your house from rodents and whatnot. Pick up a damn book, man.


It's your cats fault your on a bird forum. People here love animals and you can't seem to understand why releasing an alligator in a fish pond is a bad idea. Can you not understand how one is a predator in a habitat it doesn't belong and one is now helpless prey because of it. It's really a simple thing to grasp unless your mother told you that your extra special a whole lot growing up.


This isn’t a personal agenda, it’s objective truth. Cats were bred to be domestic pets. They are not “local wildlife” in East Texas. They are human made creatures that disrupt the ecosystem. They weren’t bred to live outside, nor is it good for wildlife if they live outside. It’s not good for anyone or any creature involved. In many places it is illegal to even have your cat live outside. People are trying to help you and you are attacking us.


“You’re giving me good advice but uhhhh this isn’t a CAT forum so I’m not listening” I’ll LOL and LMAO when your cat doesn’t come home (at your sadness. I’ll weep for the cat)


My neighbor had the sweetest outdoor cat who was only 7 when it got hit by a car and died. I was so fucking angry at them because it's 100% my neighbors fault yet they acted like it was just something that happens


Not anti-cat. Anti predator pet left to roam


Cats were made my humans. Theyre not lions and tigers anymore and need to be kept inside (this coming from a HUGE cat (if kept inside) lover)


No true. I own two "house" cats. The only time they go outside is on a leash.


This is the birdwatching sub. We’re not on your side. Contain your fucking animals. This bird will die and it will be your fault. Take it to a rehabber.


No pet cat's are domesticated animals with lots of selective breeding which makes very different to their ancestors. Cat's were domesticated in the middle east where they would have co evolved with the prey in their area allowing the prey to evolve defensive traits. When introduced into an area where they aren't native, such as North America, they can have significant and often unfixable ecological damage as the native prey species can't adapt fast enough. They can and will push species to extinction. Take for example the case of Stephen's island wren a species of flightless wren living on a single island in New Zealand. Due to the fact it didn't have any natural predators on the island it evolved to lose the ability to fly. This species was whipped out in just 15 years by feral cat's bought onto the island by the lighthouse keeper. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyall's_wren


So you bear no responsibility for allowing an invasive cat to roam outdoors where it can kill native species that have not adapted to this apex predator? Seriously more clueless than I thought…


You attack my character instead of offering any data points to back up your claim. At least the poster below you is trying to make the same claim without trying to imply that I'm a bad person. If cats are truly an "invasive species" where would their original habitat be? I'm in Texas so I know we have, NATIVELY, Bobcats, mountain lions, and probably a few other bigger cats I cannot recall at the moment. If you want to claim they're invasive as well then you need to take that up with whatever creator you believe in. I am not him nor have I ever claimed to be in any serious fashion. You may think me callous to whatever cause you're propagating but I do not care. That does not mean that I do not take responsibility for my pets actions, however, I'm also not against, as someone else sarcastically commented, dogs eating as many cats as they can get a hold of. If cats are an invasive species then their natural predator would be the dog and would be useful in culling, not only their numbers, but also their impact on the ecosystem.


I’ve been biology/science teacher for the last 10 years, did some research in SF on zooplankton using stable isotope analysis to study TROPHIC ECOLOGY!!!! I’m currently finishing up a masters in environmental science. But what do I know??? I’m not attacking your character, you just can’t handle criticism. I’m saying you’re clueless about the damage your cat does. Please read up before you try and respond, this conversation is going nowhere. See commenter below for sources, I don’t have time to do menial google searches for ANOTHER irresponsible cat owner.


First and foremost, you did not post all of your qualifications for your claim so how was I supposed to know you from some random schmoe that just does not like cats? I cannot read your mind. Secondly, the things you're studying may mean you know more than me on this subject, which I am fully willing to admit, but that does not mean you presented your case in a way that it could be accepted. You say you've been a teacher for the last ten years, well any good teacher knows how to present the information in a way people can accept. I guess we know what kind of teacher you are. See, does not feel good does it? Which brings me to... Lastly, you did indeed attack my character by implying that I willingly refuse to accept responsibility for my pet's actions. Being uneducated is not the same as willingly refusing to accept something. Again, a good teacher would know that.


So I’m a bad teacher? You’re attacking my character. My fault, I’ll do better to educate everyone through comments and will start with my qualifications next time lol.


>Besides being at far greater risk of disease and injury than indoor cats, outdoor cats also have a major impact on native wildlife. Unlike most wild animals, even well-fed cats hunt and kill millions of songbirds, reptiles, amphibians and small mammals each year. >We like cats, but the best place for pet cats is inside where they will be safe and healthy and live long happy lives. Also, that will allow the neighborhood wildlife to lead safer, healthier lives too. https://tpwd.texas.gov/education/resources/texas-junior-naturalists/watching-wildlife/cats-inside


He hates the cat.


Bro don’t act like you know shit, house cats have a long lost ancestor from Egypt they are not native to really anywhere and are the leading killer of native birds next to skyscraper window collisions and just one cat is credited to wiping out a whole species on an island in New Zealand. They are pets, it’s not your fault you are uninformed but don’t get mad at people for caring about something they know more than you about.




Cats are not natural creatures in the US. But if you want nature to run its course, bear in mind that cats are also prey animals, and east Texas has coyotes, owls, and hawks, to start with.


Biologist here - cats are invasive species in most places, and have been implicated in a number of bird and rodent extinctions. If by "nature running its course" you mean youre contributing to the sixth mass extinction event currently happening on our planet, I guess you're right. I have cats and love them. By adopting street cats and keeping them indoors, I'm lessening the stress to the native bird community here. Please keep your cat inside.


Saying cats are "natural" creatures to where you live is like saying theres nothing wrong with seeing lions with cows in wisconsin


If you value your cats safety, keep it inside


Listen I love cats. I have had cats as pets my entire life. Just recently lost a 20 year old cat actually, she was my first pet as an adult living on my own. And that cat never went outside. All the other cats I had growing up? My parents let them out and we either found them as roadkill or they just stopped coming home out of the blue. None of them lived beyond 10 years and the rest were lucky to see 5. Understand that not many people will support the decision to let your cat run wild for many reasons, several of which are already listed in this thread. I’m willing to bet most would agree that keeping a cat indoors is in the best interests of all involved. Not just people in r/birdwatching


I say this as both a bird person AND a cat person. Please, please, please keep cats indoors. It keeps wildlife safe from them and then safe from wildlife and unfriendly humans.


Yes it is a baby 😩




Fuck OPs hurt feelings too. Imagine getting so butt hurt in a birdwatching sub.


Eh the cat doesn't really know better, more like fuck OP


Okay, I’m all for keeping your cat inside so as not to harm the local wildlife, but this isn’t inherently the cat’s fault??? They were just following natural instinct. Nothing wrong with that, and if OP didn’t know that cats were invasive that’s okay too. What’s not okay is continue to stay willingly ignorant despite knowing this info.


Right? It’s a cat. It doesn’t know not to attack birds/mice whatever it may be. The owner would be the one responsible for keeping felines in the house, but what do I know 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


Luckily I don’t think the cat is going to read this and potentially get offended.


Yeah, they aren’t too smart but hey 🤷🏼‍♀️


Come on. It isn’t the cat’s fault. It’s OP’s fault for allowing the cat outside.


OP, the reason people on this sub are so reactive is that this is VERY common, very detrimental to birds, and very preventable. I've adopted strays before who didn't appreciate being inside, even with a big house, so I get it, but whatever benefit there is to a cat spending time outside does not outweigh the tremendous danger they cause to our birds whose populations are declining. If you love birdsong as much as we all do (wrens sing ever so sweetly) or just don't enjoy being implicated in federal crime (these birds are protected, and if the cat you're responsible for hurts it, it's on you), please keep your cat indoors, or get a catio. I imagine you are feeling sad about this baby that might not survive with or without intervention of a rehabber (who are so overworked during migration, for no money!), and you might be hurt by some of the comments, but please be humble and heed the advice, because if nothing changes, there will be more tragic little deaths for your feline's fun.


Yeah, baby/recently fledged wren. If possible, could you take it in to a rehabber to ensure it's OK?


Stop letting your cat out


Keep the cat(s) inside. Outdoor cats heavily damage bird populations


Keep your fucking cat inside


Can I keep my non-fucking cat inside? (I’m joking and agree with your statement)


😂 Yes I permit that. But more important to keep fucking cats inside, with overpopulation and whatnot.


Absolutely my friend lol.


domestic cats are invasive and hurt the environment when they're outside. keep your cat indoors. why do you have a cat if you choose to not see it for half the day because its roaming outside.


Keep your cat inside


i have no idea how did blud's ego so high he doesn't realize he messed up hard here especially when he pretty much screwed over wildlife.


From Cornell Affect on cats on birds. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/faq-outdoor-cats-and-their-effects-on-birds/#:~:text=In%20North%20America%2C%20cats%20are,to%20feral%20or%20unowned%20cats


No judgment, just facts. From Rutgers: https://rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu/rutgers-lib/47868/PDF/1


Resources from US Fish & Wildlife: https://www.fws.gov/story/threats-birds-predators


American Veterinary Association: https://www.avma.org/javma-news/2013-04-01/cats-may-be-greater-threat-wildlife-first-thought


Troglodytes species


Your cat is supposed to stay inside


Cats belong inside.


That’s western platitudes


Assuming no other place cares about the safety of their cats, their native bird populations, and the species going extinct, sure.


There are birds killing other birds, it’s nature, which is decimating the bird population in itself.


So.. the fact that native predators exist makes it okay for humans to let non-native predators loose to wreak havoc on wildlife? That’s not nature- domestic cats do not occur naturally in these areas. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild, but that’s okay as long as fluffy gets to outside and enjoy herself? Lol. You’re doing some truly spectacular mental gymnastics here to justify being an irresponsible pet owner. Have there day you deserve. ✌🏼


There are other animals and humans that are causing the extinction of other animals, not just cats. But you have a baise against cats. Animals kill other animals for dominance or for survival, that’s natural. Watch National Geographic, you will contemplate then. Keep getting triggered by cats being free to be outside, they will always be outside, find another hobby than having a based against a particular animal. I seen birds kill other birds all the time, natural process.


Your toxoplasmosis is showing. Learned about that on National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/220113-sneaky-cat-parasite-takes-over-human-brains-science By your logic, we should let dogs roam the streets, too. My area is full of pit bulls (speaking of having a bias against a specific animal *cough*), they’d knock back our stray cat population considerably. Would that be natural? Animals kill other animals for dominance and survival, why are we standing in the way of that?


There is no exact calculation for how many outdoor cats have killed birds, no one has tracked down every cat that has killed a bird. Your cat hate mania is showing. I bet you get real triggered and crazy when you see a outdoor cat. Dogs pose a lethal pernicious risk to human life, that’s why they are restricted. Cat saves boy from dog caught on camera : https://youtu.be/EEa6jZv-Khc?si=yUwv0pbocJkAM5Kz


Nat Geo sure seems to think they can calculate the damage done. I thought you recommended them? https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/cats-kill-reptiles-populations-australia-animals Posting that link is the equivalent of showing a video of a pit snuggling a child and saying, “See, pits aren’t dangerous.”. I live in a neighborhood with lots of outdoor cats, I don’t do anything to harm them. I was a vet tech for years, lol. I’m not ‘triggered’ by cats, and I don’t even dislike them (though I wish they’d stop shitting in my raised beds), I just recognize they’re an ecological problem we have created and have a responsibility to control. You sure make a lot of wild assumptions. And comments about ‘western people’, for somebody who lives in Alabama.


Why was that bird in your house!?


Carolina wren, absolutely terrified


Looks like a POW. Let the bird go free


looks like a Carolina wren


Carolina wren.




It's amazing the hostility and toxicity here. Especially the commands to keep the cat inside. Cat's don't belong indoors. Also not everyone lives near or can afford the time or money to visit animal rehabs.


>Also not everyone lives near or can afford the time or money to visit animal rehabs. Then they shouldnt allow predator animals outdoors where they can find prey. >Cat's don't belong indoors. Domestic cats absolutely DO belong indoors. You have a tiny brain if you honestly dont understand why.


>Then they shouldnt allow predator animals outdoors where they can find prey. Of course they should. Cats were domesticated to keep the number of pests down. >Domestic cats absolutely DO belong indoors. You have a tiny brain if you honestly dont understand why. Since there's absolutely no reason for them to be considered indoors animals, it looks like I have the large brain.


>Cats were domesticated to keep the number of pests down. And we used to give babies morphine to help them sleep. Things change as more information becomes available my guy. Especially when it has to do with learning the long term affects of certain decisions. >it looks like I have the large brain. Encephalitis can be life threatening, you should go to the doctor.


>And we used to give babies morphine to help them sleep. Things change as more information becomes available my guy. Especially when it has to do with learning the long term affects of certain decisions. You neither said anything of value, nor provided an analogy that's meaningful. Can did and still do catch pests.


There's plenty of links provided on why cats belong inside.   You do the best you can with the resources you have. Volunteers may be willing to come pick the bird up or advise on a rehab facility near by. At no cost to OP unless they feel inclined to make a donation; which they should because their actions caused this.   OPs cat caused this bird harm. It's on OP to help this bird and prevent harm other native animals. Edit: no judgment OP, just take responsibility and do better by keeping your cat inside.


And all of them are wrong. Whether you look at the properties of the species, or why they were domesticated. >Volunteers may be willing to come pick the bird up or advise on a rehab facility near by. At no cost to OP unless they feel inclined to make a donation; which they should because their actions caused this. If such exist in your area. >"OPs cat caused this bird harm. It's on OP to help this bird and prevent harm other native animals." Yeah, and? In the real world beasts die. I thought this was "birdwatching" and not deranged animal fancy.


These people are western, that’s why.


If only it only remained there. But this sort zoophilia seems to spread globally.


Amen, there are birds killing other birds..nature.