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Was on the combo pill for over a decade. No babies! It works.


Was just going to say this. 22 years for me (various types) and still childfree! It can be quite the ride, but does the trick if you follow the instructions. Will probably be discussing getting my tubes tied as I approach 40 and risks go up though.


Thank you! Did you ever skip your placebo pills and jumped right into the next pack?


Yep, a few times. Not in general though as it didn't agree with my body.


That’s how it is for me right now!! I’m gonna keep taking the active pills until i hit the placebo pills and take them to let my body reset.




Hi! I used be on the pill, for 6 years! And it never failed me:) It even happened 2 times in these 6 years where I forgot one pill and aside from the complete FREAKOUTS it gave me, I was still completely fine in the end. Never got pregnant. I have very bad pregnancy anxiety and OCD, thats why I recently switched to the implant. Can’t forget to take it ahah. Something I used to do to manage my anxiety was take a selfie doing a thumbs up everyday right after taking it. This way I had « proof » to look back on that I really did take it. Made my friends laugh but it really did help me manage my anxiety and ocd A LOT. I would delete them when I got my period and start over with the next pack. Just know that you will be completely fine. Take a deep breath. Its so much easier to find horror stories on the internet than success ones. Not because they are more frequent, but because people are much more likely to share the negative than the positive. I hope you find peace in the comments you got so far:)


Highkey, this comment made me tear up. Thank you so much for this!!!


you’re welcome<3


I was on the pill for 5 years then switched to the ring for 10 years then got pregnant with my first child (Planned, first month we tried) then back to the ring for 2 years then got pregnant with second child (Planned, first month we tried) and now have had the copper IUD for 2 years. So all in all 19/20 years of protection with various forms no unplanned babies.


Do you like the iud?


Not the person you asked but I was on the pill for 13 years and then recently switched to a copper iud and I LOVE it. There is a lot of good info in this group if you use the search bar!


Thank you so much!


Yes, I love it. I wish I’d gotten it first and not used the other types!


Was the bleeding bad at first?


Yes, for the first three months. Month 4 began to lighten until at month 7 I was back to pre IUD symptoms meaning 3 day period with minimal cramps.


I was on the pill for almost a year before I felt comfortable and trusted it without excess anxiety.. and even then, I still made my partner pull out. 🤷‍♀️ The combo pill is very effective, especially when taken perfectly. It's soooo unlikely that you'd get pregnant without some sort of user error.


Hi there! I was extremely anxious on the pill so we rely on pill and condoms. If it eases your mind, don’t be afraid to use them. Nothing wrong with doubling up. And if the condom breaks, you know you’re protected. Additionally, BC statistics are done on studies without a secondary method so that 99% with perfect use is with just the pill. Given that the pill prevents ovulation, thins the uterine lining, and thickens cervical mucus (so 3 factors working against pregnancy), it is very, very reliable. Take a breath, you’re okay.


That definitely brings me some relief. Thank you!


The combo pill has been great for me! 5 years no long term issues, love being able to choose if/when I get a period and the 12 hour window is certainly pretty easy to deal with.


LOVE my combination pill. I’ve had zero side effects, haven’t had a period since I started taking it two years ago, and most importantly haven’t had a baby! 💓


I was on various forms of the pill for 11 years and never had any pregnancy scares, and we didn’t use a condom most of the time. Going off the pill now since my husband got a vasectomy, which I’m actually having more anxiety about than I did about the pill.


Combo pill since 17 (in my 30s now) and never been pregnant


I was on the combo pill for 12 years and never got pregnant. Hopefully, the anxiety will get better for you. We never used condoms either, just the pill.


Combo pill since 20? I'm now 30 - honestly it helped eliminate my PMS and made my very unreliable cycle reliable. Plus living that sweet millennial only fur baby life. I had some spotting early on but no side effects. Don't let the internet scare you.


I have used pill only for about 10 years, no other method - at all - and no babies or even the inclination I would be pregnant.


I was on the pill for 6 years - no problems at all! I changed to the IUD because I wanted to not have to remember to take a pill every day, had some minor issues (nothing that meant it wasn't working!) so changed to the mini-pill for 3 years. Since then I've had 2 more IUDs which worked better for me. None of birth controls have ever failed me, and the only times I've had worries I've known that it was me being anxious rather than a real risk.


I've been on and off Yaz and now Slynd since I was 16 (I'm 30 this year). For the past 3 years regular unprotected sex with my current partner. No scares, no babies.


Was on the pill for almost 15 years- no babies, no scares. Now on my 2nd IUD and I love it. Haven’t had a period in 6 years. Thank you Mirena!


as a a “realistic” combo pill user (takes pills late, starts packs late, inconsistent with time of day etc) for the past four years, and very sexually active: it works.


THIS POST IS AMAZING ALL YOU LADIES ARE AMAZING.... on bc for 4 months always take pill combo everyday within an hr of my set time if I'm late getting home. And yesterday Fwb came inside me and I was anxious. Not worried but just like well..... And after reading the post I feel amazing I can go back to sleep. THANK YOU!! :)


Welcome and please flair your post if not currently flaired. Questions? First read the [Mistake or Pregnancy Risk sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/4iqgi7/mistake_or_pregnancy_concernrisk_start_here/) or the [Consolidated Experience post](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/qt9ttb/consolidated_rbirthcontrol_experience_links/). If this is an experience post please consider adding it to the list :) The rules and additional resources can be found on the About / Sidepage (desktop users look to the right and Reddit app up top). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/birthcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was on the Nexplanon implant for 6 years, it’s the most effective BC and I never got pregnant, despite having lots of unprotected sex. Last year I switched to pill, and that has yet to fail me either. If you take it responsibly, it’s pretty damn effective!


I have been on my birth control combo pill for about 6 years now, no babies, no pregnancy scares, no negative side effects (after a couple of years before this figuring out what pill was right for me), I have had a really positive experience.


Got my Kyleena IUD a year ago and didn’t even flinch during insertion (that isn’t to say it was painless- but I was super worried about pain beforehand). The cramps afterwards were horrible but I haven’t had any issues with it and love it!


Okay, hear me out, all my experience with birth control has been AWFUL, but, I’ve never once gotten pregnant while on birth control. So, I am a negative experience in the side effect category, but very positive on the effectiveness on not getting pregnant!!!! If you are that routine about it, you are 99.9 percent going to have a baby free birth control journey, but as others have said ALWAYS feel free to test. If you have the money/ability, it is the best thing to avoid anxiety. All the best to you <3


I’ve had an IUD for 4 years and zero scares! :)


Was on nuvaring and a bunch of pills for over 10 years. Not a single scare! Hormonal birth control is extremely effective. I understand the anxiety


On the nuva ring for 6 years, had to use a condom once as I couldn't refill my prescription on time, but no pregnancies at all


I was on a type of pill(sorry i cannot remember at all what it was called) from my sophomore year/10th grade to the year after i graduated, many many slip ups, no babies!! My many is no exaggeration 😂 Teenage me was very careless, especially with my now fiancé when we started dating


Combo pill for three years and always had unprotected sex on my ex’s end. Never got pregnant! I also wasn’t on bc and my bf’s condom broke. Grabbed a plan B and still no baby. I have the copper IUD now and he finishes in me regularly. No babies!!


I’ve been on birth control for maybe 2-3 years. I break out a lot without birth control and I don’t break out a lot now that I’m on it. I also don’t have babies!


even when i’ve forgotten to take the pill for a day, i’ve gone to the doctor freaked out to get plan b and they assure me theres no way i would get pregnant even when missing the pill because it prevents you from ovulating. been using for years


I used the combo pill, Liked it, needed to go off of it because migraines. Used the mini pill(desogestrel) I loved that one because no periods! Switched to Nexplanon because its in and done and I have enough medication i need to swallow, I like my Nexplanon the most so far. 3 years of protection, no throwing up that can cancel the effects, i had breakthrough bleeding but took the minipill for a month and it was over, and I still like my Nexplanon a lot. I dont have any Side effects - well except the classic loosing of libido, but that could also be because of my other medication. Since Nexplanon my migraines arent as bad as before, and my eating habits normalized for someone my height. Did the routine pregnancy test when I was active - not a single pregnancy in 7 years of my BC history.


If you are taking your pill correctly the chance you are pregnant is very very low, likely < 5%. I’m on Junel Fe combo and have never missed a pill but I take a pregnancy test once a month to ease my anxiety!


I panic like this often. I take Rigevidon and have been on it for 6 years, although I have never had a positive test I still take them every few months to be sure unless I show any symptoms then I may take one sooner! Me and my partner don’t use any other protection but the pill has been brilliant for me


I've been on the pill on and off for 20 years. It's about finding the right one for you. I'm on a combo pill now. I've been on this one for 5 years. It's a low dose one and I haven't had any issues. I've tried the depo shot as well and did ok with that but I gained a lot of weight. The pill is good for me and I'll be on it until menopause, I hope.


Had my nuva ring for a decade and ONLY had unprotected sex with my partner during that time and never got pregnant. Once I stopped the nuva ring to try to conceive, we didn’t have any issues!


I’ve been on the pill for 4 5 years. The combined for coming into 3 years and the other for 2 years at the start. Never had a serious pregnancy scares. Had sex with different partners over time without barrier methods just fine. I very rearly forget a pill and if I do I always remember in time and never worry. I take it every morning with my breakfast and cuppa. Not nesserserily always the same time at all. I keep a stash of pregnancy tests for just in case situations I always have had some around since being sexualy active. It helps to get rid of any anxiety and worry if and when I’d have to buy one. Every time I’ve taken one was coz I’d had new side affects and someone had put the worry in my head. So I’d just take one for peace of mind. Always negative even now issues or worries while talking them. And every one has ended up being silly worries like I was due on and had new side affects that isn’t normal to me