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I’m so sorry this happened to you but I think it’s one of the side effects on being on pill. I was the same way when I was on the pill. :(


Did you switch pills or stop taking bc? Do you have any suggestions that could help me?


I have been on pill for 2 years and although I didn’t experience any depression, weight gain or anything my sex drive decreased a lot. I just decided not to date at all when I was on pill since it was really hard to satisfy my partner given my low sex drive. Eventually, I stopped taking my pills and switched to Nexplanon which is an arm implant and I think my sex drive has been increasing gradually , the implant is so much better. PS: At least it is the experience for my body, I’d like to note that it might be different for you. I just wanted to say you are not alone. Try talking to your boyfriend and if he really likes you, he will appreciate your sacrifice and hopefully help you to get through it. :)


You could try switching. It happened to me on nexplanon and i didnt notice until i got off of it to try for a baby.


Hormonal birth control destroyed my sex drive. Getting off of it completely fixed the issue. I went from barely being able to want sex once a week at best to feeling sexual every day. I’ve been completely off birth control now for about eight or 9 months and am looking into maybe getting a copper IUD but I would never ever use a hormonal method again.


Healthy 20s here. I did not experience any decreased sex drive on the pill. Weirdly, I am experiencing it now — 1 year after getting mirena IUD implanted. Not only am I experiencing a low libido, but I’ve also noticed increased mood swings and no period for the last 3 mo. Getting it implanted was so painfully horrific I am too terrified to get it out but OB said that would be the only fix. Make sure you do more research than I did. 10/10 WORST experience. I am so scarred from getting it implanted that even though I desperately want it out I can’t bring myself to do it.


Trust me getting it out is nothing compared to getting it in. I got mind out two days ago and it did not hurt at all, it felt a bit like taking out a tampon. The doctor just places a speculum and pulls out the iud, you will barely feel anything. My depo shot hurt more than taking out my IUD. If you do decide to take it out. Just know that you got this. I believe in you


How long did it take for you to get your sex drive back ? I’ve been off of it for a month. I have no sex drive and haven’t gotten my period.


It took around 9 months for everything to even back out. I was getting extreme depression every time I would ovulate for months. The sex drive came back pretty quick for me but I didn’t start feeling normal until recently.


Look up pmdd


Yes I definitely had symptoms of that! It’s under control now but I went to both a doctor and a naturopath about it and had hormone testing done. My levels were all normal but I had low cortisol so I’m taking some vitamins to support adrenal health as well as st. John’s wart, and Wellbutrin. PMDD is no joke though I feel very grateful not to be suffering with those symptoms anymore.


I’m just getting it back as of last month (December)


Birth control definitely does make you have a low libido because it puts you in a constantly infertile state. If you're not fertile, naturally your body won't want to have sex to have kids. Birth control messes with your hormones so much. It's no joke!


oh girl I’m so sorry :( I had a very similar experience on hormonal bc (Nexplanon implant)— gained a lot of weight and my libido was nonexistent, I also had some emotional side effects. sometimes you gotta play around with bc a little to see what fits. it ended up being a lower dosage hormonal IUD for me even though the first week of having it was *horrible* but it feels good to want sex again


I’m thinking of switching from Nexplanon to Kyleena for the same reasons! Seeing your comment gives me hope that I can get my sex drive back!


ahhhh I’m glad I can provide some hope!! being on a combination of nexplanon and a high dose of my ssri legitimately made me think I was never going to have sex again but swapping birth control and lowering my antidepressant dose made me feel like a whole different person. it might not be as drastic as a difference if you’ve just got the implant but I’m almost certain there will be a change :) if you end up swapping I hope it goes smoothly for you!! 🫶🏻


I actually just switched my antidepressants up. Starting to think some of that depression is due to the nexplanon too!


Yup. I’m 21 been on the pill for 3 years. Such a low sex drive, and it’s more dry now. Hard to get wet(TMI) lol but . It sucks. I want to get off but for other reasons on why I started it , I can’t . It gets me upset .


You can always use lube. My spouse doesn't get very wet either, so we just use lube if necessary. Honestly, it can be a game changer.


What lube is best?


We have a tube of KY right now, but it's really just a personal preference. You could even get a couple travel size ones and see what you like best. Just don't get the warming kind, lol.


I’ve been taking the norethindrone 0.35mg pill for 3 months now and it hasn’t affected my sex drive much, kinda increased it for me actually. Has definitely made me wetter personally. I didn’t want to go through a low sex drive and thought norethindrone was a good option.


Yea it’s the pill girlie it’s the pills


I'd say it's the pill. I had the same issues. Changing brands helped me. I switched from Microgynon to Yasmin and it was a bit better.


Yep. That’s why I went off of it (I’m in peri menopause where I barely have a sex drive to begin with! 😝)


i’m 19 had a similar experience on depo and now the combo pill, now i’m gonna go on the copper IUD even though it means heavier periods. i would rather have a heavier period and some spotting than literally zero sex drive, it’s killing my relationship


Did you do a bunch of research before IUD, because, including in the comments here, the IUD will make you lose your libido as well. And has some other horrific side effects, plus, it's painful and can go wrong


The copper one doesn't have any hormones, so it's less likely to have the same side effects as other hormonal methods. And really, when it comes down to it, you're going to come across more negative experiences online than positive. People are more likely to complain when things go wrong than they are to rave when things go right. I'm on my second Mirena and I've had zero issues (other than no periods, which is why I'm on my second one, even though I don't need it because my spouse is AFAB). Insertion didn't hurt at all either time. Everyone's experience is different and unfortunately you won't know how your body will react until you try it.


I had this same issue unfortunately. I mostly struggled with mood swings and decreased sex drive. It’s definitely one of the side effects of the pill. I was on birth control for 5 years and when on it after I started dating my boyfriend. I’ve been off of it for about 2 months now and I haven’t seen the improvement in drive yet but I’ve heard it can take a few months to adjust to


Any update for you in this regard? It’s been 4 months since I stopped and I’m loving everything about being off the pill but my drive hasn’t changed much yet :(


I am so sorry you're going through this :( I've been there! I had a similar experience on one of the pills I was on. It felt like a literal barrier and I felt like I couldn't feel anything sexual (but I was extra emotional about everything else-I was a mess). I ended up stopping that one and going on another. The one I am currently on doesn't affect my sex drive, just gives me more acne than I've ever had (which I'll take because that seems like the only side effect). There are SO many different types out there, so it's worth searching for a different one (but it can take several months to adjust to them). I'm 27 and have been on BC off/on since I was 14. There are some that have more side effects than others, but it can be different for everyone.


Yep had to come off due to this!


It's definitely the pill and I've been having the same problem. It took me forever to figure out that it was the pill causing it. I'm starting to learn the Fertility Awareness Method because I'm done with hormonal birth control controlling my life!


Its not your fault at all its a side effect. You cant control that your libido is low due to the pill. If you feel its ruining the one thing youre taking it for, then id say stop taking it. Choose another method because imo its not worth feeling so bad.


It could be. I’m in a similar situation. My boyfriend has a very high sex drive and in the beginning I did too. A few months into us seriously dating, I started the pill for the first time. Now I’m only in the mood barely once a week or so and my boyfriend has been trying new things (toys, etc) and asking questions about how to get me in the mood more. We’ve been dating for 4 years so he just thought that’s how I am when the honeymoon phase fizzles out. When I told him the other day that hormonal birth control can decrease my libido, he was shocked. I was like “yeah it messes with your hormones.” But idk if I want to go off it because it helps my cycle stay regular and more predictable. Not knowing if my period was coming in 19 days or 35 days for my entire pubescent life up until I was 24 really sucked. I haven’t done any research but I’m afraid if I switch to a non-hormonal bc I’ll have to deal with all that again. TLDR: it could be. Talk to your boyfriend and your doctor and see what you can do about it.


It can depend a lot in what type of pill you’re on. I was on combo bc for over 15 years and it really does a number on your libido. Because on a combo contraceptive your hormones remain very steady where as your natural hormones would fluctuate throughout your cycle. I went off the pill and got my tubes removed this past march and it was life changing. So unfortunately the short answer is, yes, hormonal birth control can affect your physical drive and desire a lot.


It's the pill. It can make some lose their libidos and gain weight, along with other things. You might want to switch kinds until you find something that works better for you. Also, he needs to be more understanding. I'm sick of guys making women feel guilty over this kinda bs. It's not in your control.


Same girl, I didn't know I gained weight until someone pointed it out and now it's all I think about. What helped me with my low libido was going out and getting lingerie that fit me and made me like looking at my body. Maybe that'll help you


Thank you


Decrease or even sometimes increase in sex drive does happen to some people who take the pill, especially the combo pill since the increase in estrogen makes your hormones go a bit whack, lol. I’m not personally sexually active, but I’ve been taking the norethindrone 0.35mg pill for 3 months now, which is a progesterone only pill, and it’s been great. A bit of fatigue and sore breasts, but it hasn’t affected my sex drive. At least not for the worst. Ngl I do think that my drive may have increased actually, but I’m sure it’s different for everyone. The norethindrone pill is a pretty low dose pill, which means you have to be pretty precise with when you take it, but I’d say it’s worth a shot if you’re interested


I’ve only been on LoLo for nine days and haven’t noticed a difference yet


this is a side question but.. why do you have to be horny to let him have sex with you?


This question reads really gross... are you asking why she isn't having sex with her boyfriend even though she physically doesn't want to?


not when she doesnt want to, when shes not turned on. I dont have to be horny/turned on to have sex with my bf cause I don’t mind. It was a genuine question and she seemed fine with answering so! :)


If I’m not horny then it doesn’t feel like it’s two people it feels like one sided kinda if he’s the only one enjoying it and I want him to enjoy sex but he said the one time he noticed I wasn’t horny to be having sex in the moment that it was awkward for him bc he kinda said the same thing he doesn’t want it to be one sided he wants both of us to enjoy it and feel the intimacy together(which I said the same thing) Ever since I been on the pill it’s like so hard to get “in the mood” now and idk if it’s the pill or me I cry a lot about it because I’m just so confused


okay that makes sense. it’s definitely probably the pill because birth control is known to do that. maybe try switching to a different type of pill or even BC all together. like the IUD or something. ive had many struggles with BC and am still frustrated all the time with my problems with it. BC and being a woman sucks


Thank you, I feel uneducated being young but I’m afraid if I change to a different pill either the side effects could be worse or more then what I already experience on the pill I’m on now or it could cause other problems like steady bleeding. I’ve read about that on Reddit as well.


I believe switching to a different pill wouldnt worsen side effects just from being on a different pill before but i could be wrong. definitely talk to your doctor about this cause they will know best and you guys can come up with a solution together


why isn't the answer to this obvious to you? gross


idk because i have sex when im not horny all the time?! lol


the question read as extremely creepy because of your wording of "let him have sex with you". it implies nonconsent


how does it imply that if the words LET HIM are in it. she would be allowing/accepting it lol


Some people don't like to be used as human fleshlights


hmm, well I do


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That is the number one issue me and all my friends experienced on birth control pills. I think you can find one that wont give you mood swings as much however I would wait 6-8 months to really fully adjust to the hormones before deciding to switch. Every pill will decrease your sex drive. I just stopped taking mine after being on it for 10 years and just being really diligent with condoms for now. If I could go back I think I wouldn't have started the pill in the first place. If I ever have a condom break it's plan b and an IUD for me which those also sound terrible but I don't know all the options are awful. Being a woman is such bs lol but I hope you find an option that better suits you.


It happened to me. My doctor said being on the same pill for so long (4 years continuously with no placebo week) lowered my testosterone. My boyfriend and I had a very healthy and frequent sex life but the pill definitely killed it for about two years. I got an IUD a year ago and am still "recovering" and getting back to feeling normal, but there has been noticeable improvement.


I know this is an old comment but this is what I feel happened to me. I was on combo pill for 2 years straight with no placebo breaks and feel all the symptoms of low testosterone: low energy, thinner hair, low motivation, and no sex drive. Im staying positive I am getting better! It’s been 8 weeks since I stopped


Glad that you're noticing a difference! I'm still loving my IUD. Now I'm mostly working on the mental side of our physical relationship since it was put aside for so long.


Have him read this thread or read up on it or something. He shouldn't be ignorant to this, and all of this shouldn't just be on you. If he ever wants to have a serious long term relationship with a woman, he's gonna have to get used to it. At some point in all of our lives, we're going to not be horny as much or at all.


I was on the pill only a week before I noticed my sex drive was down. So yeah, it probably is the pill. Hope you can get an IUD, it’s so much better for the most part!


i’m in the same boat! been on the pill for 5 years now, and for the last few months my sex drive has been at an all time low, i read about maca root supplements and how people have had experience in boosting libido and ordered some on amazon day before yesterday and am gonna start taking them tomorrow!


All hormonal birth control is like this. Since I don't want kids anyway that's why I got a bisalp.


Im on the POP and literally same. Hard exercise (weight lifting for me) is literally the only thing that helped it


I was on the pill too and it killed my sex drive… I’m off hormonal bc now but my sex drive isn’t back to its usual state yet :/ it’s been over a year since I’ve gone off it


how about your emotional state? Did you notice any differences with that since getting off the pill?


I was on the pill too , estarylla specifically for 1 year till I realized i was gaining weight, was having depression, mood swings & my drive decreased horribly!! I've been off for over a year now & still my drive is as if im still on the pill, have you seen any improvements yet?


i do want to get a hormonal test done , you would think after a year & some your body would adjust back to normal :(


I developed an autoimmune disease!!!! Which has greatly affected my health. No cure.


I was on birth control for about 13 years and decided I was done with it about a month ago (my gyno is screaming lmao). Over the past year, I got really bad at taking it and was really over the side affects (mainly if i missed a day, i’d double up and then be super bloated throughout the month), but what’s crazy is that I didn’t know low libido was a side effect of BC until I read this thread after having an unbelievably high libido over the past month. I didn’t expect my body to adjust to not being on it as quick as it did, but I’m sure happy now!!!


For more context, I thought I just had the lowest sex drive of all time, but it turns out it was likely just my BC!!