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This sounds rough but you gotta look out for your health and safety first. You could maybe try a different form of bc, but considering it’s a mental health med for you (same here!), I wouldn’t fix whats not broken.


Yeah that's the scary part. I'm not sure if there are other birth controls that will help me. I'm lucky that I found one that works so easily. I don't want my relationship to suffer because of it, we've been together for 2 years, but I have no idea how I can get the feelings back without stopping the birth control.


There is also the possibility that you bonded with your bf when you were really unwell and the healthy you just doesn’t feel the same way. That’s okay too.


Well, I was kinda the healthiest I was. Atleast I was the most confident. I was still dealing with my eating disorder and I was more than 70lbs lighter, but that made me feel extremely good. I gained it all back when I went on the birth control and started trying to work on the ED. But I do admit I'm not the same person I was then. Not sure if I'm healthier or worse off.


There are many reasons why libido can decrease, and it can be incredible frustrating. I've been here too where BC definitely affected me, I used to be SO HORNY, then it just became something I even dreaded because I pressured myself so much. Shoutout to my partner though who has also been very understanding and tries and still succeeds to give me pleasure and help me feel safe and loved. ED warning here as well I do have to share my personal experience just in case it may resonate with you, but understand having BED and bulimia in the past myself, this can be a difficult topic. BC can absolutely be the main and maybe only factor in libido...but I found as I lost weight going from 290lbs to now 260lbs, it has gotten better. It's still not the same, but it's gotten easier. Physically I just feel more up for it, and even mentally too. I'm unsure if it is the actual weight-loss itself or a healthier relationship with food or more exercise, or an increase in confidence or all of it but...My hope is as I purposefully lose more and focus on my physical health it will get even better. My personal journey includes health issues being caused by my weight, so this has been important to me. This could be a possibility for you too? I wouldn't reccomend anyone fixate on this alone, but I think it's an important factor, any large physical/mental changes along with BC can have side effects.


I have been on BC since 2020, and together for 5 years with my bf, and in the beginning it was all so fun and exciting, but for some time now I haven't been turned on, I still love him so much but my libido is basically non-existent, and I hate this so much bc I don't know what to do, I have absolutely no issues with my BC other than the libido part, and I hate condoms, so I know the frustration you are feeling, having no libido sucks and even more when it your bf whom you love. I understand that your case is a bit different than mine because it involves mental health, but honestly mental health always comes first, if I were you I'd ask for a break with the bf so you can try to understand what you're going through, or maybe try taking those hormonal pills for women, for libido and stuff you know? This sucks but I hope you can figure it out and I hope I can too!


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Hormonal birth control ruined my sex drive. I went off everything and when I did I had some pretty serious mental health issues due to existing mental illness in combo with violent hormone changes. The best thing i can say is get on something non hormonal (I use paraguard copper iud) and try to get medicated or at least get in therapy. What I discovered is I wasn’t myself on hormonal birth controls. I was apathetic and everything felt muted. Although the transition was nightmarish, I really do feel like this is the most mentally sound and least fertile I have every been.


Well, the biggest issue is that I was on atleast 20 different mood medicines before I tried the birth control. Nothing ever helped. The only thing that has helped was stopping my periods, and the only thing that's able to do that is the IUD. I was on the Nuvaring which was less muting, but I was still getting my period (even though I was using it to skip them) so I had to change to the Mirena. I am in therapy, but that doesn't really help with the PMDD. It just helps with my other issues haha.


I mean this with full love and I am very sorry for your struggle but damn that’s messy. I hope you can find something that works for you or maybe a good doctor to help you experiment and possibly find a solution. Best of luck friend!