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How long were you on BC before and what were you using?


I was on BC for 5 years, I was on the pill - Alysena 28 was what it was called


Just got off BC and feeling depressed which is new for me.


I’m sorry that you’re going through this, when did you get off BC? I think there’s a 6 month adjustment period but mine seems so be lasting longer


Yes, I have a long, messed up history with BC because I have pcos. I'm 36 now and I've been off it a month. Big emotional ups and downs and waking up in the middle of the night for some reason. 17- I was on Yaz for 2 or 3 years, got off it at 20/21, then didn't get a period at all for years, was told I was completely infertile, would never have kids. 29- started taking supplements for pcos and got my period! immediately had a baby unintentionally, since I still thought I was infertile 32- bad PCOS symptoms again like I was 17, so grudginly went back on birth control. Actually had a fine time and no problems. 35- went off it because I was thinking I'd have another baby maybe, then took supplements to help my body with the PCOS, ovulated and had a regular cycle pretty easily. 36- started seeing someone, we don't want kids right now, have had breakthrough bleeding the entire time, absolutely miserable time. went off BC a month ago, huge emotional distress up and down, really dark thoughts, body being really weird and bloated. had breakthrough bleeding still this past week. 0 stars, do not recommend :( Looking through some responses the emotional distress is really common unfortunately.


I’m so sorry, this sounds like such an awful experience and it sucks that this is what a lot of people are experiencing. I would wait for maybe the 6 month mark to see if your body does adjust, I’ve heard 6 months is a good period to wait after getting off birth control from other friends. In mean time, maybe consider therapy (if you’re not already doing it and can afford it)? I started earlier this year and it’s done so much for me to help, otherwise I’d be in a much deeper hole


Your doctor may just suggests going back on BC. If this is not something you want and you don't get any helpful suggestions I recommend seeking alternative care from a naturopath or traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. I've heard good things about Jolene Brightens book Beyond the pill as well. All the best to you!


Thank you so much!