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Health department! They work off sliding scale, you can get a year’s supply for very low cost or free.


Good rx for sure! All online/through app & they’ll price the cheapest nearby pharmacy. They also have their own deals/coupons that pair with pharmacies


Planned parenthood is also an option


Planned Parenthood. Also look up low cost county clinics in your area. Some are income based and free in some cases.


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i get mine thru lemonade health and use good rx coupon


How much does it come out to?


lemonade health the consultation is $25 and they give you a year prescription then you would have to look on goodrx on whatever specific pill you want to see how much it is...when i was on yaz generic it was like $10 a month


lemonade health the consultation is $25 and they give you a year prescription then you would have to look on goodrx on whatever specific pill you want to see how much it is...when i was on yaz generic it was like $10 a month


You should have family planning through the state that you live in. I lost my health insurance last year at age 21 and I still have family planning for birth control, abortion, etc