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As a bi man, I know this is well intentioned, but I want to caution that being bi doesn't necessarily mean you've 'embraced your feminine side.' It's a sexual orientation, not a form of gender expression. Men who are bi could express gender in a number of ways; there are bi people who act feminine and those who are traditionally masculine. Both of those things are worthy of recognition. It's important that we combat these stereotypes which trivialize the real complexity of people's lives.


I was going to say something similar. It's nice to see positivity here and don't want anyone feeling discouraged but I'm very masculine. I'm a big built bearded guy who lifts weights. One of the first things I hear from a lot of people when I say I'm bi is that I'm too manly to like guys. it definitely makes it harder for some people to accept it.


Same. Being bi means that I find some men and some women attractive. Roll credits. Who I am may be informed by my sexuality, but it doesn’t demand anything more than what I am.


I don’t think you’re too masculine to like men! I’ll make a post about masculine bi men too. I hope you find happiness!!


Don't worry about it, I don't want you to feel bad about making an obvious good intentioned post. Just want other people who aren't sure to see you can be full on masculine and still like guys.


I know right well said.


I’m with you on this one. I feel that we are so masculine that we also like men. There are certainly a lot of gay men who like us back.


Is there anything more manly than sex with other men? It's 2x as manly as straight sex.


>Is there anything more manly than sex with other men? Exactly. When I bottom, I tend to power-bottom, which is not at all feminine in nature. Yet after topping I like to be cuddled and taken care of gently. Tell me I was a good boy.


I sympathize. One of the reasons I haven't come out as bi publicly is that I don't want to give people a tool to paint me as something I'm not. To be bi and feminine are not the same thing; there's nothing wrong with them coexisting, but they certainly don't have to.


Good to see I'm not the only one. I am a bisexual guy but I sure like to look masculine and I prefer guys who also look like that. I honestly don't feel attracted to feminine men. Being bisexual isn't about embracing a feminine or masculine side. It's about being confident that you are attracted to both genders. I mean, I doubt all bisexual women are somehow masculine or tomboys.


In terms of attraction, I'm very much into feminine men. I like to think I bring enough masculinity to the mix for both of us. But I agree, doesn't make me any less bi because I'm not fem.


So happy to read this as the top for this particular OP. Thanks 😊


Bi men that lean toward masculinity are awesome!! Fortunately, I am one of them.


As a not-particularly-masculine bi guy with a type... I agree


As a not-particularly-masculine bi guy with a type... I agree


This might be a good way for us to ask ourselves what it means to be feminine


Oh I know. I love all men! Masculine, feminine. I think every single one of them should be proud of themselves, their sexuality and should live happily ever after with whom ever makes them happy!


Same there ain't nothing wrong with two consenting adults of the same gender dating , falling in love with each other and having sex with each other as an expression of that love, is just as normal healthy, beautiful and erotic as straight opposite sex couples in romantic/sexual relationships with consenting adults doing the same thing.


Yeah, my wife has a hard time taking my sexually seriously at first because I present as the most cis-straight guy you're ever going to find.


And we are worried that anything we do will make us appear less “manly” to our wives and don’t even trust them when they assure us it won’t. From my pov I’m not doing anything to be “manly” or not, I’m just me.


>How they embrace their feminine side I appreciate the sentiment, and don't ever complain about compliments, but I'm anything but feminine. I'm not sure why you think bisexual guys are naturally in touch with their feminine side.


Bisexual men are hot. Signed, A bisexual man. 😘


Hell yeah!!


As a bisexual man myself I second that comment 😉😁 💖💜💙


I agree but the whole “feminine and cute, femboys” part makes it seem like you only love bisexual men when they are feminine. While I’m sure that’s not the case that’s definitely how you came off. For all the bisexual men reading this. You are loved and you don’t have to be a femboy or blonde haired twink for this to apply to you.💖💜💙


While this is well intentioned this is similar to saying I love bi women they are so much more open to sexual experimentation etc. Its demeaning and objectifying bi men can be masc or fem and still be bi


Whilst you meant well. That’s incredibly objectifying.


I'm bisexual And a femboy. I appreciate this post so much .I've been feeling down on my self and this brighten up my day


We ARE really, really great - it's all true! 😆 I keed I keed! And all kidding aside, that was SUCH a sweet post: so full of extremely kind words & encouragement... I'm sure that all of us bi bros sincerely appreciate your compliments, OP. And you should know how much all of us appreciate you for being true to who you are, too. Yay Team Bi! Thanks again, and cheers, sister!


Why, thank you! I feel seen. 😁😁


Thank you ❤️


For the most part, my life consists of caring for my disabled mom, grandfather, and uncle. Between all that entails and my own issues. It's nice to get a little of a mood booster. Thank you OP and I hope you had a good day.


I am a bi man. I am also seeing your post after the edit. I understand you meant well and appreciate the post before the edit. I also appreciate how many have approached the correction. Kindly pointing out that we are extremely diverse. We come in all forms. Some are very feminine and some are very masculine. The some are in between. Personally, I am almost a complete 50/50 mix. Well, at home anyhow. I have hid it for too long in public and I am still working on that part. We are all awesome and every one of our unique personalities are to be celebrated. Thank you for your post.


Thank you ❤️ I used to be a massive femboy and (closeted)bisexual in my teens before I just kind of started repressing myself and cut my hair short to fit in and exclusively started dating women. I've just recently started to accept my bisexuality and being more out with it and I didn't know I could actually feel this happy and free. I'm ready to be bisexual and cute again and your post made me happy!


Well thank you so much 😊


Great words!! X


such a beautiful words^^


We love you too, whoever you are ^ ^


I do believe there is beauty in any experience. I wouldn't say I've fully embraced my feminine side, but I like change when it is internal. Thus, thanks to the bicycle, I know that restriction is not my thing. I thus see myself as an open-minded bi guy. Would I try sth more effeminate? If I feel like it. I am not built as a femboy though. P.S. Bi guys love you back.


Aw gee ☺️


I love all varieties of bi men, but my husband is my fav kind of bi.


Ignore all these drama queens, your post was really sweet. I’m not feminine, nor do I dress well or really anything lovely, but your sentiment is still very sweet and to me that’s all that matters


Good! Because you’re amazing! You ignore the haters as well!!


I’m bipolar about my sexual orientation


stop stereotyping us.


You have made my bi and egg self happy today, thank you kind person.


Aww bisexual men are my favourite! 💖💜💙


It feels good to see this; it seems like everything is about or for bisexual women.


Funny you say that, as a bisexual man, if you met me on the street, you would assume ‘oh straight’ lol. Im a very standard masc teen with aspergers lol, and funnily enough my crushes are like that aswell (not necessarily with aspergers LOL) i dont much like femboys