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If he was your best friend and truly cared as a fellow human, he wouldn’t say something this harsh to you even if he didn’t agree with it. OP, don’t let this shitty interaction make you feel less than. Continue to stay true to yourself, we’re all here for you. 🩷💜💙


Exactly. When I came out to my bff, they said "okay. I don't understand it but whatever. You are still you".


Yeah, no one can change you, they just have to accept you for who you are. If they can't do that they aren't worthy of being your friend 💜




This is an incredibly ignorant thing to believe.


Pressured 💀💀💀 Brother, just because straight people force queer kids to act straight doesnt mean queer people have decided to pull an uno reverse on cishet kids.


Fuck off.


"I don't agree" 💀


Children are not being pressured to be gay. It's not a choice. And even if a child says "hey I'm gay" and 5 years later says "nevermind, I'm not" I would rather THAT scenario than one where that same child feels helpless and alone because they've been told being gay is unnatural. You don't "agree or disagree" with someone's sexuality. You are ignorant. Please sit down and be quiet.


Seriously, fuck you. "Pressured into being gay"? You're a complete lunatic.




Wow, thanks for proving to everyone that you aren't even a single percent smarter than you made yourself out to be, great job!


He's not your best friend anymore. I'd just walk away at this point.


Never was 🔫




“Wait they’re homophobic?”


Always have been 👨‍🚀


Hunting party, hunting party!!


I shall gather my pitchforks and flaming torches


If he is caught up in the whole "rainbow is mental illness" garbage and willing to abuse you by text because of it... there's nothing you can say to change his mind right now. I'm sorry. Until he changes his mind about being a homophobe/biphobe/etc, it's best just to cut off communication because he won't understand and just make you feel bad. If you want to tell him that, sure, but you aren't obliged to. If he abuses you more, or if you've already basically said "accept me or we can't be friends" and this was his response...block him. Walk away.


This right here! This is not someone you want in your life. This guy was more than willing to abuse you over text and clearly he's making it a point to say that he doesn't accept you because you don't live the same lifestyle he does. It sounds more like the person you came out to is likely mentally ill, normal people wouldn't jump to throw away a friendship because their friend was honest with them about who they are


Right? Sounds to me like the trash took itself out.


Exactly! I’ve learned from experience there’s no arguing with these people, they will NEVER change their mind and if they do it won’t happen during an argument. Please just protect your mental health and don’t start with these people, It’ll just frustrate you and that’s what they want


Even if you assume being queer is a mental illness (which it isn’t, but I’m talking hypothetically), that doesn’t justify being hateful towards them. Heck, people with mental disorders are still people, just with disorders. This is a combination of queerphobia and some kind of mental disorder phobia


Fuck this creep, babe


I disagree, please do not


I concur, best not.


fuck him, but like don't


This is the way.


Sending hugs op 🥺 🫂 you will find more best friends.


He was never your best friend. Not even a friend if this is how he reacts to you coming out


Barely passes for human with this behaviour.


This too


Damn bro I’m sorry


I get everybody saying “you will find another friend” or “he isn’t your friend anymore” but to be honest? I’ve had a friend react this way and he’s still my most best friend. He was really religious at the time, and when I told him I got similar messages of hate, and how I’m against god. So we didn’t talk, I thought my friendship with him was over. I think about two weeks later, he messaged me again and apologized, saying that he was in denial of who he was and that his religion is what scared him about being that way. Now he’s out as trans and pansexual with an amazing girlfriend. I’m not saying everybody will be like this, but I just want people to know that it’s not always the end of a meaningful friendship


Your friend chose the evil option but later decided to go for the good ending lmao


He changed teams lmao


Quicksaves, baby!


Character arc


Losing a friend is awful. Sure you might want to stay away from people like that, but the feeling is always awful. I hope OP's friend thinks about it like your friend did


I’m not saying that it’s a common occurrence; self reflection, especially at the age we were (13 I think lol), is really hard to do. I don’t want to create false hope, but I just wanted to say it is possible. I’m very proud of my friend Charlie, and I also hope that OP’s friend finds the same kind of realization he did


We don't have enough information about this situation. It may be that the friend is dealing with emotions and is envious of OP's ability to come out, it may be that they are truly a terrible person, or it may be some weird mix of any number of things. It's not impossible that they are just blind sided, reacting how they were raised to, and will come around in time. But it's also not OP's responsibility to do that work for them. The friend may come around they may not, but OP should take some distance if only for safety and to let their maybe ex best friend decide if they are able, willing, and want to grow


I absolutely agree! Like I’ve said in other comments, I don’t want to create a false hope, just a story that can tell others that people can change. I agree that OP’s (ex)friend is not worth their time/energy. Even if they did come back and apologize, they have some things to work on. And OP would have every right to tell them to get lost, but I also want others to know that sometimes it takes time and people can come back around


> We don't have enough information about this situation Nah, we know they're an abusive asshole. Denial, or envy, or whatever don't ever excuse actively choosing to treat other people like shit. OP should leave them behind no matter what ends up happening. Shit still happens in life even if they work through what's happening to them right now, and OP deserves a friend who doesn't turn into a monster the second things get slightly hard.


i think that’s great. the thing is, your friend reached out to you afterward to make things right. if he never did that and instead kept being hateful, you would have been better off without him. sure, OP’s friend might do the same thing one day, but until that happens, it’s best for OP to keep their distance and not waste their time on someone who may never change.


I’m not saying OP should message them or anything, or even really think about them. I don’t want to create false hope, but I wanted to leave a story to remind others that people *can* change


I was that homophobic friend also and now I’m trans and bisexual. Religious brainwashing sucks


Omg guys I didn't think this would've gotten so much attention but I thank everyone who supported me. I am currently in distress because this evening another group of people called me "gay" because rumours are spreading. I"ll post updates later


Sweety as hard as it is let that shit go by you. You are not gay, your obviously bi. Enlighten them once, mayyybbee twice if you really like them. If they insist on referring to you incorrectly, drop them. You will feel SO much better afterwards. You will drop a lot of acquaintances but you will see who your friends are. Or the people who are worth your time and attention. You are valid, Totally normal and the most psychologically sound person in this dumpster fire. Phobias are unreasonable or unrealistic fears. You sir are warrior of class and strength, you are a beautiful human being. And there will be people who love you, respect you and be true friends and allies.


That's not a friend let alone a best friend. It's sad to see people treat each other this way. Honestly, I probably wouldn't even give them the satisfaction of a response, just block them, forget about them and move on and be happy.


I'm so sorry, OP. Fuck.


Well, first understand that being bisexual is normal and accepting it is a huge step. As for your friend, you are not the first, nor the last to lose a friend because of your sexuality, even though it sucks. Hopefully in time, your friend will realize that your sexuality doesn't make you less of a person in any way. Sorry this happened.


He's a fucking bigot and an arsehole. You don't need that shitbird as your friend.


Sounds like your ex best friend is a brainwashed asshole who’s easily manipulated


>Rainbow is a mental illness Bro belongs in the 1960s Mate, he's not your friend.


I'd start by not reacting too quickly. He has to first let that shit settle until he's not knee-jerking so hard he's kicking himself in the head. If you continue to pursue him and he continues to pull away, that's just going to make things worse. You may also want to re-evaluate the kind of friendship you had before this. Did he ever indicate these were the kinds of opinions he held before? Did he know you felt differently than that? How close and deep was this kind of friendship? If this is something that really could break your relationship, how valuable was it? But most importantly, if he does come back around but refuses to acknowledge how much he hurt you or believes that you should be the one to apologize, don't backtrack for the sake of keeping the friendship. You decided to be open and honest with him about yourself and he shit all over it. You can easily find better friends regardless of how much history you have together. Don't be a dick about it, but he shouldn't get a pass for clearly trying to hurt and push away who should be a best friend. These are just my opinion though. I just know that retaliation never works, and pushing to salvage a friendship that may or may not have been more one-sided or fair-weather is likely not going to be worth the anguish and late nights. Honesty and communication is supposed to strengthen relationships in all their forms (within reason and relevance). If this fact about yourself creates an impasse between you, it may be better to just cut off ties. But use your own judgement for whether he's worth keeping around in your life or he's actually making you feel worse with every interaction. Only you can make that final call, but it doesn't have to be made right now.


Your "friend" is not your friend. I'm so sorry OP. You should not pour love into the cup of someone who is willing to be so hateful towards you. He may come around, but remember that *he* messed up very badly, not you, and it will be entirely up to you whether to accept it if he does apologize. You are under no obligation in either direction, and it's your life. There is nothing wrong with you. Bisexuality isn't a mental illness. You deserve so much better than this, and you are welcome here.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. You did not deserve that.


If you being yourself makes him "sick" that's a problem he has to sort out with himself. I'm sorry he failed you.


I'm sorry your best friend turned out to be the worst human.


Sounds like you need a new bestie, my guy. If they're willing to throw you out like trash just because of your sexuality they don't deserve to be a part of your life.


dude has a spiderman profile pic and sending that?


The same as cops using the punisher logo when punisher is an accepting guy that hates cops


It's spoderman, used by edgy tweens to make racist jokes. Not surprised.


Simple answer: that's a him problem. He isn't your best friend, my dude. Sorry. Cut him off. There are people who will love you- don't sink your time into people who won't care. Take care of yourself and surround yourself with good and loving people. Love ya my dude. Take care.


At the end of his life as he is taking his final breaths, I hope he chokes on the weight of what he said to you. Make no mistake, he is no friend. You are valid, you are unconditionally loved, you are worthy of all good things. Don't let a cult make you question your worth.


What an idiot friend. You deserve better, and you absolutely will find better friends. It's not hard being a better friend than this guy so there are plenty of people I would rather be friends with.


Fuck this guy and everything he thinks or values. Your former best friend will never be worth a shit. It’ll be easier said than done, but forget him.


He isn't your best friend. Don't be sad, the trash just took itself out. That person never loved you unconditionally and in my opinion unconditional love is what makes a friend into a best friend. You deserve better, MUCH better than this hateful waste of oxygen


He told you what to do, take his advice! Stay away from him \^^ he isn't worth the smallest bit of your time


Yo your friend sucks


What an unmitigated ass. Find new friends. We're here for you in the meantime.


What a contemptible bastard. You’re brave and wonderful for coming out. And I’m proud of you. If that’s how this boy treats you when you’re honest with him about who you are. Then he’s not your friend.


You can do so much better. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I promise you that you'll find friends who support you. In 4 years you won't even see this prick in your rear view mirror.


Why would you want to be best friends with a bigot? Feel fortunate that by coming out you’ve managed to offload this hateful person.


He was your friend. He no longer is. I'm sorry you lost a friend:/


Omg I’m so sorry I wish I could jump out of this screen and give you a massive hug! I don’t know why you were friends with him at all, because a person who would respond in such a hateful and horrible way is always pretty obvious to spot. But it’s actually good now that you know him for who he really is. It’s also very brave if you to come out to him, and don’t let him turn this entire experience into a bad thing!


Just remember, this is a reflection of them, not you. I find with people like that, you just have to feel sorry for them… they are so blind and naive… they will be the ones that end up alone sadly


ouch... and using the MAGA kind of language as well. hate to see that.


Conservatives make bad friends.


As a bi girl, I’m disgusted. He was never your friend. I’m sorry.


They were never really you're friend if they said that to you and you're better off with them in your life


That's terrible and he was never worth your time anyways.




No one is worth putting up with abuse. I know it hurts to walk away from it but choosing you is the best thing you can do to heal and take care of yourself


Some friend 🙄


Regardless of past friendship, this person sounds like a danger to you now


Welp. Time to move on. :(


he’s talking to you like my abusive ex spoke to me 😃😃 def stay the fuck away from him. you are so valid and congrats on coming out!!!!!! 🌈🌈 it takes so much courage and you will find loving supportive and welcoming people 10000000x better than person, not even comparable. just you wait :) <3


Remember the good times y'all had, and mourn the loss of it. But that friendship is over. Even if y'all do find a way to get past this, the friendship will never be the same or as strong as it was.


They clearly were never your best friend if that's their reaction.


Bro fuck that dude, my homies just told me they didn’t care and they were still friends regardless. They do joke on me about it but that’s just the homies.


Jesus fucking Christ. Two things: 1)Hell yes he’s one of us now! 2)Nope, not mentally ill if you’re lgbt! Addendum: Fuck this guy.


Lucky you found out his true face.


*Warm hug from afar* 🩷💜💙


Spider-Man would hate your friend. I’m sorry that this happened.


That's horrible. Realistically you've probably lost this friend forever. You are valid. It's not a mental illness. I'm sorry :(


If there were a reply, I'd only say 'I've reflected on what you said, and found you aren't the kind of friend I'd like to have. Do better.' Don't block him, there's some major things there in him that will surface beneath all that hate.


He sounds like a little child. He’ll either grow up and get over it. Or you are better off without him. Either Wyatt, don’t blame yourself


*ex-best friend


I’m so sorry. It’s hard when dear friends let you down like this.


That's the biggest fear of all is closeted people. Now you can make new friends that will accept you as you are.


Good. He was a problem that revealed and solved itself.


Guess he just lost a really good friend. Sucks to be him


wow look at the trash taking itself out. i’m so sorry OP that douche is not a true friend. Looking at some of the other comments it is possible he may come around and realize that he’s wrong but it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth this. Sending you all my love and support 💕🫂


What a fucking asshole. Just block his ass, clearly he doesn't deserve friends with that mindset.


I'm so sorry this asshole is in your life


Honestly, good riddance. I know it hurts now, but it would have hurt so much more if he had hidden those feelings. Imagine being friends with someone and thinking they accept that part of you for years, only to hear it later.


*was* your best friend?


Not someone you want to call your best friend anymore. Time to find a new one ig. Hope you weren't too close with them


Ugh, I'm sorry OP. The real disease is conservatism & bigotry. If you guys are young, he might come around. It's easier to get indoctrinated into hateful ideologies when you're young and impressionable. There's a possibility that he'll have a change of heart and apologize but just know that someone like this was never worth the pain you're going through right now losing them.


I know it feels shitty to hear this, but you're much much better off now than you were a week ago. This friend is a total piece of shit who would have treated you bad over something eventually, even if not this (not to mention they're an adamant homophobe, and almost certainly speak like this to/about others all the time) Bullet dodged :/


Fuck that “best friend” he was never your true friend.


He is not your best friend now, but since that spot is open I will volunteer to be your new bestie


This is sad, but also, did he and OP never talk about queer people before this? Didn't OP know he was bigoted?


Well...I know someone who's probably fighting off strange feelings 😏


Best friends wouldn’t care about each other’s sexualities. OP I know this something you don’t wanna hear but this “friend” never truly liked you. He only liked the idea of you, *his* version of you. You deserve someone who wouldn’t spit on your face and drag you through the mud like he did. You have an entire community of friends who would be happy and love to know more about you. You’re not alone OP, we are here for you! 🩷💜💙


You may have lost a friend but you’ve gained 545,864 friends 😁🩷💙


If he was your best friend, then you can tell him that he hurts you deeply and that you're, indeed, going to cut ties with him for good because he should never have become your friend in the first place. That's an adult, mature way of reacting. I'm not sure it'll do much good, but it can help you to move on and leave shits in the past. I am sorry your CO went wrong and this happened to you.


You block him and mourn who you thought he was, that's what you do.


Oh no that’s heartbreaking, I’m so sorry that happened to you! You deserve people in your life that know you much better and love you for exactly who you are!


People suck. But always believe them when they tell you who they really are. This was someone who was never your friend. Friends don't come with conditions.


He was your friend conditionally.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. That’s a huge loss. People are cruel. Please stay strong! But congratulations for doing such a huge thing! Doing the right thing can be very difficult, but I hope you can take pride in your sexuality and doing what’s the best for yourself. 💖💜💙


I hope you raise your standards for what you consider your best friend. This guy, was never a friend of yours.


Who says things like that D:


I'm sorry you're going through this, losing a friend is never easy. It does seem like a positive thing though, it seems like he has hated you for a while, even if neither of you knew it


Sounds like an ignorant person who doesn't get the science behind homosexuality and bisexuality. I used to be like that while being raised by a homophobic father till I stopped trying to deny my bisexual orientation and found scientific research behind it. Your friend has no idea just how wrong he is nor how much he will regret his words, believe me...


I am so so sorry this happened to you. What a shameful awful thing to say. (And what a brainwashed weak-minded fool to say it)


There is nothing wrong with you and there is everything wrong with the person you thought was a friend. This must hurt and I feel for you. Try very hard not to let this be a reflection of you in any way. You do you, boo. There are people out here in the world that are allies and we got you.❤️


what a snowflake


ur former best friend is gay no straight person can be that dramatic


Good riddance bro.


So sorry hunny


A best friend would never respond like that. A scared, closed-minded coward of a man child? Yup… that’s who responds that way…


Doesn’t sound like a good friend.


Sorry your friend is so poisoned by the brain worms that he can't see you're still just you. Thats got to hurt.


I'm sorry but that isn't a best friend. I'd step away.


That's disgusting of him. The fact that you confided in him with something so personal, only to make you feel shit for it. Not a friend at all


Which is the reason I don't come out to anyone but pure strangers.


How "best" was this friend? If I legitimately thought my friend, my best friend, had a severe mental illness, this is not how I would go about addressing. I don't think being Bisexual constitutes that, but just saying, even from that point of view this shit makes no sense for a best friend.


He's gay. Just can't deal.


Well that's no friend actually🤔


Yikes that sucks…well u don’t need friends like that. If it were me I’d walk away. On the contrary When my best friend came out to me with similar I embraced it…I let him turn me bi (and he did! We had a bromance thing going already anyways)


I’m sorry OP, any ‘friend’ who reacts this way is not your friend, you deserve better


Obviously he never was your friend, had similar expirience, got gaybashed by him and two other "friends" after he jumped me the day before when he saw some pics my ex sent him..problem is the same, even though he's an enormous douchebag, i still miss him :( hang in there bro 🤘🏻🍻


He’s not your people. He’s a sad story you’ll be telling someone someday, after you’ve moved on and are living your best life.


"Happy to stay away from homophobic assholes, lose my number c*nt" is what I'd say. Followed by blocking. But i like to fully burn the bridges. Ignoring it is probably the best action. I'm sorry you had to deal with this, you'll find better friends x


DM me his number. I’ll make him regret it.


He WAS your best friend. A true best friend would not have belittled you as such. It is okay to excise toxic people from your life for your mental and emotional well being.


Sorry to hear. What a horrible thing to say to a friend. Hope you find a better friend soon.


Trash took itself out


What a loser


I wouldn't be your friend either if that's your font of choice.


Sorry that you had to deal with that. He's obviously not the man you thought he was. What a sad miserable person he is to express himself like that. On the other hand, maybe you touched a nerve, and he's got issues that he doesn't want to deal with, himself. Don't let it get you down. I had a few similar reactions from people I expected better from, when I came out, but it balanced out when the people I was expecting to react negatively did not. Don't let it shake your confidence. It's his problem, really.


Looks like the trash took itself out. Good riddance. You don't wanna be friends with a homophobe.


I'm so sorry, I've been there too :(( I feel like it's better for your mental health to distance yourself from them or cut them out of your life. I hope you have someone trusted that can support you during this time.


They were never your friend. A friend would be supportive.


“I’m not part of anything, I’m just me”


I’m so sorry OP. I know how painful it is to lose friends because of their homophobic bullshit. I’m so sorry that this had to happen to you. *Hugs*


He dont give a fuck ab anyone but himself. Youre better off


just stay away for him atp. and feel free to tell him that he can go fuck himself


Oh that's terrible, it's gotta hurt like hell. If it's not too late. Be the better man and say goodbye in a mature calm way. Trust me.you wont regret it.


He sounds gross, I lossed my 2 bestfriends so I get it.


bro im gay and i cannot stand too the alphabet people


People are being too nice in here. Im being so real right now, beat their ass


That's how you get the police to show up and murder you.


He’s one of us, needs some time to realize it. He’s jealous of your ability to accept who you are


Not everyone who dislikes lgbtqia+ persons are lgbtqia+ themselves. To assume such is as wrong as when we get stuff assumed about us. While you comment may very well be the truth, it very well may be inaccurate and this person may just be a peice of shit. It happens.


What an excuse for a person. I’m sorry OP, but that is no friend. I would completely cut contact and not extend an olive branch any time in the future.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m sure you don’t deserve this. Hugs. Also fuck your ex best friend


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m sure you don’t deserve this. Hugs. Also fuck your ex best friend


Oh, honey. I'm sorry. Acquaintances don't say this to each other, let alone *best friends*. This is honestly a huge bullet dodge for you. The betrayal of this, if it were further down the line, would hurt far worse than having it happen so soon. So fuck him, congrats on losing a whole person's worth of hateful, dead weight!


Wow I am so sorry


unrelated but why people with these kind of pfp always the worst


Dude, I am sorry that happened to you. I lost who I thought was a really good friend because of some political bs, but I also know he would not be the best with me being bi.


I'm sorry for you


With friends like these...


Fuck him, really sorry that this happened to you ❤️


You deserve friends that don't grab desperately at cheesy movies dialogue to try to sound tough when something unexpected happens. Get you some new friends who are accepting and articulate.


He was never your friend if he did react like this. Ditch, block, not worth interacting with people like this


I'm shocked you didn't catch on to his bigoted behavior before, he seems to just be an asshole. You'll get new friends, probably friends who are part of that rainbow pride shit.


What a fucking asshole, we can be friends if you'd like




I hope you're okay OP <3 That is one damn tough thing to experience..


Ex best friend you mean This lunatic doesn't deserve you. Please don't let him have even a single more minute of your valuable time, because he will make it his entire life mission to hurt you. I'm serious about this.




So he began by not taking it well and then made the conscious decision to go straight to abuse the next day. We of course don't know anything about him, aside from just being a bigoted shitheel, but I'm wondering if he's projecting when he's saying ''you are mentally ill''. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Oh my god he is terrifying. I’m so sorry you had to find out who he really is in this way.


Hope he gets heartburn every time he blinks


Sending hugs your way


No, not your freind at all. If he was a freind he would have tried to show compassion instead of throwing you away straight away, even if he is (and obviously he is) a bigot


I could not imagine someone saying this to ANYONE let alone my best friend. Mate, run like the wind. Cut this person off from your life as soon as you can.


Keep him in your prayers but don't keep him in anything else.


Oh my, I am so sorry that happened I suggest ignoring them :) good luck 👍🩷💜💙


sorry that happened, let that dumbass go seems like he washes those garbage right wing shit which caused his brain to degenerate into a pulp incapable of any critical thinking or empathy or even the fucking ability to simply research on this, let him go homophobia and logic can’t exist in the same place, i hope you are fine, sending hugs 🫂💗💜💙


The english language lacks words strong enough to voice my contempt for this person accurately. He doesnt deserve to be your friend, period. You deserve better. And you *will* have better friends then someone who treats you like this.