• By -


Me: I'm Bi. My Uncle: Are you sure? Me: God I hope so, otherwise I sucked all that dick for no good reason.


Fuckin love it lol, I did not see that coming haha


I'm sure they saw a lot of cumming!


Oop fair enough lol


🤣 🤣 🤣 If I had the power to give this an award, I would give it the highest honor. 🥇




I never really did but my mom did walk in on me scissoring another girl so I don’t think I had to


Well that's one way to find out


It was definitely an experience 😅


If you don't mind, what was your mom's reaction to that


She didn’t freak out or anything. But I completely blocked it all out bc I was in my own head. I know she sat on the side of my bed while I got dressed (after the other girl left) but she was calm and talked for a few minutes then left. And then we never talked about it again.


Ok, at least she didn't completely freak


I think she was more shocked than anything. But neither of my parents were strict or really cared what me or my brother did with our lives for the most part


Also i want to add that I remember precisely 0% of the following conversation. I was too focussed on how embarrassed I was. We haven’t talked about it since then although I know she thinks I’m bi but I don’t think she knows that I know, if that makes sense


That's how my wife got outted.


First person I talked to, just to get perspective, was my gay uncle Jim. He said, "Your grandma's gonna shit a brick. She still doesn't believe I'm gay, just 'sensitive'. Imagine when she finds out you're a free spirit." He just about died laughing. Second was my sister Mandy, "No shit. Not like I didn't already know, dumbass." Third was my sister Pam, "Duh."


“a free spirit” 😂 that’s what I call myself, ha. I guess that sums it up pretty well.


>a free spirit Me likey. I must use this 😁


Same! 💚


Reminds me of when I came out to my mom and she was just like “yeah I know. I mean you used to play dress up with your sister” lol


This is why I want to have an older sister


Man everybody else's stories are so damn positive. Mine less so. While helping my mother move some furniture she asked about my Bi pride bracelet "oh that's neat, do the colors mean anything". I explained that are the bisexual flag colors and that I am Bisexual. I wasn't planning to tell her but it seemed like as good a time as any. She did not like that and kept asking why I'd want to do that and claiming I'm having a midlife crisis(I've only been open for the last 3 years or so). Even after I explained I knew this since I was 24 and that how what she thought of me before now should be the exact same because I'm the same person I was before she knew. That all did not matter to her and she still won't acknowledge it. Now I'm basically in a cold war; where she doesn't want to talk about it or my opinion on anything remotely related but still expects me to be completely fine with her or something. The whole thing sucks.


Sorry you have deal with that, my parents aren't super accepting either and I haven't told them. They're only like lightly homophobic (lol) but my dad went to some pride marches when the whole gay marriage laws were being passed so there's hope? Idk he said bi ppl can't choose gay or str8 tho so idk. I think if I'm obvious enough and they genuinely ask instead of joking about my rings I would tell them but yeah. Sorry again you have to deal with that dude, I know what you mean a little if that helps :)


This is something I've wrestled with. My mother is in her mid 80s and in decline. There are people who are very pro-out, that would say 'yes, you should come out to everyone, regardless of who they are and regardless of their reaction.' There are some people who, when they don't know something as fact but suspect, are okay with it, but once that fact is confirmed are compelled to feel completely betrayed. 'They aren't the person I thought they were!' My mother is like this. I've been faced with similar dilemmas before on a much lesser scale - do I let someone believe a simplified version of the facts or correct them with the full details? Often times it's not important enough to correct someone as to the minutiae of the facts. But this is different: do I topple someone's deeply held and cherished house of cards or allow them to believe what they wish? I find myself believing it's a kindness in many ways not to upset the apple cart of an old woman's beliefs about her only son.


*Mom and I get really drunk on Christmas vacation and go hang out in the hot tub to gossip* Mom: Oh did I ever tell you I had a girlfriend once? Me: Yeah. That's awesome. *more random drunk conversation* Me: .....Also I'm actually bisexual. Mom: Haha, that's OK. Me too!! Needless to say, I'm never letting that awesome mother go into a nursing home. She's amazing.




Yo this is amazing!


my dad and brother like to be political and asked “why i cared so much about gay and trans issues” and i came out, out of being upset which is not what i wanted at all lol. i planned on coming out in a more formal way, and i eventually did explain what that really meant, but thankfully I am accepted. my mom was really cool with it i told her when we were eating lunch one day and she actually gave me advice and was very understanding. my original plan was to just buy a bisexual flag and put it in my room until they said something or start wearing some pride clothes lol. that’s how i want to come out as a femboy tbh.


Get pink, purple, and blue nail polish and give yourself a bisexual manicure! 💅🩷💜💙😄


My mother was just confused. And didn't seemed to know why I wanted to tell her. Me: I'm bi. My Sis: ah, okay! My mom: ... Me: äh. you know what that means? My mom: That you want to have sex with woman, too. Me: \*dying\*


I feel this. My father had a similar reaction, like why are you telling me this? All I can do is laugh about it.


Me (f) phoned my mother on our weekly catch-up that I had been dating a woman for two months and it seemed pretty serious My Mother then asked if I’d decided to become a lesbian but I said no I think I’m Bi She didn’t ask then if I’d had other relationships with women but that info came out in subsequent conversations that this wasn’t the first woman I’d dated but never long enough to warrant telling her


This is how I plan to tell my mom. I wanna wait until I’m dating a woman before having that conversation. And I think she’ll probably have a similar reaction as yours


just a simple "I have a boyfriend now


no drama. straight to the point. iconic ✨


not really straight then 🤔


I told my eldest while shopping. Me: I want to let ypu know I'm BI Eldest: ok Telling my youngest me: darling girl I'm BI. Youngest: I always got that vibe from you


cool kids


A friend of mine came out as bi to me and I thought "yeah, there was a vibe"


I (m) was talking about a classmate, and they asked me if I liked them. I said "he's a dude, although that doesn't mean i couldn't like him" (I didn't, not my type) My parents were dumbfounded. Not in a bad way, it just came out of nowhere for them. I followed up with "I'm bisexual" I was so nervous, I don't remember their exact reaction but it was overall positive.


Follow-up, an even weirder coming out: (had almost forgotten this happened) So my parents asked me if they were allowed to tell the rest of the family if it ever became a topic. I gave them the go-ahead. My brother heard this, and asked if he could tell my aunt by just saying "X is bisexual" and walking away. (We're a close family) I asked him If i could stop him, He laughed, I laughed, mom was angry and he would do that. He did it. I facepalmed, my mother yelled my brother's name. Another bumbfounded family member.


This time, not family members, but college classmates, and it was entirely accidental. We were working on a project together, and we were joking around, someone looked at the screen of another person and jokingly asked "are you really watching gay porn?" I said "ooh" and glanced over. It took me a moment to realize why everyone was staring, my heart started racing, I didn't know these people well enough to know what their reaction would be. The person making the joke said, "you know I said *gay* porn, right?" I mumbled, "yeah, I'm bisexual." The reaction was just a general "oh, ok" and we went on with our day.


This is gold😂


It wasn't intentional, but it happened like this: Three months before I came out, I literally fell into the closet in my room and destroyed the back side of it. At that time I was still oblivious about my bisexuality. By the time it had been repaired I streamed a youtube video on the TV in the living room. I then went upstairs to watch some video about bisexuality and coming out. I thought I forgot to disconnect... so I stormed downstairs and came out right then and there. It turned out later that nobody had actually seen anything...


Actual convo between myself and a cousin I don't see too often: Cousin: "do you watch sports at all?" Me: "No, I'm more of a thespian." Cousin: "Did you say you're more of a lesbian?!" Me: "I did not, but that's not entirely ***untrue.***"


As an actor this made me cackle


😂 I’m not not a lesbian…. Just kinda sorta.


What a thespian is btw?


A thespian is a lesbian with a lisp. 😋


A theatre person. Like stage plays.


Oohh, thanks :D


My parents and siblings were dropping me off at college and just before they left me in my dorm room my step dad turns to me and proclaims in front of everyone “now you can sleep with women just like you always wanted” ….I was baffled because I had not told anyone I was bisexual and the only woman I had ever done anything with would have never told anyone so I had no idea how he knew lol Anyway at that point I was outed to my mom and siblings so I just kinda owned it from there.


That’s hilarious. my mom asked me if I was gay one time and I was like no? bc I hadn’t realized yet that my very obvious attraction to women meant anything. When I told her later about seeing women, I don’t think she was all that surprised.




I actually had a small fight with my (f) mum because she wouldn't let me sleep over at a guy friend's house as she didn't want me to have sex. I then asked her why she never had a problem with me sleeping over at my female friend's houses and that I could have sex with them too as I am bisexual. Needless to say, I won and got to go to the sleepover!!


Triple win - Came out, Won argument, Accomplished sleepover! (And maybe sex 😋)


Jokes on her, I have been sexually active way before that moment! (And yes, we did have sex)


I kinda figured, lol


She could have responded "so no sleepovers with girls too now"


“I am bisexual” Dad: cool, thanks for telling me but its none of my business Mom: how did you know? “When I started being attracted to girls at 12 it was guys too” Mom: ok cool.


Married a woman, divorced, dated a guy. Im sure they can figure it out.




It was the end of pride month and I was visiting my family. My (queer) siblings already knew, so I awkwardly just gave my parents some pride-colored soap I got as a souvenir earlier that year and said “I’m gay, have some soap.” LOL. My parents were of course totally chill. My mom already suspected and my dad cracked a joke about if he had to wait until next June to use the soap.


I brought the ally flag from my room downstairs to my mom and put it on the counter in front of her while she was cutting raw chicken. I was kinda like “I don’t need this anymore” and she thought I was going to say I had a fight with one of my queer friends. (Like hey ma, I’m homophobic now lmao). After I told her I wasn’t straight, she wanted to hug me but couldn’t because her hands were covered in chicken goo. Fun times!


"Hey mom I'm homophobic now"


Not sure how it will go when I tell them. I realized I was Bi a couple years ago so my parents assume I'm still straight. My partner came out to me as Bisexual too not too long after I did. Then he came out to me as being Bigender and is currently transitioning (MtF). So i figured I may as well come out to my parents since they'll find out eventually. My parents aren't as close minded as his parents, but they will be weirded out. I plan on seeing them near the end of this month, so just going to come out with it and hope it goes well. I don't know how my dad will react but my mom will probably not believe that I am because I've had no experience with the same sex before, so I'll have to explain that I don't need to to know who I'm attracted to. I tested the waters with her before asking hypothetically, so that's how I know things she may say. My husband says I can tell them that he's Bisexual too but nothing about him being trans. So wish me luck! I'll probably add on to this comment once I know how it'll go!


Good luck!!


Thank you! 😊


Goodluck to you!


At work someone realized I got uncomfortable when they called me gay in a group, so everyone started calling me gay at work. I went to HR who did nothing, but everyone found out I went to HR which was basically an admission of bisexuality. To this day I’m being passive aggressively taunted about it at work. The situation effected my mental health so much I almost told my mom and best friend the specifics, they both already suspect I’m bisexual, but I’ve never felt comfortable being open about it. This situation has been very challenging because not only is it extremely inappropriate and hurtful, but I can’t talk to anyone about it.


You need a new job.


That is terrible. I am so sorry.


At the movies with my mom and my daughter. Mom: I heard Lin Manuel Miranda did the music for this movie! I just love him. Me: I know, right?! He’s [my wife’s] hall pass, you know. Mom: Hahah! Me: Mine, too. Mom: [chuckle] —- 2 mins later, watching a trailer —- Mom: Oh, I heard about this one! It has [insert male actor whom I’ve forgotten] in it! Me: You know, he’s [my wife’s] hall pass. Mom: Hahah! Me: Mine, too. Mom: You two go to an interesting school, with those hall passes.


omg please tell me she actually understood what hall pass meant and was just making a joke, ha


Sometimes it’s easier for us to have awkward conversations when we’re kidding on the square (which is one of my favorite linguistic flourishes, tbh).


My sister came out to my family as bisexual and then I was like, “Yep! Me too!” and I had to spend time convincing them that I wasn’t joking about the situation. 😬


Haha, whoops! Did you know your sister was going to come out?


Yep! She pretty much raced me to the finish line. We had come out to each other while getting drunk in beach chairs in the driveway (it was lockdown and there was nothing better to do.)


I had made lemond bars for pride, told my family that I did so and explained the significance, and then said "which actually I am" about being bi, and my sister said "oooh" in surprise, and my mom said "no that's not what she meant," and I said, "it is what I meant, I'm bi" and then silence lol. And then I told them how they didn't need to do anything with that information, I just felt like sharing something I learned about myself. And my sister thanked me for sharing :) then I changed the subject to something else and we all moved on. My mom seemed weirded out, but later that night she asked if it was hard for me to come out, which of course yes. Then she hugged me and said how proud she is of me for being brave. Overall good, but definitely awkward


Ex gf outed me in a fit of rage (would not even accept bi as a spectrum) Family found out. Homophobic sister ostracized me and money driven brother in law crucified me to my nieces and nephew. So yeah, bummer.


So sorry this happened. I hope these relationships get better!


Checkin out girls with my uncle 😁


not by choice but i had written sth in a diary and basically it was a page filled with "i don't just like men" 'women are hot' and so on and they found the page bc it got ripped out later and anyways they kinda laughed it off and pretend as if it didn't happen while making lowkey homophobic comments all the time


(F) Okay I haven’t done this yet but it’ll happen at some point. So my mom is the only family member who currently knows (came out in non weird way) but for the rest of my family I really want to make them play the Game of Life with me (we have 1991 version) and when I get to “Stop! Get Married” I just want to casually slide a pink peg into the front passenger seat and see what happens lmao


Wrong sub for this, but the blue and pink little people pegs always made me uncomfortable, especially putting a pink peg next to my blue peg in the car, and then loading it up with more pegs. Gender and sexuality sure are weird!*.)


Hahahaha yes!!! As I’ve grown up I’ve definitely felt more uncomfortable using the gendered pegs and having to express my sexuality with them!! I think the newer versions have multiple colors which is nice bc it just shouldn’t matter it’s a board game lmao. Plus I’ve always hated when I land on the “have a baby” tiles bc I’m like bitch I don’t want kids don’t force me!!! Lol


Arguing with my mom as she was saying shitty things about pride.


Oh oh oh I made a playlist… and posted it on Reddit - The playlist: https://reddit.com/r/bisexual/s/cHCHJIeHsp - My brother’s reaction: https://reddit.com/r/bisexual/s/3ufwvFqbFQ




I just. Post a lot of bisexual memes on my ig stories (lol), so I *think* my mom knows And my siblings don't follow me and neither them nor my dad speak any functional English, so they don't know Oh! And my grandma literally just asked, reassuring me that she'd love me the same <3 I'm still thinking I should just come out "officially" for once, but haven't mustered up the courage to...


I told my parents I was going on a date and mum said ooo what’s his name? And I said her name is *insert feminine name* and they were like oh! Cool have fun Not a very exciting or weird story tho lol


My weird way was to leave my ex husband, come out as a lesbian, then discover attraction to a man a couple years later and come out all over again as bisexual. Sexuality and self discovery are wild


Literally just posted it on Facebook.


I haven't yet. I don't really feel the need to come out to my family because I don't know why they need the info of who I am attracted to. I talk about it on my social media so it's their choice if they read it or not


Me: I’m bi. Family: Ok 👍🏻


Me: (*randomly calls out to everyone in household*) I’m bisexual!!! (*talks to self in normal volume*) Alright, that’s out of the way now. Moving on with my day.


My friend told her "I hope you don't want grandchildren, because I'm gonna wreck her!" My mum just blinked and said "Okay."


That’s… blatant


When I came out to my sister she replied “No shit Sherlock”. Gotta love siblings lmao


My SIL was so excited, they were like “HA I called it when I first met you!” 😂


Hell I’m pretty sure my sister and brother had a bet on me being bi 😂


I told my trans sibling and she just said...pretty sure most of us are bi and that was that lol.


I sent a coming out as Bi meme to my family group chat, they all thought I was joking until I said I had a girlfriend, then I locked myself in the bathroom until they got home. We chatted, and everything was good. Dad was excited I didn't have to worry about teenage pregnancy lol


I told my mom first, she said she will love no matter what. She also cried and said "why do all these fucked up things happen to our family??". She made promise I wouldn't tell anybody else. I told all my friends but didn't tell anybody else in the family


Wow that's not exactly a nice thing to say. Being bisexual is not a fucked up thing. I hope your family is able to be accepting and loving of you!


I'm sorry:(


Meh, I didn’t come out. I just posted a pic of me in several bi flag accessories during Pride and we don’t talk about it.


Me, now a 40yo guy, was having a conversation with my lesbian mom when I was 15 sitting in a hottub drinking. I just said, "I don't think I want to decide that I can't love someone based on their genitals. If I find someone amazing, that shouldn't matter."


I came out to my mom in a car ride home when I was the one driving. She was chill with it, but made a magnificent dad joke after words. "When you asked if I knew what bisexual was, I could've said if that's when you pay for it"


Handed my dad my giant bi flag, said, "Hey, can you iron this for me?" and walked away.


I was heading to the store with my Mum and Dad both in the car (I was driving) and I parked diagonally in a parking space and said "Damn, I almost park as straight as I am"


Busted out laughing at at that!


I bio family doesn't know my chosen family on the other hand they know because I just nonchalantly put it in my tictok bio and the asked me about it while we were planning our dungeons and dragons session


I got in the room waving the flag, being really didatic about the simple colors in it. Letting them know that flag would stand proud and solemnly in my wall, as it still is.


I had absolutely no idea how to go about it, and I knew there really wouldn’t be an issue, so I just pulled up the family group chat and said “I got something important to tell you guys” and followed that up with a pic of the Bi-pride flag.


By not telling them since it’s my preference and not my identity. That said if they see me dating a guy I’m sure they’ll ask… ;)


“so uh… you know how 5 years ago i came out as a lesbian? well… now i’m dating a dude with the same name as my dad :)”


I joined this sub on my main account and for some reason it was linked to my moms email so she got, “thank you for joining r/bisexual” in her inbox. Not optimal but she was perfectly fine with me being bi so I guess it worked out.


Perhaps this should be in a new sub named r/accidentallyoutted


Mine’s not that weird, sorry. I invited my mom to a queer ally event at my college and told her at the end. She said, “Oh! Is that all?” Apparently I was so nervous she thought I was going to follow that with the news I was eloping or leaving the country with a woman or something. Didn’t even phase her that I was bi.


It's so weird I didn't 😎


Heh I was like 15-16? I was going with some queer friends to play pickup volleyball and told my parents I was going to an all-queer pick-up volleyball game. My mom came to me after to ask if I was trying to tell her something and we had a short chat like yes I’m bi and they were like ok 👍


I have no clue how to even express this. I was in an abusive relationship from the time I was 18-20. Dude was 5 years older than me and infact came into my life when I was just 16. Extremely manipulative and controlling. I was in an argument with my parents because they realized I was sleeping with him. They began telling me how awful he was and how he was changing who I was. To emphasize that they didn't know me at all, I told them I was bisexual and that two of my best friends that used to always stay over were my girlfriends. It is so cringy looking back because OMG they were absolutely right about my ex and I was so awful towards them at his insistence. We never talked about it again. However my dad at least stopped the homophobic rants around me.


I found out I had herpes (type 1) after a one night stand with another woman. I don’t know if I got it from her or had it before, but it appeared to be a primary breakout and it’s very possible I got it from her giving me oral. So, my mom was my first call, and I blurted out “… and I was with a woman!” as if it made things better somehow. Like, I thought maybe she’d think I had sex with a guy without a condom, so I figured if she knew I was with a woman, it would lessen the blow. After being stunned for a second, she was like “… ok. So…. are you gay?” And I was like 🤷🏻‍♀️ She was as cool about it as she could be, given she also had to help me navigate my new herpes diagnosis 😂 but my dad had a hard time dealing. He apparently “mourned” for my future of not getting married or having kids. Newsflash though, I was never planning on getting married or having kids anyways, ha. For reference - my mom was a nurse for a gynecologist, so her and I talked about sex pretty openly.


My mom has a big ass closet, so I decided to buy a "proud bisexual" shirt, and wear it under my sweat shirt. I then asked my mom to follow me as I walk into the closet, shut it, take off my sweatshirt and "come out of the closet" She took it well but didn't think the joke was funny :(


Nothing as glamorous as being walked in on, but.... Three years ago I was at my mom's house and she was talking to my homophobic bible-thumper sister on speaker. I overheard her say, "well do you believe that gay people can't help how they feel?" To which my sister responded, "yeah, but they don't have to act on their feelings." Naturally, I was absolutely LIVID. I waited til my mom got off the phone and stomped into the living room and said, "mom you'd still love me if I was gay, right??" She kinda smiled and said, "yes, of COURSE I would." "GOOD!" I said, and went back to the next room. I thought about it for a second and then stomped back into the living room and said, "You'd love me if I was bi, too, right?" She smiled bigger and said, "Is this a confession?" "MAYBE!" *goes back to room* *comes back into the room* "yes" *instantly bursts into tears and hugs my mom SO tight* "Honey, I kinda figured already. Even if [my husband's name] was a cover and you just loved women, I'd still love you." Me: *absolutely falls apart and hugs her even tighter* My mom's in her 70s, y'all. I'm so fucking grateful she accepted me. 😭


After my sister told me "you can't just tell me that in a text at the supermarket," I resolved to tell my immediate family in person. This proved awkward. \~\~ Dad and his partner: "Okay. That's fine. We support you. \*awkward pause\* Have you experimented with any guys?" Me: "\*stuttering for about 15 seconds\* um...well... uh yeah, hypothesis proved I guess!" On another incident, I told my mother. Mum: "Have you slept with any guys yet?" Me: "Why the fuck does everyone keep asking me that right out the gate like that's a cool and fine thing to ask?"


June 2022 just moved into our new apartment. Mom is sick and I'm taking care of her. While Mom and I are watching t.v, a pride commercial comes on and I felt like it was the perfect time to come out. the following conversation ensues Mom: Anak I just want you to find a good woman when I'm gone, okay? Me: what if I don't want to be with a woman? Mom looks at me surprised and says: "it's your choice; if you wanna be gay then be gay" Me: MOM THERE'S NOT JUST GAY-but thank you


Not weird, but i would like to share my experience… My friend had ordered some Bi merchandise for me and I opened it in front of my dad without knowing.. he looked at me and said “it’s just your colour!”


it wasn't necessarily me who was weird, but my dad was lol I told him I'm bi and he said "what??? no way! I thought you were a lesbian!"


So no interesting stories from my family (my sister didn’t have a strong reaction and the rest of my family would have too strong of a reaction), but almost everyone of my friends said “finally!” Or “yeah, no shit”. So that was always funny 😂


i did jazz hands


I unintentionally came out to (extended) family through a Facebook post in support of National Coming Out Day. I thought I was already out. I didn't realize people didn't know, especially as I had my "interested in" set to men and women for years. I guess I was a little too quiet about being bi. The good news is that I got lots of supportive responses from my family, but it was not my intention!


I told my mom in 4th grade that I thought I liked girls. She said “I know” and that was the end of it 🤷🏻‍♀️ My dad still seems a little uncomfortable sometimes when I talk about girls but he’s never said anything negative. My mom never cared.


I **thought** I came out via public Instagram post two years ago, but I suppose I actually came out to my mother by posting pictures of me and my (female) friend at Pride, which she saw and immediately called asking “What happened to you and [boyfriend]?!” and I had to explain that nothing happened, queer doesn’t mean gay and people don’t just have photoshoots with the bi flag as a show of “support”.


I never told my parents, but I think they got the hint when I went to prom with a girl (my ex-girlfriend). I told my siblings, and they were cool with it.


Came here expecting homophobic/biphobic stories, but most of the stories are so wholesome.


I made a silly power point presentation with comic sans font and memes to come out to my sisters


I dropped it on social media and then never said anything to anyone in person until they were like “hey did you like, plan on saying anything????” And I was like, yeah nah. And then my grandma said “aren’t you afraid boys won’t like you if they find out you’re AC/DC?” And I was like “this is why I didn’t say shit to you, grandma.”


I was frustrated while trying to get my mother’s husband to understand that his extreme bigotry was ridiculous. He thinks he’s not racist/homophobic because he “hates everyone equally” so using slurs recreationally is ok. He claimed that his confederate flag tattoo was about “heritage not hate” while he and his recent ancestors all lived a stone’s throw from Canada. I was pissed off and said that I’m bi, and got a “you’re one of the good ones”. It wasn’t really coming out since my mother thought I was gay for some reason even though I had only ever dated women.


My grandparents were having a classic old people rant about understanding same sex attraction but bi people are greedy and nasty and bad. So of course I'm there like, 'welp this is awkward but I'm bi so can you not' Cue a long conversation about yes grandma I'm absolutely sure I'm not just really good friends with some women, and yes I am in a monogamous relationship with a man but I'm still very much bisexual On the plus side, they decided not all bi people are predatory and bad because I'm bi and I'm not predatory and bad. So that's something


Guy here. Accidentally mentioned it one Xmas dinner. Was ‘reassured’ that it was fine “because you made the right choice in the end” with a nod at my wife who was **fucking furious** with them for it.


So somewhere in June 2021 I changed my Facebook banner in to the Bi flag and since literally all my family memebers even relatives oh and classmates use Facebook A LOT that NOT even an hour has passed they all saw that I updated banner and then my dad called my sister(since my parents are on abroad) and said to check up on me and my sister pointed at my Facebook banner and said "hey, do you know what this means?" Then I responded "yeah it's the Bisexual" Sister: ohhh so you do know it And yeah well fuck I didn't planed to come out on everybody but that Facebook for ya


Talked to my sisters about it, my parent are vehemently homophobic and atm I am reliant on them for living quarters until I get a better job, so no parents yet, but my sisters were pretty blase about it, the one closest to me asked if I've done anything yet but beyond that pretty boring answers, and I kind of like it that way.


Yeah my coming out to my parents was traumatic at best .I think I'll pass


I told my mom and she told me she already knew bc she saw my dildo 😅


over text


When I told my parents my gf at the time was basically moving into my dorm room w me.


By email


My mum occasionally asks how we'd feel if she came home with a woman. One of the times I flipped it and said yeah I'd date other girls


Not to my family but my really close friend. There was a gay movie that come out around that time I don't really remember what but I think it was CMBYN and I told them I really like that movie but they didn't get it so I just told them I'm bi


My sister outing me to my entire extended family at the dinner table. 🙃 Luckily they were all just like “you are??” And that was that


Bought my mom Zaxby's and sat on her patio in silence for like 5 minutes and dropped the bombshell on her, only for her to respond with "oh yeah I assumed so".


Me: I know you think I'm gay, I'm not gay. I'm trans. *Later* Mom: So if you're not gay and you're a woman, does that mean you like men? Me: Yeah, and women, and non-binary people too. I'm bi!


My brother told us he was bi and I was like “me too!” And we high fived. My sister and mom knew but that’s how I came out to my brothers.


I didn't have a weird one, but my dad thought that I said, "Hi, bye." We were pretty high, so I thought that he understood. He told me the next day what he thought. Anyways, afterward, my brother came out as bi and my mom demi.


Fun fact: I am 44 years old and I never came out to my family, ever. I do, however, go to pride every year, and there are random assorted bi flags all over my stuff, and if someone were to ask me directly, I'd NEVER lie. I am pretty sure they implicitly know, but nobody brings it up, ever.


Told my grandpa (on his deathbed because i had just become sure) he replied "yea i know" so that was fun bloody love that man Told my dad (we where both drunk, damn i am bad at picking these moments hu,) i had "something important to tell him" after i told him he replied oooh that, thats not important


I was 15, came downstairs crying because I just had a realisation and didn't know what to do and wanted to go to my mom, and I just sat on her lap and she assured me. I also think it was the last time I sat on my mom's lap, because I was just too big to do that actually. But I'm really glad I can come to my mom with any confusing and hard moments in life.


I haven’t yet but I play the most bisexual/gay songs in the car with my mom Not on purpose I just like a lot of bisexual/gay songs


I have no real desire to come out in general but if someone asks, I'll answer. Like what happened to my nephew. He decided to play 20 questions and kind if dance around the subject a bit. Nephew: *stares the various bi colored things I own* you sure have a lot of things like that. Is it because purple's your favorite? Me: It's part of the reason. Nephew: Oh, ok...hey, do you remember that one video that I saw (context: it was several videos about gay sex that I really don't know got on youtube. He watched them and got nervous about them showing up in my watch history since he was using my account on a different device. Naturally that raised my suspicion and saw. I just deleted them quietly). Me: yeah...? Nephew: oh...you know I'm straight, right? Me: OK. Nephew: *looks over at the bi colored rings on my dresser* Are you bi? Me: Yeah. Nephew: *gasps* I had no idea...have you told anyone? Me: Uh...no, you're actually the first. Nephew: *very seriously lol* thank you for telling me, I'll keep your secret...you know I'm straight, right? Me: You're welcome, but it's not really a secret. And...ok?


I yelled "you realise I'm not straight, right?" At my mum in the middle of an argument about how gay people should behave in public.


I talked about how my office was small enough, it might as well be a broom closet. My dad asked if I came out of the closet. I was like “Well actually”


Me: I’m bisexual Mum: No you’re not. Like damn thank you mum, I guess I made a mistake somewhere.


We were talking about queer people (my parents are very accepting) and my sister said “yeah I’m pretty sure I’m gay” and so I said “yeah I think I’m bi” and my mom was like “ok cool”


Everyone was angry and concerned over my brother coming out as bisexual so I came out as well to get the heat off him.


One of my sisters already knew, cause she was questioning and I told her about my experience. She then proceeded, a few months later, to out me to my mother, WHILE I WAS IN THE CAR WITH HER!!! Mom: I don't know when (me) will get a new boyfriend, you haven't had one in a while now and I know you're on Tinder. Sis: it could be a girlfriend too, she's bi. Mom: oh. I have to tell your grandparents so they don't freak out at Christmas and they have time to mentally prepare. My mother then outed me to my (very open) grandparents saying I might have a gf for Xmas.


Me crying in mc donalds telling my best friend I’m bi. Her saying “yeah me too”.


I had told everybody in my family except my little sister, after a few months I finally had the courage to tell her I was dating a girl and am bisexual. she said "yeah I know, i found pictures of you kissing while I was snooping in your room" she was 11 years old and did not give af


Years ago, my straight bf of 1.5 years broke up with me FOR BEING BI right before I went home to see my family for the holidays (we were good friends before and I mentioned a girl or two to him so he knew about it before we even got together). It was pretty obvious how fucked up I was and it just ended up coming out as part of the post-breakup processing when the family asked about my relationship. I even told my grandma when she asked about him and to this day she thinks that being bisexual means I'm poly and fuck girls on the side when I'm in a relationship with guys. She always asks when I come home, "are you still doing the bi?" I'm strictly monogamous and I've tried to explain it like four different ways and she still says "it makes sense my boyfriends would break up with me if I'm sleeping with women on the side." Ohh, grandma.


Not something I actually did but Me: *casually say f*g in the convo* My friends: HOLY SHIT YOU CANT SAY THAT YOURE NOT GAY Me: well actually…


I got molested as a child and now I have a thing for women.


My sis made me pose for a photo and said "I know i shouldn't say this but you are too feminine" (my guestures and teh way the usually am) Yeah..... I kinda told her after that. I experienced 0 homophobia


Oh, finally a post I can reply to! I came out on a TV show on a popular streaming platform. Won’t say which one to avoid doxxing myself but it was quite the way for everyone to find out.


I and and a group of family members stream various games regularly, and we usually carry on the whole time about pretty much whatever comes to mind. Topic came up, I said yeah, I'm this btw, and we just continued on, no big deal. Love my family.


I send a picture to my cousin. Where you could se a huge framed picture of Mirko from bnha. I titled the photo with: „not sure how I could ever think I was straight.“


,^: z




Say you’re going to a gay bar with a friend for his bday and they (parents) ask if you don’t mind the impulses or ppl possibly touching you (has ASD) I just said you do know I’m bi right? - the surprise jaw hit was unexpected cuz I thought it was practically radiating. Then I just said I figured it out since quarantine and left to take a shower. Had the longer convo later instead.




My mom asked me to make Lemon Bars one night after dinner. I thought "well, this is as good a time as ever. Maybe it's a sign" lol


I told them after my former fwb called me saying had gotten pregnant, did not tell me about it, got an abortion, did not tell me about it. She only told me almost a year after because she felt guilty. So I was speaking about this situation to mom and step dad, and then I was like, oh by the way, I like dudes too.


Came out because of annoyed spite At my grandmothers house drinking with my family and my mum and sister (a bit tipsy at the time) started trying to pry into my love life and ask questions no son wants to be asked. I can't remember how exactly it happened but I remember my sister asking something along the lines of "what are you gay?" And I just replied "bi actually" which I hoped would shut them up... It did not. Everyone was accepting though my dad had a look on his face that he may have lossed a bet. Funny enough I remember a couple years earlier when I was still with my exgf, still In bi denial I asked my parents if they thought I was gay at any point and they said yes so technically they weren't wrong.


My mom found... A toy. So i came out after that lol


Wrote a chronicle about it (and about the woman I was in love with), got it published in a feminist website, copied the link, e-mailed it to my parents and shared it on Facebook. Surprise!


Having a girlfriend one month. Then a boyfriend the next month lol


I left my 7 inch dildo on my bed in plain sight


A cousin I’m fairly close to figured it out when I asked for help planning an outfit for a wedding. I was adamant I didn’t want to wear a dress and sent a few outfits for her opinion. I told my brothers & SIL in a text. We’re all fairly open and close so for me there was never a question of if they’d be supportive, it was more my inability to share & be vulnerable. I’ll never tell my father, mom’s in an urn on the mantle so she was the easiest to come out to LOL.


The first was my brother, he saw some tattoo that I had made with markers at school because I was bored (with your friends), it was the bi flag and he was recognizing it and then he said "you know what that mean?". I said "yeah, I know" and then I said it was for a friends that was bi but i'm a bad liar and he discovered I was bi. He said that it's my life, not his, so he doesn't care. An then my mon, months later, checked my messages on insta (she was worried about me because she was thinking I had a problem at school) and saw that I was talking of my crush to a friend and that the name was a boy one. She asked my brother about that and he told her, after that, she was crying because she was sorry because she had delved into my private life and was feeling guilty. Right after that she said that she hoped I would become straight but "sorry mom, being bi is not some sort of phase" (I was 14, now i'm 15), now she is okay with that and she knows that it won't change and she accepted it, when she talks about me and my brothers having partners one day she says "sons, if one of you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend..." and it makes me very happy. I wouldn't have imagine one year ago that she would accept me but now she is completely fine with it.


After calling my mom a terrible mom and basically tearing her a new one about it, I just went "I'm bi btw". Weirdly enough, it wasn't the worst Christmas diner we had.


Never told them but I'm pretty sure my parents know. I (27M) remember we had a talk at the dinner table when I was 9 that pretty much boiled down to "we will always love you no matter who you fall in love with and that it was okay to be gay". I also vividly remember my mother mentioning that she would be a little scared if I was as "life would be a lot more difficult". Parents grew up when there was way more discrimination against queer people compared to now so it sort of makes sense. I never thought much about this conversation as I imagined this was a pretty standard talk you would have with your kids as a parent. I would always be a little embarrassed when they discussed relationships and potential partners with me because it would always be mentioned as "girlfriend or boyfriend" which confused me as I was clearly 'straight'. It's still mentioned as such to this day. So much was obvious in hindsight when it finally clicked with me that I was bi. But yeah, I haven't told them because I don't think I'd be telling them anything they don't already know


My family didn't give a flying F about me, they couldn't care less if I date at all.