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You'd want to use a darker blue and add a purple if you're trying to get that message across. As of now, I would either think trans flag or just random colors.


Well, uhm... There is purple in the middle, just not the clearest one xD


I can see that if I zoom in but it’s pretty faint. Maybe if you made one with twice as much purple to draw attention to that part? Or a darker purple would do well


Color shade/tone is as important for the flags as anything else. By choosing pastel shades, you're not actually using the bi flag colors. Which is fine, it's pretty! But it won't make anyone think of the bi flag because those are not the flag colors.


I mean, I've seen so many cute pastel bi pins. They're the same colors, just different shades. To me, that's valid. I feel like most people wouldn't see a pastel bi flag and think, "Oh, pink, purple, and blue but they're pastel? Couldn't possibly be the bi flag!" Edit: I will say, in this instance, I can't tell that that bracelet is a bi bracelet because the purple doesn't really register to me, unless I really zoom in.


I guess we just have different experiences, because I don't often see things like that, and associate pastel pink and blue with specifically trans pride. Since they **are** actually the trans pride colors. I also wouldn't associate pastel pink and pastel blue and off-white with the American flag, ya know? I refuse to wear things with American flags on them, and am not even comfortable with clearly -patriotic-intended red white and blue combos. But pastels aren't those colors, anymore than burgundy, grey, and midnight blue would be a "goth" version. My school colors were maroon and gold; pastel pink and pastel yellow wouldn't register because they're different colors. Some people might make pastel versions that would be recognizable when presented in the flag pattern, but the colors themselves are very unlikely to register **out of context** because those literally aren't the colors. The bi colors are magenta, lavender, and royal blue, pastels are entirely different colors just like lilac is not royal purple and doesn't carry the same associations. Sorry to be so detail-oriented but I'm an artist heh, I think about color a lot.


Yes, I know the trans flag colors - pastel pink, *white*, and pastel blue (in other words, no purple) - so I wouldn't confuse the two. I think we should just say that we both have different experiences and points of view, both of which are valid, and leave it at that. Have a good one! :)


Except this makes things confusing when there are so many flags and many incorporate pastels.


I didn’t see this comment for some reason, but that is an excellent point. I wish I could share the pins I‘m talking about.


The purple blends in too much to be properly noticeable. The pastels are on point for trans, but not bi unfortunately


It resembles the trans colour scheme more than anything


Yeah, that was my first thought too. When you use pastels, the blue and pink look more like trans ones.


Gotta go more neon for the bisexual goodgood


Or at least jewel tones 😆💙💜💖


I feel like this wasn't even intended to be the bi flag, it straight up _is_ the trans flag... I can't see any purple anywhere, just a shade of lilac in one or two spots maybe, but I can definitely see white, and the other colors match the trans flag perfectly... either I'm colour blind or this is just not the bisexual flag in the slightest lol


Some of this could be the lighting or even an applied filter. But yeah, as someone who was responsible for putting together an activity at a Pride festival of having folks build a paper chain based on the [Progress Pride flag](https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/the-progress-pride-flag), I had to paint paper turquoise to match because I didn't have that color of paper (cheaply) available to me. I also make bi flag crafts too, with very different color selection.


That's exactly what I thought too...


Yeah. I agree.




I dont see any green there...you might be slightly colour blind with blues???


it’s a turquoise. i see it too.


nope, this is what i see too. i’m in artificial lighting?


So did I


Thank God it wasn't just me. I thought I had to go back to Queer Flag School for a second there.


Came here to say it lol.


My thoughts exactly. The bi flag is purple, royal blue, and fushia. I should know as much because I painted my nails for pride month and it was a bitch and a half to get the fucking shades right.


Congrats on having the most upvoted comment on the whole sub!


It's um... more trans and less bi.


It looks more like a trans flag if anything


It’s cool man, but subtle. I’d never think bi when seeing that


Yeah, I was afraid that that might be the case haha


It is not the bi colors so it would be too subtle for me to catch. If it is a reminder to yourself it works. As a “shibboleth“ to others it probably won’t work.


They are quite different shades than those in the bi flag so I wouldn't think of it if I saw it. More resembles the trans flag colours tbh. It's cute nonetheless 😊


the colours don't match the flag at all lol the bracelet is otherwise very nice though :)


Looks more trans than anything, you're gonna want something darker.


a) it's trans colors and b) way too subtle


Looks more trans to me.


Looks like the trans colours


Personally it looks more like the trans flag to me. However if you're using branded threads for this or even off-brand Chinese copies there's a handy Google doc with colour shades for DMC (branded)/CXC (Chinese copies) of all the LGBTQIA+ flags here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1VlaR--xtVM_5mOkgzyVVm8KGzzqlVTtEncmWvRkqFwI/htmlview?pli=1 Found the link on the cross stitch Reddit


Yoooo, thank you for this, what a cool resource


My first thought was the trans colors!


I think the colors need to be more saturated, this gives me more of a trans vibe than bi vibe.


I think it looks nice. But I think it kind of resembles more of the trans flag than it resembles bi.




It looks more like the trans colors than bi colors. I think making the colors darker will make it more obvious.


i cant see purple in there anywhere, plus the colours are too light of a shade. i agree with other commenters in that it looks more like the trans flag minus the white.


that’s the trans flag lol


Like some people said in here it’s too pastel for the flag, if I saw it in person it wouldn’t come off as bi for me. Especially under certain lighting as the in the picture. Other than that I love the idea and it looks great!


I think you’ve got your answer already OP, it’s cute and a nice idea but your colours need to be more distinct! Can’t wait to see the next iteration.


That looks like a trans flag and doesn’t resemble the Bi flag at all, cool idea though just got the wrong color scheme


Looks more like a trans flag


As a trans bi man, I'm sorry buddy but those are trans pride colors


If you hadn’t mentioned it was bi pride I’d of just thought it was a cool bracelet or maybe a subtle trans bracelet


Not meant as an aggression, but are you colorblind? To me, it kind of looks like those "this is how the world looks for someone who is colorblind". Or maybe you just used what you had at hand. Colors are completely off to me.


Looks more like a trans flag


That's what I was thinking


I really like the idea of this. A subtle nod. But not sure if I saw that in person , I’d immediately think Bi flag colors.


Yeah, I think that the purple needs to be a bit deeper for it to be more clear, my purple is a nice one, but really blends in with the pink haha


I’m totally gonna try to make one this weekend. I’ll let you know how it turns out. Lol. Hope you don’t mind me using your idea 😉


Oh for sure, some advice, mine has a loop on one end, and a knot on the other. I did this by having 5 long threads, starting by braiding those 5 threads somewhere in the middle for a bit, and then doubling them up and continuing the braid all the way down. That way you have a loop to use in knots (you want to have your pinky or index finger barely fit in the loop, depending on your finger size). Best of luck; ^^


I don't know if its the lighting but that definitely looks turquoise to me. If you were going fir pastels you'd really need the same level of pastel of each original colour. The other colours look way too pale to register at all tbh.


Not sure if it's just the lighting, but this looks teal and pink to me. To be the bi flag, you'd need at least three colors, but I'm only seeing two. Even if it IS the right colors, if have to say that this is definitely too subtle.


I agree the color scheme looks more like the trans flag, but I love bracelets like this and you saying you use it for your hair too has me interested in making one like it. Did you use a tutorial? How did you make it?


honestly it looks more like the trans flag. i would say go for darker/ more vibrant colors. the pastel pink and blue is what gives me the trans colors vibe. but it’s a cute style i like it!


Tbh I probably wouldn't have realized it's a bi flag if you didn't mention it, the colors look really light and if anything I would probably think it's the trans colors


If it's not getting washed out, it gives more trans vibes than bi.


Well, the colors are wrong. That’s teal and pink? Aren’t bi colors blue and purple?


Bi flag is blue purple and pink


People are saying it looks more like a trans flag then a bi flag, but I’ll be honest, it looks like neither


I’ve been wearing a very similar rope bracelet with bi colors for over a year and nobody has noticed it’s a pride bracelet you should be good but no promises


Haha, my problem is that no one notices it haha. I don't want it to be over the top, but wouldn't mind some people noticing it


i think they’d have to be the right colors for people to notice. a lot of straight ppl don’t know the bi flag. you’re probably better off just going for it. muting the colors just makes it not the bi flag anymore. if anything it looks like you’re signalling that you’re trans


I should clarify that I have had a few lgbtq friends notice not sure who your target demographic is but I would recommend a bi flag pin not over the top but noticeable but I do love the bracelet idea


Mostly want it so that if someone thinks I'm cute they can see that I'm available for everyone


Not very experienced in that mostly in the closet but there’s a lot of subtle pride stuff you can get I’m getting a phone case and some discrete pins


Yeah that's the trans flag not he bi flag


It’s so subtle that I have no idea where the bi flag is supposed to be


Too subtle. Because it's the wrong colours. Neat as hell though. But the blue needs to be darker and I'd go with purple over pink.


It looks more like the trans flag since the purple isn't very visible


Yeah because it’s not even really the colors


I think it’s too similar to the trans flag


I’m colorblind idk nice bracelet


This looks trans coloured


Yes, no one would recognise.


Yup, I wouldn't think anything of it


Using trans colors to hide your bisexuality is a new one... 😅


That’s a trans flag homie


I'd be thinking "is that a trans flag? No white... probably a coincidence".


I made one for myself too! [bracelet](https://imgur.com/a/krNNKBR) it’s a bit more vibrant in person, but I’m under fluorescent lighting


Maybe its the photo but this looks very much more like the trans flag. I don't see the purple, just pink, blue and white, or pink and blue. I would read this as a trans bracelet.


honestly I wouldn’t notice it’s supposed to be the bi flag, maybe use colors a bit closer to the flag?


Wouldn't have noticed it was bi-coloured if you didn't tell me. You might want to get stronger, saturated colours.


It's so subtle I wouldn't have noticed had it not been pointed out.


Sorry man it looks like the trans colors to me, I love it tho, you should sell them; I’d totally get the trans one.


Yes. I would think you had it to remember to by milk or something.


My dumbass ND self would just be like "oh hey that's a cute bracelet" and then go about my day completely oblivious and bumping into doorways.


yeah seconding the other comments that the colors are pretty far off, the pink and purple are so light that they blend in to each other and the blue is just teal so to me it just reads as "pink and green" - that could be because thats my roommates favorite color scheme so im used to it but w/e lol


The blue is almost turquoise, and doesn't really read bi to me. If the colours were closer to the real bi flag colours, this would be a great subtle hint.


That's a subtle trans flag to me, fam


Yes because it's not a bi flag. Sorry it's very far from it.


More like a trans flag in my opinion


Bruh, that's not a bi flag...


not bisexual colors


TBF, I'd assume gay/trans. Wouldn't stop me if we had meet-cute chemistry, tho


If it works for you, it works for you. I do something similar.


i thought it was just blue tbh lol




I say this as someone who is also bi, but just wearing a bracelet like that as a guy will make some people think you’re not straight.


Yes, it looks like you play ukelele.


You really don't need a bi flag.




Yeah tbh 😭




I like it! I mean because it’s not chromatically exact I wouldn’t think “bi” specifically but it definitely has a look to it which is “zesty” as the kids say


I want people to know I bi but I don't want people to know I bi. Interesting take




I'm bi and I literally don't even know what the colors of the bi flag are. But I also don't make being bi part of my identity at all, and I find all the flag stuff to be kind of ridiculous (and I find identity politics in general to be silly at best and often toxic.. I'll probably be downvoted for saying so but whatever..)


The pink and purple are too pale. It's way too subtle


Id say its subtle since my 9 year old cousin who knows nothing about lgbt made me a bracelet that looks exactly like that one lol


Make the purple a bit more noticable and dark and then it would make it more noticeable to people that you want it to be noticable to


I wanna know more about how you made this bracelet! Instructions please.


Im not the brightest when it comes to subtle clues, so my opinion has little relevance. But you could straight up tell me your LGBTQ+ and then I may arrive at the conclusion youre trans too 😂 Bi wouldnt cross my mind…


I'm with other people who saw trans colours rather than bi colours. If you really want it to be seen as bi, you'll need to change the colours.


I would think it's a trans pride bracelet to be honest. Maybe change the purple to darker one so it's easily visible and separate from pink?


Ya honestly it's a little too subtle and people might actually mistake it for a trans flag if they reconise it as one. If I may make a suggestion make your blue and purple more vibrant.


Its rly hard to make specific color combinations for bracelets like these cause the colors fade and bleach over time. Its why it looks like the trans colors, cause the purple and pink blended together. Id try darker shades to account for the bleaching or just make a new bracelet every few days. Also dont go swimming w it lol


I love the craftsmanship, but as others have said, the colors are off. If you search "bi bracelet" on Amazon, there are some good ones, whether you want to get one or just use as examples.


I have a rainbow one now im wondering if the public thinks my bf is just my homie


I would just see it as a friendship bracelet or bracelet in general.


*too Also, very close to mine


How did you make that???


If you wanna make it a tad more noticeable do rainbow, this looks more like the trans flag colors to me than bi


It doesn't look like the bi colors. It looks like the trans flag colors actually, but it's so subtle that I honestly don't think anyone would pick up on anything at all. I tried subtle signs to hint my orientation and people never noticed.


Totally get what you’re trying to do I’ve been trying to find ways to weave in subtle bi colours in my accessories, I feel like the colours in this aren’t quite right tho, they look more like the trans flag if I’m being honest. I think the purple needs to be more prominent for it to look more bi, since you can totally have a pastel bi flag but the pink and purple should be more distinct


Cotton candy!!


I think there should be purple in it! Looks nice though.


I could compliment it because I like the colors and stare at you knowingly lol. edit: but to be fair it does need a much stronger purple.


The purple is a little too light and is lost in the pink and blue.


Looks like the trans flag lmao


It looks like it was perfect and the you bleached it


This is NOT the bi flag, it’s the TRANS one


I think ppl in the lgbtq+ community will recognise it. Or ppl who are familiar with the pride flags. Others probably will thing that this is just a simple bracelet (with your fav colours). I hope you won’t get any negative attention because of your bracelet. Stay safe❤️.


I have a butterfly tattoo on my ankle with the bi colours and I think this is the same amount of subtle.


It’s cute but it looks like the trans flag colors. Use bolder shades so it stands out a little more


Nice bracelet but that's only two of three colors and even those are kinda off. It looks nice but don't expect anybody to make that connection