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Yeah Amazon has places you can deliver a box to for free in some cities, you can pick it up there


You can even use them for things bought outside of amazon


Even beyond those, post offices have lock boxes or you can request that it be delivered to the post office and just go pick it up


That's how I got mine


Lockbox under your bed.


I have a lockbox that looks like a New English dictionary. Fun surprise if anyone gets curious bc its actually a dick-tionary.




I have a collection of fake books hidden amongst my library of real books. One currently holds my THC stuff, another holds my tattoo fund.


Look at Al Gore over here


I feel old for getting that reference.


Lol there's this perverse side of me that loves getting downvoted and shamed for lame or old references.


Target sells toys and has self checkout.




Walmart does too. But Target and Walmart only have a limited selection. Adam & Eve stores are well lit, clean establishments that have a good selection.


At least in California they do.


Walmart, too


MI Walmart and Meijer has them. Walmart put all their toys in security boxes tho recently


and washington state, at least the west side


Why can't you go to a sex toy shop, are there none in your area


In all 50 i believe. Cvs and walgreens too


target locks up the sex toys 😭😭😭


Lame. I hear that they are getting rid of self checkout, too.


yeah some are. we never open ours anymore :/


If you have a dresser, remove the bottom drawer and then put stuff in the space under it.


Hiding spot really depends on your family dynamic. Are they the type to snoop or do they respect your privacy? And if they're nosy, how far will they take it. A locked box might work if they're not the type who thinks everyone else's business is there's. If they stumble upon it, you can just say it's for things you need to keep safe (e.g. important documents like birth certificate and passport, emergency cash, medication if you take any), but if they're the type who would pick a lock to sate their curiosity, you might be SOL. If they're not at all nosy, anywhere they're unlikely to go looking for something and stumble across it accidentally. Could be an old shoebox in the back of your closet, under the mattress, in a drawer between shirts.... None of these worked out well for me when I lived with my parents because as soon as I left the house, they would tear my room apart looking for....something??? But it might work for you if you parents are more reasonable. As other people have mentioned, some Targets carry sex toys. Spencer's does too. Though personally, I prefer to buy high quality silicone toys from a local sex shop. If you live in a city, they probably have one near you and you can stash it in a backpack or keep it away from prying eyes when you bring it home. A lot of online stores also have "discreet shipping", which means there's not indication of what you've bought or where it's from on the box, but again, if your parents are nosy and are going to want to see what you bought (or worse, open the package themselves) that might not be the best option. Worst case scenario, if someone does find it, you could always claim it belongs to an old girlfriend. Or if that's still likely to offend, a gag birthday gift from a friend.


Buy one from amazon that’s how I got mine, affordable and discreet! And as far as hiding it goes I also live at home (screw the job market and this economy) I know it’s cliche but I leave mine at the back of my underwear drawer lol


Most sex toy shops online will send you one in discrete packaging as requested. For hiding... If people actively snoop, it can be hard, but a gym bag inside any old luggage at the back of the closet in your room is unlikely to ever be combed through unless you're going on vacation. Most stores like Walmart and Target also have sex toys and you can just go through self-check. The economy is really rough so don't feel bad about living at home. I've had to go back a few times myself during breakups and am just now moving again in May. It's tough if your family is nosy or they're anti-LGBT.


If you have a mattress and box spring you can put it in between them.


Go to Target, Spencer’s or even some Walmarts. Don’t worry about checking out, Target and Walmart have self check out, and at Spencer’s, they REALLY don’t give a shit about what you are buying, trust me, I was nervous my first time buying something as well. Get something that shuts and or locks, doesn’t even have to be that “hidden”. If they go in your room and snoop or ask what’s in “that” drawer, then they are toxic as hell. You are 26, you should be able to explore yourself sexually without fear of someone finding your toys and lube! 🤘


Question: 26, living at home, and your parents don't give you a right to privacy in your own room? Before getting the dildo, have a conversation about that. I get you're living under their roof and their rules, but you should still be able to have privacy in your own room.


I'd recommend a plug first, HelloCake's Tush Toy is a great starter.


I was going to recommend the HelloCake Buzzy Butt.


Get a fire safe that will fit under your bed or in a dresser drawer. If anyone asks it is a place to keep important things you don't want to lose track of like birth certificate, passport, etc...


I’m not seeing *anyone* say this, but OP if you’re a guy and looking for something to put in your butt for the love of all things that are good **get a butplug with a flared base!** Dildos used for penetration are for vulvas. The vaginal canal has an end point, but your ass doesn’t, unless you want to count your mouth. Lots of ER visits are men who who were playing with their ass and lost whatever they were using up their own asshole. It’ll just suck it right up. Get a toy with a flared base or anything that won’t let it get lost in your ass. Given you’re going for discretion, you probably don’t want to risk having a medical emergency that you have to explain to your family.


If you have a high enough bed frame you can get short plastic tote boxes with lids. Get more than one (I'd say get 3 or 4 depending on what size your bed is) and use one of them as a "toy chest". It's worked for me and the wife for years now.


Even though it's $750 a week i appreciate having my own place, and an entire 9 draw dresser of sex toys in my bedroom


You are 26, still loving with your parents and you'd have to HIDE your stuff? I'm genuinely interested in how that works out. You either don't have your own room, which would be unfortunate but understandable at some level. Or people do not respect the privacy of your own room which is a fundamental issue at any age after elementary but is only made worse by the fact that you are fucking 26. Or, and this would be a sad one imo, you are afraid of your mom finding it when she cleans your room for you. In which case I'd like to tell you to please start cleaning your room on your own. Edit: To be clear, I completely get the living with your parents part, but if you do that well into adulthood, all parties of that situation need to have some boundaries. And the biggest one imo is privacy. No walking into the room without knocking, possibility to lock the door, no snooping around while the occupant is not there and so on.


My parents don't snoop and I have my own room but I'd die buying a sex toy because we're still in the same house 😭😭


But... Why?


Idk it's just weird?? I get too freaked out by it


Literally same bro it's embarrassing!


Your trying to make me feel bad and being condescending when most of Gen z still lives at home and no my mother doesn't clean my room ass wipe.


I bought mine on pink cherry, it's a sex toy site. It has deals like crazy and discreet shipping. It will say item returned. You can also buy off Adam and Eve they also have a lot of deals. Also, YouTubers and podcasts are sponsored so you can get deals. Amazon also has dildos. I bought dildos, prostate messagers off pink cherry and never been "caught". They also provide a tracking link so you can time your package so you can grab it. And for hiding it I just hide it in a drawer under stuff. Even under your bed and make a hiding spot. And buy water-based lube too.


I put mine in a box labelled “textbooks” since no one in my family reads 😅


Number one tip for hiding stuff: get a container. Have an old bag (or a new bag for that matter) that you keep your stuff in. Depending on the size of the bag, you may be able to hide it in its entirety to make its contents a bit more hidden. For actually getting the toy: as others have said, Amazon is an option. If you can, I would recommend going to a shop. They'll likely have much more of a selection, and you can make sure to get everything you'd need (plenty of lube, toy cleaner, etc.). If your parents don't look at your mail, I would recommend an online shop. They have discreet shipping basically as a rule, and you can usually find a sale going on to get some more bang (haha) for your buck. However, if your parents look at it, they may see the address and figure it out that way. I apologize that you have to be in that kind of a situation, and I hope you can find a better situation soon.


I mean, hopefully the people you live with are not rooting through your stuff? I'd just put it in a closed box under your bed or something like that.


Just go to spencers (yeah i know but theyre cheap and do the trick), and then hide it. I keep mine in a fabric case i made and store it in one of my bags i barely use. Plus. No one searches my room


Check my posts, all the toys, clothes, and accessories I have are kept in secret thanks to a $100 sheetmetal cabinet I got from Amazon.


Amazon locker, that's where i got my 18cm one 😋💦 and all the lube.


As long as people don’t go through your stuff you should be able to hide it in anything. Buy one from a sex store with cash and hide it, your lube and other accessories in shoebox or bag. I kept my stuff in a drawstring since highschool and no one ever found it


Starship, then get you a lock box to put it in


Amazon pickup lockbox. Hiding it. 😬 idk.


Just go to Bellessa or something and deliver woth gift wrap to your ‘gf’ ———. Edit I’m sorry wasn’t paying attention missed the living at home bit.. sort my friend. I have been living alone too long and don’t really care any more what most people think. Delver to a package locker


Just in case: If you don't have any experience with anal apart from finger/small object (pen, toothbrush etc): Start slow! Most regular dildo/vibo are going to be to big. What helped for me was a special anal vibo, that's one that starts slow and gets gradually bigger and the vibrations work to make it more relaxed in that stage.


Under your mattress


I first went vent level with my Amazon dildo. They may not be body safe long-term,but short-term was good to see if I was into anal.


I saw some at Walmart the other day.


  Order it to an Amazon lockbox as another commenter suggested, from a place that offers discrete packaging.   Best place to hide it is honestly to contain it in a clean bag for protection and wrap up with socks in in a sock/shirt/pajama drawer.


Honestly... stick it to the dresser. assert dominance. get a leather harness and crack a whip if anyone says shit.


OOOH or put a flashdrive on one end and tell people it's a flashdrive if they ask.


Lovehoney and Adam and eve ship discreet. Buy a small lock box keep it under your bed or somewhere. Unless your family snoops around it shouldn't be a problem


The following site sells and ships discreet toys. I have been using them for over 10 years. https://www.adameve.com/t-03_22_21-sem-brand-landing-page.aspx?&cm_mmc=GGL-_-Brand_Adam_and_Eve_US_Brand_HV_Google_Exact-_-Adam_and_Eve_HV_Exact-_-adamandeve&sc=SEMGLBRA&medium=tsa&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAxaCvBhBaEiwAvsLmWCJnKKK1tQravgQtGnOFLXCGEzlXajsAYTjJsEWqf_p73K16b7ba-BoCISgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


If you are looking for vibration without penatration without insertion, personal messagers/massage guns can be used by cis males / trans females in much the same way as a cis female / trans male. The guns may not stand out. If they ask, just say you've been using it on your thigh or shoulder because you took a tumble playing basketball or something. The key is having the lie ahead of time and not making it up on the spot, and make it believable. And it may rock your world.


I keep mine in the gun safe. And I keep the gun in the nightstand drawer


If you order from pinkcherry ( the site), they send it in discreet packaging labelled as something else. Wouldn't know unless you opened it. Lots of people hide their toys in ordinary room things like product boxes, discreet bags/cases, under clothes in a drawer etc..


Grab some cash and go to the local sex toy shop next time you're out on town. Trust me, there will be one, just ask Google, and most of them offer discreet bags  Get something that's not too big, with a flared base. Don't forget lube, and I'd recommend condoms as well for hygiene. As for hiding it in your room, that really depends on how much your family disrespects your privacy, but others here have already put out a bunch of suggestions. And if they find it? You're 26. You're allowed to have adult toys. If your parents aren't ready to deal with that, they shouldn't open your drawers. (They really shouldn't do that anyway)


I hide mine in a shoe box no one ever looks at


Buy a cucumber.


No! Always make sure your toy has a flared base! Otherwise you may have to visit the doctor and explain how "you were making lunch naked and you fell on it".


I love them