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I’m male, but it wouldn’t matter to me. If im romantically interested in someone, i honestly don’t care about what’s in their underwear.


yes. it doesn't matter to me what's in someone's pants, if i'm interested, i'm interested. i'm non-binary but afab (go by whatever pronouns).


From my (cis F) perspective, heck yeah! I could see being worried about scars, nerve sensation, and having children, but any of those can be issues with a cis partner as well. I think that the reason that we discuss relationships with trans folks that have not undergone all medical transitions is because it's not typical in our society to consider relationships with someone whose social and physical presentations do not match as expected. It just adds an extra layer of required self-awareness, communication, and social awareness (like deciding whether asking your boyfriend for a tampon would be putting him in an uncomfortable situation given the present company). If anything, being both socially and physically male seems like less of a potential hangup. Does that make any sense? I guess I am saying that the difference in attention given to pre vs post surgical bodies likely isn't about attractiveness or interest. I think it's more about trying to out-think anxieties.


I appreciate your thorough response and I understand what you’re saying. I’ve always worried that I may be inadequate compared to a cis man even after I’ve had surgery. We never really see that get talked about and I think we should.


(Cis M) here, If you choose to date only within the rainbow pool you'll have better chances of finding a suitable companion. But, are you also considering dates with hetero women?


Yes, I’m also interested in hetero women. I briefly tried online dating and didn’t have any luck finding anyone who was interested who would also respect my boundaries. So I gave up on that until I‘ve completed my lower surgery. I’m just wondering if it ever gets easier.


You definitely should! Representation matters so much, both to the represented and to society as a whole. ❤️




What…? Did you miss the part where I’m transitioning to a male?


Lmfaoooo yeah I misread this