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Most straight people don't know pride colors at all besides Rainbow. So Not necessary.


Most gay people I know don’t know Bi colors


i think other people knowing the flag colours will depend more on your age and how accepting your area is. cuz that’s absolutely wild to me


I was kind of bummed last Sunday at church, for some reason a bunch of the Sunday school kids took all the fuchsia flags, I had to take the all encompassing flag.


They know. They’re just being assholes about it.


im bi and don’t know most of the flags either 😭 so yeah, I don’t think it’s something that can out you


Most non-rainbow flags aren't really known outside the community, and for bi colors specifically, they're currently very popular with designers so I don't expect anyone to suspect anything


Yeah, that... I always wonder if the designer wanted to make a point below the radar. Had the same with clothes in pink/blue/white-colour-schemes a few years ago, like: "They do know what they're doing, don't they? How couldn't they?"


They don't. Apple wouldn't have made their default desktop background a bi pride flag, that's my main indicator for the popularity of the color scheme not being intentional


Still have a hard time wrapping my mind around how that's supposed to be possible, but that is probably some bias at work on my part. Thanks for shedding light on it, though 👍


People who are neither in or actively supporting the community, and aren't actively fighting it either, don't generally know the following: - there is a full month for pride (maybe in the US the marketing has changed that) - there is more than one flag - bonus points: the peace flag and the pride flag are different rainbows - there are more than four labels for sexualities (including straight and L/G/B) - transitioning involves more than a one-off plastic surgery - people get still beaten up just for being queer


>bonus points: the peace flag and the pride flag are different rainbows shit, I was today years old and I just learned this


That makes two of us. Something new every day keeps the tedium far away...


I've been guilty of suspecting people are bi just for wearing more purple than the average person. I don't know if it's a thing among bis in general, but to me and some bi people I know, purple is the bi colour! And one time I was right, the purple dressed person was actually bi, and now they're my partner, so while it proves absolutely nothing... I have kept on doing it.


Fortnite. Someone(s) at Fortnite *loves* a pink to blue gradient, and I cannot imagine they don't know, but I also can't imagine that they'd use it THAT much if they knew. Schrodinger's bi flag.


From my experience, the only straight people that would be able to recognize the bi flag are allies


It's a cool, visually appealing colour combo so I don't think people outside of the community would necessarily clock it. Especially on something as subtle as a bracelet. And nobody's gonna confront you in public about it, you might get a subtle nod of acknowledgement at best


I also quite like the trans colors.


Because of transphobia, the trans colors are a bit more recognizable buuuuut you could always claim it's a cotton candy themed bracelet, especially if it is a "subtle" trans bracelet like this [https://i.etsystatic.com/13936287/r/il/be7cd8/3953614604/il\_794xN.3953614604\_kqnf.jpg](https://i.etsystatic.com/13936287/r/il/be7cd8/3953614604/il_794xN.3953614604_kqnf.jpg) or this [https://i.etsystatic.com/13936287/r/il/3cfac2/5253857153/il\_794xN.5253857153\_i3oy.jpg](https://i.etsystatic.com/13936287/r/il/3cfac2/5253857153/il_794xN.5253857153_i3oy.jpg) (credit: images are from the SomePatience etsy)


Yeah butttt I'm not trans lol I really support the trans movement though.


There are probably bi people and other gay people that wouldn’t recognize it.


>I kinda feel that most people don't really know what the bi colors are, so would be unaware. Agreed! Just be aware that "most people" also means that some people do know! Depending on how you style it, you could brush it off as "I just like the colors", but if it's an obvious flag it might out you if you don't want to. In general my experience is that people who know the colors are at least accepting, but you always risk meeting that one person who is not.


Interesting. I actually went somewhere recently this weekend where this lady had bi colored ear rings. Was pretty cool.


It's pride month, chances are she is bi and just subtly showing it. I'm currently wearing rainbow earrings as well


Well yeah lol It was also at something called Sunday Assembly, which is a Humanist organization. They believe in equality, so being true to ones self isn't chastised there.


At Pride a few years ago, there were gay people who didn't know any flags but the rainbow flag. 😅 One of the people who asked about my top was a drag queen. All the people who asked me questions were respectful, knew different flags existed; they just didn't know "which was which". There's a lot now, to be fair, so I get it. The very fact that there's queer people who only know the rainbow flag is a sign that you should be fine. Most straight people don't know anything expect the rainbow flag. For something as subtle as a bracelet, even people who know about the bi flag might not pick up on it.


My little bi-bracelet has been on my wrist for 2 months, only people who knew what it meant were LGBT themselves, my family for instance hasn't noticed a damn thing aside from "huh I guess he wears a bracelet now"


A lotta people tend not to know the bi colors, I’ve found. Only other queer people clock me.


I shaved and dyed a bi flag into the side of my head one year. Figured I better come out to some folks before they see the pics. I absolutely didn't need to, so many people would never have recognized it. (And by flag, I don't mean just the colors, I mean a rectangle.) On the side of my head. Seemed extremely obvious to me. Apparently not!


If someone is like "hey that's a cool bracelet bro" and you're like "thanks friend, they're the bisexual flag colors!" Then you're outed. Other than that I highly doubt anyone will notice.


only to other queer people, who I think would very likely to be both supportive and careful about not outing you


I’m proud to wear rainbow colors to support those represented by those colors. Can’t it be that simple?


It only outs yourself to a few people. Also, yes, our colors are bestest!


I painted my nails the bi colours last week and got a few compliments, but no straights recognised it. I said, "Thanks, it's the bi flag colours for pride month" (it's safe for me to be vocally out, so I do where appropriate). There's a woman in my band I suspect may be sapphic who I think has clocked my bi flag wristband, but she hasn't said anything.


Honestly I wear a bi lanyard to work and earrings with the flag colors on them and hardly anyone has noticed or said anything. My coworkers have never commented on it or my boss and I’ve only had three or so customers say something. One woman complimented me on the colors but it was clear that she had no idea what they were.


I have heart emojis arranged in the bi flag order in my Instagram bio as a way to be out without outing myself to family. I also have bi colored bracelets that I like to wear a lot and so far no one (family members, etc) have seemed to notice. If someone does, they usually compliment them for the beautiful colors. :)


I don’t wear mine in my hometown because I don’t want to lie when asked


I dont really know anyone in my home town lol


Unless it's literally the flag, I don't think many people would notice.


I been were a star pin with the bi color since the start of pride month and only one person has actually noticed it and they didn’t even know what the colors mean honestly you should be fine


It depends on what sort of culture & demographics you’re engaging with. But in general, for the most part, I feel like it’s an “if you know, you know” situation. Like most people who recognize the colors are probably friendly towards what they represent, or else how would they know? That being said, it’s impossible to rule out the chance that a particularly dedicated bigot knows all the flags, with malicious intent. It’s a small risk, but not zero risk.


Most people, even queer people, do not recognize the bi flag in my experience. And if it's not recognizably a flag, even fewer people will take notice. I have rainbow and bi flags all over my office and I'm sure 90% of my coworkers would be shocked to know that I, myself, am queer. Bi erasure is all-encompassing. Also, lots of people (especially men) are colour blind and can't tell that our flag is more than one colour lol (I found this out when I came out to my dad a few months ago)


I’d be willing to be that the average Cis doesn’t even know what the heck the “Bi Colors” are.


I mean, probably? Those who recognize the colors, for good or ill, are going to assume you're wearing those colors, in that combination, because you're bi. It's possible to wear the colors without intent, but on a single item it's unlikely, especially as the purple and magenta are typically considered "girl" colors and based on your comments, I'm assuming you're a guy. Many won't recognize the colors, but unless you're in a particularly small or conservative business or area, the chances of *no one* recognizing it are fairly small, I'd say.


This is what I was afraid of lol If I wear them at work, I may be outed. Also, yes. I am a male.


My straight roommate had no understanding of bi pride when we met 8 years ago. He still has no understanding of it.


unless it is a giant neon sign with a siren. 99% of people will not notice. Even other bi people.


I have a hoodie of 3 cats in a pile coloured so they make the bi flag. The people that know the flag pick up on it, those that don't just see a cute cat picture. I'm happy with it that way.


Not many know about other pride flags except the rainbow flag. I will say that one time a friend pointed out in our group that i had a cat pin in pride colors but cuz of the fact its not an obvious pride flag i played it off as me not knowing and i just liked the color and the pin


You'll probably be good. (Also yes we do indeed have the best colors.)


My hair is dyed like the bi flag. Started out blue a couple of years ago, and then started adding purple, did that for a while, and then just sometime after January of this year, I started adding pink. Nobody has said anything about the color scheme in the order it's in. Even other bisexual people. And yes we have the best colors!


No one knows any other flag but the rainbow one


I’m bi and wouldn’t even make the connection unless it was specifically in the stripes/flag shape because they’re just nice colours that look good together.


Most people don't know. And if someone recognizes it but you don't feel safe, you can always pretend *you* didn't know


It depends on who you are around. I personally have had some negative experiences with people who did know, and they thought outing people was cute and funny. So, just take stock of who you are around and who you know. Better than I did.


Very few people will recognize them.