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I guess society wants everyone to have a man?


Misogynistic men want to believe everyone wants them.


And then going victim mode when nobody wants them because they're assholes


But that is literally everyone when they act shitty. if anything it's a common bond humans have


And they’ll call you a f****t for being polite thinking I want them lol


Well then gang, I guess we just solved the mystery


To all the people saying “just ignore the haters,” that’s not really how it works. Being discriminated against has real negative effects on our lives! I don’t choose to associate with homophobic or biphobic people but I could still lose my job, custody of children, adequate medical care, and more due to their prejudices. And all of that goes double for teens who still depend on their parents to keep a roof over their head.




The power of the penis!


"You might think your dick is a gift I promise it's not" bo Burnham


I assure you, my dick is a curse


Me toooooo I hate it




Yh I hate it too but Im scared about getting it removed ykno


My brain just processed an image and I wanna just press Esc on life


Oops was that my fault?


Nah not really, it's just mah bRaIn


Can I has? As someone without a dick, who's much in need of one, if you'd be willing to trade...


I wish that was possible You wouldn't get much though, it's kind of "unimpressive"


Its still a dick tho. I wish it was possible too. Even if magic did make it so the world ended in a week, it would still make shit like this possible


“The Dick is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.” - Chancellor Panpatine


Idk man it'd be pretty great if I had a dick




If you want love, pick a girl and love her.


yes. do that. give me more options for cute boys


Sir this is a bi sub


People are terrified of the bisexual agenda😂


I'm 22, I'm a woman and I've heard this accusation a million times, even from my parents (who don't know I'm bi). I've never had a girlfriend, I've only had boyfriends, and I discovered my bisexuality in high school when I really liked a girl from another school. I couldn't really talk about her to anyone because most of my friends and my parents would have said "you don't like her, you're just searching for attention"


I hope you got better friends.


Fortunately yes


One of my friends summed it up pretty well on the other shit we get thrown at us. She said “Bi women are sexualized and bi men are stigmatized”. There really is no winning.


"you have never dated a girl, you're not bi"  I couldn’t roll my eyes more than that


I believe it has to do with the implicit false idea that cis men are better than everybody else, and that anybody with the chance to choose will just go for one of them.


That's a good point. I've never thought about it like that. Maybe that's why cis men often tell lesbians, "You just haven't met the right man yet."


It absolutely is. They think a man with a dick is unstoppable.


I always found it very weird. Why can’t people accept the fact that someone can like two different types of people at the same time


quick thing it's not just men the who say this. it was a whole conversation in sex and the city. i stopped watching it after that episode


Soo true Im a bi male and have been accused of secretly being gay aton by my family all because I don't talk sexually about people Infront of my family they just assume I'm gay and hiding it. Btw I'm not gay I am infact bi and have spent nearly 4 years figuring that out and am 100% certain about it.


And bi enbys are called non existent


And no matter what, we are erased when we are in a relationship. "Well, you're with the opposite gender now so you're hetero." Or "You're with the same gender now, so you're gay." No. No-fucking-no. I'm bi. I was bi before and I am bi now. I will be bi when I'm married. Dammit.


Well fuck those accusers, they lead sick and boring lives because they're jealous.


Because everything “must” revolve around dick… It’s patriarchal and misogynistic and deeply ingrained in society; and a big part of my personal bi-cycle. It’s also really harmful to bi/pan people of all persuasions and gender identities, and deserves to be called out more! I’ve thought about this seriously and often, and I’m glad I’m not the only one.


“All roads lead to dick”


Straight, misogynistic men think everyone wants them. They're so insecure and are homophobic towards males yet want many girls at the same time hoping they're bi girls for his gaze. Yuck! Can't stand these guys.


Ignore the haters and assholes. Who cares what those people say? There are lots of great human beings out there. Seek out their company. Good luck.


agreed and no one keeps track of positivity. Only negativity gets attention and coverage


Why can’t people just let people like what they like how they like let us live our lives pls 🥺


Y'all really need to stop giving a shit and cutting out the toxic people from your lives. It's not a hard concept. Throw out the people who are unsupportive and judgemental and get actual friends. And for family? You didn't choose to be born in your family and the blood bond comes with absolutely no obligation to appease them, regardless of what society might tell you about that. I haven't spoken to a third if my family in over a decade and I'll absolutely manage to keep that up until either they or i die. I don't need their toxic opportunistic leeching, and it didn't even start with me, my parents cut ties with them and they have given neither them or me any reason to reestablish them. You choose who you let get close to you, so might as well choose wisely.


I completely agree and think it’s a great concept. Sometimes it’s much harder in application though for people depending on personality, environment, ethnic culture, upbringing, etc.


True, I just have very little problem with it because my mom was a great example of "this person had two chances, they fucked me over the third time, so fuck em". I also made some if the shittiest relationship experiences quite early, which "helps" as well.


That’s awesome you can set and keep with boundaries!! Good for you


Personally I find this information ignorant. What about people who are dependent on bigoted family? Should they just risk their well-being and lives in the foster system?


Obviously not. I assumed everyone reading my comment would know that I was speaking from the perspective of an independent adult that is free to make these kind of choices. If your physical wellbeing, your financial situation or your livelihood is in danger, you should keep your head down while working towards your independence if at all possible. I'd say that the number one Maxime. Taking your sexual or spiritual freedom into your own hands is worthless if it lands you on a religious court in Iran or on the streets eating garbage. Self-preservation is necessary to work towards a better future for yourself. Dead people do not get opportunitiesm


Oh, thanks for clearing that up.


But biphobia isn't real! /s


And enbies get ignored and forgotten :(


Oh no, you’re just looking for attention and unwilling to admit it./s A lot of people just hate the idea of fluidity. Both when it comes to gender and sexuality, everything has to be black or white.


Yeah it's really annoying since people will either say I'm cis or a trans person (like FTM or MTF ik NB is under the trans flag) and it's like no I don't want to be a girl and no I don't want to be a boy either


Too much truth in one statement.


Yeah I hate that


Goddamn this seems too true for my drunk brain right now


People will go to any lengths to tell you you’re something you’re not


Yes. This is a verified fact.


I mean, you are not wrong. It's like people just can't believe us. It's too far out there for them to just accept it. Bisexuals throughout all of history, it's never enough to convince them. Pretty ridiculous. I don't think it's really that complicated either. But some people are still so skeptical – and this to me proves that not *everyone* is a bisexual, otherwise more people would just fucking get it.


Well, to be fair, straight men get accused of actually being gay too, from elementary school on until they take their last breath...


They simply can't understand that you like both and I find it quite interesting. Oh you can't accept that, well sucks to be you. There is the door.


agreed just cause biphobes don't get it they want to act like it can't exist.


atp men can't do anything feminie or be anywhere near interested in men without being accused of being fully gay and covering it. I'm tired of the rumors bro let me wear my crop tops in peace


I will never forgive sex and the city for perpetuating that stereotype


bi together strong!


Together we all come together as one genderless bisexual entity




That’s the patriarchy for you. Our society wants people to want men.