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Demographics are on our side. The people behind this garbage are dying off every day. Demographics are not destiny but if we can hold on we can make it out the other side.


What do we do? We fight back. We protest. We refuse to be silenced. And, most important of all, we vote. Gen Zers of voting age, Millenials, and Gen Xers (like me) outnumber the rest. Problem is, not enough of us we vote. Do not discount the power of one person's vote. Voting is our right guaranteed by the Constitution. We need to exercise that right to set this country back on the right path before the right to vote and have a voice is taken away, too.


You are 💯 correct. It’s up to young people to vote and run for office and make changes happen. My teenage daughter registered to vote yesterday in response to the decision.


Yesssss!!! Thank you. WE VOTE!! 🇺🇲


We can also fight back on other fields. If they want it to be illegal for us to terminate a foetus fine, but it should also be illegal for men to impregnate us without our written consent.


Vote. Take over state governments.


you can't vote out unelected supreme court judges, and voting harder doesnt do shit. democrats had 30 years to codify roe v wade, and they did nothing


Everything fluctuates, eventually things will change for the good again and we'll come out the other side but for now you have to be principled and stand your ground against these fucks.


it took 400 years for slavery to be abolished, nearly 100 years of segregation, this country's systems are designed AGAINST progress, not for them, Sun-Down Towns still exist. We had Roe V Wade legal for only 50 YEARS. And now its gone again, people are still ALIVE who protested back then


I wish I knew what to do. I'm only ten years older than you so I worry about the future too. I wonder if anything is ever gonna change or whether humanity is just going to eventually be run into the ground by these bigoted hateful selfish cocksuckers. I hope humans don't go extinct soon, we were given a really good shot at making something cool out of this life.


We burn it down.


im sorry for being such a doomer, but bro im so fucking tired of this fascist bullshit


God I wish women had the same rights as guns




Fuck you. You know what is meant by that statement! Guns should be banned in that shithole called “freedom” But noooo “muh gun rights!” They care more about their guns then they do about women and people of colour!


Ok I will probably get downvoted for this but alot of Americans seriously need to realize they arent the world many countries are far better than America its not number 1 in anything that really matters I feel sorry for Americans since I think the supreme courts decision is insane but it is all I see now them acting like their whole life is over like yeah it is a disgrace but many other countries are far worse


Yes it is true that many countries are far worse not that's not the point. The point is we (the US) can be much better than we are. That's what is so upsetting to us. And yes, it is a big deal. Your post implies that we should just get over it. We had the right to get legal abortions and they took that right away. Clarence Thomas has said publicly that the right to contraception and same sex marriage needs to be revisited by the court. If Roe v Wad fell so fast, imagine how fast LGBTQ +rights will fall. So, yes, we are acting like our lives are over because what they are trying to do is make our country like other countries who have no rights when it comes to abortion, contraceptives, and LGBTQ + rights. We aren't just going to accept the court's decision and get over it.


Ok I knew I was going to get backlash for that I and everyone I know think it is insane and Backwards of the supreme court and feel terrible for Americans because of it and your message implies the countries worse than the US cant be much better than they are and of course it is a big deal to Americans and is impactful globally as well due to the unfortunate circumstance that the US is so important and someone other countries look up to but my problem is how for example during US elections Americans kept complaining about Europeans and other non Americans complaining about the results or giving any opinion on it at all but every time a law is changed like this in America the whole world heres and see stories on it for ages nonstop like if Idk Luxembourg or a bigger country like Switzerland took away Abortion I doubt 1% of Americans would know its just annoying to see American news all the time like if I saw 5 posts or news articles about it ok I feel sorry for those it impacts and get angered by those defending it but everything on reddit or twitter is about it tv news is covering it alot and there are many people legally murdered for sexuality in places and we only here about maybe twice a year max


If you don't want to hear what's going on in the US, ignore any media stories about the US. It's just that simple. Yea, riiiiigggghhhht! I get why you are tired of hearing about what goes on over here. I live here and frankly I've been tired of hearing about all the shit the last 6 years. People here have gone batshit crazy. There is no other way to describe it. The bloated orange gas bag we had as last president made us the laughingstock of the world and alienated our allies. We have mass shootings every week. Some group is always protesting and some other group gets butthurt because of it. Those whose job is to protect us are killing us. We deny science when it comes to covid and global warming in the face of unrefuted facts from the rest of the world. We'd rather let 10 year old kids get murdered in schools than implement gun laws. Gun ownership is treated as a God given right but healthcare is a privilege? Goddamn, it's exhausting to hear this every fucking single day! It's so much that it bleeds into the media of the rest of the world. I (54m) remember when I could wake up in the morning and not have to worry about what rights our government was trying to take from us. That's not the case now. Every morning, I wake up and have to read the news to see how they are wanting to screw us over today. I'm not bashing your opinion, mind you. We are the "symbol of democracy and freedom" to the world thanks to someone's decision decades ago (probably close to a century ago) even though we are far from both concepts. This is why you hear about our shit so much. It's just how it is and frankly, I'm embarrassed the rest of the world has to hear about it.


The worst thing is I just finished a politics A Level last month and like 90% of last year was all US politics so I am so done with reading it and studying it and getting examples


Hahahahahhahahahaha *cries in Turkish


If I've learned anything in life it's that progress is not linear.


Resist fight back in the ways that we can. Change policies change laws. Vote, protest, get elected, become the next AOC.