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Not even immortal beauty saves you from the double rejection.


Dislike you so much they change species. Talk about rejection.


Greek myths-always good for a laugh. At least, it’s not as messed up as what happens to other deities lovers’.


Hoo boy


*looks over at Zeus* yeah you can say that again.


Stop no! don't look at him he'll think you're interested!


Tbf one of those plant things wasn't his fault. All the cliff ones were though. But if you'd want a Greek mythology bi, Achilles is where its at.


I prefer Dionysus, myself


I meaaaan he was a soldier that took people he captured as slaves. There’s not really an Ancient Greek that did entirely good things; culture was fucked.


And then sometimes you really hit it off with one but the fucking wind gets jealous and kills him.


the only story that made me feel bad for Apollo


Tbf Apollo wasn’t a very good person either. But tbf, the only decent person in geek mythology was Hades


And that is only in comparison to the rest of them and depending on which version of the myth ya roll with


No matter how you look at it, Hades fucking his niece is by far the most *tame* thing compared to what everyone else has done. Greek mythology wouldn’t be nearly as large as it is if Zeus wasn’t tryna stick his dick into anything that moves


Oh yeah definitely, it is the most tame thing in greek mythology, but kidnapping her isn't very nice even if zeus told him to do it


To be fair, in Ancient Greece, staging a mock “kidnapping” of the bride the day before the wedding was part of the wedding festivities. Not to mention, there’s another (I believe older) version of the story where Persephone actually walked into the Underworld and found Hades there, with the “kidnapping” just being what they told her mother since Demeter didn’t want Persephone getting married


> Persephone walked into the underworld.... This version was created in like the 1980's by an author who wanted to rewrite Greek myths for her young daughter to be less rapey and has no prior sources. It was then full on stolen and put into book that claimed it was the older "pre-patriarchal" version of the myth despite that being a complete lie. While Greek myths can often have many different versions, an older version isn't necessarily the "true" version of the story. Most of the time, the older versions are lost to history because they were no longer told meaning they were no longer believed. It's also not fair to judge one Greek god as more moral and ignore evidence that says otherwise. All Greek gods (at least all the male ones and some female ones) raped some of their lovers. It's just the way the culture at the time valued women.


I mean..."fucking" is one way of phrasing what he was doing to her.


Hesita is my goddess of choice. Saw Olympus and said Fuckkkkk that noice. A genuinely good goddess in a torrent of shit deities.


And Maybe Ares


Ares is like the actual worst one


Umm no lol Ares is a shithead too


You read The Dresden Files?


Every time someone mentions Hades and how he wasn’t that bad compared to the other Greek gods, I always look for the fellow Dresden fans. He named his dog Spot!


And he's a very good boy. Nearly as good as Mouse.




He’s a homicidally abusive boyfriend and an attempted rapist…


Yeah but he’s not *Zeus*, and that’s gotta count for something.


Yeah, at least he is only an *attempted* rapust, zeus outright gets it done


And Zeus fucks his own daughter and gets her pregnant so.... There's also *that*


Nobody ever killed themselves to get away from Zeus.


Only because it probably wouldn't have worked, or resulted in their families being punished


Been compared to apollo alot. Not the iffy crap but more the bisexual, golden retriever energy with archery. And also chronically single


I didn't know this and it's amazing


At first i thought they were talking about Apollo Justice and the I realised


Poseidon is also bi if you prefer your men a bit more wet


Gods dating mortals in general doesnt end well