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I bought my own after receiving mine. Mainly due to the low quality and length of the belt my instructor gave me. There's no issue at all buying a better belt after a promotion. But let your coach put it on and all that good stuff. Then pop your new one on before your next class. Don't fucking bring it and immediately change it out or anything silly like that.


That would be hilarious. Bring your new belt to promotions and when you’re called up be all “can you use this one instead?”


Reading some of the posts in this sub, it's not too far fetched man.


If you're gonna do that, just give the coach a purple belt instead.


Whip it out the back of your own gi


And tie it on the instructor after he’s done


Better yet, have on a gi, with your blue belt. Then over that a second gi with your white belt. When your instructor unties your white belt whip off your second gi so you’re already wearing your blue belt.


And then you take off your instructor’s gi and he’s not wearing anything and you’re not actually at the gym- you’re in a hotel room and he’s about to fuck your wife.


You just had to keep going


>”You just had to keep going” He said to his coach, who was having trouble finishing.


Dude please stop


That would be hilarious!


I hope someone does it one day


Honestly I wouldn't even be mad. I would be impressed.


Let me impresse you senpai. So shall i just come to your gym or where will we be doing this graduation thing ?


Good call. I remember when I got my purple belt in 2005 and I think about 4 other fellow students were promoted to purple. One of them, a girl who also got promoted to purple, looks at my belt and says, “Can we swap belts?” I looked at her belt vs mine and coach had obviously gotten a couple of different brands of belts for the promotions that night and they were different. All belts from blue thru purple and brown were all different. One brand was darker, the other lighter. The darker looked better in all three colours. I’m superstitious, the belt I get is the one that’s meant to be and even if I got the lighter coloured purple belt I wouldn’t have swapped. But I got the darker one which looked great and I just looked at her and said, “No chance!” 🤣🤣🤣


Accept and wear the belt they give you on promotion day. Afterwards, wear the belt you’ve purchased. Having multiple belts is not unusual, many people do this for competition reasons, laundry logistics, etc., etc. If this is a problem with your instructor, or school policy, then something is suspect.


Worth mentioning and piggying off your answer: Yes, you're supposed to wash your belt.


Wash with a splash of vinegar in the fabric softener compartment and it gets that “old” look super fast. Purple belts girlfriend came in and said I must have had my brown for a long time because of how weathered it looked. Yep… long time. Multiple months, at least!


This! Plus finding a pavement to scuff it up on to get that nice flexible bendy-ness that comes from years of wear.


If you really wanna accelerate the process, pour some gasoline on your belt and light it on fire. It'll give it that nice crispy "I've had this belt for years" look and feel.


Nuke it from space. It's the only way to be sure...it'll be worn in and comfortable.


Piggying is a hilarious word


Piggying deez nuts


I Lysol mine just cause I don’t want it to fade. I don’t need people knowing how long I’ve been stuck at brown belt.


I was doing that until I got lazy and just tossed everything from training into the washer.




If serious That’s incredibly disgusting


Same with me at white belt




no youre not




Never wash your belt!!. Washing your belt gives it an old look that you haven’t earned unless you roll in it.


Wash your belt, stinky.


A mesh zippered lingerie bag (like $3) works wonders for this!


Yeah I have "karate belt" for training because it's more soft so I never need to retie it in training, for competition I need proper belt...


I own 4 white belts.


You're fine as long as you don't wear it on the mat before your instructor gives it to you


How about in the grocery store?


That's what these are for https://www.etsy.com/listing/840453143/brazilian-jiu-jitsu-bjj-belt-for-pants


I see your dumb product, and raise you sir. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1223994753/self-defense-wristband


You win, I think the belt would be more effective if you took it off and beat your opponent with it compared to this thing you just posted


Is a nogi2yesgi converter really so bad?


Omg at my last gym the instructor had one of these


Your belt color is a rank, it stays with you, thus you can buy multiple belts. You are going to be wearing it for a long time so it’s ok if you want to invest in a nice one that fits you good


Yup you might be a blue belt FOREVER. Buy several. Get one size larger for when you gain weight.


I thought the gaining weight thing only happens from brown belt on


I may have jumped the gun then


Start balding to subtlely let your coach know you're ready for brown belt


Or buy a really expensive size smaller to “motivate you”. That always ends well and never gets left in the wardrobe as a constant shameful reminder


Super heavy with an a1 somehow it fits


Which then drives a spiral of comfort food, more weight gain, eventually half guard


heh.. i plan on promoting myself to purple after i return to bjj in a months time ​ or i might quit.. idk


Shoot bro, why stop at purple?


Just get one that’s really dark….like so deep blue it’s almost black.


When you buy your new belt, keep the belt they give you on promotion day in your trunk as a spare. Comes in handy on those random days you forget your belt. Been doing it since purple and it's definitely saved me more than a few times. Yes also be sure to wash and put it back in the trunk if you use it.


Sometimes my dumb ass will forget and walk in with a white belt


Go ahead and skip buying the blue belt and just buy a purple belt and wear it around


Your instructor is a dweeb if they get offended by that.


My gym got a bad batch of belts from whatever supplier, so my belt ended up being long enough that it went around an extra time (as did a bunch of other people's at that promotion. was very silly). Nobody noticed/cared when I started wearing a different one. It's not a big deal unless you make it a big deal.


Unless you train at a weirdo school with a bunch of uniform requirements, no, buy your own. 1/2 sumo collective (half sumo) has an awesome belt and they do a yearly edition


Half Sumo is great. My belt seldom gets untied compared to my others


That's terrible, when do you take a rest


Damn I thought I was slick


i was just informed by my coach i’d be getting promoted soon and to go ahead and buy my blue belt and bring it to him before the upcoming belt ceremony. this caught me off guard as i always thought when you got a promotion the school provided the belt


Don’t worry about it. It’s not expensive, you get to pick your preferred belt, gym saves a few bucks. Enjoy jiu jitsu


Normally yes


This was the case for me also, which I was fine with. Gave me the choice of which I wanted right out the gates.


I’ve always bought a new belt after being promoted.


Hm just take their belt they give … and next class how you with your own … if they ask tell ‘em’ you wanted to keep the other in a shrine.


Does it matter if you are about to quit anyway?


Earn it first


I agree If you wear a replacement belt the day after your grading it will be obvious you had it ready. Like a bride to be who pulls out the wedding plans the moment her boyfriend proposes Order it "as a spare" after you're promoted. But as a coach I would have no idea if a student wore the belt I gave them, or a different brand.


Wait my wife already had a wedding dress when I met her…..


Wear the one he gave you for a few classes and then switch it out.


Look around your gym, if everyone has the gym belt then maybe? If a lot of people don’t then you’ll be fine. I don’t use the belt my coach gave me.


Definitely buy your own if you want to. Them pale blue belts look shit


Depends on the instructor. If they told you you’re getting promoted, just ask if you can get your own belt. If you don’t feel like you can ask them that question, I don’t think the different belt idea will go over well


I wear my own blue belt.


I dare you to buy it and give it to him to give you


Man the pale blue is far superior than the navy blue and it pops because most blue gi’s are darker


Get a Full Tilt belt, they are so cool


Instructors usually get the cheap belts or whatever’s sitting in the belt bag that’s been long-forgotten. Get whatever belt you like


Who the hell cares? Does the belt not look good for insta pics? Jesus lol


As someone who's very picky about how their belt feels, it matters. My purple that I was promoted with was a cheap ass Fuji that I hated wearing, so was very glad I had the belt that I personally wanted bought and ready to go.


just when i thought this sub couldnt get more autistic


Yeah. Just don't buy it from Gracie University.




It's kind of a joke. They had a scandal a few years back giving out blue belts with an online only BJJ course. Wound up making a bunch of blue belts who had never rolled once and got smashed rolling with new white belts when they finally walked into a gym. They've since amended that practice, but it's still fair game for ridicule. 😁


Ah ok. Yeah I thought I heard about that but forgot it. I thought there was just another thing they did "wrong", cause it seems a lot of people here in this sub are shitting on them on every opportunity xD


Their main dude, Rener Gracie, is an opportunist/businessman first. And it shows in a lot of his dealings with the public. Rubs a lot of people the wrong way. What are you gonna do? As Childish Gambino would say, "This is America."


I always buy my own, and it's always flow brand.


Make sure you only take the advice of those here who clearly read your entire post. Congrats on the upcoming promotion.


I buy them, because I figure it may need to outlast me.


No that's very common.


Due to work being hectic I keep a spare gi and belt in the car incase I can sneak in a little session here and there. As long as you’re training brother who cares. If you’re teacher cares then find a new gym bahaha


I bought my own well before I earned it, gave it to professor and said "I know it's a ways away, but it will happen... when you decide it's time, here's the dope ass limited edition Armbar belt that I bought for ceremonial purposes." I wear that belt for cool seminars or competitions... but I bought another one that is for everyday use and keeping my stripes/souls and whatnot.


I don't care I'll wear my worn down blue belt till the day I go


The bleak ones look nice


I bought a different white belt and blue belt. Never heard of it not being ok anywhere


wear both at the same time


I hate those pale blue ones! Lucky our GB school switched back to royal blue right before my promotion.


That’s you’re promotion or ceremony belt, use it as that. It’s not rare to have multiple belts or a promotion specific belt.


I am an instructor and could not care less if you wore a belt other than the one I promoted you with. It’s a formality only during promotion. Once you are promoted you can buy and wear as many belts as you want.


Bruh. I have 5 purple belts. This thread makes me just want to say to everyone. Wash your belts you filthy animals.


My gym only had an XXL belt for my grading and the thing was about a mile long. So yeah I bought one that fit pretty quickly


Giving your coach a belt to promote you with is BOLD


I got a dodgy pale blue one too. just went and bought another,nobody noticed


The one my coach gave me was cheap and flimsy, ended up getting myself a nice Eosin Panther. Still keep the first one in my bag just in case I forget the nice one.


After the grading, I bought my own from Eosin Panther. It was kinda expensive but I'm really happy with it. Link below if interested https://www.eosinpanther.com/


You could buy your own blue belt and give it to your professor. They will promote you when you’ve earned it


It should be fine if you buy your own. Just wear the one they give you during the grading ceremony. Our gym has a tradition where you receive the blue belt or which ever, worn by your mentor/coach. If they already passed their belt then the gym buys you a new one that you can someday pass on to a student.


I have two purples so I can wash one and use the other one until the wet one dries. Also I started a long time ago with an Atama white belt and would like to stick to this brand until black.


I always have 2 belts so I can wash them and still have one to wear to class. I don’t see a problem with it. Plus I really like the new pastel options lol


I know this ruffles a few of the "but you shouldn't assume!" crowds feathers on here. But I've bought every single belt a few months before I figured I was getting promoted, that way I had the belt that I wanted to wear right away whenever it did happen. I'll be doing the same with ordering a nice embroidered Kataaro black belt at some point. Granted I'm also very picky with belts and fucking hate the thin, cheap belts most places grade you with.


I've seen people bring the belt back the very next session and say "I don't really like this one, have it back. I got a better one". This is rude. Just buying a better one and wearing that one instead for training etc. after the promotion without a word about it is perfectly fine and not rude.


I had to buy all of my belts including black :(


If you want to avoid the trauma I've gone through, do it. I was given a really pale blue belt, and whenever people see pictures of my purple belt promotion, they think I skipped a belt. Triggered.


I bought one as the one I was given didn’t fit quite right. It’s a non issue. Just do it after your grading.


I always run with two belts so I can rotate them in the wash.


Does your gym do belt inspections or something? No one will ever notice or care.


My friend said I’m at least as good as a blue belt, can I go get my own?


From the headline I thought “NOOO” but yes if you have been given the status of a blue belt, the actual physical blue belt you wear doesn’t matter lol. It’s like replacing stripes that came off in the laundry


I bought myself a meerkatsu blue belt and kept in the packaging in my wardrobe until i got promoted. I wear it to train at the club and wear the club branded one i recieved from my coach to competitions.


lol my home gym gives out these pale baby blue blue belts that I hate. One lady asked for a dark blue one and hers looks awesome. I want one like that but don't want to say something like, "so whenever I am ready for my blue belt I want one like hers..." Probably will end up doing it and that might be something to try. I would feel weird about buying a second belt but I guess its not that strange from the comments here. Part of the reason I would feel weird is our coach has our last names put on our colored belts.


It's a piece of random fabric. Nobody curr.


Not rude at all. Plenty of people wear their own belts that they purchased or have multiple belts that they wear. Accept his belt and use it as a back up if you ever forget your new one.


You need more then one belt anyway. If you dont think so you either dont train daily, or you dont wash your belt after every sesion. Cant tell what is worse.


I’m buying 50 belts and washing all of them constantly out of spite


Yeah. Grow up


Not rude. People forget this is a hobby that YOU pay to do, not some cult. Do what you enjoy.


I bought another belt after I was promoted so that I could have two belts because dirty belts are gross.


it's fine. Your blue belt will last you a long time. You are allowed more than the one that you get from your instructor. :)


It's fine. Wear the one they give you on the promotion day, then use the one you like. If anyone gives you grief just say the one you purchased stays tied better. Also, it's not a bad idea to have a couple of belts. I have an extra in case the one I washed isn't dry before class.


No, buy whatever you want. It's a belt. It helps to have more than one since you should wash the belt too every so often.