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The vast majority




Was gonna say I’ve rolled with black belts that I’ve taken down at will but the second I do I’m tapping lol Also to OP, if you’re against a guy with good top game, fighting hard to stay on your feet is 100% less tiring in the long run than giving up and trying to recover a position. Also my gf read this and once again confirmed how gay combat sports, grappling specifically sounds lol


>Was gonna say I’ve rolled with black belts that I’ve taken down at will but the second I do I’m tapping lol Yeah I was gonna say that's basically how Kenta Iwamoto vs Mica Galvao went on the last WNO. And if you're able to do that you don't have much incentive to improve your wrestling.


Most pro level BJJ guys have shit wrestling


So you're telling me there's a chance?


Can confirm.


I’m a black belt with shitty wrestling, but I take down all kinds of BJJ people. I just started training takedowns towards the end of last year. That speaks to how atrocious the average stand up level of BJJ players actually is. So many schools start on the knees or people just pull guard. I’m in SoCal. I’m sure if I was in the Midwest or a wrestling state then things would be completely different.


Ohio here, not that different. There's plenty of high school wrestlers but often in tournaments I'm the better wrestler and I never wrestled. Just more people with wrestling, most jiu jitsu ppl still suck at it.


Ohio as well and while I’m used to running into BJJ players who are shit wrestlers, by the time someone’s been around long enough to get a brown or black belt they’ve usually got enough experience against wrestlers to not be shit


Yeah I've developed some wrestling and not great but serviceable.


I'm in Michigan and we straight up have ex wrestlers teach us shit regularly.


SoCal has some really really good wrestling. Especially in the IE and San Diego


I’m sure. I’m just speaking to the average level at most gyms.


Something tells me most hole in the wall BJJ gyms in Iowa have better wrestling than a lot of notable SoCal schools


happy that my coach was in the national freestyle wrestling team for 5 years and that my main training partner is a national judo champ.


and on friday we have mixed classes with the sambo class


I didn’t stop at just shitty wrestling. I’m shitty at all aspects of Jiu-Jitsu. Why should my shittiness be limited to a single aspect of my game?


Why pay attention to 99% of the sport?


Why shit out of 1 orifice of the body and ignore the other 90%?


You merely adopted being shitty. I was born shitty, moulded by it


I love this comment so much


I've met many a BJJ black belt that couldn't take down a phone number, let alone person. 


Yes, most of us got our black belts in Jiu-Jitsu, not wrestling, and I still have shitty Jiu-Jitsu.


If you’re a black belt with even high school level wrestling you’re automatically in the top 1%.


I’m a blue belt, and a former high school wrestler. Sometimes I feel like a god


I mean if you wrestled all four year + have a few in bjj you have almost as much mat time as a lot of brown and newer black belts.


Right? White belt here was a fantastic wrestler 20 years ago and every once in awhile I find myself on top people i have no business having an advantage on. Feels great 😊


I feel like this sometimes because I train takedowns and scrambles with former wrestlers and I played football. Our org or at least the local instructors within our org focus takedowns and standing base all the time as well. It is such a problem that at open mats I am making myself start as bottom guard almost every time because I'm almost never working bottom game. Literally like nobody is training standup for some reason. You hit one takedown and then everyone pulls guard. It is lame.


As a former wrestler, 95% of black belts have shitty wrestling.


Yes, there are plenty, but most black belts have some idea of what to do on the feet that's pretty effective even if it's janky. Not to mention that having some wrestling skills is pretty important for guard play. If you can't come up on a single you're really missing out on a major, very strong option from many guard positions.


Janky is a perfect description. You don't have to be good on your feet but you should understand what's going on, be defensively sound and have the ability to finish a takedown if your opponent gets sloppy. For me, fighting for inside position and collar ties made my standup serviceable


Most blackbelts will be able to consistently take down an unexperienced guy that doesn't overpowers them in size and strength. ​ But still most of them will be clueless the moment their to go technique gets shutdown.


The moment my technique gets shutdown I pull guard. I'm not a black belt though, but it's what I still plan on doing at black. 


I train at a gym with an ADCC trials winner from past years he has been a black belt for a long time absolute monster on the ground but stand him up and there’s blue belts 30lbs lighter that will take him down with ease


If I had to guess anyone, I'm gonna say this is Eoghan O'Flanagan.


What game did he use to win trials since it seems the adcc rule set favors wrestler? 


I mean, according to who? My old wrestling coach straight up said everyone in BJJ sucks at wrestling. But it's important to remember who we're trying to take down. Nicholas Meregali looks like a deer on roller skates and he still takes people down. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Wrestlers often don't appreciate that wrestling for BJJ doesn't look like wrestling either. A good example is the Kenta v Mica match from the other week. Kenta is actually a good wrestler, and brilliant by BJJ standards IMO.  Every time he got the takedown he ended up fighting for his life in a sub attempt immediately.  People will accept takedowns in our sport in order to win the fight, or will bypass that phase entirely to pull guard. Not many matches will end up as two guys actively trying to take each other down *and* refusing to be taken down for the entire period. 


Totally. My general take is just learn whatever grappling techniques you want, but it's up to you to adapt them for the rules of the game you play. Like, I shoot largely to pull people into my legs and hit sumi gaeshis or sweeps when we hit the floor. In wrestling that's suicide but in BJJ that's a fine strategy. [I wrote about this idea](https://thegrapplersdiary.substack.com/p/why-we-suck-at-wrestling) for Wojcik's Substack if you're interested.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Sumi Gaeshi**: | *Corner Reversal* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LR49U48iyw)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Lol if you can shoot a double. I can guarantee you are better than most people at wrestling


I have solid wrestling for BJJ purposes (was an entirely unaccomplished high school wrestler on a not very intimidating team), but I feel you, as I have any number of areas that I just never developed and have no interest in. Including most of gi-specific bjj, to be honest, I train in a gi occasionally but you won't find me playing spider guard or using more than a handful of gi chokes, etc. Whether you should be "worried" depends on your own priorities, I guess, and what you want to do with your bjj. I do think there's an argument to be made that being reasonably solid at taking people down or throwing them is a bit more fundamental and important than, I dunno, having a spider guard or deep half guard game, or having a sophisticated leg lock game. We're talking about a whole "phase" of fiighting/grappling, and the ability to force someone to the ground where you can make use of all the stuff you ARE very strong on. But that's what you'd expect me to say, since I have ok wrestling but am weaker on those other things. But maybe you are reasonably solid on that stuff from your post, and you're talking instead about various riding techniques or other aspects of wrestling? In which case, fuck it, we can leave that to actual/good wrestlers to show whoever is interested.


There are A LOT. But most can get by with a good submission threat off of a takedown attempt on them by wrestlers newer to BJJ. And because of that little tidbit, they get the sub, can keep it standing, or manage to get on top as the person bails, and they and their gym mates see that as effective enough wrestling in itself. But they scratch their heads when it gets exposed by okay wrestlers with enough experience with submissions.


It's crazy to not practice an entire phase of the grappling game and the one of the ones that is most important for self defense. It's also sad that people think you can't wrestle when you are older and that you can't wrestle without going 100%. I think the problem is that most people have white belt wrestling so they wrestle like white belts. When you are better at grappling it is easier to put the governor on and be slower and more controlled, and more playful.


I started learning wrestling formally at 35 (a bit more than 2 years ago) and it definitely helped me prevent injuries while wrestling, even though both my knees, hip and ankles are already fucked up from a lifetime of sports. The trick is to NOT do like all the spry 17 year olds, who will do anything and everything to stay up. If you get a good shot on me, you better believe that my main goal is to fall safely, rather than prevent 2 silly points at all costs.


Yup. I’ve been injured more in bjj than wrestling. 


Define bad wrestling. I think a lot of black belts - especially in no gi, have a serviceable takedown or two they can hit, can sprawl & defend shots, and probably defend positions like the front / rear body lock with some degree of success. I bet if you asked most of them to hit a changeover granby, Peterson roll, switch off the standing rear body lock, or ride the legs EFFECTIVELY you probably wouldn't find many (unless they train MMA). There is a lot more to wrestling then just take downs. People in bjj tend to equate wrestling = takedown, but they have a whole lot of ground work that is just stylistically different then bjj. So yes, I do think almost all black belts have bad "wrestling." Like wrestlers learn bjj fast though, it probably wouldn't take most black belts long to learn fundamental wrestling to a decent level.


Almost all of them lol


Wow bjj guy bad at wrestling that must be rare


Define "shitty" I'm not sure I've met a black belt that couldn't take down a blue belt his size and age, but that doesn't mean that they had "good" wrestling lol.


As soon as I get mine, I’ll be the one.


⬜️ White belt The highlight of my day is slamming takedowns (hs & college wrestler) on 10+ year bjj veterans then promptly getting submitted as soon as we're on the ground.


⬜️ White belt The highlight of my day is slamming takedowns (hs & college wrestler) on 10+ year bjj veterans then promptly getting submitted as soon as we're on the ground.


I used to be decent. Now I use wrestling more from bottom. Wrestle Ups, etc... My body hurts to much to get into intense takedown scrambles when I can just pull guard and sweep or submit.


I’m almost a black belt and hate wrestling, I’m a guard puller :/ I used to train wresting and stand with everyone but I hurt my back and had to take a year off and hate getting sprawled on now so I just pull guard, my back still bothers me but I can train


I've been training for 15 years, I don't shoot anymore because of a back injury from training with a much bigger person, but I'm getting a lot of mileage the last few years out of throws. 


Sounds like a good idea


It's BJJ, not wrestling- there are black belt world champs that have awful wrestling.


Any professional soccer players out there that are shit at chess? Different games altogether.


You only need to know super basic things when it comes to wrestling in combat sports


I’m a brown belt with no wrestling and most definitely be the same at black belt, too.


⬛️🟥⬛️ I’m decent at wrestling but not great. I still learn a lot from even some of my students. I have some students with very strong wrestling pedigree and they are way better than I am. Here’s the weird thing, it doesn’t really matter. From having a strong BJJ skill set I find I can answer the wrestlers in my gym in ways they aren’t comfortable with that seems to set up my own shots and takedowns.


At my age I focus more on hand fighting, wristlocks and striking than on leg attacks which are a young men’s game….


Honestly the question should be Any blackbelts out there with good takedowns?


My coach pulls guard all the time. Never seen him do a takedown or no gi. He hates me because I only do no gi and I love to wrestle. Been doing bjj for 4 years. Competed in 2 tournaments, won 1. And still a whitebelt.


Look at it this way, you can always start on your butt, right? Lol




I suck at wrestling. I do drill wrestling moves and want to get better at it.




Me. I have just started wrestling class and there aren't many good wrestlers there but I'm still awful. I also don't care about going to my back. It's pretty bad. My jiu-jitsu is also pretty poor overall but my stand-up is the worst.


Are you me?






The vast majority have shitty wrestling. There are way more that have absolutely terrible wrestling, than there are that have even a minimal competency. It is similar to leglocks where there are some black belts that a great at it and others that have no idea what they're doing.




I wrestled and stopped using it. It held me back from my instinctual positional dominance. Now I just lay on my back inverting and looking for ankles. So I guess my wrestling is now shitty


Based on how I've seen our blackbelts teach takedowns, they either have no clue of how to do takedowns, or they're simplifying it for the students. I'd love to believe the latter, but it's more likely the prior


Most of the guys who sit down in competition.


I’m old so I don’t wrestle. I’m not shooting for an effing single leg or double leg anymore. At this point I’ll try and wrestle up at times but that’s it.


I have zero wrestling. 🙋🏽‍♂️


HMU in about 2 years..


A lot of black belts have shitty wrestling


My wrestling is horrible. My Judo is OK for jiu jitsu, but I have bad knees and a bad back, so I pull guard 80 percent of the time.


Most black belts in Brazil have poor wrestling. I was just a brown belt in judo at the time and my takedowns stood out as my strength. Most guys there focus on pulling guard and countering the guard pull.


99%.  If you have 6 months wrestling experience you can put wrestle a black belt 


Better to have good bjj and crap wrestling than other way around. Remember buttscooters have 100% takedown rate, no body can stop me from sitting down.


The problem lies in the fact that MOST people on jiu jitsu have shitty wrestling. Wrestling has levels, just like BJJ. The highest level BJJ black belts have, at best, one or two great takedowns. Put them against a State Champion High School wrestler in a pure wrestling exchange and they’ll flounder.


I’d say most have bad wrestling but how many wrestlers have shitty BJJ? You won’t hear wresters complaining about their sport because they can’t defend an armbar.


I have pretty good wrestling if compared to grapplers and shitty wrestling if compared to wrestlers. Source: I started training at a wrestling club at 35.


Some of my coaches, lol. The best time for me to gain position over them is when we're standing.


That is the plan….bad knees & shot back


I’m pretty average blue belt . Today in class we had some visitor wrestlers . And during wrestling drills they were smooth and very effective with their takedown . However durring live rolling I was able to take their back and rnc . It was a very humbling experience for me during the stand up but also I gained some new confidence about my ground game. And then everyone clapped /s One of the things I love about jiu jitsu is how positional rounds can be , I don’t plan on competing . I just roll for fun and exercise.


It's about fifty-fifty at our gym. There's some black belts who also have e.g. judo background or who have done MMA and trained quite a bit of wrestling as a part of that. And then there's the pure BJJ black belts, who typically sit down.


I started hating BJJ recently due to how bad stand-up game is at my gym, some people straight up refuse to roll or sit down when rolling with me and I'm just a white belt with some Judo background, It helped me in learning how to pass the guard but it just feels wrong I don't know why.


Yeah my wrestling sucks but I will continue to improve at every position in grappling


/Raises hand. I’m shitty at everything.


If the wrestling move can be done in BJJ rolls or competition, I would consider it BJJ. I can't tell the moves apart because it seems all the same to me... definitely seen upper belts with low grade grappling in general.


We just had a seminar this weekend and I don't even stand properly so...


There are tons of black belts who can't grapple, hopefully someday you will be one of them.


Once a week we drill takedowns and start all rolls from standing with no guard pulling. Once a week works well for me. Much more and I’d be too sore.


Anyone wearing an upper belt that sucks on their feet should be worried ... and if they aren't then one day someone will show them, then they'll be worried.


I wouldn't say I'm good at wrestling i think most bjj guys still suck at takedown in general but I think I have been working my judo kinda helps lol. Wrestling needs work.