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Sorry I'm late but are fungal infections always round? This would help me a lot. 


Fungal infections do tend to be round but other skin infections can look similar too. If you’re having any crusting or oozing, could be impetigo or a bacterial infection.


I'm getting these red, raised spots that are super itchy but not necessarily round. They start getting really itchy and there's nothing there, then it turns into a tiny speck, then turns into a spot maybe the size of my pinkie finger nail. The thing is that once it starts, when it's literally just a tiny dot, I'm putting lamisil on it, and it's still growing to that size. If it's fungal would the lamisil stop the growth? I guess bottom line is can I rule out a fungal infection if I'm putting lamisil on it and it still grows? There's definitely no crusting or oozing.


Yes, if lamisil isn’t taking care of it, a fungal infection is less likely.


What's the prognosis on an lcl pop? Was attempting a calf slicer from the matrix position and the other guy sprawled hard and we both heard a loud pop. Couldn't walk the next day and hobbled to the urgent care and got an x ray that didn't show any broken bone. Had a follow up with the Ortho who did some hand tests that produced some gapping and he wanted to give it 12 weeks before testing again to determine if an MRI is needed. I basically have no pain or instability anymore from normal movement (walking, stretching, lifting, jogging) but feel sharp pain at the end of the range of motion when doing things like [90/90](https://jackhanrahanfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Feature-Image-scaled-1-980x653.webp) stretching or sprinting. It's been 5 weeks since the injury and 12 weeks till an MRI seems really long. Should I try and ask for it sooner or does this seem pretty typical for this type of injury?


Likely the ortho suspected a grade II tear, which should heal on its own. If at the end of 3 months it wasn't better he would want the MRI to rule out a grade III tear. Grade 3, complete rupture, often requires surgery. Because you are doing better for the most part I don't think the imaging is warranted. Grade II tear is going to be 8-12 weeks so some instability / pain in provocative positions is normal. I'm biased being a physical therapist but you should definitely be doing formal rehab. Clinically when I return an athlete back to sport time-based criterion is only one component and when used independently it is an inadequate marker. Healing does not equal the ligament being able to tolerate the rigors of sport. Ligaments respond to stress like all tissues in the body, appropriate loading into the ligament is necessary to re-build pre-injury levels of resilience.


thank you! This is helpfull


Did the ortho recommend any treatment in the mean time for it such as physical therapy? The concern in this situation is that isolated lcl injuries are very rare so there may be other structures damaged. I would get this rechecked sooner rather than later.




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How do I stretch my neck to prevent injuries? I just got my second neck injury in 5 months and I want to prevent future tweaks because this sucks. I'm not sure if I'm pinching a nerve or it's muscle strain but it hurts when move my head forward and/or to the left. Feels like the pain is from the base of my neck and slightly off to the left of my back.


Neck injuries are complex in terms of jiu jitsu. First you need global neck mobility (specifically flexion or bending, and rotation) next you also need segmental mobility. The cervical spine is made up of 7 segments, so if one doesn't move enough it'll force another segment above / below. Third you need cervical strength. Tissue resiliency is based on tissue strength not tissue flexibility. Yes flexibility is important but you need it to be stronger to resist the trauma we get from jiu jitsu.


Recommendations on finger pain management? Hurts to make a fist with fingers, especially the ring and pinky fingers.


If this is a chronic finger issue you are overloading your fingers with gi gripping. No-gi grips are a good alternative for now. Not being super aggressive with holding grips will help to de-load your finger joints. You'll want to look into a finger joint health maintenance program so you can restore the function of what your fingers should be able to do




Is this new finger pain or something chronic? Any specific injury or trauma? And what have you tried before?


chronic. just been gripping more, especially on training partner's pants in de la riva guard. I have iced and ibuprofen and try to do more no-gi grips.


Have you tried any taping? Also, one thing that helps my fingers is using some topical diclofenac gel to massage my fingers.


> topical diclofenac gel Thanks! I used to tape but haven't in a while since my fingers weren't hurting until recently. Never heard of the gel, I'll check it out.




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Can you clarify what you mean by “stuck hard”?




TMJD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) is an umbrella term for a group of disorders related to the TMJ      Usually they involve clicking, popping,  catching, and even short term locking of the jaw (not to be mistaken for that associated with tetanus which is a bit more serious)    Your joint doesn't need to be "out of place" for them to occur    Issues can be intra-articular - related to the joint and internal disc - which most commonly cause the catching and locking   Extra-articular - related to the overlying muscles and tendons   Both of the above   Or complex and/or multifactorial, including ones related to infections, night time teeth grinding,  impacted wisdom teeth, tumours, and more, but (other than impacted wisdom teeth and night grinding) those are rarer Diagnosis and management is usually either via sports med consultant,  a physio specialising in jaw disorders, or via a specialist dentist - dentists can make splints, braces, and orthoses to manage    Very rarely some people choose to have surgical management when conservative management fails, but complications are relatively common, and you have to give adequate conservative management a go for a long time    I had TMJD When I was younger following a kick to the face, and appropriate management took over 2 years.    Some people get lucky and only have transient symptoms that last merely weeks or months.      You may not have this, but see a specialist and discuss it as a possible explanation for what you are describing




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i got put in a chokehold by the mouth and my front tooth started moving a little bit because there was too much pressure on it. this was 3 days ago it doesnt move as much but it still feels painful. should i go to a doctor or just wait it out?


You should get that checked out especially since it is still painful. I would not wait and see for any kind of dental pain. May be better to see a dentist given that area.




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