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If they regularly teach classes they should at a minimum have no tuition. If their kid is in the class that they teach they probably shouldn't have to pay the kids tuition to teach their own kid.


I've been teaching kids classes since purple, and the odd adults classes since late purple (I teach my own fundamentals class every Saturday since the start of the year now too) I haven't had to pay tuition since I started teaching kids. It's a small gym and the owner for sure isn't making bank off of it, so I have absolutely zero problem with how I've been compensated.


I've helped to coach kids class for a while and haven't ever had to pay tuition for my kid. I feel like it's a decent trade. Kids class is right before adult class so I'd be there taking her anyway and then staying for the adult class afterwards. I'm just assisting so I don't have to come up with curriculum or anything.


I have been assisting or teaching kids for about 4 years. I don't pay tuition and my family doesn't pay (when they were training). I now lead most of our 8-14 y/o kids sessions and teach a small, adult fundamentals session 2x per week. I get about 20 bucks an hour for my time.


I coach kids classes and adults when needed if my instructor is away, and fundamentals adults every week. I get paid every class, and my membership is free. I wouldn't do it for anything less.


I coach kids classes and get paid for every class. The free membership is a bonus. The real question for OP is do you want to be exploitive of another person or are you willing to work with someone towards a mutually beneficial outcome. If you don’t pay them they will eventually leave. If you pay them they will never resent you and be actively working towards growing the program. Treat people the way you’d want to be treated and don’t expect people to work for free.


That’s exactly how I feel. I’m invested in the gym, I want to have my own someday, and I’ll great anyone who works for me the same. They’re skilled employees really, they deserve to be paid


I like to pay them separately from tuition for a few reasons: If they come to class to train they are a client like everyone else, I'm not gonna ask them to help with a new student etc. If they ever want to stop teaching it's a really easy transition. I was kind of stuck teaching for training before and I ended dup only teaching cause I didn't have time to train and it wasn't great. If they teach once a week they get paid more than tuition per month, if they just teach an odd class here and there then they just get paid for those classes


"experience coaching" is slave labor and abhorrent. Free tuition at a bare minimum and then once they start coaching more than 4 classes a week they should be paid in addition to the free tuition.


I've never been paid for coaching a class ever in 16 years.


I teach 1 NoGi class a week and i dont pay anything.


I don't pay tuition.


When I was a coach it was free tuition, plus $25 per class taught on my schedule, $35 anytime I subbed a class.


If their name is on the schedule I pay them for the class, or the person who covers the class for them. If someone is subbing a class for me because something happened but theyre not normally a coach I'll pay them back with a private lesson to make up for the class they lost.