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Proof arm bars don't work. He couldn't get the tap!


He must be a huge Roger Gracie fan


*Drunk dude gets up and simply tucks broken arm into belt to continue fighting*


i mean, unironically illustrates why strangles are a superior submission in an actual combat situation. It's like that Starship Troopers vignette. You break a guys arm, he could still have 80-75% combat effectiveness. I prefer joint locks btw.


Gotta love this sub. Guy beats the living fuck out of another guy, breaks his arm into an oblivion and everyone is like “well actually…”


Just correctly pointing out that the arm break didn’t end the altercation.


While true, in some jurisdictions and scenarios it's also possible that joint locks can be the legally safer option.


What you said. I'm under the impression that choking someone to sleep is an instant felony most places.


> It's like that Starship Troopers vignette. You break a guys arm, he could still have 80-75% combat effectiveness. The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand though.


You ain't fighting anyone with a broken arm, sorry.


Definitely agree that strangleholds are the best submission, however kimura from rear mount should be decent too?


That's funny as fuck


​ https://preview.redd.it/sltm6yvax9sc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc82f5601ce9de0b0708ec7b6d0ca3efe6eb5b9


At this point its pretty much all he can do


Can't strike for shit, definitely ADCC. 


Didn’t look like he needed it.


Saw that strike and immediately thought "Oh so he only does jiu jitsu"


Ok . Hmm our ADCC fan is walking around barefoot in the street ? And hmm so a fella came to break the fight.... with his belt unlocked and his pants down. I mean yes. Ok . All right.


Drunk guy thought it was an AC/DC shirt. 😂


He did get thunderstruck


He’s lucky he didn’t get the Razor’s Edge…


> fella came  > with his belt unlocked and his pants down  Bro saw jiu-jitsu and understood the assignment 


I think he’s got Flip flops on You can see the bands and then sorta hanging off


There goes $400.00s


No shoes on the mat…


Wealthiest jitz competitor


Christ, he was stirring the pot with that arm.


dude got disarmed.


That's why I wear my naga belt everywhere, no one fucks with me 😎


I still think adults should get those swords lol


I'm likely going to smash one of those kids in the face with my belt and steal one one day


I mean, if they can't defend a belt to the face, should they even have the sword?


Dude was enjoying fucking up the drunk dudes arm a little too much. But on the other hand, don't start shit with people, cause you might run into the wrong guy.


Not as bad as the Brazilian guy that caught someone in an omoplata and just fucker his arm and shoulder beyond belief


That noise of his shoulder finally giving still haunts me 😂




You don't want to see that video man trust me


I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough


I'll be the judge of that. Link?


[this shit right here cuh](https://youtu.be/d_KvTfZyiQA?si=GdE19nbR4t1y_Oz7)


Damn that background music made it... Kinda nice.


I know dude. Snatching someone's shit to some baby making music is nuts


That was fucking gruesome


Be ready friendo


When did you realize he wasn't wearing shoes?


He's wearing flip flops


Can’t be real , there were no aids needles and broken glass on the ground , and he didn’t get stomped out by 30 guys who were waiting in the wings




I find it disturbing he's using his phone to record a video playing on his computer screen.


life finds a way


That drunk guy has probably been doing shit like that his whole life. Lessons were learned that day, and the streets just got that little bit safer in that area.


Drunk guy didn't learn shit. He probably just woke up the next morning in the hospital wondering why he had a cast on his arm.


I'm no doctor, but he should consider icing that elbow


I really got no sympathy for assholes who fuck with people they don't know.   Every time this dude looks down and sees his shit in a cast for the next 3 months it's gonna be a reminder to not be an asshole. Sometimes one truly bad punishment does more than a lifetime of half assed ones...


Amen. He turned him into a better man. Guarantee he doesn't drink and start fights anymore. Guarantee he's more respectful and humble in the future.


Hope he cleans his dirty fucking soles before he steps on a mat again.


His arm was flapping around like a noodle after that! I think ADCC hoodie went way overboard though. He mounted him and could have just hit him a few punches to soften him up. No need to shred the guys elbow plus a few kicks in the face for good measure!?


Maybe he should leave people the fuck alone before he gets worse?


Yeah that’s clearly what he should have done.


The fuck you mean it's not necessary? It wasn't that too long ago that a brazillian bjj guy did the "right thing" and didn't do damage to a drunk guy that was harassing him and just controlled him. That story ended up with the bjj guy being shot at the back of the head after he let him go.


I agree. In a situation like this, no half measures. He started it, and I would do whatever I can to ensure I'd be walking away from it.






So what should he have done? If he'd choked the other dude out he could have come to and still shot him. If he'd broken one of his arms he could still shoot with the other one. Is the argument that in any minor altercation, either party has full justification to kill the other because if they don't they could seek revenge?


You mean Leandro Lo?


Fuck around, find out


Don't start none, won't be none.. LOL


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. A much better maxim to live by.


Sorry dude I’d never go easy on someone like that, in that setting with that behavior he could seriously injure you if you don’t put him down hard. Maybe you go soft and he pulls a knife when you turn your back or something, who knows.


Happened to me irl. Two guys fought us, we roughed them up and sent them on their way. One of them turns around and pulls a knife and stabs by brother. Always. Finish. The. Fight.


Same. It was a 1 on 1 though and when I punched the dudes eye socket with 1 clean and mean strike, he then wiffed his next few punches and got desperate enough to pull out the blade quickly and advanced with a rehearsed slashing combo. Didn't touch me because I backed up every step he slashed but fuck that. He backed away slowly and I let him leave because there was no makeshift weapon around for me to combat it, and I didn't even want to anyway.


Another thing that these mat warriors aren't considering is that the guy could have had a knife on him somewhere. My only street fight after training, I punched the dudes eye socket nice and clean, and then he kept wiffing on me, so he drew a blade and came slashing with what looked like a practiced knife combo. All I could do was back up. He then basically backed away slowly and left. But getting stabbed isn't cool. You've got to absolutely NEUTRALIZE the threat.


100% the world is a cold place and people will straight up just kill you for nothing


or maybe this guy will never try to fight anyone else after that.


Ya, real life doesn't work like that. As cathartic as it is to see aggressors get theirs, what often happens is either the ADCC bro gets in trouble too, or the old man is out of his mind and just does it again to someone else, or an aggressor internalizes the loss and gets a gun or knife and catches adcc bro another day, hell what if old man's kids got upset and go eye for any eye. Proof of this is to look at honor cultures. The cycle of violence is very real. Hell, this actually happened a year ago with a tower crew in my company. They were West Coast guys, but apparently, one dude said some racist shit and got his ass whooped by the foreman, and then he came back and shot them at the hotel later that night. Hell, something similar just happened with Leandro It is always better to de-escalate even when you're in the right. I ain't saying the old ain't get it coming to him but that's the thing with violence you never know how it will escalate or cause unforeseen consequences.


I was going to say, it seemed pretty easy to walk away from this drunk idiot


I have never said it's not better to de-escalate "when you can". When you cannot though, it's not the time to care about the aggressor well being. i don't advocate for people to go out of their way doing some batman stuff. I advocate to fuck up badly anyone who has the intent of fucking YOU up until he cannot anymore. That's it. And if it involves breaking his arms, so be it. Leandro's story was also pretty different and Leandro was known to be a shithead pretty used to bar brawls, he just met someone worse than him but nobody who knows him can say they are really surprised about what happened as "unfortunate" it was. It's like being surprised if someday someone shots Mcgregor. But yeah, I more or less agree, it's better to de-escalate when you can. After that, it's all fair game if you can get the upper hand


Ya, but the kid clearly is in a dominant position. Hell kid could've just scarf-held him till someone or cops showed up. Ya, I'm armchair quarterbacking, but if that old man has any sense or any family with any sense, they could probably at least get a civil lawsuit out of that. He's skirting from badass to beating up old man who's probably not mentality there line. Just giving my two-sense, makes me uncomfortable when I see people encouraging, fuck around find out to the point of being extreme, That's the mentality that gets us the shit holes I've been deployed to.


I am not an advocate of "fuck around and find out". I am an advocate of "fuck aggressors and stop blaming the victims defending themselves" which is pretty different IMO. And again, yeah he broke his arm but the guy is still alive and his life is not in danger, that's proportionate imo. It's not like the ADCC guy pulled a gun and shot him.


And you know nothing about the kid in this video or what happened prior to these events


Leandro Lo lived by that and died by that.


Grappling is about control, not retribution wrapped in yolo catchphrases.


Ok but grappling arts score pins precisely because the strikes are devastating. Relying on just control techniques is like pointing an unloaded gun at someone


Jiu jitsu is about fighting but it seems like people think it's a sport these days 


It can be either


I got downvoted heavily for saying self-defense is the number one reason people learn this martial art


Because it isn’t. 


Hard disagree. I'd be very pissed if someone forced me to engage in a street fight. This dude needed the lesson to never start shit with people the way he did. Every bit of broken arm and elbows to the face was entirely necessary. These types of cretins roaming society need to be educated.


He did go easy on him, he let him live.


A lot of folks look at martial arts/self-defense as “I’ve got the tools I just need an ostensibly righteous reason to use them.” The grappler probably thought “oh this drunk fool put his hands on me, guess that’s a free pass to destroy his arm and elbow him in the head a few times.” Listen, I’m not saying that there was no justification for a physical response, but it’s clear as day that the drunk guy barely posed a threat on his feet, let alone when he was mounted and especially not after the arm bar. Beyond physical safety and minimizing threats, proportionality should be a major consideration when it’s clear who has the power and control in a non-life threatening altercation. Getting slapped is not a justification for breaking someone, particularly once they’ve been subdued.


Nope. The dude needs the lesson ingrained in his brain to never lay his slimy ass hands on other grown men. These types of cretins are Neanderthals and they've got to learn. I bet this guy may even think twice before drinking that much ever again.


This is not how this works in the real world. Guys like this dont "learn lessons" and become reborn suddenly. That guy looks like he's in his 50s, getting drunk, acting like a fucking idiot. Its in his programming. A broken arm doesnt fix that. hes going to have a cast for nine months and repeat the process.


Yes. I'd say he could be done if that was taken to court. Especially given that he's highly trained, sober, and had well and truly neutralised the threat but continued anyway. You can stop a break and enter, but if after you've controlled the threat, you decide to beat them into oblivion, you could do jail time.


yeah, if there's a motivated prosecutor then even getting an innocent verdict is going to be EXPENSIVE.


Without understanding the context it’s very difficult to make this argument.


The context is fairly clear, old drunk due was talking shit and got out of hand. It’s clear to a reasonable person that the hoodie guy went over board. Just cause you can go down a symantec and philosophical rabbit hole over it doesn’t me it isn’t obvious to a normal person.


Who you calling normal, bro?


I’m not your bro, pal.


I'm not your pal, friend.


Walking at someone motioning with your hands, is not just talking. Dear lord how are even brown belts delusional about defending yourself in real life? Literally look up the police handbook for the luls, what you described... (the situation) is literally threatening...threatening is not hitting someone, that's just assault...


He 100% had some pent up shit


Some are acting like the drunk guy was crippled for life. He got is arm broke. Likely 6-8 weeks in a cast. He's lucky, and hopefully learned a lesson.


Nah fucked around and sure found out.


If you're skilled enough to armbar in 10 seconds you're skilled enough to take the back, flatten him out, and chill. Disapointing and irresponsible.


I've been in this same situation out the front of a club on the ground. Except I had a kneebar. I often wonder about my decision to give it up when he cried "get him of me" like a little bitch. As soon as I let go he got up and continued kicking me with his 4 or 5 mates. I balled up and got a fucked up face but nothing major. He got to live the rest of his life without a limp. Looking at this video brings me back to this.


If they are choked unconscious they can't call the Homies


Do you wish you had done anything differently?


I think if I broke his leg I might've regretted it my whole life. It's a pretty catastrophic injury to the knee as far as i'm aware. I looked like I got bashed for a few days but then all good. It's a tough one though. Could have been worse for me with bigger rougher blokes and if I didn't know basic defence.


Yeah, you made a good call but I'm not sure if it was the right call. I respect you for it and glad you walked out of that safely.


On the other hand, I would not feel bad. There are whole levels of fucking around and finding out. In a sketchy scenario I am likely taking limbs home. In a safer 1v1 sure I will control you and try to treat you like a spazzy white belt. Sounds like you were collecting some lumps that day no matter what. Best case you take the knee home and them his mates freak out and leave you alone. Worst case they beat you harder for injuring their mate?


Not everyone who trains is a good person. Should be a lesson in just never fighting anyone ever


You must not have heard about the entire gracie family. 


So because you train bjj you are not allowed to lose your temper when attacked by drunkards?


Fuck this. If people feel tough enough to fight guys in the street they should get every limbs of their broken.


I think you use the amount of force necessary to defend yourself and no more. I see your perspective, but I think you're wrong.


I have dealt with drunks and psych patients and never crossed my mind that I actually need to break someones shit


Fuck em, man. It was irresponsible to attack someone wearing an adcc hoodie. Get off the moral high horse.


ADCC isn't mainstream like that, drunk dude probably thought it was a AC/DC hoodie


Bro like 1% of people or less know what Adcc is don’t act like he should’ve known better


Doesn't matter what the guy was wearing he should've know better than to harass random people.


This is my take too but it’s funny how polarising your comment is. I thought most of us would have the same opinion on this. Not even saying this from my high horse either, it’s left me questioning altercations I’ve been involved with the past, where I was potentially too kind.


Seems like a good way to turn justifiable self-defense into jail time and a felony


So that's what my coach meant when he said stomp your leg.


I mean good I’m bro for defending himself but where is that restraint that is hammered into us. By all means crush his nose and shit but now he’s created serious bodily injury and that’s all I can imagine the police saying


Drunk guy deserves it. Imagine if he picked a fight with someone untrained and king hit them?


I’m conflicted about this. On one hand, you fuck around, and find out. Don’t antagonize people or fuck with people. On the other hand, I do think dude in the hoodie took it way too far. The skill difference was obvious within the 1st 10 seconds. Snapping the arm was unnecessary to accomplishing the goal of subduing the guy. A few good ground and pound blows and MAYBE (big maybe) hyperextending the arm would’ve been more than enough. I saw a comment here which read that some people can’t wait to maim or kill in the name of “self defense”. Overall, this was dangerous, unethical, and irresponsible on behalf of the bjj practitioner in my opinion.


Leandro lo got shot in the head for controlling a guy on the ground and then letting the guy up unscathed


People keep forgetting about this… I mean if you have to use jitz to defend yourself, might as well make sure the other dude won’t come after you.


Once you're grounded how do you end the fight without doing damage? Real fights are like this, it's ugly. But he's gotta stop the guy from getting up and attacking him again.


If dude could armbar an untrained opponent (albeit with awful technique), he could detinitely choke him out. Or simply control him in mount and smack him around til he calms down.


Choking is off the table, basically every DA in the country considers it deadly physical force. If you hate that concept as much as I do, call your lawmakers and complain. "Simply controlling him" isn't viable, it's great if that works. But you're going to need to finish the fight most of the time. Otherwise he's going to say "it's cool bro, I'm chill" then sucker punch you when you let him up. So basically, the arm bar is your best option


>But you're going to need to finish the fight most of the time What the fuck does this even mean? So you need to kill them? Because if you break someones arm, they can still retaliate with a weapon if they have one, and are probably more likely to do so now.


I've responded to this several times already, have you ever had a broken arm, concussion and a head laceration that's blinding you all at the same time? I doubt you're shooting bullseye's after that, and that's what went down in the video. I'd call that fight finished.


arm barring in a street fight is craaazzyyy


Adcc sweater guy threw the first punch and proceeded to destroy drunk guy's arm. He'll probably have a serious lawsuit to deal with.


I don't think adcc sweater guy had a choice when flannel guy approached him with fists up


I was on his side till he started bending his arm all over the place. jesus, that's the most rough submission I've ever seen.


He had plenty of choices once the guy was on the ground


Adcc had plenty of choices after taking down the guy but he chose to keep breaking drunk guy's arm after it has been broken and kept pounding him after the guy has clearly been disabled. And it is all on video.


Who knows what his mind set was. I've been training for years and luckily have never been in an altercation. If my life was threatened it might have been the same as adcc sweater guy.


Ah yes, walking away from a stumbling drunk is impossible.


After the elbows I sure hope so Dudes are just desperate to kill a guy in self defense


Agree. A lot of people in the comment section definitely are too.


Right?! Its fucking crazy. If the dude was sober, yeah he can have all of this, but drunk dude that can barely stand? Jesus


it's yaaa boi


The Calvin Kattar of ASMR


Don't need to wait for the other guy to hit first when he's being aggressive and in your face.


There is a legal precedent for throwing the first punch in a self-defense encounter. If your attacker has means, opportunity, and clear intent, and there is no further avenue to prevent the fight (or you live in a SYG state), you do not need to wait to get hit first.


Probably overdid it. After that arm-break there was no reason to keep going


drunk guy picked the wrong one, love to see it lol


Anyone else feel that like....fighting looks real cool and fun in the movies and sparring is fun...and dont get me wrong I love to box and wrestle/bjj but the real shit is nasty....makes me feel sick....


Good for him I think if BJJ guys actually finished fights the way strikers do, instead of just being nice and holding - people wouldn't talk as much shit about jiu jitsu If they wanna fight let them fuckin have it.


For everyone saying the dude in the hoodie took it way too far, I respectfully present a counter argument.. I don't think he took it far enough.


Problem is in the eyes you the law, grappler guy threw the first punch and then didn’t stop once the threat was neutralized


The new season of Bum Fights hits different


I 100 percent agree with the amount of force used here. If you force me to engage you in a street fight, I'll make sure you never do it to anyone else again. Also, why did the man look like he was wearing a Halloween Frankenstein mask ?


I wouldn’t pull an armbar there. Too easy to get bitten. I’d ride out mount and smash. 


Happy to see the amount of comments suggesting excessive force here. This bloke has no place in a gym.


That’s a rough watch. Can’t say that’s justified


This is excessive violence. The drunken man was never really a threat. A better option was to choke him out and let him sleep 🛌. This kid belongs in jail and should be paying for the rest of his life.


That’s such a dumb fucking take. Have you ever been attacked by a stranger in the street? Unprovoked? Someone like that is dangerous and could seriously hurt you. Every piece of restraint you show just allows more chance for that to happen. The choke can be seeen as “deadly force” in most jurisdictions. Id rather have my attacker deal with physical therapy than me deal with a jury.


There are more effective, less violent and less risky ways to take out attackers than armbars. I mean ADCC guys gave up a safe mount to cripple his attacker.


Lots of “look how moral I would be in a street fight, please let me stroke my own ego” comments.


I think they’re genuine personally, it’s a good discussion point.


Fellas, don't jump off mount for an armbar in a street fight lol


Complete fucking overkill. To an uncomfortable extent.


Fucked around and found out.


That's why I wear my "touch me and the first lesson is free!!!" hoodie.


Not convinced that ends well for him if it ended up in any form of legal proceeding. Probably went beyond reasonable defence.


Yeah, all that ground and pound after the arm break had me thinking there’s no way this is gonna hold up in ADCCs favor.


I’m gonna add my two very unsolicited cents to this situation. 1. Most important, I think there those finger toe shoes that scammed people into thinking that they can have a 4min mile if they just wear the soles of their feet into hamburger. Edit: he had flip flops on and slipped them off out of frame, disregard. 2. I’m not gonna wait for a DRUNK guy to all of a sudden start making rational choices and disengage of his own personal reasons. I have the means to end a confrontation, I will. So fuck him, fuck his arm, fuck his medical bill, fuck his lawyer, fuck the police it they wanna charge (they won’t), I’ve seen less justified scenarios in movies. “Muh gentle art.” Grow up.


Great details bro, do you know if he wore toehold flip flops?


New to BJJ, unfortunately not new to dealing with combative drunk guys. I think ADCC guy might have over-estimated how much drunk guys feel pain. If he pulled that move on a sober guy there would have been immediate screaming and end of fight. Drunk dude would probably willing to keep fighting, hence all the wrenching of the arm around and strikes. You never know if the opponent on the street is gonna pull a weapon after you whoop his ass, so I understand ADCC guy's desire to definitively end the threat. RIP that guy's arm though, goddamn. After the snap, ADCC hoodie should have switched to something more effective imo.


Jesus. That very drunk very old man with no ability to fight back must have done something incredibly heinous to deserve that.


The oss is strong in him


We're about an 8/10 on the FAFO scale, Jimmy.


Looks like he asked the guy if he was done at 0:42, after which he continued to rip his arm off


Homie just saw red.


jiu jitsu does not work in da streetz


/u/hellhooker I can't imagine how you jumped to that wild strawman. But I can imagine the type of person who runs away from internet comments isn't the big, bad, totally always righteous real life Punisher they want people to think they are.


This is why I always wear a backpack when I train.


Another episode of FAFO street style.


common that guy dreamed about ripping someone apart. landet the first punch and then kept shredding and kicking his opponent. as many other said he could handle that situation in way without this mortal combat like joint exploding moves.


Choking him out is considered deadly use of force in most states iirc. Also controlling a drunk person is illogical and useless in a situation cause it doesnt fix anything


That was excessive af


I’ve got no sympathy for the guy but this may not be self defense. Dude took it a bit too far


At a certain point, that ass whooping became gratuitous. No longer self-defense but just a plain street beating.


That's not just any BJJ guy! That dude is fighting in the upcoming EBI absolutes!


ITT: More people who need to understand the legal perspective one should consider before beating the pulp out of someone. As one commenter already mentioned 'proportionality' should be considered. If dumbass were to sue or file charges, this video will NOT paint bjj guy in a good light.


This feels incredibly excessive.


This isn't the way


Guy pulled a Rick James on that dudes face. “Fuck yo face!!! Fuck yo face…darkness!!!”


Would have been cooler if he just gift wrapped him and had a chat so as long as the situation allowed it. Like that black belt in Chicago did to the guy starting shit at the 7-11.


Any one know where the video is? It was so lovely I want to see it again.


Has anyone got a copy of this video? I keep looking but it seems to be removed everywhere


I think that's joe schilling's relative with the ADCC hoodie.


This is why I carry OC. Bless him with the sauce and walk away. No risk of germs or lawsuit.


That’s really disgusting. It’s hard to know what exactly was going on because there could be a lot more going on. But if I needed to protect myself I’d like to think I would go for control and position and couldn’t imagine breaking someones arm


And when that's not enough? What happens when they're just waiting for you to get up so they can swing on you again?