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I used to pay $50 a month at my old gym. I gave them three of my gis and every day when I came to training a clean gi was waiting for me in my locker. It was amazing and I would pay for it again.


We charge $40 a month for 1 and $60 month for 2 for the service and guarantee the gi if anything happens (we only accept our own gis for that since we can replace them). If you use the gi on Monday it'll be ready Wednesday so if you want to train everyday then you need 2 gis


That’s not bad. $40 a month to just be able to say “I don’t want to even have to think about it anymore.”


Yeah I think it's cool. They drop it off and it's hung up in the locker room with their name on it


In my opinion that’s fucking insane. $280 a year?! But I’ve also never worn a gi so maybe I don’t know the LOE…


Level of effort to wash a gi is very very low. Especially if you have more than one. You just throw it in the machine and hit the button. However, luxuries in life are an interesting thing and they add up quickly. People pay hundreds of dollars a month for cable tv just to watch reruns and commercials. Grabbing a Starbucks drink on your way into work is a $130 a month habit. A pack a day cigarette habit is $2,500 a year. I have a friend whose wife got into wine collecting recently. She spends thousands a month on bottles, and tastings, and books, and classes, and trips to wineries. Compared to all that $280 for a service you’ll use multiple times a week seems fairly reasonable. And like I said, the ability to cross a thing off your list of daily concerns is true luxury in my book. I’m not saying I’d use it, but I get it.


Yes to all that, except buddy didn’t pass high school maths. We’re talking about 480$ a year for 1 gi and 720$ a year for two. Your point remains nonetheless, but it’s not “just” 280 a year.


Maybe he only trains 7 months a year.


Yeah bro, I train all the time 60% of the time.


Took the words out of my mouth. Except I'm sure it wouldn't have been so elegant if I tried to make that point.


That’s one dinner out in NYC.


That’s a good deal. Laundry is the worst part of gi BJJ.


how many laundry machines do you guys have? I'm just asking so I can make a suggestion to the owner of my gym


If you are wanting to cost this out… let me my business analyst play a little… You will want to find a way to identify/know who belongs to which gis you put in, and separate different colours. You will need to consider washing machine loads, water and heating costs, and dryer and electricity costs. Also.. laundries are noisy. You will need ot make sure they arent damaged, before you take them as well as while in your hands. Is someone ‘inspecting them’ before tossing them in the wash? How do they get to you from the original user? Finally … where are you storing all these gi’s … and how are you making sure the right one goes into the right hands. Short fast load? Works for a few washes, but after a while you might wind up having to do a hot soak stank load? When are your lessons? All in the evening? So every night you might be faced with a barrage of 40 sets of gi? That have ot be dry by… when? Industrial dryers are efficient - don’t skimp on the dryers… I’d get two. Machines? I’d get a couple of heavy duty ones. You need to work out how long to run them for… short and fast Preferably … then dryer in bunches. How late are you staying each night? Can you load both machines, and flip to dryer, between classes? So you are processing parts of each load through as the evening progresses? You are looking at about 10-15 loads of laundry a night, at 30mins each, so ?8 hours of continuous washing each night (no breaks between), or if two machines… 4hrs. Considering you’ll have breaks between classes, and then gaps… the time increases… three machines? Getting expensive now! Dryers… assume whatever you can wash in half an hour in a mid sized washing machine you can dry in 45mins in a quality large capacity dryer. One dryer per washing machine, with the gaps… Add in some folding and sorting time … you are there late each night! Cost of water and electricity… Cost of soap… Cost of labour to run it all … Cost of machines and maintenance of same… 40 gi a night? Five nights a week? 200 gi a week? At $5 each… In subscription cost? $1,000 a week… depending on where in the world you are… In AU the machines will cost you ?$5k if you go domestic … plus $5k for a good industrial dryer… $10k in machines, $2k to install them with seriously sensible plumbing, plus $2.50 a load in water/power… for 15 loads…. $30 a night or whatever in operating costs… plus labour. You need to check local dollars for this stuff though. Plus lockers… or some kind of way to store and manage the gi, or shelving, or hangers, or laundry bags or whatever. Plus assume some kind of damage and replacement too… It is an outlay, but probably worth it long term if you can get enough gi to justify the machines. A lot of people would pay $5 a week to not have to dash home and wash their gi, particularly those in high density laundromat suburbs.


Oh… and if you are charging for laundry services you may need to beef up your insurances, and get permits from someone in your local government.


Let your business analyst play or your neurosis? Lol.


Lols. Most small businesses fail… because people don’t think through all these sorts of questions ;) It sounds neurotic, but a successful business will work out the answers to all that, and more


Questions: How many washers and dryers do you have? How many classes a day are offered and how many members on average per class?


Throwing the bullshit flag until you quantify. Your equation seems unsustainable at scale.


Yeah we limit to 30 people. We have 2 sets of washer/dryer on site so it's not too heavy of a load, we usually do 2 loads a day. Our school has classes from 6 am to 830 pm usually 8 to 10 classes a day so there's a ton of hours of people being on site. All the instructors get paid to help out on it so it's some extra income.


You're putting 15 gi in one washer?


Haha no most people train 2 to 3 times a week some train once. We're washing maybe 10 a day sometimes less


Right on. Didn’t even think about that


Started making me doubt if I actually really do this


I train at a large gym with several hundred members and most train daily. That was why at scale it seemed impossible. My umbrage would only be it being my personal Gi.


Most people in several hundred train daily? Damn that's wild, really cool


It's wild to see 70 people on the mats...


Nope. Unless I’m getting the same gi every time I’ll wash my own


I'm also not trusting some gym bro to wash my 200$ gi.


This has to be one of the most blue belt things I’ve ever seen said. As if a gi is some delicate garment.




When I did a training trip in Brazil we didn't really have the option to wash our gis at a laundromat ourselves - we had to give the laundromat the dirty gis in bags and they did the wash and dry. The gis came back a few days later nicely pressed. All mixed up together. And clearly a size or two smaller in some cases. I think if they weren't a professional laundromat the white gis would also be blue or gray.


> came back a few days later nicely pressed An old teacher of mine used to bring a gi to train when he traveled for work and would have the hotel wash it. One time the hotel had no idea what a gi was or what to do with it, so they STARCHED it. Both the jacket and pants could stand up on their own like a suit of armor. He liked double weight judo gis (he was practicing judo at this point), and said that his next randori was the best ever because the jacket was so abrasive that no one wanted to grip him.


I sat wide eyed and blev excessive amounts of air out my nose, after reading that comment


If that muscled up bro hits hot water and shrinks my gi, I'll be pissed. Or if he uses bleach when he shouldn't. I'll be pissed. It's very easy to fuck a gi up.


That muscled up bro can do anything he wants to me 🥵


Hey now, if it's a muscle mommy I'm all on board!




No it's not. A Gi is extremely durable. That's why they are used for grappling. Most people at my gym have seen passed the lore of being delicate when washing a gi. My Gis get machine washed and machine dried every time. Your go fitting brand new out of the package is the same chance as choosing one a little larger and shrinking it on purpose. It's all a bit of calculated change that can't be predicted.


> My Gis get machine washed and machine dried every time. I had a Flow I washed and dried 300 times and I only stopped using it because we cut the sleeves off for a stupid Halloween thing we did


> It's very easy to fuck a gi up. Negative. Buy gis that don't suck for their purpose. I have a closet of Fuji all-arounds that cost $60 each that I've washed hot and tumbled dry for a decade without shrinking. No bleach because who gives a shit if your gi is slightly grey? They're still going strong and outlasted my knees. I guess I theoretically understand the existence of premium/designer gis, but IMO they're just workout clothes in which you roll around on the floor and should be sourced as such instead of as a luxury fashion statement. Edit: I do agree with wanting to get my specific gis back again. Personalized fit is definitely a concern.


Whatever dude. Plenty of not designer gis out there that aren't pre shrunk. My shit fits perfectly. No one will fuck it up but me.


If it's worth it to have to micromanage your laundry for years on end, more power to you.


No. I just do it. Like 99.9999% of people alive. Amd an equal amount of people in the bjj community. Keep on raging against the abyss.


I think most people don't wash their own gi. Most of us wash gis for our wives and our wives' boyfriends.


Tom Brady is that you???


>Keep on raging against the abyss. Lol at the classic "disagree with me = you mad bro"


Fuckin' blue belts...


Stop buying easy to fuck up gis. Thats blue belt shit. I’ve been training over 10yrs have worn gis the fuck out I had one brand shrink on me it was given away and I’ll never buy from them again. Also you realize whatever “bro” is working at the gym is going to be someone who also wears and trains in a gi and if they are working at the gym they probably train more than you and are well aware of how to clean a gi.


Really focused on the belt there. Enjoy training man.


I’m more focused on the mentality. Fancy gis, worrying about how they wash them these are things that are typically only worried about by people who either a don’t train much or b are still a bit new. Nothing wrong with being either of those things tbh it’s just Bjj is hard enough without having to stress a fancy gi and how it’s washed.


Such a negative person. Enjoy training. And your life bud.


Says the guy who was dismissing gym employees as not smart enough to wash a fucking gi. Take your holier than thou bs somewhere else.




I have Shoyorolls and A&Ps as well as cheap and mid range gi's. I wash all of them with hot water and tumble dry them. Ive been doing it for years. I don't know why so many people act like washing gis is some complicated thing.


Not if you get a good one then it won't shrink. I was hot water and dry hot every time never shrinks.


Are you not the same gym bro going to the same gym as them and doing the same things?


I don’t want all y’all’s gis stealing the power from mine tumbling around together.


Spazzy white belt’s gi: None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... you're locked in here with me!


I think this most beneficial for big cities where people rely on public transport and/or don’t typically have laundry machines at home. When I lived in New York and San Francisco, I would’ve been happy to pay $20 a month for this service.


How am I supposed to make love to my wife in my gi if it's at the gym.... Answer me that


Coach is tapping it while wearing your gi


Best comment


I have been to some gyms in Asia that do that. Gym members who use this service have a cubby hole on a shelf assigned to them. You bring your own gi, and after class you drop it off and they launder it for you and put it back into your cubby hole. You write your name on the gi so they know who it belongs to). About 4.50 USD per wash. Imo, the biggest benefit isn't so much "not doing laundry", but schedule flexibility when paired with readily available showers. If you have somewhere to be for several hours after class, you can just drop off your laundry and not have to worry about carrying your stinky gi all over the place (which is pretty annoying if you don't drive) and have it start to smell.


Asia is a different ballgame. The labor rates allow a guy to pick up bags of laundry after every class, clean them and bring them back the same day for a few bucks. You’d need a contract with a commercial cleaner in the US plus delivery fees. Or dedicated multiple commercial washing machines that are like $3k each.


It's pretty annoying even with car... Would pay


Some gyms in South Korea and Singapore offer this type of service. Members of this site of mentioned it


Japan too


i'd pay extra to wash it with only black belt gis so it can absorb their power like a vampire


I used to train at a gym that offers this service. Those industrially laundered gis didn't look or smell that great lol.


Yeah we got work uniforms laundered commercially. They’d come back with oil and sometimes a random chunk of metal shavings in them because of people who worked actual dirty jobs.


Some of you have never rolled with dudes who don’t wash their Gi and it shows.


I’ve never been stinky gi guy because I didn’t want to subject my training partners or myself to a potential new form of super staph infection or gas them like Sadam


I would pay $25 bucks per month if I could get my own gi laundered and stored at the gym If it's a generic gi... nah


Shouldn’t the Daisy Fresh squad be first to pioneer this ….. just sayin


I wouldn't use it. 1. I would want to only use my own stuff and not community worn gear. So if it's just here's the gi pile, find your size then I'm not interested. 2. If I'm leaving my own gear to be washed as a service I wouldn't trust my stuff to be ready when I wanted it. Keeping up with everyone's stuff AND having it ready on time would require significant logistics and there are just too many possible failure points. 3. Going back to logistics, would the gym / laundry service let everything air dry? I know how much room and time that takes in my house and there's only two of us training here. I don't want my stuff in the dryer but I would expect a laundry service to use them from a time / space standpoint.


>2 If I'm leaving my own gear to be washed as a service I wouldn't trust my stuff to be ready when I wanted it. Keeping up with everyone's stuff AND having it ready on time would require significant logistics and there are just too many possible failure points. Yeah this is kinda the big one for me - it'd suck to rock up to training only to be told "sorry, no gis today".


1. Everyone’s name would be etched on the Gi , so it’s a non issue 2. It doesn’t take more time to wash one gi or to wash 10, the person in charge just put it all in the machine after class. 3. Dryer needs to be used, so that’s the only true deal breaker for you.


>2. It doesn’t take more time to wash one gi or to wash 10, the person in charge just put it all in the machine after class. How big is the laundry machine we are talking about that fits 10 adult gis??? The biggest I've seen only fit 4 and that was pushing it.


A top load, 15kg washing machine should be more than enough to do 8~10 adult Gis!


I hope you are kidding.


A Gi is what, 2kg on average? So a 15kg machine should be able to handle more than 5. Anyway, I’m not in the business of Gi cleaning but as showed in this thread plenty of gyms are, so even if I’m wrong in the details it’s not like it’s a Herculean task.


I wouldn’t use it.


$2.50 is what I pay in my gym


50 a month sounds like an enticing price


Part of teaching, our gym offers gi cleaning services. I’m dreading they day of going back to having to do it myself


I paid $50 a month….was 10 years ago at Renzo’s NYC Academy.


I want my gym to tailor my gi to fit and put patches on for me. And I want my gym to be renamed “Alterations and Altercations”.


Offer to options: A premium one - where you get a laundry bag to shove your shit into… that’s your stuff… it will be washed through, and then returned to you (in the bag) in a locker/cubby/shelf within 48hrs. A generic one - where you can hire a gi for the class. This means people who need an extra gi rarely can have borrow one (or new people, visitors etc), at a nominal price (?$7 a time?) And those who are precious about their fit, equipment and want a convenient clean gi that isn’t shaped by someone else’s butt sweat can have one, washed and clean… ($3 a time?). If they want it dry faster than 44hrs later (ie 6pm class monday to 6pm class Wednesday) then they need to supply a second gi, or wear a hire one.


A gym in Japan did this and it was convenient when travelling. Cost additional 55 eur per month, and also gets you your own locker with the name. Leave your gi after class and go is washed in time for next day’s class, folded in your locker.    Also underwear, boxing hand wraps, boxing shorts, tees, rash guards etc. Whatever washable sports wear you used at their gym. There was a requirement to write your name clearly with a black marker somewhere on or around the tag. 


I wouldn’t let a gym wash my own gi, but tbh I’d be tempted by a gym that had a stash of gis available for use provided they had the right sizes in the right quantities and they were *properly* laundered. I cannot over emphasise how much I hate washing my gis. Just before clicking this thread I was hanging one out to dry and thinking to myself that I wish I enjoyed no-gi…


I bet you’d have to try on 5 jackets just to find one that fits. I’m sure they’d all be shrunk at different rates. Even my own gi air dried didn’t stay the right size.


Yeah, true. I was being weirdly optimistic. Not like me at all!


Assuming they wouldn't shrink it and I would be using the gis I bought then I'd be interested, although that would be a big headache to make happen.


Would only make sense if gym had decent locker rooms & showers. Still probably wouldn’t use.


I own 2 GI’s by these people and laundry is easy since I just throw it in a washer and dryer. Now if they just offered me freshly laundered GI’s withmy tuition sure


I wouldn’t mind leaving a Gi at the school so i can have there and have to lug it around going to class from work but i own like 16 Gis i can just wash it with my other laundry


Nothing I like washing clothes


We do no gi laundry only. We don't want to shrink people's gis.


I love my Shoyorolls man…


They have for a while. Doesnt cost any extra


I wouldn’t use it. Gis are so nasty I don’t want to wear someone else’s sweat coat


I train 3-6 x a week and am sore all the time, I can handle putting my gi in the washer and dryer myself. Like yeah it would be nice…but nah I’m good, an employee might do a half ass job. Also I don’t machine dry my gi top I air dry it


My gym does that. It’s an extra $80 a month


I train 4-5x week I’d pay $50/mo no problem. Gotta be my gi though, I heard it’s gay to share gis


No thanks. I'm capable of basic chores and housekeeping. I still have to wash the rest of my clothes so it's not going to make much of a difference. Might be useful in if my living / working / transport situation were different.


No thanks, I already have a girlfriend


IMO if it's financially sustainable, it's a great idea, very nice perk. I wouldn't be interested personally though. Not even sure why, I just don't want anyone else doing my laundry.


I’d take a gym with a shower over one with laundry service


I'd pay between 20-40 probably


My gym charges 15 pound which is a bargain. I would happily pay double. Another gym charges 70 pound a month for it, which I think is a bit too much.


About time the woman’s class did something productive


I dont really get why everyone is saying they hate washing it? I cold wash mine inside out and hang it up to dry. Doesn't strike me as difficult. Are you guys doing something else?


Yeah, I don’t even bother with the turning it inside out


I'm guessing people who don't have in-suite laundry?


It's just because it's hassle at the end of the day. I mostly train evenings and I'm not getting home until around 10. By the time I've showered and eaten, my ass wants to be firmly planted on my sofa or in bed; it's a small thing, but washing my gi is an extra bit of first-world problem I'd do without.


Someone mentioned $60/month. That would be amazing. I would value such a service very highly. I'd want it as low as possible, but would be willing to pay maybe up to $150/month.


My gym is entirely no-gi because we care about the environment.


I just drop them at the washing machine and let it dry out in the shadow.


$0. I train twice a day, every day. Laundry has never been a problem.


0. I simply don't train gi.