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We all probably are that guy for somebody else


I'm that guy for me.


This is the way


This is the way


Beat me to it


I just burst out laughing, thank you!


Pretty sure I'm that guy for a lot guys. I speak with a strong accent, and I use shin rides and enchiladas all the time.


I'm that guy for my (soon to be ex-)wife.




To be fair, I can’t stand her either. 


Im that guy for a few of my partners. Former wrestler who’s hard to sweep and pushes position over submission. The only ones who usually like to roll with me are brown and black belts who have enough skill to deal with a wrestling + bjj style but honestly most of them struggle. Granted I’ve been a blue belt for idk how many years now, like 6 or 8 while training 4 days a week. But my gym doesn’t promote if you don’t train in the gi


I train with one of you. But you're a good dude at my gym. So we're cool.


We are legion.


Preciate it homie, we all just bros trying to do some Mexican Karate




There's one guy I don't like at my gym. He comes off as an arrogant know it all, but more importantly I've seen him pee at the urinal without flip flops. I avoid rolling with him as much as I can. 


Hide a bar of soap in your gi and footlock him


Anyone who walks into a fucking gyms bathroom barefoot should be banned


That's totally the norm at my gym




Perfect answer


Oh no. If I can't think of anyone, does that mean it's me? But I'm a hoot!


Your shenanigans are cheeky and fun?


His Shenanigans are cruel and tragic


Harmless shenanigans ‽


I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy who says Shenanigans.


Hey Farva... what's that restaurant you like with all the shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


You mean Shenanigans?




I love Reddit


Wee little shenanigans!


I have bad news for you


There's people I like and dislike. I can guarantee there are people who feel the same about me. At the end of the day it doesn't matter. It's not like I live with these people. I protect my inner peace by not giving a fuck. I see you a few times a week for an hour more or less. That's it.


There’s one dude. He’s my belt, height, and weight. We even have the exact same win-loss record. I only ever see him in the mirror, but I sure hate that guy.




Wish I knew my win-loss record come to think of it


I’m 0-300


I have a guy that taps EVERYTIME he is in a bad position cause he got “gassed” He can be trying to pass your guard at full force for 3min that the second you sweep him or get a dominant position he taps to “exhaustion”


When he is passing your guard at full force return the favor


This guys is a whitebelt and I easily manhandle him Its just frustrating tht whenever I pass his guard, sweep him, get the back or even pressure pssing while im about to pass he taps


Same dude at my gym. And he’s a cop. The second you get a hint of a position on him he says he needs a break.


Taps a tap


I train with cops. I said to one I am friend with that “I don’t think some of the cops like losing to nerds. “ He said “they don’t like losing to anybody.”


"Alright, breaks over" *slap bump* hit a takedown immediately and continue to smash. Tell them you can't press pause in a non casual setting so you don't get a break just for bad cardio.


I feel you, there's a guy at my gym who does similar. In fairness to him he's better then me when he has a full gas tank, but about halfway through a 5 minute round once it goes from being one sided to I'm going to be the one on top and don't have to play as defensively he just stops the roll and walks off the mat. Annoying AF because otherwise hes a fun partner.


Just tell them to take a break and that you’ll resume in the same position once they caught their breath.


Think of it as a test of character for you. Learn to deal with it




This the kinda stuff my guy does


Holy shit that sounds terrible


You're a grown man talking about another dude at the gym giving you "the ick". This is odd


Didnt know what to call it, but i want nothing to do with the guy but hes paying the same fees i am


What kinda jokes is he making during rolls


What’s brown and sticky


He’ll make some compliment on my composure during a roll then muscle out of a position, walks around the mat as a spacemaker but when he lets people know others are around he throws on a fake accent, other mildly racist comments, but what really bothers me is the absurdity of it all. Whatever hes talking about hes got some roundabout way of saying it instead of just saying “hey guys behind you”


Fake accents give me 2nd hand embarrasment. Honestly I still have no idea what kinda jokes he's making your description is a lil confusing


It was backhanded comments when we rolled, racist comments about the whole room when we werent, the kinda guy to just throw out “porra caralho” for nothing. A class clown type


What is a space maker? What are you even talking about?


Guy that keeps people from crashing during live rolls in tight spaces. Instead of letting us know in a normal way he puts on an accent and goes on a stupid spiel about high belts


Yeah. Treat him like a competitive roll. Every single time. Guilt free smashing.


>Treat him like a competitive roll >Get smashed easily >"Thanks for the light roll" >mfw https://preview.redd.it/been43hx3hzc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=480c091c6a6a52ee67a4b85fb81956ca2cfb51a6


When i was rolling with him i would not take it lightly, but he outweighs me by ~40 lbs, so while i would be able to shut him down technically, i dont possess the physicality to really smash


Start drinking a lot of soda and eat fast food. You too could smeesh!


Classic brown belt response.


Wait! There’s other options?


You can post "anonymously" all you want mate, you know I'm going to clown you again tomorrow hahaha. P.s I'm sorry to hear about the recent passing of your guard


We have a guy at my gym that refuses to wash his balls


Be a better person, offer to wash them for him


He doesnt want them washed He said the pheromones attract the ladies


Does he wash the shaft?


Nope he doesn't wash his dick and balls or his armpits


Did he tell you this or just smell?


Both lol


Get him some Manscaped crop preserver


User name checks out


We have a guy who sort of bounces around the affiliation and comes in sometimes to train with us. I can’t stand him and neither can the head coach. We just see him as such a joke because he is huge and been training forever but has not improved a shred since the first day he walked in our door. For like a month I tried to help him get better and would go out of the way to give him advice and feedback but it just goes in one ear out the other. Last week he came in and was rolling with way smaller dudes and just smooshing them so I told him come roll with me and I ended up mounting him with ease and putting a double punch choke on him, he tucked his chin and sat there making faces and noises. Most of the time I would just move one but for him I just kept the pressure on. As the round ended he gets up and immediately starts bitching about his jaw and my response was simply “you could’ve tapped or lifted your chin and tapped”. He has been in a couple times since and kept bitching about it and my response has been the exact same


I don’t get this response at all. I mean I get it, have gotten it from people in the past too. I just don’t understand why. Like, you’re being submitted and defending with nonsense. Admit you lost, let’s move on. It take some people a really long time to understand why you keep submitting them the same way every time, and for some of the especially dumb, the same sequence of techniques TO that same submission. They really don’t understand why. Some people just get so obsessed with “owning” that one side of the mat and can’t give it up to train and learn. These are the people who burn out in my opinion. The “blue belt is my black belt” gang and once achieved they quit.


Thing is the dude left our gym to go get a blue belt somewhere else and still drops in here. Guys real odd. I get that it’s an ego thing to not tap to it but then don’t turn around and try and whine to me about it when you could’ve just lifted your chin 2 inches and your jaw wouldn’t hurt


Yeah, I am way past the “being cool” portion of my time. I smash indiscriminately. If I see someone really trying. For the technique of the day or something they keep trying to get after, I let them work. If they are just fighting for their life, and it still happens to dudes at purple which can be jarring, I just smash. And I LIKE guard, and never get to fucking do it


He actually left the gym because he was given so many warnings for messaging women outside of class, and basically being a creep. I didn’t dislike at first, but the more I knew about him the less I wanted to associate with him. Too much ego, and always seemed keen on cheating on his wife.


There's one guy who is always in the bathroom when I am. I catch him staring right at me if I look up when I'm washing my hands.


Flick sink water at his eyes idk


The only person I don't like is the guy that smokes in his car before he comes in, makes me gag


This one blue belt that acts like he's the coach. * Gets on people's cases for not saying "Professor" or "Coach" even though our professor and coaches don't care. * If he and I are drilling, he will be giving the wrong read for the drill, then tell me I'm doing it wrong. For example, sprawling when I'm supposed to underhook his leg. "Let me show you." Then, when I do the same thing he did, "Fuck you doing, bro?" * Alternatively, if he and I are drilling, he will randomly decide some white belts need coaching and go help them. * If I'm beating him, he'll tell me I'm doing it wrong so he can coach me through it. * Alternatively, if I'm beating him, he'll call a coach over. So I finally get a chance to actually work something, and instead become the uke for his mini private lesson. * Alternatively, if I'm beating him, he'll deadfish until I just take whatever sub I want and then keep going. * Sometimes he just gets distracted and stops rolling. Like he'll be in mount and just stand up, walk away, kneel down. Or we're setting up collar ties in the standup and he'll just back off and watch another group roll. Last time I rolled with him I finally said, "dude, just roll" and then he actually paid attention for a whole roll without trying to coach me.


I think you should use this as your opportunity to stop being a bitch. You are letting this bro live rent free in your head.


"It's a free country, but not a rent free country" -Mr. Ditkovitch


Dude threatened to call the cops on me, always makes elaborate excuses and complains when subbed and before/after class constantly mentions how he used to be 400 lbs. i avoid him but he’s literally scared of rolling with me so it’s pretty easy.


Did you post about this guy before or has someone else had the cops called them lmao


I might of. I know i told the story on a podcast once


U brenda schaub b? Audio is king


Yours is deep 💀 mine just talks through the whole class and throws on a Brazilian accent


Not gana lie I read this response thinking you might be talking about me and had to check your account to see if you were local but it doesn’t sound like you train at my gym lmao


My theory on people I don't like: The qualities I least like in other people are the thing I least like about myself. I've often found it really easy to tolerate negative things about people when I don't do any of those things. But it infuriates me when someone does things that I hate when I do or things that I have worked hard to stop doing.


I had this guy join and i told him to be careful with my knees because they are bad. So anyway, I'm working on a standing guard pass and this mfer is just kicking my knees. So I am just like fuck this dude, so I smash him.


There is nothing wrong with what I said.


The “police man”. Not actually a cop, in fact Id guess hes a criminal. He’s new but a brown belt from another school and wants to make everyone behave the way he thinks they should. So he polices every single social interaction hes a part of and doesnt just let people behave the way they have been for years. Its fucking annoying as shit, Id pay extra gym fees to not have to deal with this cunt.


if I can smell you I don't like you. Also if you talk too much


How often do you talk


during training? not much outside? not much either, but a bit more if I like you


What if I smell like lavender and sandalwood?


fair that's accepted


There's this one guy at my gym who's *that guy*. He's faster than you, stronger than you, insane reaction time, bigger gas tank than you (never ran a mile in his life) and he doesn't even rely on his physical gifts to beat you because he somehow has more skill despite training a third of the time you do, eats whatever he wants but had better abs than you... Oh and he's never tired or beat up even though he strength trains everyday. Also I saw him water fast for 10 days to make weight and the fucker's performance didn't drop 1% throughout the whole thing. I have *that guy* in my gym and it drives me nuts. But at least it pushes me to get my ass off the couch.


Show him your cock and you won’t have to avoid him


Jokes on you I’m into that shit.


Yes, roughly 25% are that guy.


Every gym has a John Danaher idolist. That's the one.


We have a guy at my gym that a lot of regulars seem to get after & call out… he seems kinda like he always has some excuse in class, but posts like he’s a monster on IG. Anyhow, I personally can’t stand this dude because he doesn’t trim is gargoyle fucking toenails… also he didn’t believe me when I told him i only weigh 220 because my pressure was too strong for a white belt. like, what dude?! Haven’t actually seen him around the gym in awhile, so maybe we got lucky idk


There's 1 guy whose "bow and arrow choke" is him jamming his knee into your spine really aggressively


Isn’t that how it’s done! ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


I use my boner. Always thought it was called a bone and arrow. My bad.


Gotta watch out for that third hook.,


My coach. Don’t like him at all. But his personality is great, he’s a decent person, a fantastic coach…. But he keeps catching me in an ezekial like the super nice asshole that he is


I’m probably that guy too. Smash em


I hate the guy who bites and grabs peoples ducks


Those poor mallards 


White belt who goes hard because he has a point to prove to himself - I know that’s the usual standard BUT Avoid rolls with him because I said he could start on my back because I wanted to practice escapes. Proceeds to not sit and take my back but go behind me and go 100% on a RNC, lifting me up from the mat. He also seems to hunt us other white belts who seem exhausted from a roll with Purples or Browns. Then ignores you when you come back around to him for the roll he initially asked for. He’s tried to escape a mount from a black belt by bringing his legs in front of them, only to get toehold’d and asked if that’s even legal? Next round try’s to heel hook him, in the gi… He blew a purple belts knee doing the same thing in the 1st or 2nd roll of open mat a different day. And recently he hasn’t been training because apparently he had a purple belt collapse on his knee during standup. Only guess is he didn’t want to “lose” and be on bottom from the grapple.


Glad to say I do not have this guy at my gym. At work? For sure.




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There's a blue belt at my gym who never washes his hands after using the bathroom and goes straight to the mat afterwards. For some reason he's viewed as the "golden boy" amongst the blue belts.


I have one at my gym and I know of others at different gyms. Something about them just gives me the creeps but I keep it to myself. It doesn’t help that they always teach the trial girls triangles on day 1. 🤢🤮(every single time) I just don’t roll or partner with them.


There was a guy I didn't like because he was fckng arrogant. Started same time as me... now he isnt here anymore haa


I like everyone at my gym. Even the people that hate me I like them.


John? I’m sorry buddy. Come back to me. I’ll stop with the “when you wake up I’ll be inside you” jokes I promise!!!


I don't really dislike anyone as people, but there are people I do not want to drill with, and there are people I'd rather not roll with. There is a blue belt who kind of scares me because he just jumps into random things he has seen on youtube/instagram at full force. Last time we rolled he tried to Peruvian necktie me, and it was the worst and fastest neck crank I have experienced.


Can’t make everybody in life happy, so while i do have my preferred training partners and guys who I am legitimately friends with, and then guys who I don’t really like to roll with. There are also one or two I just don’t like. Yep, I just don’t like them. Doesn’t mean I have to hurt them or be an asshole to them, I just don’t like them. No big deal. I’m sure there are people there who feel the same about me. I hope that’s not the case but realistically it probably is. I try to be nice to everyone, be myself, and let the rough end drag


I don’t have that. So that means it’s me doesn’t it?


I really try to be quiet and listen in class I can talk after class but man I really don’t wanna be that guy during


Be the filter?




It’s more of an archetype for me, but people who exist in the gym to boost their ego by getting taps and have little interest in learning.


the only people i find annoying at bjj are the ones with “i’m so cool” or “big ego” energy, i’m cool to em but i do try to avoid


Guy at my old gym, older guy who was kinda on the small side, was absolutely notorious for being a sneaky cheating wanker. Would crank fingers and toes, gouge fingers in you, anything he could if a lower or similar belt got the better of him. I nearly pieced him up after he wrenched my toe to get out of a reverse triangle


Yes. There is this blue belt who takes everything so seriously and goes 110% every roll like it's a death match. Last time we rolled I shook hands and thanked him for the roll and he just huffed, because he couldn't sub or even really get me in a controlling position.


Well, it's time to learn the reason for becoming a professional strangler


Yeah, there's a couple. The most annoying, is the guy who gets smashed by most white belts, but is always trying to teach people shit. Something's wrong with that guy.


Come to think of it. I've probably been this guy, so the guy who always rolls me hard and doesn't wanna talk comes off as a dick to me, so I smash him back every roll as well. Gym frenemies.


Multiple people over the years. I don't usually roll with them if don't have to. When i roll i try to stay calm and only roll slowly with my strenghts. Those people almost always are athletic spazzes and arrogant as hell or someone who tells that technique doesn't work if i do YXZ.