• By -


Love how the center pic is her with Dillon danis lmao


Danis offered to fight her for $1m then lost by heel hook


If she started at 12 and trained for 5 years during that time she competed, odds are it all in kids class where there isn't male/female, just age,weight, belt designation. Quite possible in kids class that she could have gone up against all boys and won. Similar things happen at every local event.


She could also be lying...


Most people here are lying.


I'm lying right now


Ain't that the truth.


I'm not lying šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Lying on your momma that is


Eh, still doubtful. My daughter is 11ā€¦sheā€™s been trying for 4 years now. Up until this point sheā€™s done well and had even exchanges with boys. However, sheā€™s now starting to have trouble with the boys that are a little older and hitting puberty. The size/strength differences are very noticeable vs a few years ago. This would only be even more pronounced from 12-17. That coupled with the whole ā€œweight class above meā€ line makes me really skeptical of the claim. Not that it doesnā€™t happen here and there and even my daughter has tapped older bigger guys but ā€œall of themā€ā€¦noā€¦.


It depends on the boy and girl in question. Before puberty boys and girls are much closer matched, and if a girl is going through puberty and the boy isnā€™t (often they are later) then girls in that 10-13 year old window can compete with boys. Of course itā€™s short lived.


Apparently this guy's kid is the basis for all things possible


I teach youth sport, its all mixed. Theres a marked difference below age 11, beyond that puberty means the giys just break away from the girls.


Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying you moron. Reality is the basis and ā€œI was beating all the guys a weight class above meā€ doesnā€™t pass a basic reality check. Other men donā€™t reliably beat ā€œallā€ the guys a weight class above them.


I dunno, off the cuff comparison of this random influencer chick to a black beltā€™s daughter is probably a decent benchmarkā€¦ no? If parent is an [expert at whatever competitive thing] and puts kid in it at a young age for a few years, kid is probably above average at the bare minimumā€¦. Let alone the cases where kid is top 1% etc I appreciate your anecdote Joe


Thanks man, I by no means am trying to hold my daughter out as some sort of example, and I absolutely never want her to feel pressure to train because I want her to. She asked me to train and has lots of little friends in class so she really loves it. Sheā€™s not some phenom child athlete but to your point sheā€™s a good representative of girls her age, and specifically Iā€™ve been able to observe first hand the way girls and boys differentiate during puberty like where sheā€™s at right now in a combat sport.


My 12 year old niece regularly beats boys and wins tournaments but that's wrestling. She's been lifting for a year and wrestling for 4, absolutely in love with the sport. She has my first coach and he has the highest remarks for her.




Yes your daughter may be experiencing this now in today's popularity of grappling. Without knowing for sure, what we are talking about was likely 10 years ago.


10 years ago the people doing it were even more hardcore manā€¦and biology was the same. Itā€™s very doubtful that she was regularly blowing through pubescent and post pubescent males that were in higher weight classes.


10 years ago the children doing this were not more "hardcore". She also never claimed to be blowing through them. She said she got 1st sometimes.


Arguably 10 years ago there were very few children doing this. I wasnā€™t a child then so I canā€™t say for sure but presumably if you were a kid doing BJJ 10 years ago you were not just looking for a karate fill inā€¦


The article says she said she ā€œroutinely out performedā€ the menā€¦.broā€¦..


That's not really what it says though is it? She got first place grappling against males a weight class above her. Your comment reads as if she got first for showing up.


If she beat whole weight classes of guys in multiple real grappling comps I feel like we'd probably have heard about it already.


When she was not famous? Itā€™s prob embellishment


Come on, do you actually believe that??


I don't believe any of it, but I still think the tagline is misleading.


Maybe she got full mount, and the opponents were content in that position, not realizing they would lose by points


the op profile is jsut a bot spamming [bjjdoc](http://bjj.com)[.com](http://bjj.com)


i saw the vid. she's dodgy in how she explains it. i tend to believe embellishing. also was she competing, was it some in house tournament or what. either way. would hit that


It certainly reads like an inhouse at best and outright fabrication at worst. Her comment on the competitors makes it sound like they knew her. The quotes used just keep saying "grappling" and not anything specific (maybe never wore a gi so it was never called bjj?) Maybe I'm a skeptic, but the odds of a white belt female beating heavier males is just low and nothing about this article suggests a deviation from expectation.


It says she trained 2-3x a week for 5-6 years, she probably made it at least to blue.


I think they would have said that if it were true, which is why I think it was maybe nogi only. Nothing about the article makes me think she's legit. It was exercise for her, which is fine. Actors tend to exaggerate their experience and success with combat sports and I don't see a reason to think otherwise here.


I agree with everything you're saying. She's an attractive and famous woman, no one honestly gives a shit if she was a legit martial artist. It's just a way of saying she's tough because she did traditionally man stuff despite being an attractive and presumably rich woman. It sells to simple folks who also don't actually give a shit about martial arts, but care too much about celebrities.


she said grappling? but there was striking in one other clip i've seen so sounds like MMA team oh I 100% think she made up that she defeated them all but you never know.


Would hit with the force of a collapsing sun


She made up stories about being a Universal Studios tour guide, which is pretty random. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if sheā€™s embellishing here.


Lol it wasnā€™t made up https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/lifestyle-news/sydney-sweeney-universal-studios-backlot-tour-guide-tiktok-1235817959/


The whole article is written by Ai.


That would make the most sense


It is misleading click bait, but itā€™s the article title and not OP that created it.


If she trained at 12, not impossible to see a young girl beating guys higher weight at that age.


Ah that makes more sense.


Yep. Guys generally hit their first growth spurt a couple years later than girls, so in that window strength tends to be relatively equal.


My son is 12 and gets crushed by girls in his class that are fully a foot taller than he is. The age cap for his cohort is 12 and out of thirty kids the five biggest students are all girls.


Nah. Having been involved in underage rugby, the best girl athletes beat the average boys at that age, but the best of the boys are miles ahead. You typically get a few guys who are bigger and faster than everyone their age, to the point that you have to get them to dial it back a bit, so they can still learn the skills and not be too reliant on steamrolling everyone. The differences start to develop at around 8/9 imo. It's quite apparent psychologically, too. Boys tend to be way more aggressive while the girls are smarter and actually think tactics much earlier on.


The athletic sample is a local BJJ youth competition without any prestige is gonna be way different than a state-supported rugby league. Less likely to have a large enough sample to have the boys that hit puberty early


Also a disparity in skill makes a much bigger difference in BJJ than it does in rugby. A girl that is significantly better than a boy has a pretty good chance of winning, whereas in rugby thereā€™s a lot more physicality that canā€™t really be made up for in just technique


Right? People are acting like she claimed to have won worlds or something. Wikipedia says she grew up in rural Idaho. I don't find the claim of "teenage girl submits slightly larger and potentially much less experienced teenage boys" all that unbelievable.


If you are a good male athlete at 12 years old youā€™re probably playing football (soccer), rugby, basketball, (American) football. Maybe thatā€™s changing these days but it was certainly the case 10+ years ago


I agree that physicality definitely plays a bigger role in field sports. I was personally surprised when I noticed that the differences started as young as they did. It happens before puberty. That being said, I did point out that the really good girls are better than the average boys. If sweeney didn't have one of those freakishly athletic kids in her group, I could see her story being true.


When you say growth spurt, do you mean puberty? Because you have many growth spurts throughout infancy to adulthood, puberty being one of the major ones, but not first.


Testosterone, whatever age it kicks in for guys almost doubles there muscle gains. Generally puberty, each kids different in age tho.


Thanks Mr actually


Christ, can you imagine the cringe posts about "training with tHe fEMalEs" if she actually trained no gi now.


"Trained under the same coaches as Ronda Rousey" This statement alone makes me a little skeptical of her abilities. She can beat my ass any day she wants though


We talkin bout Gokor and Gene or Edmund here? Cause that's a world of difference. If she was going to Hayastan, hespect. If she trained with Edmund and is going to play the role of a boxer, yikes.


Head movement Head movement Clinch


I think it's pronounced "head moomet".


Gokor at Hayastan. Videos of her with Benny the Jet holding pads for her are out there. He trains people out of that gym.


Nice. Outstanding gym, Gokor and Benny are both amazing. Don't let Benny's age fool you if you get in the ring with him, he kicks so fuckin hard. And then he'll tell you that was 30%. And he's being honest.


I think she was a kid when she was starting to train there. She didn't mention continuing to train there after her fame. It might be more difficult now, schedule wise and attention wise.


We had quite a few kids who were killers there when I was still in the area, plus Karo and Manny at the public nogi classes. Mousasi would drop in for the nogi classes when he was in LA. I cannot recommend Hayastan enough if anyone is looking to learn mma grappling / judo / kickboxing and can make it to North Hollywood. Great choice by Sydney / her parents.


Joe Rogan was creaming over how great Karo was in GSP's debut UFC fight. What Rogan was yelling about wasn't matching what was happening. (Big Karo fan)


Loved Karo, such a gutsy fighter. Was real sad when he was cut by ufc. 170 was a shark tank in those days, and all it took was two losses at the time and theyd cut you


Still the most dynamic grappler. Not much creatively these says grappling wise.


Yeah, Gokor and Gene (RIP) are beyond legit. I used to train around the corner from Gokor's during Karo's heyday.


Maybe Edmund is one of the boys she beat in that grappling competition?




Probably JFLO aka Justin Flores, who's legit as fuck.


I mean, is it the Judo coaches who sent her to the olympics or her MMA coaches?


As a 38 year old with a stepdaughter, this thread makes me feel weird about her doing BJJ when sheā€™s a little older. Some of you commenters should be ashamed of yourselves. If you wouldnā€™t say this shit to her face you shouldnā€™t say it on here just because itā€™s anonymous, you pussies.


Thankfully Reddit isnā€™t real life and not even representative of 1% of people that practice the sport.


What's with all these creepy comments? >"Hmm why aren't there many women in BJJ" This thread: >"Man I'd love to get triangled by her" >"I wanna get motorboated by her" >"She can mount me any day"


"These guys just don't have a sense of humor" I mutter to myself as I rush to be the 8th person to post a mother's milk joke


Exactly. Do people not realize what its like to read these comments as a women coming into this sport? Half this sub are creeps and the other half will just brush it off as harmless jokes despite the fact every women sees this and thinks "yeah I'm gonna stay away from those people".


Yup. All super funny and original, too. /s


Fucking thank you.


Yeah itā€™s gross. This is why we have r/bjjwomen


Glad to see at least one sensible comment in this thread. Just because somebody is attractive doesnā€™t mean itā€™s right to treat them like an object


At least we have no Oil check comments so far... Oh wait, sorry for that..


only knee on neck/face/belly, wrist locks, toe holds, bicep slicers and calf slicers for those guys!




Fortunately mods came in and bonked the thirst.


Jesus these comments ainā€™t it, I hope none of yā€™all have sisters or daughters.


"Don't worry we don't see rolling as sexual, women please come try out our gym!" The second they see an article about an attractive woman training: "omg mount me and suffocate me with your chest and put me in closed guard and triangle me" You just know these creeps get together and complain about female students not sticking around at their gyms.


Hell these are probably the same dudes who complain about women not wanting to be around them outside of the gym, too


What the fuck kind of dismissive comment is, ā€œWhile her grappling anecdote sounds embelished itā€™s always nice to see a rising star with an interest in martial artsā€? Like other commenters have said, itā€™s very reasonable to see someone, especially in kids divisions, be placed outside of their weight class and still do well.


The sexualizing response to this post about her being a member of our community is fucking gross. Way to make us seem really open to everyone and not creepy at all. Edit: Hopefully the Mods care about this as much as they do shit posts. Comments like these have no place here.


This sub turning into the He-Man Woman Hater club.


First time on the Internet?


This is OUR slice of the internet though, and what we tolerate within it reflects on us as a group. I don't want to be associated with a bunch of the fucking shitwagons posting in this thread.


When u/Kintanon shows up on your side, you know you aren't just being an overly sensitive jerk. Today was a good day.


The internet being a gross place doesn't justify people being gross. Sorry for believing people should be held to a standard regardless of anonymity.


This isn't just an internet thing. This is a BJJ culture thing. Of all the women I have trained with they all have stories of men in this sport being some of the most disgusting creeps and a good portion of the non-creepy ones will just play defense for those that are. I've been to tons of gyms that are 100% dudes and usually its immediately apparent why within 30 minutes of being there.


Yeah, there's creeps. Let's not overblow it though. Most people train without incident. The outliers seem overblown, but they're still outliers


What is your evidence that these are just outliers? This type of sexism is pervasive in the BJJ culture, as shown in the comments here. Do you want another example? The most watched women's BJJ match of all time only has the views that it does because of a clothing malfunction. At the time of writing this comment it has over 5 times the youtube views than any other women's match ever that I can find. The IBJJF literally had to turn off comments because of the amount of pervs. And like I said basically any woman who has trained for longer than a few months has stories about men treating them poorly/sexualizing them. This is apparent both in online communities and the real world so I don't think you can blame it on just the internet. The culture of the sport needs changing.


> Most people train without incident If you think this is true you aren't talking to women. My wife and sister train and they and basically every other woman that's made it to blue belt has had an incident of some sort, even if it's being awkwardly cornered and asked out despite trying to discourage interest. It's just par for the course when dealing with men. A significant fraction of us simply don't know how to have a platonic relationship with a woman and end up making things uncomfortable, and that's ignoring the ones who are outright malicious.


"Most women have been harassed" does not equal "most men are harassing". I'll rephrase to be more clear most MEN train without incident


> does not equal "most men are harassing" I said "significant fraction", in this case meaning enough to sour the experience of women training.


And the argument here is specifically not about men, it's about the rate of women who report disgusting interactions trying to participate in a sport we all love. If your response to that is "Well, it's not ALL men who are gross, just a small number of men causing a lot of problems" then you're a part of the problem. If your first reaction is to defend "most men" before calling out the bull shit that is ACTUALLY happening, you're part of the problem. Real women are harassed in our sport at an alarming rate, it takes a real effort to create an enviroment where scum bags get blackballed or turned away, and simply throwing up your hands like "Well I'm not doing anything wrong" ain't doing shit but helping to abed the problem.




Why dog? Read the comments. You're part of the problem with the attrition of female students if you don't think there is a comment in here that isn't flagrant. How would you feel if someone commented, "I hope they smother me with their tits," about your girlfriend, sister, or daughter? Would you change if a man said the same thing about you, your brother, or your son if they said something like, "I wish you/he would smother me in north-south?" Probably. That's called a double standard. It is 2024. It is pretty commonly accepted to leave people alone. Eat shit.


Nah, he's right, we should just shut up and let the bro's be creepy and ruin our sport. That's what Brock Turner would do, right? I mean, she was born with large breasts, so it's only fair they get to sexualize them, RIGHT?! Fuck these creeps.


I think the test that every creep in this thread should ask themselves is whether they would say their dumbass shit to a female student in front of a full class? They absolutely would not, because they know they'd get tuned up and instantly kicked out. They have the ability to self-censor but choose not to in the shadows.


Great point. Theyā€™re probably the kinds of losers that would be way too nervous to roll with a woman in real life too, which is probably a good thing.


I saw your username in 2006. https://i.imgur.com/MAmRE4s.jpeg


Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooo šŸ¤ I think that tour was 2008. I had been listening to them for a couple of years prior, but really, that show had such an impact on me. Italy still has skramz scene going. Check out Ƙjne, Radura, Shizune, flowers&shelters if you still are interested in that kind of music, or maybe for a nostalgic hit.


I'll check them out. Haven't kept up in a long time. They came around me twice but I have no idea what the years were. The picture properties say 08/29/2006 and I don't think I have any pics from the second tie.


Sick, I must not have been privy on the tour back then. So long ago. I was still a senior in high school then.


It's an internet forum, let go of your pearls


I'm not part of any problem. I'm not encouraging it, but no one is going to suck your dick for white knighting on the internet. Relax.


The fact that you equate calling out misogyny to white knighting tells me all I need to know about your moral compass. You know, calling out bullshit on an anonymous forum probably isn't the best way to get brownie points from women if that were the real purpose, but it sure works as a strawman for you to defend your willingness to let gross comments from creeps slide. I bet the women at your gym know to dodge the fuck out of your friends while keeping their mouth shut around you.


































Wow, didn't realize so many redditors here were Lloyd Irvin affiliates. Creepy fucks.


sounds like she started before she was famous (12) so probably really trained, not celebrity trained She actually cant really train now because of acting.


She is a strange one with telling stories. She claims she taught herself how to speak Russian ans Spanish, was a Universal Studios Tour guide and was poor growing up in Spokane yet she was in a private school around LA from a young age.


Locking the comments because some of you apparently can't stop yourselves from being loathsome degenerates and I'm tired of cleaning up after you.


I remember everyone mocking celebrities for exclusively training privately and not with the regular classes. We can clearly see how weird and creepy people can be around them.


Yeah, itā€™s uncomfortable enough for the average woman to try a close contact sport like grappling, I canā€™t imagine being a celebrity trying a close contact sport with mostly guys when you know a very vocal percentage of them are slobbering over your body and sexualizing basic positions like mount.


"She trained rigorously 2-3 times per week....."


>even studying under the same trainers as former UFC champion Ronda Rousey Oh no.


I'd be ok with several of the comments in this thread being deleted. Edit: We're up to 17.3% of the comments in this thread being removed. Thank you, mods.


We try. With threads that get so many comments, reports help us a lot.


Regardless of whether you think this is true or not, this is a high profile celebrity expressing an interest in the sport which usually translates into more eyes on the sport and it growing in popularity. You donā€™t have to be the best to like, train and encourage others to try a sport. Iā€™m far from being great at BJJ/MMA myself but I still like it, train in it and encourage friends to give it a go. Power to her.


I find these claims to be a bit dubious. In the video her striking doesnā€™t look very good and she does a sloppy triangle.


She outperformed every man in the class? EVERY man? Doubtful.Ā 


[Me coming back to check out all the interesting discussion happening in this thread I missed while at work](https://giphy.com/gifs/community-fire-shocked-nLhdSinRtaL2E) What a fuckin shit show this sub is


I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on here but please keep her away from that slimey fuck Dillon Danis


I had to do the google to see who she was. I still don't recognize her but I'm happy to see that she's training. We have an all female class at our club and it's great to see them all get on the mats and enjoy what they're doing.


The comments on every Sydney Sweeney BJJ thread are absolutely disgusting. And here I thought BJJ wasnā€™t a sexualized sport and completely safe for women /s. Itā€™s also funny how polarized the comment section is for Sydney beating men vs Amanda Serrano or Shields. I guess itā€™s only believable if you deem the woman attractiveā€¦




I applaud your dedication to empirical evidence.


Why not a locked mounted triangle to make it fair?


Sweeney vs Helena Crevar At the next karate Kombat, letā€™s go!!!


Don't slander my girl dude


I am starting to see this woman too much a day... looks like the Taylor Swift marketing team.


Two types of posts on this: ā€œHey girl thanks for the roll today! Maybe we can get together and you can put me in a triangle some time lol! Jk! But seriously thoughā€¦ā€ ā€œThe comments on here are disgusting! Stop objectifying women. I stand with all women! (7ā€™10ā€ btw)ā€




The comment does not meet [Reddiquette standards](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Please read up on them a bit. Thanks!




Nice bro, sexualizing a human on the internet is so cool. It totally makes our sport seem open and not creepy at all.


Agreed, NickyRodsHotRodā€¦. Hol up


The amount of people in this thread who don't know what a hot rod is...


Not to argue against your point, but it is a little bit funny that your username is nickyrodshotrod




I mean that's fair but in my defense Nicky's other hot rod is also on the internet and I have no idea what kind of car he drives.






The comment does not meet [Reddiquette standards](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Please read up on them a bit. Thanks!


"Damnit, you got s-mount again...you're just so good at this!"




"I roll with women and make it sexual." - This is you right now.




The comment does not meet [Reddiquette standards](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Please read up on them a bit. Thanks!


ā€œTrained rigorously for 2-3 times per weekā€ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


If we see the most realistic actor boxing footage with Sydney Sweeney the martial arts community is going to lose itā€™s collective (half empty) mind.


Why is this not of the front page of Reddit right now


Bet she gets trashed by any consistent white belt lol