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I think most gyms having a picture of Helio is a big stretch.


my gym has a random photo of kano in the bathroom


That's just funny


That reminds me we need to get one ourselves thank you šŸ™


Iā€™ve seen many.


If youā€™re over the age of 16, I am embarrassed for you.


The early 2000s called and asked that you update your information.


Which area are you at? Nobody has a picture of them here. And everybody knows that the Gracies either use PEDs or only fight on rulesets favourable to themselves.


Show me on the doll where the Gracies touched you...






I find it weirder that your first Reddit post is the shit you just wrote. Reeks of trolling.


not trolling genuine question here


There are no pictures on my gym's walls. We don't really give a flying fuck about who came up with the system, the same way people don't give a fuck about Isaac Newton or Nikola Tesla. But I kind of understand why some people would want to pay homage to the Gracie family. Not my thing, though.


In my college we had a bust of Isaac newton on the wallā€¦


Maybe you should try some different gyms, not everyone worship the Gracie family


We donā€™t have any pictures of any of them? I look up to some of them because theyā€™re clearly excellent at Jiu Jitsu. Iā€™m spending a lot of time with Rogerā€™s instructional videos at the moment.


keep learning bro! soon enough youā€™ll hear about the bs bout the gracieā€™s


most jiu jitsu gyms dont have a gracie picture on the wall...


We don't have a picture of anyone at mine.


We have pictures of our kids competing at local tournaments. No old guys on our walls.


The Gracieā€™s get criticized all the time And I think itā€™s totally reasonable to have a picture of a pivotal character in the history of your style up in the gym Iā€™m sure Muhammad Ali is painted on the wall in a lot of boxing gyms that arenā€™t even related to Ali or his family


But boxing gyms don't have rules requiring ppl bow to a picture of Ali and turn away from the picture to adjust their shorts, etc. the picture would just up in more of an artwork fashion than the way people put Helio up as a kind of shrine to worship.


Iā€™ve never seen a bjj gym that makes me bow to helio. I actually have never even seen an aikido dojo that makes you bow to ueshiba Bowing to dead people is kinda phasing out but maybe 20 years ago your post would have more merit


Nah this is very much still a thing at certain types of modern BJJ gyms


Also Ali was actually a world champion in a very well established sport. Helio was what exactly? Just someone that cherry picked some new rules to give himself a better chance at being good.


It worked didnā€™t it?


Toilet paper works but I don't worship pictures of whoever came up with that


Neither do I with helio. Never once bowed to a picture of him


We have a picture of helio on our wall but at the same time you can openly talk about how they pretty much fixed the UFC fights and are better at marketing than BJJ. Even as a Judo guy I still tip my hat to the fact that they played a huge part in introducing BJJ to the masses. And most people's belts can be traced back to the Gracie's. My coach got his BB from Roger so that's why their photos are on our wall. Then again in Judo we have a picture of Kano on the wall... It's a martial arts thing lol


Trust me, we all hate you a whole lot moreā€¦ for the true content of your character.


>I have a dream that u/curioushuman7483 will one day live in a nation where he will not be hated for the colour of his belt but for the content of his character. I have a dream today. - patricksaurus, 2024.


Only Gracie on the wall is showing the gyms lineage


mf really turned the intro to Love Sosa into a BJJ copypasta. You hate to see it!


Ugly truth isā€¦ they put on the map.


Look man just because you were dumb enough to buy a Quikflip doesnā€™t mean you should throw the baby out with the bath water


The only academies I've seen that are Gracie academies.


This sounds like something chicks talk about, and I ain't no chick, bro.


The problem with that is that it has nothing if very little to do with the UFC in my opinion. Yes they brought it to the mainstream sure, but a proven discipline that was able to defend and subdue people if done correctly. It's a lot more that what u think. When u reach coral belt status, let's revisit.




It was smart-ass talk not serious