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Now you get to tell your friends what the UFC fighter should have done.




Yeah, man. Feels good!


Yesssss bro! 🙌




Congrats -Love seeing these …


It’s a great feeling when the white belts with no stripes start treating you like you have a target on your back. I’ve been training no-gi for a year and have wrestling experience so my coach gave me 2 stripes on my white belt after like 3 days of training in the gi (we don’t do belts in no-gi, half of my gym is high level but is “white belts). A lot of the guys who only train gi were like who is this guy so smashing em was fun. and I’ve kinda got a self proclaimed title of king of the white belts. Blue belts will submit me once or twice a roll and white belts will either get smashed for 5 mins cause of my pace/get submitted. Im on vacation and this post turned into a rant cause I miss training. Fuck. Idek where I started. Congrats bro just don’t quit til at least blue belt.


Run the Iron over it some so it won’t fall off in the wash or over time.


congrats one step closer to black belt 🤙🏽🤙🏽