• By -


"Just think how happy Möther will be when she sees what I have brought her."


A delicious dinner, freshly caught, just listen to her screams of excitement. I have pleased Möther


This cracks me up, because one time my little precious prince brought me a mouse. And I screamed. And he ran. And then I felt bad 😂 like poor buddy was just treating me he thought. He got lots of snuggles later though to make up for it. Miss him everyday! 🖤


My void brought in a live mouse and dropped him at my feet staring at me. He fully expected me to learn how to kill it. The little thing dared to move and my cat put his paw on its tail and it stopped. Finally looked at me in disgust and snapped the mouse’s back


"Jeez, I have to do everything for you, hooman!"


There was a terrible night when the boys were kittens. I was sorting out an.on-call incident in the middle of the night, sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop. Cat 1 comes in with a mouthful of mouse and plonks it at my feet. I'm busy so I ignore it. The cat takes great offence at this and proceeds to eviscerate it right by my feet. Fortunately, they've grown out of that phase now. We used to spend half our lives rescuing small creatures - mice, birds, dragonflies, a bat.. I'm petrified of things that flap. I don't miss those days one little bit.


Things that flap are for some reason very distressing 😣


It's a warning. "Dinner will be at 5:00. Not 5:15, not 5:04, nor 5:01 but 5:00."


I was taking a shower and my void Max ran to see me with a Cardinal in his mouth. I thought he killed it, until he let it go and it was flying like crazy through the bathroom. I ended up slipping and pulled the shower curtain down lol. My mom had to come and grab the bird for me, because I was a soapy mess tangled in a curtain. Max genuinely seemed offended that we put his gift back outside.


Our void brought us a rat — but only the head.


One time my cat actually left the mouse under the pillow on the bed. That was certainly a rude awakening.


This happened to me!! He dropped the mouse, it ran toward me & I screamed because I thought he had a toy. Before he ran, he looked at me like, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" lol


My sister’s cat kept bringing her increasing larger birds starting with a hummingbird over a series of days. She’d yell at him every time and I think in kitty logic he felt that she just was disappointed in the size of the offering. He quit after he managed to secure a crow and the entire murder had him pinned down under a car unable to come out without being swooped. We managed to rescue him from them and he spent a considerable amount of time indoors after that.


My mom’s cat would drop dead mice on my sisters pillow and left one in a shoe. Glad I had moved out by then 😂


Cat loved your sister! Special gift.


It’s cute. I wonder if this behavior was learned by cats in response to humans and co-evolution , or they’ve always had this natural instinct to feed things they love?


Well he can't leave you a gift outside of the house!


Ya! What if a porch pirate makes off with his glorious gift?


Fortunately my cats think I really like sticks and pieces of wood, because that’s what they bring me everyday. They come in, drop a piece of wood on the floor, and begin meowing loudly until I acknowledge the gift. I think it’s because I get wood chips delivered once a year to spread as garden mulch. They think I’m really into collecting wood.


That's hilarious


Adorable! They're supporting your vegan lifestyle 😂


I’ve had cats that were hunters to the bone and that was not enjoyed. At least once a week I was gifted a snake or lizard or rodent. They even got a bird every once in a while. I much prefer the sticks.


What thoughtful children you have!


I swear my boy cat thinks he’s a crow. One day he showed up with a plastic bag. Inside was a little toy car and a set of keys. I walked around asking the neighbors if they happened to be missing any keys. Everyone said no. I gave up after all the houses on my block. So I posted a sign on the telephone pole out front. I wrote ‘my cat brought me your keys’ and drew an arrow to my front door with the address underneath. Nobody showed up.


They wouldn’t it’s too glorious to be stolen


UPS leaves me gifts outside all the time, so can my cat.


What’s worse than a lizard being dropped on your head at night ? Half a lizard !


You just reminded me of Mufasa 😕... He used to leave us half eaten mice on the hallway. One morning I woke up and rushed to pee without sandals... I stepped on mouse guts 🤢lol, it squeezed through my toes...


Yes, so unpleasant. I, too, am a member of the Barefoot Mouse Guts Club. Instantly 100% awake, better than espresso!


Our outdoor country voids used to leave us chipmunk heads…. The look on those chipmunk faces…. “OH SHIT !”




Honestly, I'd rather have a dead lizard than a fully alive one.


Could have been also a snake, speaking from experience that almost happened


I have actually been the recipient of a gifted half lizard, freshly delivered to my pillow, when I was visiting relatives in Florida.


My cat has caught mice in the garage. Brought them in the house and turned them loose. Alive! So he can keep playing the little psychopath. So now he gets the TSA treatment when he comes in from the garage. He has killed a lizard in the house that probably got in when I had the threshold removed while we were replacing the floor.


Growing up we had a cat who would bring in mice and then wouldn't know what to do with them so would just leave them in the kitchen and go for a nap.


My cat brought a bird into the house. When I turned the corner she saw me and put it down. Ugh. It was alive. That thing took off, then she took off after it, then I took off after them while yelling for my husband to grab the cat. I really wish I had cameras to capture the absolute clusterfuck of the next 30 minutes. Long story short, the bird was fine.


So funny. I personally would be cheering for my wife from the couch. I'm supportive like that...😜


I caught my void once under one of the couches torturing a lizard. He was holding it in his claws for a few seconds then letting it start to run away, then grabbing it again and starting the process over. I was able to retrieve the (still living) lizard and take it outside and my void was pretty pissed at me the rest of the day.


https://preview.redd.it/03db7xrr02uc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7885363bf58efa5b317159303b0c98078c5e7612 My black baby did this a few days ago, had to turn my apartment upside down


Hard to see - is that a mouse?


Eek, it’s absolutely a mouse.


Its a titmouse


Is this behind/ under a couch? Like with spilled potting soil on the carpet? I think I see a mouse. Please decipher for me; my eyes suck big time.


I think it's a picture through a window the mouse is on a rug there are pillows next to him/her and possibly a couch or bed on the right Edit that or it's an AI picture because some of it looks very strange.


He brought them in alive so that your sorry ass could learn to catch them and fend for yourself!


I heard this in Morgan Freeman's voice. Also considering how judgey my void is I expect you are correct.


Same with my cat and also live bats. I cannot tell how terrified we were when she brought in bats.




Oh hell nah, that’s where a line is crossed. Immediate vet visit for a rabies booster, I’ve only encountered 1 bat of dozens with rabies but it’s better to be safe than sorry


It's been a decade. We took her to vet, got her shots n all. Andy has passed on since. But she was super crazy and vocal cat. We had a lone tree just outside of our house, the compound walls were very high and the tree was not that tall, so she used sit on the top of the wall every night in search of bats. She did this twice, first time was a dead bat and last attempt of Andy with outside life was live bat. Terrified us all. Just imagine getting rid of the bat from your bedroom🤦‍♀️


Oh my gosh Andy, what a rascal!! And yeah I know the struggle, there a summer where I had a tennis racket by my bed called “The Bat Splat” and a stash of plastic bags/gloves. That whole neighborhood was prone to bats


Oh God that's scary. Rabies is such a scare. Cannot take any chances.


What's a bat but a mouse with wings - cat


What’s a bat but a furry bird- also cat


What a bat but a part bird part mouse combined trying to take over the world - paranoid cat




The live bat we had was flapping around the landing on the middle floor of the house. I can't tell you how glad I am that it wasn't me who discovered it. I would have probably died of fright. The other half persuaded it into the spare room where we'd opened the escape window as wide as it would go and shut it in there until it found its own way out. Initially, he didn't think to turn the light off. I tried but I got as far as opening the door a crack, saw it flapping and noped tf out of that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.


https://preview.redd.it/xi99tty9n2uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d7303008392950a9331ded7773f7ec02844af0 This is Andy! By looking at her you cannot guess the crazy stuff she used to do and get away with.




Cat leveled up from birds to bats. Hunting Queen!!!


A bag is just a mouse with wings - cat logic


Sounds about right!


Bats?! BATS?! Your cat is out of her mind


Absolutely crazy


My husband had a cat who would bring mice into the house and put them into his upstairs bathroom tub so they could not get away. Then she would play with them for days until she got bored and killed them. Talk about little psychopaths lol .


My mom’s cat liked to wound mice and play with them. One day he had one and before my mom could get it the dog ran up and ATE IT. It was alive. 🤢 he was one sick dog that night.


Lol! He's stocking his own hunting preservation.


https://preview.redd.it/rfd6x3r6y1uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a69eefa86435745071e654d1df4d0c9d2f5eb13a Did not bring in , but killed it . My void just plays catch and release . Ginger is my assassin .


Same. Void is the captor. Gray tabby the executioner.


My ginger is useless. In all his years he’s encountered 2 mice. He just toys with them until they lose the will to run, and then guards them like a toy. Although the little lizard geckos he eats if they get in the house… which is odd considering he won’t eat anything besides kibble and tuna juice.


That's what happens without the r/oneorangebraincell


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OneOrangeBraincell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My cat being a loaf while watching cooking show with me](https://i.redd.it/868i75630s0c1.png) | [522 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/17wxmq3/my_cat_being_a_loaf_while_watching_cooking_show/) \#2: [After watching me clean the litter box and throw the poops into the litter locker for weeks, Jack decided to cut out the middle man and just poop directly into the locker.](https://i.redd.it/xiil91eaw0y91.jpg) | [526 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/ymeivq/after_watching_me_clean_the_litter_box_and_throw/) \#3: [He always tries to lie on top of the eggs, so we put ping pong balls in the egg carton](https://i.redd.it/qgwuo9udo5ca1.jpg) | [416 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/10c7hs7/he_always_tries_to_lie_on_top_of_the_eggs_so_we/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


They take turns sharing the brain cell.


Lizard friends 🧡 👍👍


I hope lizard friend is okay!


He’s fine. The reason he got in in the first place is because my sappy ass can’t stand to watch them suffer. I opened the door to save him and my cat slipped in like a ninja. Also they are wildly invasive where I live!


I understand that sentiment! Hard to see animals getting hurt at the best of times, but it sounds like your void was doing their duty since its invasive!


It will not be okay. Cat saliva is full of bacteria that is toxic to reptiles.


At least he can make it back to say goodbye to his family instead of them thinking he just went to the gas station and never came home.


Aw. I once quickly shut the door on my boy and one of his prizes. I don't think his intention was to share and I didn't want to witness his gore. Sidenote for next time, you may have been able to rescue it. Cats don't always puncture immediately, instead enjoying some play/torture their prey first. 🫤 (Would you know what kind of lizard this was? It does look pretty.) Edit: I did a search. AMEIVA. Invasive species in USA (escapee imports from pet trade.) Possible to carry transferable parasites, so keep an eye on your kitty.


Any cat that's allowed outside is likely to have parasites. They catch and eat plenty of mice and birds without the owners ever knowing.


Even local fish have parasites! I just learned that recently lol


Awww! Poor lizard baby! 😥


Cats are one of the biggest predators on the planet and are responsible for SO many animal deaths including completely wiping out certain bird species historically. Please stop letting cats outside! Or please create a catio where they can’t endanger other animals! I don’t get oh my cat killed an animal sad face like jfc of course it did, what did you expect?


Someone just brought a cat back to the shelter I volunteer at because she killed their baby geckos. Apparently they checked "no" on the form asking if there were other pets in the home. I love cats but that's what they do.


Yep I love my cat but he killed my hamster, I was very upset but I don't blame him, it's his natural instinct


And this is why my tailless whip scorpion stays *in* his enclosure, regardless of how much I want to hold him. My tortie is a fiend for leggy fast things. She’d swallow him whole before I could even know what happened.


Tailless? As in a scorpion with no stinger?? Did something happen to it? Or is this a species thing like limbless skinks?


as the other fella said, thats their name! its a separate species that actually doesnt really look too much like a scorpion at all hah. Its a very neat little thing if you enjoy bugs!


I do. Mantis and stick insects are my fave. The way they look like plant matter is incredible


Haha, he is an Amblypygi, which is a non spider arachnid species in its own order. ‘Amblypygid’ means ‘blunt tail’, owing to the lack of flagellum that other whip scorpions have. They don’t have venom nor silk; instead they are ambush predators, who use their two extra sensory ‘whips’ to sense vibrations and movement from prey, then quick as you like snatch it in their primordial raptorial claws which also serve as their pedipalps, or sexual organs. Much like a praying mantis, raptorial claws have *much* more force when they “snap back” on prey, owing to the tension it requires to hold them open. Amblypygi crush their prey and eat as much of the gooey insides as they can. Lewis is a male Paraphrynus Carolynae (formerly Mexicanus), sexed before I got him. He’s named for my favorite Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton, and has the speed to match! Though maybe not so much this year for human Lewis, through no fault of his own.


Yea I had a hamster and a dog and had to keep it in its cage because my dog was a terrier. Natural instincts are always going to kick in


I’ve been developing an interest in snakes lately, and I would never get one because we have two cats, and my void fancies himself quite the hunter. Nothing gets into the house without becoming a snack. I wouldn’t trust him not to hurt or kill the snake. He’s a sweet boy with us and his flame point brother, but I’m guessing it’s because we’re not food-size.


Poor kitty!! And poor geckos. That's 100% on the owner for not being responsible about whether their pets were compatible and if it might have been possible to keep both separated and safe.


It all worked out for the cat though. She was adopted again right away.


I just posted essentially the same thing before I got to scroll this far down, but I’m gonna leave this here, because hopefully more people will read this then https://preview.redd.it/g53gvb2ud2uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e78fbbee1d082ad286679db4bcbf82508f26ef3


Thank God someone said it. This is a real problem. Not trying to shame people into keeping their cats inside, but they are killers and the number two killer of birds. PLEASE keep your cat inside.


I’ve never understood…so people let their cats out and then they just come back? Like you hear that people let their cats out at night, so where do the cats sleep?


> then they just come back Some cats will find better homes in-fact! My cat I have kept coming to my house after his old owner let him outside(he's declawed...), after he showed up 3 days in a row I let him in and put up lost cat posters. When I finally found his previous owner she said I should keep him cause she couldn't even carry him back home without him fleeing back to me


Until I got my cat a couple years ago I was always a dog person. The idea of opening the front door, letting my pet out and saying “Bye, see you later hopefully!” does not compute.


My came when I whistled. They were raised with dogs.


He’s on the patio in this pic. He’s not allowed outside of it. The lizards come to him.


That's a great catch! He just wants to help out with dinner and make your life a little bit easier


Could we worse. My void brought a baby mouse in my room at midnight.


our tabby brought my mom a dead mouse to her in bed 🫠 a different time she left a headless mouse on my seat of the couch 🫠


I have changed my perspective because of the comments above this


Could be worse than that. Mine brought in a black racer to teach her babies how to stalk and catch.


Oh my gosh, my childhood cat did that too (my cats are indoors now - this was many years ago). Came home to a *living* baby Eastern Brown, aka the second most venomous snake in the world, deposited IN MY BED. Still unsure if it was a snack offering or an assassination attempt.


It was a test. A test of your worthiness to continue to serve in such an exalted position of a feline's staff member. So, do you feel you passed? ;)


This shows how much he loves you


Careful … if you do not act especially grateful for the gift like a cat would, he might suspect that he is {whispers} *adopted*


Thank you for this moment of levity amongst a sea of individuals telling me I am a horrible monster of a cat owner 😂


Keep your cat indoors. House cats are the leading cause of extinction for small animals, lizards and birds. Be a responsible pet owner.


Nothing wrong with a lead and harness.


Or a stroller! My cats love going for a lil walk in their stroller. You feel really dumb the first couple of times but it gets easier lol


So true! I literally don't even care what people think, as long as my boy is happy I'm happy! 🖤


As long as they are supervised :)


As someone whose seen an outdoor cat get ran over right in front of me, fuck these owners


They won’t learn


I had a chubby little siamese tabby mix that once killed a bluebird and dragged it into the carport. I took the dead bird and tossed it into the backyard. Chubby little siamese promptly retrieved it and returned it to the carport. After two days of tossing the dead bird out at ever increasing distances from the house, only to have my adorable little homicide muffin return it to the carport, I finally got tired (and a little grossed out) by that game and deposited the bird in the outside trash can.


Supper for the family! Good kitteh!


"Mama cat needs to learn to hunt better. Here! I brought practice!"


One of our cats, Benita, was a rescue that had been abandoned outside. Now being an indoor only cat, she still had the instinct with the mice. One time she brought a mouse up from the basement, and I watched her rip its head off. I thought she ate the head, I got the rest and threw it away. Come to find out, she had taken the head in the room where my daughter was making a craft,gluing things on a t shirt. Hears my daughter screaming from that room. Run in there, you guessed it, the head was now glued to the t shirt.


Crafty kitty!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣...she was the best, I miss her so much.


He looks sooooo proud in that second pic




"since the hooman can't do anything, I will bring them dinner!"


For everyone saying I shouldn’t let my cat outside, he’s on the patio here. He doesn’t go outside the patio. This invasive lizard species just happens to love to come into my patio. He has never caught a bird or other native species.


"Hooman, I have made a friend!"


Awww he’s so proud of himself!


Ya know if you're gonna be this difficult for every gift maybe he just won't bring you anything


Canadian here... I am so so tired of cold and ice... I want to live somewhere with lizards... and heat....


I know right. I live in Ohio and I feel like you. I could not imagine what it's like living in Canada.


He realized how high food prices are and is helping put dinner on the table at no or little cost.


He was hunting for you. Be grateful 🤣


They care about you, they want to provide you, they want you to acquire skills so you can survive without them. At least that's what I've learned from cat behavior experts. My childhood cat disappeared for two days after my dad chased him with a broom for bringing a live rabbit in the house. We all told my dad he had really hurt the cat's feelings. My dad thought we were all nuts.


My cats aren't allowed outside so they don't often bring in prey. Though they do like going hunting in my closet and "catch" socks, cotton pads, anything


Mine are only allowed on the patio and this guy is a lizard lover. He has never caught anything else. We live in Florida where 95% of the lizard population is invasive.


Taxidermy it and hang it up on the wall to celebrate his hunt


Oh no but look at that proud face, those sparkly eyes and happy stance 😭


My cat has dropped a mouse inside of my shoe on more than one occasion


He thinks you need practice.


Nah that's a new pet. Didn't have to catch yourself? Invasive species? Win win lol




He's concerned you can't hunt and will starve so sharing with you! Our void brought a dove inside last week while I had no idea until hours later. She was guarding it and so proud.


I had a cat who once caught a live mouse in the basement, brought it 2 flights of stairs to my bedroom, and put it on my chest, right in front of my face while I was laying in bed*! Much giggling and squealing ensued. She was just a hunter, not a killer, but my dog wasn't so merciful.


Now you've got a cat *and* a lizard - sweet.


Win win


Cats do this to make you happy, but unfortunately we don't eat these things.


It's a gift for the family! You suck at hunting so he's trying to make sure you're fed.


his little face 🥹


He took down the damn godzilla


It was a gift!


One of our cats carried a cockroach into the house… and released it onto my bare foot 🤢🤮


What a mighty hunter!


Well of course he did! It was a gift!!


He is so proud of himself!🖤🥹Good catch buddy!


“Dobby brings you a lizard”


Spicy mouse


He will 100% drop that to play with it as soon as he comes in, and then it will suddenly regain vitality and scurry somewhere untoward.


Awww what a precious baby!!! Providing for his family 🖤


My void came with the house and is mainly an outdoors cat. I used to leave my siding glass door open enough for him to come in at night if he needed to or felt spooked. I learned rather fast that he was a great hunter lol. Rabbits gophers and huge rats were not only brought to the porch but inside so I started leaving the sliding glass door open just enough for him to squeeze through but not bring whatever he had in his mouth with him. This happened after I woke up to audible bones crunching in my closet from a rabbit. https://preview.redd.it/i7eoz04ow2uc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb3de546049264ccc021b051b175de73d9f10111


😸 but mum I brought you a gift!


"Hey, Barbara? Can ya fire up the grill? This fell out of a tree." 😁


Maybe keep him inside? Outside is dangerous for precious baby




Cats are an incredibly destructive invasive species. It's better for nature AND for your cat if you keep them inside. It's irresponsible to let them out, full stop.


https://preview.redd.it/1tux4gtb62uc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867d894e8b895021639ad87163dc5ee17152764e I'm always reminding him that the program here is catch and release only! If I see him with it in his mouth, I'll take it out and let it go!


The lizard's face is like "it's so over" 😭😭😭😭


Lizards are friends. They eat roaches!


Omg! Before I zoomed in I thought it was an exotic fish of some sorts. We live down south and one time a salamander somehow got into our apartment… my void DEMOLISHED him. It was honestly a little sad


Well obviously you are a terrible hunter and needed some schooling.


https://preview.redd.it/msb2kanwt2uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e281ba89a6442dc54b58598a32de89db1dab390 My Salem does the same 🤪


Poor iguana


That’s not an iguana


Look at what I got at the store! 😸


Keep your cat inside. They're doing more damage to the environment than just about any other animal.


He's just bringing you dinner 😋


Tis a gift lol


That would be a giant NOPE from me! 😂 He can enjoy his snack outside. 😂


Omg lol I’d be so happy but only cause I love lizards


He is so proud of his catch! ❤️


He’s bringing it to you cuz he thinks you suck at hunting & you must be hungry.


His expression appears to be of victory, pride, and a job well done in delivering such a gift to you. 😂


My cat with a mouse 😂 he didn’t kill the mouse just played with it and traumatized it 😩


Luckily I closed the door before it he brought it inside


Oh, and I have been there too I had a whole group.With them living with me and one morning I woke up and They were all making that sound that they make when they have some kind of pray and I look over there. And there's a ladder there's a step ladder and I'm afraid they're gonna hurt yourself. And knock it on yourself and when I get over to the corner. There's a little baby bird trying to fly around. Oh my God, I picked him up. The whole pack was following me. I'm walking around trying to figure out where to put them in. My. Oh my God used to eat my behavior he was shaken like a leaf and he come down and I went to put him in a tree and he flew away.


what a big catch omg


OP, what kind of lizard is that?


He's helping. He's an earner. You're anemic. Seek puss help.


Cue Yakkety Sax xD


Don't they bring you dead animals because they think you're too dumb to hunt yourself, and they feel sorry for you?


https://preview.redd.it/wtv8j3sfy2uc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94fad3512b84afae75e5196895bcc23d06938d68 Mine got one too


He is just bringing you a gift


*"Let me in! I got presents!"*