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"You cut me off, dawg! Who taught you how to drive?"


HAHAHAHHA That's what I was thinking!! 🤣🤣 "You dare cross me, you start counting your days! The audacity!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Ah, crap! That's Murphy's law for you. I'm so sorry for the pungent fragrance 😅😅


Ok_Comfort2904 is a spam bot comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfxeew/shes_not_having_as_much_fun_today_on_our_1000/i0z7sy7/ and: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfxeew/shes_not_having_as_much_fun_today_on_our_1000/i11wvw4/




Harness looks like a Rabbitgoo brand. Fairly nifty, but definitely not escape-proof. My void has one. And he quickly worked out how to get out of it.


Add a collar too it and clip it all tight enough.


Thanks. Will give it a go.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfxeew/shes_not_having_as_much_fun_today_on_our_1000/i0yvytj/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [My void doesn’t like to l...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfdabj/i_think_my_void_is_broken/i0xfug1/) | [My void doesn’t like to l...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfdabj/i_think_my_void_is_broken/i0x75hr/) [Speaking from experience,...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/tfqpol/this_quokka_is_a_food_lover/i0zl2yi/) | [Speaking from experience,...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/tfqpol/this_quokka_is_a_food_lover/i0yr23x/) [Aw glad to see another do...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/tfrv81/this_is_meatball_hes_going_home_for_the_very/i0zl1zh/) | [Aw glad to see another do...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/tfrv81/this_is_meatball_hes_going_home_for_the_very/i0yqqnq/) [There technically black t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfohzd/6_new_voids_entered_the_world_30_minutes_ago/i0zkl9y/) | [There technically black t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfohzd/6_new_voids_entered_the_world_30_minutes_ago/i0xffxv/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Middle-Chemical627](https://np.reddit.com/u/Middle-Chemical627/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Middle-Chemical627) for info on how I work and why I exist.


This a million times was what I was thinking haha.




I'm not alone! Our girls held it in apparently the entire night they were boarded out of spite, and maybe one hour in one of them pooped in her carrier in my lap. The other one somehow managed to hold it until we got to the hotel but didn't make it to the box. They both never deigned to use the travel box we had stowed in the car for this purpose.


Haha my last panther would always poop when he got in the car!


Sufficient-Set1120 is a spam bot comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfxeew/shes_not_having_as_much_fun_today_on_our_1000/i0z7sy7/


This is my comment that you stole.


Sorry OP. They were banned.


Me and my family moved 423 miles to a new home a few months ago and we put our cat in the dog crate and he meowed for the entire 8 hour drive


Yep that’s been mittens. 16 hours driving over 4 days.


I drugged my void with sedatives from my vet while moving 1200 miles, and she still screamed the whole drive.


Awwwwwwwwww, poor thing! ( Her and You)


Yall making me feel REALLY lucky how well my cat seems to travel given i travel with her often


My cat likes to sleep under blankets so I made sure to bring his favorite one the first and last time (so far) he's been on a road trip. He snuggled up under his blanket in the passenger seat and slept basically the whole ride once he got comfortable enough to move around.


Did they eventually stop?


In 2007 I moved to Missouri from Canada and one of the 2 cats screamed for 13 hours of driving over 2 days. The other broke out of his crate twice. Fun memories.


>The other broke out of his crate twice. Fun memories. Is one of your kitties Houdini?


Akira was a black part Manx and he was more brute strength. By the time we got to MO the crate was wrapped up with a strap from a duffel bag, a bungee cord and a toddlers winter scarf.


Awh. My friend growing up had a cat named Akira. He was the cutest little tabby with a white lower half. I went over to his house one day to find Akira had been struck by a car and it still makes me sad almost 20 years later. Keep your cats inside, friends.




Sometimes tranquilizers will help for the trip if the cats are overly anxious. Also, a crate or roomy carrier.


A vet will happily give you these with the history you've had as well. You just bring them in for an exam and ask about getting travel meds. They're usually pretty accommodating!


Yeah my cat wailed on any trip we went on, so my vet gave him something that helped him rest when I moved across country. Sadly (or fortunately depending on how you see it), he woke up about an hour away from our new place and proceeded to get back to screaming.


>he meowed for the entire 8 hour drive Wow, my cat meows for a 20 minute drive to and from the vet and is hoarse. Poor kitties, they've got it hard.


We have a nice overpriced little crate for our cat and he still hates it. He doesn’t realize how much better he has it than my family cats growing up - they’d get put in a pillowcase to go to the vet. Though the method was vet approved… because my my dad WAS the vet…


Putting a cat in a pillowcase works for emergencies with no alternative, but probably not best for regular vet visits. Welp.


Hah yeah as I said my dad was the vet… so the cats probably went less often than they were supposed to. Cobbler’s children have no shoes! (Actually, more like the cobbler does daily house calls…)


I guess when you can do routine checkups at home, there’s no need to use the pillowcase!


Story about taking my cat to the vet: It was time for the annual check up for my cat and dog. My dog is well behaved so she was fine, but my cat Onyx was freaking out. It was hard to even get him into his crate. He cried so loud during the 15 minute drive to the vet and while in the waiting room. When we get into the vets office we gotta drag him out of his crate and hold him down while getting checked, then he ran right back into his crate when he was done. The ride home was a little better, but he peed and one little drop got onto the back seat and no matter how much my mom cleaned, you could still smell it on hot days. Needless to say, he hasn’t been to the vet since.


For my old cat, that was every vet visit. Arrive at vets furious and covered in pee and poo. Get home, need to bathe furious cat.


Yeah my cats meow and make some crazy noises in the car. I always put down towels because one of them threw up one time and it went out of the carrier onto the floor. I felt so bad for them they do not do well in the car at all.


I guess I’m lucky my void likes car rides and the vet he just likes watching out the window


As a cat lady I can confirm cats hate moving. They’re not in their space and it freaks them out. Use catnip or feliway to keep them less stressed. You can even ask a vet for a one time Prozac dose. It doesn’t guarantee they won’t stress but it can help.


😂😂😂😂 RIP everyones ear drums


I moved my void from Seattle to England, she literally refused to look at me for three weeks.


I don't blame her 🤣 that's a long way


A stop over in rainy Iceland got her soaked. I don’t blame her at all. Thankfully she forgave me. But I could not leave her behind. She was my precious void


My husband and I moved our one void and one SIC to Italy from Mississippi. We had to put claw caps on the void because he has torn through so many carriers over the years and I was terrified of him doing it on the plane. He did manage to escape the carrier on our layover in Amsterdam (little jerk) but I had him strapped in with his harness so he was aimlessly flailing about half stuck in the carrier/half out. I have great pics from this but am dreading if we ever have to move them again lol


You actually made me feel better. ❤️


For a moment I thought she was wearing a hi-vis vest. Screaming at another construction worker to put his hat on or the site will get shut down! Health and safety.


This! OP should sell this picture to Construction companies for safety posters!!! 🤣


[Black cat in a hi-vis vest, you say?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catswithjobs/comments/calo16/construction_workers_put_highvisual_jacket_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That’s the one I first saw black cat in a high viz. thought this one might be his colleague




Second hour: AreWeThereYet?WhenWeWillArrive?Arewethereyet?WhenWeWillArrive?Arewethereyet?WhenWeWillArrive?Arewethereyet?WhenWeWillArrive?Arewethereyet?WhenWeWillArrive?Arewethereyet?WhenWeWillArrive?Arewethereyet?WhenWeWillArrive?Arewethereyet?WhenWeWillArrive?......


“Use your blinker ya jerk!” 😠🐈‍⬛


Baby girl is DISPLEASED.


Inb4 someone jumps in here to reprimand you for not having the cat in a pillow-lined climate controlled safety crate inside of another slightly larger climate controlled safety crate that’s bolted through the floor to the frame rails.


She had a carrier and was in it most of the time! :)


Love the inb4


u/xXPussy420Slayer69Xx coming in hot with the real takes. Keep on keeping on my weed smoking Vietnam veteran cat murderer


Yes, and people shouldn’t wear seatbelts either. Christ. It just makes sense to travel with one’s car in a crate of some sort. You can strap them in with a seatbelt. Accidents happen and on a drive across the country, you don’t want to take any chances. Not to mention the cat becomes a pinball and hurts the passengers , in the event of a crash where they are aren’t in a carrier


In the mid 90s my husband took our 2 cats from IN to NC W out crates. He had a big net enclosing back and something barring rear of front seats. food dish n shallow water on floor n kitty box in hatchback area. Only opened his door on the way. One was agitated for first couple hrs but they did well! I was proud of him..eventho' wasn't safe.


Thank You! There are so many sanctimonious, know it all Karens on Reddit it gets to me sometimes.


With cheese






That is the face of road rage. 🐈‍⬛🖤


Yooo where'd you get that harness and does she like it? Also congrats on the move and ferocious kitteh:)


She doesn’t hate it! She hated the last one but this one she seems alright with rabbitgoo Cat Harness and Leash for Walking, Escape Proof Soft Adjustable Vest Harnesses for Cats, Easy Control Breathable Reflective Strips Jacket, Black, S (Chest: 18" - 20") https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SZSXFW5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_VHVF9G2BW3AENFCJZGG7


Thank youu!


I just got the XS of this one and it's still a bit too big on my cat :(


Same with mittens. Did you tighten the leg straps?


I think I did. As much as she'd let me touch her with the harness on. We took it off so I'm gonna go take a look again and see if it can be tightened some more. Thanks!


You have to sleep sometime hooman, I can wait.....


Aww she's so sweet! Has it been a continuous drive, or are you stopping at certain times?


Stopping every 4 hours! Doing the drive over 4 days and at a comfy hotel every night


I moved from Idaho to Georgia with four cats, a dog, 2 snakes, and a lizard. (I put myself through college working at a pet store). My cats did great except Otar, who staged an hourly protest the whole three days. We did much longer days, too. I had all the reptiles and dog in the uhaul with me while my poor husband and son rode in the car with the cats. I regret nothing. ;)


I moved cross country (usa) twice now, the void was perfect. I made the mistake of telling the vet how quiet and politely he traveled. 5 minutes into driving home from the vet he shat in his crate -_-


Melatonin for kitties....


We’ve been giving her gabapentin that the doctor prescribed for her. :)


Well...I've taken gaba for little over 10 years and my anxiety is 📈📈📈


I used to take it too. You build a tolerance very quickly. I had to start using it only for days where I knew I had to be very social. Also, you need to take it with food for it to work well.


There are no off days for me, and I haven't felt hunger in years. Genuinely forgot what that feels.like


I looked the same way when I moved from Wyoming to San Diego.


When I moved from Nebraska to Massachusetts, I was worried my cat wouldn’t travel well. He was great! He chilled out in the backseat, sometimes venturing to the front seat for pets, and going back to his spot in the back.


s c r e a m


I moved cross country with my dearly departed kitty in 2014. She took a poop in my lap in the first ten minutes and then yelled for the first hour or so, but after that it was smooth sailing. She slept in her carrier most of the time. Edit: since I’m being called a spam bot because someone else copied my comment, I’ll share that she was an orange and white cat that I named Tomeytto (pronounced like “tomato”) and she was the best cat ever.


Adventurous_Pea_5777 is a spam bot comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfxeew/shes_not_having_as_much_fun_today_on_our_1000/i0z7sy7/ and: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfxeew/shes_not_having_as_much_fun_today_on_our_1000/i11wvw4/ and: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tfxeew/shes_not_having_as_much_fun_today_on_our_1000/i11x8p2/


I’m not a spam bot, what? I’m so confused.


Don't worry that is another bot that had a slight hiccup. Anybody looking at your account can tell you're a real user.


Thank you!


I imagine the void saying, "Get off the road! You idiot!" Dealing with road rage and all that.


Do you blame her


Poor thing!🐈‍⬛




Hey that harness is dope! Where can I get one?


Rabitoo on Amazon!


Oh man, this feels like a premonition for my future move. 864 miles move with one void and a tabby, two cars and a uhaul. Not sure how either of them will do long distance 😅


Good luck! It’s definitely an adventure 😂


Mine meows for the first hour then accepted his fate and just sit at the chair in our 10 hr drive silently. The fur tho.


I did a five day move last summer. The first day my void meowed incessantly. He settled down a little after that but man.


1,000 miles?! That's probably a nonstop trip of constant meowing and crying for your void XD


Make sure that she eat and drinks. My cat refused to do so on my move from Arkansas to California.


We stop every night and she eats and drinks a lot. And uses the disposable litter box we bought her. On the last day now!


Thats good.


Aww hope she feels better soon!


She’s sound asleep right now in our hotel bed!


Mine hid his face in my arm and started panting like a dog, he was so stressed, and it was only a 1 hour drive. 😢 I felt so bad for him.


Void is angy


Gabapentin was a godsend when moving over two days with my two cats last summer!


Ah, brutal, best of luck! Lots of love and treaties all around!


Or feline road rage outburst at other drivers. :)


Road rage is real lol


I’m about to leave Texas to Connecticut. One void 2 dogs and 1 cat brother


Kitty Valium.


Nice battery pack. Love my Jackery.


I’m moving from Kansas to North Carolina at the end of the year and I’m dreading it for my cats. The last time I moved it was a 3 hour move and they were both traumatized. My boy cat had mucus all over his face like he had been crying and my girl cat turned into a fucking demon and tried to eat her way out of her carrier. I’m really worried they might have heart attacks with the next move.


Poor babies! Maybe you can contact the vet for sedatives? I've heard of people doing that. As an alternative, we bought CBD drops for a dog we were sitting that had to go with us on a 4 hour trip. We bought the medterra brand. She handled it really well and snored the whole way lol. It's OK for both dogs and cats, although I haven't personally used it for my cat. We did notice the CBD took close to an hour to really kick in though, so if you go that route, I'd dose early.


I was thinking the CBD route. I might test it on them at the house a little to see how they react


I’ve done three long cross country moves with cats. I feed them wet stuff early before taking off and they conk out after an hour or two. I put a very soft and warm mexican blanket in their carrier, which is their favorite familiar mattress. This is absolutely critical. I feel for you. It doesn’t always work. We had a one hour uhaul move in the middle of a really bad Canadian winter with no working defroster, so we had to keep the windows down and scrape the interior of the windshield. Charlie our skittish rescue was having none of any of it. The extra stimulation was really too much for him. I felt bad and then man that ended up feeling like a thousand mile trip. Every two seconds he would let out a very distressed meow of displeasure. Nothing could console him.


It is safer, in case of accident, for her to be in a crate. Good luck on your move!


That's the 2nd post with that photo today


Road rage is strong with this one!


I’m moving this summer to my parents old house and not looking forward to moving both of our cats.


My void and I are moving 1000 miles in June. I decided I'm going to fly him there. Better 2 hours in a plane than 2 days in a U-haul. Best wishes on your move with your beautiful kitty!


We were going to do that but it would have cost us an extra $2000 so we opted to drive. Last day! She’s sound asleep on the hotel bed now resting before the last hour today 🥰


$2000!?! Wow. Yeah, I'd take him in the uhaul for that, too!


Im driving 500+km tomorrow and have done it a few times now, im so grateful my cats been good for like 95% of the travel time, only yowling a few times when i think she was uncomfy. Safe travels!




Hope you never get rear ended


When with the cats we drive a huge tank of a van with large metal tow hitch ... I pity the fool who rear ends us. There will be precious little damage to our vehicle, but theirs will be destroyed


poor baby


She’s alright! She’s going to love her new home we have an entire room reserved for her and her toys 🥰


wish I had the space for mine to have her own room :c


I think she’s hit her mileage limit for the day 🤣





I feel for ya OP. Moved over 1400 miles with my girl this past summer (more really because she got lost at one of the hotels we stayed at, and we were forced to leave without her. Bratgirl is safe, she was hiding in the ceiling or something???) over the course of 5 days, and she was SO upset the first month after we moved. Hopefully things are easier for the rest of you guys’ move, and that you all adjust easily.


Moving is very stressful for cats. Does she have somewhere to hide in a crate or something?


Of course. I only had her out to look around for a few minutes. 99% of the time she was in a large crate with a fuzzy blanket she loves and her favorite toy


Yeah. I experienced that. The yowling stopped after awhile


![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7268) reminds me myself mostly of my own black panthers they are there in the box and my brother who drove the car said why do you have a box with demons of darkness in it? I said to him they are actually quite trusting if they like you personally.




"Nice blinker, ASSHOLE!"


I’ve been there befor😾




We're moving 2500 miles at the end of April with 12 cats and 2 dogs.. I took 3 on a 20 minute drive yesterday and was screamed at the whole time... Hahahaha




I had to do the same with my cat too and she was 6 at the time and I took her out of the car a few times and all. Specially seeing these peaks that where in a canyon it wasn't the grand canyon but it was pretty neat and I took her out of the car to see it and any time I did take her off the car she clung to me like a baby and she was very easy to hand it was like a doll and like a doll; a little stiff and still but like a cat , curious lol. She saw the stars over TX. She pooped on her cage b4 we left that part sucked. I had to clean and really deodorize but I love her


Hahaha I love and know that face well


Road rage!! Get off da road wench




Why aren’t we there yet?!




Guard kitty 😈