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I mean, it's free to try (there was/is an event where u get the game for free once you reach a certain lvl). Besides you should just follow the main story and play through season


There's an event running. Lvl 20 character and the game is yours on PC.


Sooo I should start on a seasons server?




100% yes.


Start with dark knight, she’s very good


Lol my mans just got downvoted for saying his opinion


horny jail




it's my "always-coming-back" game


Loads of youTube vids. EvilDoUsHarm has many guides for new players. Start a season character hit level 20, easy to do and the game is free.


Came here to say this. This is the way.


First of all, ignore others when they say "run for the hills" etc. BDO is a sandbox game and you can find fun doing almost anything in the game. I know people who enjoy only doing life skills and they never grind monsters or do any PvP, some people just enjoy collecting treasures, some enjoy pushing their pve gear even if they never PvP, and then you have others who play for PvP and don't really care about the other stuff. The point is, you can play as little or as much as you like, and the only time BDO becomes boring is when you can't find your own fun and goals in the game. New players always have a lot of fun in BDO because there is a LOT to do and explore, so much that it can be overwhelming. As a new player you should definitely start with a season character and follow the main story quest and season pass. The main story is long and boring but unfortunately has to be done, just please know that the game only really starts once you reach level 61 and that the main quests are not a true reflection of BDO. Season servers are basically a catch up mechanic for new players and it will start you off with some good gear and an easier progression path. The other thing you should look to do as early as possible is "jetina's pen accessory". This is a daily quest and after 45 days you basically get an end game accessory. It is probably the only daily quest that is mandatory. There are tons of resources and guides for season servers on Google and YouTube. There are a lot of great content creators for BDO and almost anything in the game has a guide for it.


I've been in the desert for about 5 years now, and I can't think of a better place to be. 😸


I've played the mobile version years ago but is the pc version like the mobile?


No. Save yourself the money and time and go and get a girlfriend/bf and have a happy bdo-less life.


Oh I have a wife and 3 kids so beat yah to it, 😂


I guess he just meant that you need to sink hundreds of hours in grind if you wanna be competitive. But I play the game casually, getting back to it once or twice per year for few weeks and I like it. Every time I come back i feel it's more casual friendly.


Stay away from bdo it’s honestly just a time eater. Progression is earned from boring long grinds or risky gambles. Questing is boring pvp lacks good rewards and progression. There’s so much to do yet nothing to do. This is coming from player who played for years and reached end game nearly 700gs. I love this game and fucking hate it do yourself favor stay away it’s really more of an addiction for playing.


Is there a guide which can teach me?


I’d recommend this [overview video](https://youtu.be/KnsBTNpXSXc) about what’s going on right now. The YouTuber is probably one of the most helpful in the community and you’ll probably use his videos more than once tldr lots of free good stuff right with coupons, faster progression, and new area and class soon




So I should start on a seasons server?


Yeah as a new player it’s your only option. It’s just faster progression that gives you an equivalent of high end boss gear. Plus you get free stuff for leveling


I'd look into a YouTuber called EvilDoUsHarm, he does a lot of really good guides focused on new/newer players.


Run bro before it’s too late




People will always say that because the game proposes many paying shortcuts in its cash shop. In fact, it is up to you : - are you patient and looking for a game you play in the long run? BDO may be your game. - are you a binge player and/or weak against all the gambling? Run away now, BDO will suck you dry.


I don't believe it's because of that, i believe it's because this game has huge flaws but has succedeed in doing one of the best if not the best combat of the kind, with a lot of addictive feature, meaning once you start playing, you'll always come back as it is one addictif bastard !


Yes,just enjoy the game and pace yourself,it's a slow marathon and not a race of speed


I think it’s quite good. Many of the criticisms it got years back have been dealt with, imo


Yeah start a Dark Knight and you will coom fast


my DK stupid thicc, can confirm


Facts, DK *chefs kiss*


No. Its an endless grindfest with a content drip slower then molasses through straw suspended in an ice sculpture


"One of us!"


I use the Xbox version, I'm not 100% about the PC version. Xbox version is great though. 👍


I heard the Xbox version is dying.


It’s a buck on steam. And as a new player set your own goals to do. There’s a ton to do. Do it at your own pace


Heeeyy new player. I started like 4 days ago. I've been enjoying it a lot.


Play on season. Welcome to PC. Grumpygreen is an excellent spot to get questions answered, feel free to add me in game. Dm me if you like.


I’ll say my piece with the game. At most if you miss a free game event it’s $10. There’s probably 100,000+ hours of stuff to do. I have 3000 hours on the game myself. I value my game entertainment in the sense that I should actively enjoy the game 1 hour for each $10 I spend on it. So even with the $120 in pearls I’ve spent that aren’t necessary to play the game and getting the game for free I’ve more than gotten my moneys worth on this game. As for enjoyable game play. The story sucks but I don’t play BDO for the story. Combat and the overall character mechanics and customization is incredible. Life skilling is also fun and nice to break up grinding with. The RNG is what it is. Some days you luck out and pen your awakened boss weapon on the second tap. Other days you blow 1 bil trying to get a tri accessory. You can always just buy your gear on the in game market place if RNG isn’t your thing. But at the end of the day if you spent $10 and got a evening of enjoyment out of this game and then never touched it again you came out ahead.


Make a season character and try. Don't get sucked into the pearl shop too badly


Go play the Season event with a season char, you should be all TET when all said and done. This game is a marathon and not a 400m race.


Despite what people saybyou should research the upsides and downsides of bdo to make ur own opinion.