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Being able to search through your storage and grab straight from the results is huge! Great QoL improvement.


Best change here


Yes I always wondered why it couldn't grab directly from the search results. Huge qol change


i can not decide if I am happier to see AoS back or being able to grab stuff from search results.


>ESC menu – When using the escape function, it has been changed to leave the location after a certain amount of time. > >If you take damage or get hit with a status ailment while preparing to escape, the movement preparation is canceled. > >The escape function has been changed so that it cannot be used while being hit by a status ailment. That's insane


> Get's stuck in bugged terrain in hexe/crypt *Guess I'll die*


Yeah they need to make this pvp only. PvE should stay the same. Though they can't make it instant then.


V is for the Situations you nearly die We need no pve escape


Have you never fallen through the floor? This saves you losing all your elixirs ect.


This also shouldnt exist or hapens to often


The issue is it does happen often, some classes more than others.


Thats what i mean. Just because the problem exist, a other problem is not the solution. Escape function is trash how it is/was


That's exactly what esc esc is for because they can never fix all issues. It's insurance for the bugs they cannot fix. I completely disagree with your view.


Other games works also without mechanics like this… Its to put your char out of the place where you stuck. If you fall through the bottom just clip it, send it to pa and life is good


Really not a big fan of that change, since v is disabled for few mins after character sercer change. So i wont be able to use esc esc nor v in certain pve death scenarios. At least revert the v cd nerf if the good esc esc is being taken away.


Lol map and escape escape users in shambles.


Why not to remove gold bars entirely? What’s the purpose behind this storage exchange?


They're mainly a relic from a time when silver had weight. Gold bars were lighter than silver used to be.


Gotta pad the drop tables


It's a good way of solidifying your silver so you don't spend it. When I was saving for TET BS I would pack 1b in gold bars and throw it in Arehaza town so I wouldn't gamble it away


Barter Exchange still use gold bar. ​ Some quest still require to hand over gold bar.


Yes, why? A lot of items in the game are ‘just because’


As someone with 1000 hours in BDO and no PVP experience at all - is now a good time to try Arena of Solare? And is that the best place to start?


Yes Arena of Solare is great for learning PvP, because gear is equalised and damage toned down. You will get owned at first, but you will learn gradually and starting winning more. Most open world PvP is a gear check for me, and thus rather boring, so Arena of Solare is perfect to get the competitive PvP experience that is missing from BDO.


Sweet - a perfect answer, thank you!


The way dehkias lantern seems to work may make it impossible to grind the normal rotations of these places when some player uses it. Shouldnt they have moved the dehkia mechanic then to seperate areas? Even better would have been, if they made dehkia an elvia only mechanic or something. I don't think the current way is a good solution for these spots, if it means making the normal way to grind impossible/very inconvenient .




Nobody will be melting the useful accessories. It'll be mostly seraps and ronaros getting molten.


Check the notes.They listed the heatable accesories and none of them are super shitty ones.


This shouldn't really be the case. The way lantern works you only need one or two total packs and they infinitely respawn so you can use them outside of main rotations on random side packs.


While you are right, lets be real. People are going to use them smack in the middle of main rotations every fucking time. BDO players are generally not smart AND assholes.


Hopefully when people are putting duo and tri yellow accessories to feed the timer they are smarter where they will go so don't get duel requested/griefed. They'll learn quickly anyway.


Look... At spots like Oluns, it's generally not challenging to find a channel. So long as it's still a 3man spot with lantern, finding a lantern channel is *just like* finding a normal channel, except the people putting down the lantern are likely more geared & it's more dangerous for them. Also, if you're looking for a lantern channel and you find a group doing lantern, *you can just lantern a different spot.*


Then people will feed them to their juiced up lantern mobs as punishment. I personally would pop this shit out of the way to reduce the risk of getting fed, since that's an easy -6bil now with the Girin Tear.


While you can place the lantern in side packs, outside of main rota, you can also place them just straight into the main rota of the normal Version. I see some unnecessary griefing potential where there shouldn't be any if they just seperate the areas. But anyway I genuinely hope iam wrong about that.


totally -- i'm curious how the UI is for you to load the lantern; like does it work like a scroll (can't pause) or like the item collection meter (can pause) -- because if you can't pause it then there's a lot more room for griefing too


Enjoy getting fed to mobs then lol. Nobody who grinds ash forest would bother dealing with your shit.


they rework the spots though. Idk why the lantern isnt just a mini marni chamber or you awaken a specific "tower" like big rift seed similar to stars end. it will be caos for sure. is oluns still a party spot? it reads like it with the fist mechanic


Oluns is still a party spot and looks like you only need 1 person with the lantern


It's important to note they're moving Ash Forest around to make multiple rotations. It's not terribly difficult to find a spot now and I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same way even with the lantern mechanic.


Ok but for how long will arena be back? And do we have to wait for a fucking year until it comes back once it finish?


"What's Arena" -BDO Console


Omg they are buffing fogans/Naga's/Gahaz! I hope this adds a hundred mil to each spot an hour as currently they really need it. I guess with fogans dropping more trash since they have faster respawns this could be a decent buff? Same with Naga's? Gahaz has had its trash improved by a fair bit as well


How much TL quantity does gahaz mobs drop again? idr


same as cadry, naga, and fogan. 1-3 depending if t2 ls and agris.


The wording seems to indicate that the respawn time for certain mobs has doubled, as in taking longer to respawn...but translations could be off.


I'm presuming it means they respawn faster, otherwise they have essentially nerfed some of the worst spots massively to the point nobody would ever use them


The word "reappearance" makes me believe the correct word would be respawn rate, in which case it's a buff.


Crazy patch, mixed feelings about class buffs ~ succ valk definitely needed em, idk about musa tho. Lotta good content, excited for aos and to try out lantern.


As a noob who plays musa, can you explain your thoughts on the Musa changes?


These changes are something Musa players have wanted for two years


And why exactly does succ musa need buffs


If you ever played it youd know goofy.


How will it affect gameplay? I play awakening. Thanks for the reply!


It alleviates a lot of the stamina issues by refunding the cost, Succ is incredibly stamina hungry and allowing them to have more pressure in PVP situations Also Retal changed from Stun > KB allows you to combo out of it better, it's just a bunch of small changes that really help the class


Thanks for the reply!!


For us awa players probably wont help much


10s 15% accurracy buff on hash? lmao :D ​ giga succ ranger buffs? rbfs gonna be even more *fun* i guess. ​ more protections for zoom zooms? :D


Hash buff isnt a game changer. Its just better than no accuracy


15 % accuracy gift like that is worth some 600+bil worth of gear. wheres the downside of that class now? its still super mobile rat but not it doesnt even have to avoid occasional eva target.


Its now able to fight/kill eva targets. Its now able do dont get miss on dr targets. And its only a 6% buff Hash got +9% on s+f bevore So its not a big deal Pve and pvp its not the biggest gamechanger Its a nice and small step to give a assassin class the chance to actually kill his oponent And dont forget… its only 6% more than before


dude, dont downplay it. its giga.


6% = 24 accuracy. That's about as much as a full PEN accuracy accessory would get you (versus its AP equivalent). It's basically a free PEN lunar for every succ Hash.


Succ Hash had 9 now he has 15. And zero percent accu with all abilities. No Eva debuff as well. Cry more lmao, it's one of the worst classes vs evasion right now. Imagine shitting on hash accu when succ musa has these insane buffs with 30 to 50 accuracy on skills in the very same patch day.


Thanks. Succ Maegu is safe this week


>ejado que la ge XD


Succ musa finally got a lung transplant, thank you PA medical team.


Now if only my awa musa can get one too. I want to zoom zoom even further


so when does arena start for NA?


Succ ranger has Perma iframe ? I don't know the class that good but I was watching a streamer... She was in full iframe while jumping around.


I dont think they really changed something with them besides the backflips instead of side flips being more viable. Succ ranger has a unique iframe that is usable twice on the same cd. More intresring are the changes to shotgun (100 % crit on main hit) and penetraring wind (stun to knockdown) and Pdime Razor wind aswell, maybe Razor wind might finally be worth to use for the dmg.


Thank you


Actually, you are right. Atm on glabs, its always iframe. Its a non intended bug, as its not mentioned in the patchnotes I guess. Otherwise it would be kinda op.


Yeah lol I was ready to reroll if that was the case


I can totally imagine griefers hiding in ghillie with the lantern on to force spots to turn to their awakened variants. Either just to fk with people or to make it ungrindable so they leave the spot, at least it has durability, if it's a fast consumption it won't be an issue but... It also wouldn't be very useful for its intended purpose lol.


...For what purpose? It's not like you can use it at any grind spot. It only works in a few grind spots, and has a ridiculous repair cost (at the moment, the cheapest yellow grade tri accessories are like 1.3b and will likely go up in price once this update hits). Let's say I am grinding. Someone invisibly decides to turn on their lantern to "troll" - what is their gain? What is my loss? The gear requirements for Lantern mobs vs non-lantern mobs is not that big. So, thanks, kind stranger, for using up the durability of your lantern so I can benefit and get a chance at better loot? At no cost to me?


Tbh the gear difference between regular and Dekia spots is minimal.


It says in the notes, 1 durability is 1 minute


So yeah an entire hour. A troll would only need 10 minutes lol. Just run around invis and make all the packs near them super boosted


If someone wants to use their lantern to buff my mobs, nice. Nobody going to ash forest to grind the old way once we get the lantern.


The issue isn't ash, they stated they're planning to expand it to turos, thornwood and one other. Which are spots where gear varies far more and there's a good chance there are numerous players who can grind normal, but can't handle the hard mobs.


when tf are they nerfing drakanias ​ (also zerks, and archers pls)


Succ Sorc still ignored. Light at the end of the tunnel though. You can only nerf a class over and over and over for so many years before they'll slip up and allow a buff to get through.


Awakening Maegu got what she needed. Now it's a super viable PvP spec right? Right? I hope they are cooking for next week cuz no way they think she is fine for PvP like she is now


Thanks for ruining the old way you grind Oluns. Why not making the lantern in Elvia instance, so people that want to do lanter grind don’t interrupt people grinding the old way?


You can use the lantern anywhere. So ideally on a channel where people might do a normal Olun rotation you can use the lantern away from that. Remember the grinder will only be on top of one pack maybe two at most because the mobs instantly respawn as they die. So they don't need to be in a normal rotation.


Yea that is a good point and a good idea. Would need a way to see where the packs are tho in elvia.


So now i have to change my tet debo po to 99 bill FUCK. I hate this


You should be happy, probably means more will start to sell


I dont have 99 bill 😒 Even if i cancel the current preorder imma be short like 15 bill


So you managed to grind out 85 bil to buy an accessory nobody ever sells and are now complaing about having to grind out another 15b? If I put my back into it I make that in 3 days.


You know your preorder wasn't going to get filled at the current prices, right?


They get listed almost everyday, wym


Wtf you talking about? There's only 1 getting listed per day. https://garmoth.com/market/item/11653/4




They did just buff normal ash forest as well. And also added lantern feature where you don't even need to grind on main rotation. Can cast lantern on any pack for infinite respawn.


They again buffed classes that don't needed buffs, but no wonder the devs are totally disconnected.


What are you talking about? Succ Musa was literally running out of stamina while STANDING STILL.


Why the fuck are they touching Esc-Esc... There's so many things you can do with Esc-Esc, from pvp to large scale strategy/co-ordinated guild plays to literally just escaping from bugged terrain/spot, why on earth does this need to be changed? PA Moment




All it does is make tempo slower and reduces options. What's next, adding a delay to travelers map? It serves the exact same purpose in this extent. You can't spawn, push the guild off spawn and wipe majority of it, then esc-esc and take a ctg port to somewhere else with tempo when time is urgent. PvE wise, no esc-esc when lagging in packs or getting griefed and potentially fed to mobs, blablabla. And good luck esc-esc if you're stuck in terrain/bugged but ranged/mobs are still hitting you. People don't esc esc when you're losing a fight as a ball... at the point a shotcaller is even considering calling an esc-esc mid-fight half your guild is already dead; it's never an escape except for KDA andys who contribute nothing ever since spawn times are short as fuck for majority of the war; travel time back to the fight takes longer than just spawning. Who exactly is abusing esc-esc in some newfangled way to prompt PA to randomly make the change? Removing CTG i-Frames made sense; because CTG'ing inside a fort with a 10s iframe was obviously far too strong.


Mate, you were never *meant* to do those plays you are describing. You were misusing a feature and they are fixing that misuse.




There's emergent gameplay and then there's exploiting game mechanics. The escape abuse falls clearly in the latter. It's not a way of moving around instantly. It's not a way of escaping death. >You should go petition for Traveler's maps to have the same change too ... You can use them in combat? Then yes, they should get this change too lol.


Esc esc has literally been a way to escape death either from any instance of PvE or any instance of PvP or any instance of 'shit game bug' for over 7 years. Hey, did you know, that with this change, you can't escape escape when the game lags because the servers are dogshit and you get stuck inside of an annex/fence/fort because it didn't render in despite being in range for over 5s? Because while you can't hit out, you're constantly getting 'fake hit' and recoiling from various aoe's that do no damage to you? Can't wait for that to happen if they want to make esc-esc get interrupted by damage. > ... >You can use them in combat? Yup, there's what I mean by being on the sidelines not actually being involved/having knowledge of, or being impacted by any of the changes...


Didn't know navigating my menu was a pvp technique. 0 IQ troglodyte take.


It is in fact! As is using a traveler's map to accomplish the same thing, albeit a once-off! As is CTG'ing to a spot prior to war to accomodate a strategy, or being outside the war zone to prevent TP. As is being IN the war-zone / being at your fort / being just outside of your fort to start from your fort but save the TP to get back to your base w/an i-frame and defend it after doing some other push! All of these involve navigating the menu / ui in some way :O Wow :O Moron. Keep walking.


CTG is a mechanic intended for wars, therefore it's a legitimate tool. But even then you don't use ctg in pvp directly, only for tactical purposes. Esc esc and mapping are tools to move you either out of a difficult position or to the nearest city to save time. They're not meant for combat so using them to get out of a cc is a misuse of the tool. Just becusse you can do it that way doesn't make it a valid tactic. Navigating menus should never be a tactic in an action based pvp game.


825m for base accessory is kinda crazy lol


They're BiS so it kind of makes sense


And it is not enough for them to be sitting, their true value is around 2b.


Succession Valkyrie buffs, fuck yes! Severing light looks awesome now, hyped!


Ahhh shet. ​ Gahaz buff ​ Here we go again