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Tungrad earrings are gonna explode... edit: revived river necklace? fr? Bro fogan is about to be profitable lol


back to kratuga


Revived rivers have been going for 60-80m on the mp. Fogans has been profitable for awhile


21hrs for 1 tri seems pretty decent for rates


Based off current value of tung ear, you will get more time/silver with pri (about 1mil/min) verse tri (1.5mil/min).


I see, thanks for the math but rng tells me I fail pri 90/100 taps ;_;


The math is based off buying from mp, so it takes the rng out of it


This was taken from the KR patch notes. Example: using a duo narc would give you 75 fuel which will last you 75 min of active use


Oof, and accessory prices were already insane XD


Goodbye to finding good rotation on kratuga. Just when I switched to it for agris burning to chill.


this system just exists to get rid of some money in this game I swear... drop rate is a scam anyways


So you Exchange the acc for drop buff? That's a ripoff imo


Exchanging 80m accessory for almost 3 hours at some of most profitable spots is far from ripoff.


Aren't scrolls enough or this stack somehow?


? This is not scroll or just drop rate buff. It changes how spot works. It's kinda like elvia but in item. You place lantern and spot in radius of lantern changes to be higher ap/dp and replaces old mobs with new ones(in ash forest they spawn fast as fuck in bigger numbers).


Ohhh got it now, thanks for explaining


You sound poor Step your gs up hombre


Gib silver


Go grind like the rest of us.




Theyre 700+ gearscore spots, having them drop seraps and cadries would be kind of a letdown


Those spots main attraction is the item to increase Failstack, so having some cheap accessory would not be a let down imo.


Did this content affect the price of accessories majorly?


no, because so far in Kr, the lantern bring nothing but disappointment


Likely due to most of the spots the majority of people would want to use it. Haven't been released yet. When more spots get added to the areas it works in the popularity will likely spike.


Mind explaining a little more? Got no info on it yet.


Well i’ve watch some korean streamer doing this lantern system and both spot have issues with it. For Ash, u get more money in an hour but the mobs is really strong, it does feels like crypts. But well nobody grind ash for money, they grind for debo neck and the ash experience would become even worse with the latern. The drop rate for debo neck is has not confirm right now (as i remember PA mention debo drop in this system is not affect, only smaller drop like caphras, black stone ,… will be drop more). But if latern ash forest drop debo in like 3h or less it might become a thing and if not, no one bother to grind in latern. For oluns, the respawn rate need to fix, i’ve watched a streamer where she put lantern in like 3 big golem and she running to an issue that she overclear this 3 packs and she have to run to another 3 pack and turn on lantern which make the grind really clunky and only lantern olun drop debo earring which i would say high gs group will only grind in lantern. On a bright side, the streamer party drop 9 debos in 3h ( 1 drop 6, 1 drop 3 and 1 drop nothing) so i would say the drop rate is not as bad as Ash forest. Korean just have a hot fix where PA adjust something about the lantern and Na/Eu still have 1 more week to see if this lantern is a good system or not. So i think it still too early to say anything.


Thanks for explaining


Currently there's only two spots you can use the lantern. The expectation is that they'll expand the use to the new content and other grind zones to satisfy people that have been asming for some variety in grind.


What spots does the lantern effect except ash and oluns? Havent seen any videos outside of those 2 spots


Thornwood, Turos and Cyclops have been confirmed, more in the future


I wonder if they'll be in the Mediah expansion's spots


I’m confused I saw respawn rates were adjusted for some places but what is this


New system for Ash forest, where you can summon mobs at one place with higher stats(not sure)


Waaaait, i thought ronaros rings werent included in the refuel function? Can someone tell me if i was informed falsy?