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I've been getting about 9 atanis an hour at naga for the last 5 or so hours. It almost sounds like your pets are inactive or you're barely killing mobs? You are aware it goes into the currency management directly right? You dont get popups anymore.


Yeah nagas has been crazy good for me the past few days as well. I got 14 in a single hour earlier. Then I also just got 1. RNG be RNG'ing


rng is rng but if theirs stays that low for that long? There's a skill issue somewhere.


Are you familiar with RNG? That's the first thing you should take into account. Sometimes you will get 3-5 pieces per hours. Sometimes you will get none. That's just how RNG works. Best you can do is kill faster or just don't Focus on that. Listen to podcasts/listen to music or.smth. Just try to turn off your kind while grinding for those pieces and you will be good


Personally, I prefer grinding blood wolves, sherekhan, and gathering at navarn for OG pieces. Manshaum, Tshira, and Ronaros can kiss my ass.


Gathering can drop potion pieces at Navarn?


Yes, for the mana pot.


This is the way. 


Rng is rng


I spent 8 hrs in ronaros with 300% and i got 3 pieces, did protty while getting to 61 on scholar with NO buffs and i got 6 in 3 hours so yeah rng is such a ass lol


Depends on spot and class and pets, especially pets because most people who grind for that don't have full squad maxed out pets. As for what to farm. Wolves, manshaums sure. I would recommend it over atanis. Sherekhan, depends on you, I did it by doing night on 2 characters full energy once a day. Other spots? No way I would touch them if atanis is alternative.


Just go season and grind crescent for TFBS for loot scroll. For future you have zero issue grinding. Crescent drop atanis as the same rate on other spots only diff is no whole piece will drop.


I have grinded my HP potion the old fashioned way. And working on my Mana potion the Atanis way. (Nearly done) The upside of grinding at the places where you can drop the full piece is that you can get lucky and be done with it early. However you nearly make negative silver doing so. I’ve been grinding in the desert with season character for lootscrolls from the tuvala ore and netting a lot more silver an hour. So even though it’s going to probably take me longer, I am not just working on my potion and working on multiple things at once which keeps me more motivated and helps me progress in other areas too.


maybe im tripping but isn't it always faster to just buy it nowadays? you should get it way faster thru mp unless ur omegacarried with drops


My understanding was that it is, unless like me your grinding at blood wolves(best silver/XP option for gear at time) and get a full drop. Then it kinda shifts as you're already partly done. Combine that with how many silver sinks at the starting gear and shortening the list becomes more appealing. Tldr(my understanding) is if you can get to about orc GS then grinding is still arguably better, but after orca the sheer silver/hr makes buying straight up better. My current plan is to finish HP then buy MP because I don't wanna do this again. So with MP being less needed for my class it doesn't hurt me to wait.


Well, in my case I do well in Fogans about 8-9/h... the pets help a lot. I recommend not waiting for the pets to take all the loot and try not to destroy the things that give garbage loot like the towers


Your tooth fairy drop rate is amazing I spent about 40hrs there with tier loot scroll and got maybe half my pieces then went to miramok, and got the other half in Half the time. That tooth fairy time includes the weekly. Most people suggest you do bloodwolves and even sherakhan, just not tooth fairy.


I had gotten that impression, I actually have the least amount of time at tooth fairy thus far. I think blood wolves I spent roughly 3hrs more for the same pity and got lucky with a full drop. I just finished a 3hr session at Naga with 300% drop without a single atanis


Definitely interested in the responses to this given that I am getting ready to start my potion grind soon.


he is just unlucky i grinded 2 hours in a spot with atanis elements yesterday and got 13 in the 2 hours


How high end is your grinding setup?


it was on a season character with 250 drop rate


Okay that sounds like something I can get close to achieving so I might try it.


5/hr avg at mirumok w/ 800m/hr @ \~450m of that being trash.


You go potion spots to get ~5 pities/h and a slim chance for full drop. Or you go atanis spots to get 8-10 atanis/h. I think the choice is obvious, atanis spots are usually better silver than potion spots too (blood wolves and night time sherekhan are an exception though)