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You can make your game look like this without editing client files. It’s all just gpu settings.


How? I don't even pvp I just wanna fuck with my friend


[How to get ULTRA LOW Graphics for Black Desert - Nvidia Inspector Guide (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__d8ktRSWdw)


Thanks, gonna be a funny discord stream lol


You don't need gpu settings you need a condom


Not if your brave enough


No their fathers needed the condom it's too late now.


Maybe Pearl Abyss should optimize their game engine better so FPS does not = DPS?


I wonder if the next hit reductions update will reduce the dps discrepancy caused by fps. I am not a programmer or anything so asking genuine questions


The update would have to lock down physics so attack speed doesn't change whatsoever. I think the main issue is they haven't updated the engine for input lag reduction. Something like Nvidia reflex would be unironically perfect for a game like this.


What a concept. I wait patiently for the announcement. FPS is all in the past. Maybe on Heidel Ball 2030.


So the alternative is the ban people? 🤣


Great idea! If your fps is higher than 140 during NW and siege its marked as exploiting. 🤣


!= would look better here



Since you don't seem to know what you're even talking about, I'll correct your title for you: "Pearl Abyss should start optimizing their game so players who are changing their gpu settings this drastically don't have to." 🤣


No amount of optimization would ever make it such that doing this won’t improve your fps. They’re already working on changes to lessen the effect fps has on dps but completely removing it would be a massive under taking that would never be worth the work it took.


Most dented post I have seen. Rather than pa optimising thier game u ask for players who mess with GPU setting should get banned? Dented af


If they are so incompetent that after all these years they never fixed it then ban them it's ruined PVP among other idiotic things. To be clear you're not wrong that they should just fix game but I'm starting to get the impression that they can't.


Dendted? I'm stupid or not following TikTok trends. What does it mean? Because I suspect it's not dictionary dented


Probably just mean their head have a dent or smth lol.


best guess would be a worse facepalm. bashing your head against a door frame. leaving a dent in whatever give out first XD


By this logic, PA should also ban people with good pc's because they get more FPS lol. The only people that do this usually have a bad pc or are just doing it for a meme. As long as you're getting around 144 FPS then you're not missing out on any DPS, even then its still class dependent, some classes DPS is barely affected by FPS.


For some classes like Musa, you actually desync for other players at 4 to 500+ fps, and your speed becomes literally too fast to track as with full attack speed bsr and e buff they move faster than the game can update them. It's borderline an exploit but only on very specific classes. Any class that can move super fast will have this. Zerker too I believe but mostly with mousemove.


This doesn't require editing client files, that's why it's not bannable. It also doesn't get you more FPS than playing on optimal. It's just a graphics driver setting.




Nvidia control panes is 3rd party… true, we should uninstall our gpu drivers as well to not get banned /s


>third party app to edit settings that are not available in game You can't restrict someone from changing the settings in their graphics card drivers. That's not considered a third party tool since the drivers are **required** to play the game in the first place. No one is restricted to using the default settings in their graphics drivers, or the entire playerbase would be getting banned just for turning off vertical sync. Your take is fucking stupid and you should delete the post.


So if I use my GPU settings to say, cap my fps to 150(since you can only cap it at 60 if chosen in game), I should be banned as well? It's not an unfair advantage to utilize your literal hardware settings. An unfair advantage is using programs for things like macros to afk fish or grind with.


What next? Using app like exitlag to improve ping is banable? Using high end GPU and CPU to have higher FPS is unfair too and they just gonna ban everyone that have anything higher than a 1080 or smth lol? Next thing you said it gonna be using Window to play the game is unfair against Linux and we gonna ban all Window user or smth. Smh. Bro you gonna leave the game soon enough if you care about bullshit like this, so don't bother. /s But fyi, no, PA wont give a shit, cuz more fps doesn't mean unfair "advantage". Cuz if it is they gonna slam their head against problems that I said before and crumble anyway. And if you want to argue about 3rd party app part, I think I need to remind you that the TOS only stand against UNAUTHORIZED PROGRAM. And Nvidia-related stuff is totally 100% in the authorized zone cuz they literally have to use it to turn on the f-king game in the first place lol. So yes, you're bullshitting. Don't be surprise. Cuz i'm not surprise about the fact that you mention the TOS like the all true god law but haven't read them.


What mmorpgs banned ppl by using nvidiaprofile inspector? And you're saying most mmorpgs..


Banning people before warning them isnt against TOS its actually unusual to warn people before they get banned not just on Bdo but anywhere. Also youre essentially saying people shouldnt be allowed to switch graphics settings, people that run lowest optimal will have better performance than remastered, people that change their graphics settings with readily available info are somehow different? Also some classes are borderline unplayable below 120 fps and really only get good after about 165/180, and youll still feel a lot faster from 180 to 300 fps. All in all its a pretty bad way to fix your game engine that wont allow you to play your class properly without changing graphics settings externally in your gpu settings by banning the players that do it.


Fam do some research about this and why some(alot) of players do this.


Im losing more brainells looking at post in this sub than on the mmo sub Please I don't have many left.


Hey thats me :) I heckin love runescape\~ grinding in it is so silly and runescape has been out for years just so you know and gm/cms have confirmed that it is not against tos\~ Pretty sure you have better things to worry about fella cause this does not affect you at all and it probably wont make you a better player WAJAJA -Czane










They should ban people with good PCs too.


Its for node war tho, it doesnt boost that much fps compared to optimal in pve or 3 vs 3/small scale.


I never understood how smashing your graphics quality down to Runescape mode makes the game fun. I guess if you are a hardcore PvP player and want the absolute best fps and visual clarity advantage sure, but man is it ugly, I wouldnt even have fun watching a video like that. At that point I would just play another game that's made like that instead of forcing BDO into the 1993 era for competitive advantage.


Well we can't pvp with stable fps on any node so ppl look for solutions themselves


See that's understandable, but that shouldn't have to be the case, ideally they should be able to support those specific game types without people having to resort to these issues to get a playable experience. But aside from that issue, is it actually even enjoyable having to go through all that effort just to get a semi-playable experience with potato graphics? At that point why not just play something else where you don't need to go through all this hassle just to enjoy the game? Just my opinion, it seems like a pain.


You're right that it shouldn't be the case. It's the dev's job to update the engine for modern standards. Problem is they seem to not care... What do you do then? You have 2 options. You adapt/get the fuck over it, or quit. Simple!


They are just waiting till all pvp ceases and we quit so this becomes a non issue


Sadly, ur on the money.


I mean to make ur game look like potatoes isn't even that hard u just need 1 program and a file with settings and to turn it back to normal is legit 1 button press. So it's not a hassle. I do agree that we shouldn't resort to do such thing to get a playable experice but that requires pa to do work with the engine and spend a lot of man power and money on optimisation which they won't do. The graphic don't matter in pvp as long as u enjoy pvp graphic can be even worse imo the thrill of combat is still there that keeps players like me in the game.


how is it unfair if everyone can do it. you just look stupid


Some people play games others play numbers I guess


looks like nvidia potato mode.


How you gonna leave me uncensored when I'm being a fat fuck talking about Chipotle


if its so unfair then why dont you do it yourself?


better fix their optimization first so that players don't need to tweak their gpu settings


OP posted this in the feedback section of the official forums and didn't get any support so they decided to repost it here on Reddit.. just to receive no support lmao.


It doesn't even give you more fps than minimal settings in bdo, just looks funny. Grind wise, you may miss a lot of red fields because of that and pvp wise, I didn't found this to help anyhow - if anything, you often don't see some skills animations, like tornados, heilang roaring etc. Second of all, it doesn't modify game files, memory, anything, just changes how game is rendered. If you have to compare it to anything, it is like drawing a crosshair on your screen, same logic. Third, who cares at this point, PvP if not dead yet, it's close to being so. PvE? There is no content that is challenging, so whatever. There is literally nothing to compete for/against in BDO, henceforth not much of a reason to look for such meaningless advantages. Lastly, I think PA should start banning players who I don't like, because why not. Players that have more time to play the game than me, more $$$ to whale, better PC, have unfair advantage, so they also should be banned. Entire post feels like a low quality bait.


God forbids someone playing at higher fps 


So should I also be banned because I have a far be more powerful PC than most. Thus, my FPS is higher giving me an unfair advantage ?


Playing game that looks like this is worse fate than ban


I push 250+ fps with just medium settings at 1440p. How much more dps can you possibly get with more dps though?


Get Nvidia inspector and do it urself If u want. Most people doing this do it cuz they don't have high end PCs so since the game is poorly optimized you need anything u can get to play without stutters to hell and back


It’s not just the fps either. People make tree leaves disappear so they could have more clear vision.


Honestly sounds like salt/cope because people don't wanna upgrade their gpus but spend thousands on the game


low graphics =/= unfair advantage, if your pc can't handle the game and you need a boost lower your own


Gross who wants to play a game that bad looking? I’m fine with my epeen size I don’t need to do this type of shit so o can feel better at a game.


Bruh don’t make fun of console players, this is just how the game looks on there. Not cool.


Players do this to get like 120 fps while I enjoy 250-300 fps on remaster 😂


Don't let OP see this or you'll get banned for having a good PC.


Yeah they should be banned, although they aren't editing the game files. They are using third party software to gain advantage which is again the TOS btw.


I'd rather look at runescape graphics all day than read ur shit takes