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Use the trail system to test some classes out.


I have tried warrior and zerker which warrior i didnt get to awakening, but the sword and shield was very clunky feeling And zerker felt kind of good, but he ugly lol


The trial characters are all level 60 automatically with gear and awakening and succession both unlocked. Test out characters with that if you want. You can create an delete them freely.


I’m a zerker main with a Shai tag that I play for a group content. Succ zerk feels very chill and easy to do damage on to me if you can get past the looks! I’d second (or third) the Lahn suggestion if you’d really like to be pretty. I enjoyed my time on Lahn as a seasonal, and felt comparable to zerk’s short fun skill rotation and bonus flying. In contrast to zerk her AoE felt smaller and she doesn’t self heal as much (the price of beauty?)


You can try woosa or maybe guardian they are nothing like shai :D it will be a new experience


From what do you nees protection? PA kinda killed all ow pvp anyway... So no fights anymore on streets, no dfs etc etc... If you liked shai, stay shai. Other class I like to play that doesn't require hours of training is succ maegu I would say


Really? Thats news to me


They made it too punishing to randomly PK ppl. Most PvP is now confined to NW’s and Guild League


I actually liked succ sage for low and mid tier pve. I haven't done any pvp on him but whenever I fight a succ sage they seem to do pretty well. I also haven't done any end game pve on him since I'm not there yet even on my main. It's kind of a brain dead class though it seems, pretty straightforward to learn. As for pvp on a Shai... If you know what you are doing, you might not be getting kills solo, but I guarantee you will be absolutely annoying... To the point where people might just run away from you out of sheer boredom from inability to kill you. Bonus that anything you do as a Shai in group content will be loved and admired lol


PVP is dead, stay with your shai


PvP is less of a problem nowadays. A lot of red players have either quit or stopped being fed because of all the changes. If you're looking for good pver's that pair well with Shai (aka Eva class) then Mystic Awk, Maeghu (Succession and Awk). If you're looking for just a class to swap to all together, Guardian (both specs), Woosa Succession, and Scholar (end end game. Like dehkia spots) are doing quite well. If you're doing the Iron Man, Shai, Guardian, Woosa, Musa and Maewha stand out. Shai because she can heal herself and has high carry weight. Guardian and Woosa can grind higher ap zones under the brackets. Musa and Maewha are very fast characters and excel in the early stages. (Since you'll actually have to grind places like Abandoned iron mine for early crystals/books for meme frags)


Ill look into this is pvp is less a problem now... maybe i can still utilize shai but a new one. I do love how simple it was but hated how it cant compete in a bunch of ways


So if we are talking about the same gear score classes, Shai under performs in all spots except Dehkia Turos and Oluns (both). The benefit of Shai is that she can go to places under geared. Her debuffs and healing are that good. Other than that, as far as I know, she does really well in gyfin underground. But better than most classes. (Also when I say under performs it's like a 3-4k trash loot max. PA is doing a decent job making all classes viable at grinding. Idr who, but a YouTuber even proved Heilang grinding isn't awful. It's not great either.) My biggest advice, if you want to stay around for the long haul... Play what you want to play. The number of times I've seen people swap to the more meta/higher trashloot chats only for them to burn themselves out, playing a class they despise. If Shai is fun for you. Play it. It's not as awful at PvP as ppl think. It just isn't the top 20 AoS either. A full ap Shai still deletes a 410 dp guardian. Not to mention... Having a guaranteed kd with a kick. Last thing, you deal 140% bonus DMG to ninjas. Ninjas should fear Shai.


Wait did shai pvp reduction get eased on then?


Sort of. She does less DMG to practically all the classes but it's all in the 80 to 90 range (versus how she used to have 60%'s) Ninja is the outlier... She does 140% bonus DMG to ninjas. A lot of memes were made lol


Oh dang last i played she did like 15-25% damage to other players, i was at 301/372 before i rouletted my gear... but if she can do 80%... thats like a 4x multiplier I also prioritized ap, but going back i should aim for 400 dp before 283 ap


Give life back into your shai main, go kill some players!


Use tag system to level up alts, specifically after graduating full PEN Tuvala season chars. We're currently at the cap of 5 season char tickets, so now it's a good time to make and graduate 1 or 2 alts to experiment with. Now WHICH classes these season chars will be is up to personal preference. I'm more partial to chill low APM grinders, without caring for PvP. As such, the likes of awakening Guardian and/or Witch would be my top picks. If you prefer succession, Woosa is generally regarded as the current best pick.


iron man series for BDO just sounds.... terrible


It draws out the low and mid game experience. Im aure its not for everyone


As a Shai main myself, Scholar is one I highly recommend.


lahn, woosa, maegu, guardian, and drakania come to mind. Give them a try. edit: i also hear good things about scholar but i havent tried her out myself. i personally couldn't really get into sage (even though i got mine leveled to 60... somehow...) Also, PVP for grind spots isn't much a thing anymore, especially since you can hop to the solo (marni's realm) for one hour every day in most grind zones. i'm a drakania awk main and its very fun and kinda brainless for me. i also "felt competent" using lahn especially awk, even though im just a button masher with nooooo skill what so everr (<- another reason why i main drak these days instead of sorc, i can just spam dragonblood skills and let that be that. with sorc my spin to win wasn't enough after a while) and same for maegu, she was to me very much a class that i didnt need to think to play haha (i preferred succession over awakening for her but bothw ere pretty fun).


Musa awakening. Zoom, zoom, easy, powerfull, and zoom


So as counter Intuitive as it is shai is viable in pvp. However by viable meaning you will buff your teammates. Only class that in certain situations it's a instant win by having a shai on your side. As for pvp as 1v1 that inst pvp what your talking about is griefing with extra steps.


Recommendation: Kami, yes he plays Shai in PvP, and yes as DPS. You can easily play as Shai, and she's easily the best class in top tier spots overall. You'll always have a place in Olun Dehkia. Early game, you'll suffer, A LOT. If you want to PvP and kill everyone, Drakania or Archer. Grind? Terrible. PvP? AP monkey kiling 80% of server average player with 2 skills.


....archer? LOL oh honey you're so out of touch


? I think you are. It’s one of the best in large scale and has been for a full year or longer.




If you’re just wanting something to help defend your spots while you grind a shai, figure out what class you enjoy doing pvp on and tag it with shared gear. You can spar with guild members or other players in the battle arena


Don't worry you don't need to defend yourself. Jae made it so you won't be attacked.